//------------------------------// // Chapter 2:cute as bunny // Story: My little Sparkle // by Derpy Rainbow //------------------------------// The next day i woke up and i saw that twilight was still asleep so i got out of bed graved her and took her down stairs. She woke up and looked at me with those big eyes of hers i gave her a carrot after she ate the carrot she looked board so i gave her a book called the knight of lordus wall she was reading i watched TV after a little bit i looked at twilight i relized right then she probaly didnt know how to read but when i looked she was reading! I got off the coach and got some lucky charms and ate them and when i said are you ok over there to twilight she said "daddy im ok" her first words so went over to her and gave her like 7 more books then i went outside and did some yard work for 2 hours. After i went inside and saw that twilight made herself a little house out of the books i gave her i asked "what are you doing" she said "now the monsters cant get me wall i read!" i thought that it was cute so i said "ok" then i noticed it was 6:00 o,clock so i graved some carrots and gave them to her she ate them and i watched some TV again and after awhile i looked at the clock it was 8 so i said bed time and i graved her and took her up stairs and put her on my bed she brang a book with her wall i was sleeping she was reading and she probaly fell asleep.