//------------------------------// // The Best Social Ever // Story: A Crush on My Best Friend // by Glitter Brush //------------------------------// After school, we went to what was announced in the auditorium, the "social". I was getting ready to go until Harmony texted me, "Flare and I are leaving now so if you can come, start heading up to school." I was now worried since they had already left, because that text was sent about 2 minutes ago. Using my unicorn magic, I levitated my sports jersey, putting it on me, I ran out the door. I stop and cast the spell for temporary wings. I fly for about 5 minutes to school, but then I get tired of flying and carrying 92 pounds, so I walk the rest of the way. I finally get there, finding Flare and Harmony. We go inside the tall door. The admission was 5 bits, I brought 10 bits, extra for the food. When we got in, many mares and stallions were dancing, talking, having fun. One of the best parts was that everything at the concession stand was 1 bit! We ate, we danced, we had fun. I got 2nd place in a hula hoop competition and I won a free snack for the cafeteria. Everypony was chanting, "Glitter! Glitter! Glitter!" But one of my favorite parts was hanging out with my crush/my best friend, Harmony Wing. Even know we were doing the chicken dance, I got the chance to hold her hoof! Eeeeek! After we left, we decided to have a sleepover, but the day after. "Good night, everypony!" We all waved our hooves in goodbyes.