If I Could Rearrange The Alphabet...

by overlord-flinx

Chapter Twelve: The Plunge.

Ma-a-a-a-AN! What a night! I proposed, I got shot down, I got drunk, I was abducted by rednecks, I came home, and I proposed again. That's like three acts in a play over and done in four hours. When's the last time you pulled that shit off? I'll tell you when... Actually, I don't know. I don't know your personal life. But you sure as hell know mine. You've been up in my brain for this crazy day. Man... Feels like its been like a year since we did all this. But -heh- here I am. Five minutes after, holding tight to my babe and reflecting back on one crazy night.

The world's crazy like that, you know? I mean, it's like...

Heh... Why do I need to tell you? You've been listening to my spiel for the past few hours. You probably DO know, you know? Yeah... God. I'm just so... Man. I'm getting hitched! That's just mind blowing to me. I mean, we'll be getting a real house, maybe get a dog, adopt some kids for me to teach bad morals to so Octavia can scold both of us... That's the dream. I'm livin' it. It doesn't get any better than this. But, uh... I'm gonna play straight with you here. Do you know what the best part of getting married to Tavi is?

Mmmm... I have had a very interesting night tonight. I was proposed to, I panicked, I sunk into a depression, I experienced a small existential crisis, I had a child give me much needed perspective, I ventured back to my home, and I was proposed to once again. Somehow, within a few hours time, I experienced a living musical conduction from beginning to end. My own requiem, to my own jubilation. Both beautiful and heart breaking. Yet, honestly... I would do it all once more if it meant I could feel as warm as I do in this moment. Her arms wrapped around me, caressing my once trembling form... I am no longer scared. I hold no reason to be, truthfully.

When I look within her eyes now... The eyes of my one and only...

I see a future of me staying home. Of me cleaning up after her and what children some adoption agency mistakenly approves us of. The hours with no end of loud music and irritating natures she has. But, when I look within her eyes... I see myself smiling through it all with not an iota of fear within my body. She is my other half, and I am hers. We will both be happy and continue our lives as we had before. Only, now with the other's hand tightly held. That is my reality. I live for this reality. Even so... Those days ahead will be very irksome. But, there is one thing Vinyl does that makes the irksome vanish.

She is one--

--HELL of a-- --amazing--


Gentle... It was truly a romantic and gentle moment for the two of them as they stood before the other within Octavia's private room. They each felt a bit awkward looking at the other as if the entire world had changed between the two. A mere foot of distance was dividing Vinyl and Octavia from one another, but that one foot had never felt so thick. A moment's glance came to both of them in unison, looking up from the carpet to meet the other in the eye. A rare change for Octavia, however, was that Vinyl had discarded her shades completely. Octavia really did just melt inside when she could see an unobstructed view of Vinyl's mystifying eyes. It was just that at this point in time, looking into Vinyl's eyes was a bit too much for Octavia. She quickly looked to something else in the room, right away being mimicked by Vinyl. Both woman's faces burned a hot red and they sunk a hard swallow.

This sort of thing wasn't new to them at all. Literally countless times they had sex with each other. In Octavia's room, in Vinyl's room, in Vinyl's parent's room, in a school bathroom, in a restaurant bathroom, at Twilight's library under a desk; the list could just keep rolling on and on. With each time, they hardly hesitated to make a move on the other... Well, Vinyl never hesitated to make a move on Octavia. But now... They had a wall in front of them. A real hurdle that neither of them were expecting, even if the after thoughts did come to them a lot. Right now, standing before the other, they were going to make love as more than girlfriends. It was something bigger than both of them, and neither of them wanted to make that first move just yet.

Octavia strained a small tug at her newly dressed clothes. She was thankful to have finally gotten out of that snow drenched coat and into her usual fine attire. Her fingers traced against the thin lapel of her top before tapping against her bow tie. "Come now Octavia. You have done this many times..." She tried to pump herself up mentally, "All you really need to do is kiss her and -well- Vinyl will naturally take over." Octavia's eyes looked to the side, searching Vinyl for some sort of sign she would make the first move.

Vinyl cut her fingers through her hair while gnashing her teeth together behind closed lips. "Ffff... Vinyl. You need to do something! You're just making things weird!" Vinyl's inner voice chastised her, "This ain't no big thing. Just..." Vinyl's eyes once more met Octavia's when she looked to her.

This time, once their eyes met, they held and looked into one another. Octavia could just feel deep inside her a warmth building up and parting her lips. Vinyl opened her mouth slightly and let out a meek groan. They both shut their eyes a moment, allowing for their minds to all at once regress to many years ago when they were just teenagers. For that small moment, their eyes shut and standing in front of one another, they felt just like they did then. Nervous, anxious, but so very excited. When the idea came to her, Vinyl cracked a smile and started to snicker dryly. "Hey, Tavia? You know what I just remembered?" Vinyl spoke with her regained nature.

She couldn't see the Cheshire smile across Vinyl's face, but the knot in her heart made Octavia blush and do much the same. "I can't imagine what it possibly could be." Octavia spoke softly to her lover.

Perhaps beyond their control or by the encouragement of closed eyes, both of them made subtle inches towards one another; mildly closing the gap between them with each second. "I remembered how beautiful you look and looked. I'd say you haven't aged a day... But your boobs and butt sure grew in all the right ways," Octavia groaned at Vinyl's words but continued to smile.

"Physically you're much more appealing yourself; but mentally you'll always be the child I met at the sandbox," Octavia retorted.

Suddenly, their small shuffles had to come to an end when their feet met small resistances and their noses met a warm touch. Curling, heated breathes whispered sweetly against both their lips and against their dark cheeks. In that small moment, Vinyl's smile softened a great deal and her cheeks burned even hotter. Octavia, however, felt something build inside her lungs; making her smile grow in confidence and her blush to fade. Though their eyes were shut, they could feel the inviting presence of their lover's lips right before them. Softly, Octavia tilted her head to one side and teasingly huffed a shuddering breath against Vinyl's quivering lips. Anticipation dug deep against both of them and their hands clenched tightly at their sides.

They breathed the other in, enjoying the other's unique aroma and intoxicating taste. Vinyl cooed weakly and nuzzled her nose into Octavia's cheek, electing a hot moan from the cellist herself in response. "Are we gonna keep playing cute? Or are we gonna fuck some tongues together?" Vinyl's blunt words and approach finally toppled Octavia off her edge.

Octavia lowered her jaw slightly and rubbed her chin against Vinyl's, breathing clearly into the DJ's lips and playing at a moan. "Fuck away, Viny-Winy..." Octavia's sultry tone and language snapped Vinyl's eyes wide open.

Octavia had lit time to react at all before her breath was ripped from her lungs by Vinyl's enthusiastic lips crashing into hers. The satisfying echo of wet smacking stuck against the walls of Octavia's room along with the euphoric moans of two enthralled lovers. Vinyl pushed deeply against Octavia's parted lips, parting them by her own jaw's prying to stab her hot tongue against Octavia's. Octavia reacted in kind, beating Vinyl's tongue back with her own with a wild abandon. Small beads of their mingled saliva trailed down either of their chins as they continued on. When Vinyl popped her lips off from Octavia to breath, it was very short lived. Octavia's hands shot out around Vinyl's head and tugged her back into the battle of tongues and lips.

For a good, heated while, the two entangled each other with wandering hands against clothed bodies and lips meshing together in a fit of bestial passion. Her jaw tired a great deal and Octavia unlocked herself from Vinyl with a great reluctance. Vinyl seized this rare, albeit unfortunate chance to fill her lungs with something other then Octavia's breath. They both looked into the other's labored and lustful eyes. Clearly, the hurdle before them moments ago was at some point crushed under their session. Slowly, Octavia regained herself and adjusted her tie and clothes; both of which were rendered ruffled and lopsided after Vinyl's handling. "Well then... Vinyl, my love... Would you please do me a favor?"

Vinyl smirked and licked her still glistening lips, relishing the taste of 'hot cellist'. "I'd do anything for you and to you, Tavi. What's up?"

"To me is what is up... I want to focus on doing something to you for a small change..." Octavia motioned a leading nod to Vinyl, gesturing her towards a dresser, "Lean back on that..."

Vinyl knew better then to not follow Octavia when she entered 'the mood'. She followed Octavia's gestured and leaned her back against the dresser, placing her hands on either side of her to leverage her out against it. Vinyl worked her rear against it, moving to get comfortable leaning on it while she looked back towards Octavia. "Kay, Ta-Ta. I'm all leaned up... What's cookin' in your brain, hm?" Vinyl questioned at the same time Octavia started to walk towards Vinyl.

With each step Octavia took, her hips swung out one way and back the other, accentuating her curves that Vinyl was so fond of. Vinyl's eyes followed each sashay of Octavia's hips until the point she stopped and stood before Vinyl. Octavia looked at Vinyl for a good moment, eating up the DJ's anticipation with a pleased grin. She adored watching Vinyl wait; she looked so cute and innocent in spite of the ideas rolling through Vinyl's head. But, Octavia did not make Vinyl sit with her yearning for too long. She sank down to her knees and looked up towards Vinyl, her rear end wagging from side to side as she rubbed a single finger against Vinyl's modest pant-line. "Try and stand still, Vinyl..."

That was the last warning Octavia offered her partner before her finger nipped at the hem of Vinyl's pants and pulled them down along with her underlying panties. Vinyl didn't say a word; she only bit her bottom lip and watched as Octavia rolled back ever so slightly so as to get on her hands and knees. The cellist inched her face between Vinyl's 'velvet', greeting it with an affectionate lap with the tip of her tongue. Vinyl kept still as best she could, only uttering a sided moan when Octavia repeated the lap. Octavia relished the look on Vinyl's face for a few more seconds before she closed her eyes and absorbed herself into her work.

Vinyl shuddered and rolled her shoulders as she groaned out her wanting pleasure each and every second Octavia licked her pussy and touched against her clit with her soft nose. Octavia moaned and sighed into Vinyl's lower lips faster and faster as her tongue lurched inside the throbbing reaches of the DJ's tunnel. Vinyl huffed heatedly with every lingering pass Octavia made against her sensitive passage, urging her with each lash to burst into a motion. Yet Vinyl persisted, only moaning and hanging her jaw agape as her pussy was treated over with the tender care of Octavia's mouth.

Vinyl wrenched against the dresser more and more as her will dwindled away, succumbing to deep, hoarse grunts while Octavia's jaw tired with her persistent licks. With a lack of a warning, Vinyl let out a fleeting moan and had her pussy squirt a layer of juices against Octavia's chin and nose. Octavia lapped up the last remains of Vinyl's reserves before opening her eyes and looking into Vinyl's eyes above her. Vinyl, drained and huffing offered a genuine but tired smile to Octavia. "Always... Always an easy please with your tongue, huh?" Vinyl managed to say, wobbling against the dresser.

With a smile and a small lick of her drenched lips, Octavia rose to her feet. "I was a practiced flutist once, after all."

Octavia giggled to herself and finished cleaning her visage of Vinyl's release, offering Vinyl a smile right after. Vinyl spared no words to Octavia as she tilted her head towards the bed and giving her lovely little cellist a gleaming smirk. A shiver ran up Octavia spine when she saw the look Vinyl gave her. Words rarely needed to be exchanged in moments like these for them. Octavia sauntered over to her bed, occupying each step she took with a fevered but elegant removal of each article of clothing on her. Her hands unfastened each clip on her lapel until her vest slid off down her arms, followed soon after by her undershirt being tossed over her head. Normally, Octavia took aim to keep her clothes in some sort of order... But, Vinyl tended to make her forget doing that when they were being intimate. When she reached the bed, Octavia's bow tie was the last thing to be discarded with the company of her slightly drenched underpants.

The cellist stretched herself out against the soft cushion of her mattress, curling her legs slightly out and turning to her side with a low sigh. "This feels... So very right..." she thought to herself, snuggling into her bed and waiting for Vinyl.

It didn't take Vinyl long at all to toss her pants and panties on either side of Octavia on the bed; an act that Octavia would normally scold her over. However, as Octavia felt the spine chilling but heart pumping sensation of another woman's breasts pressed against her back, any idea of scolding just blew away. A mewing of pleasure came from Octavia as Vinyl wriggling up into her back, making herself very at home. Aiding to Vinyl's sensation of being at home was her arm reaching out around Octavia and capturing one of the cellist's small, perk nipples between her fingers. Octavia squirmed a little, but gave up and relaxed against Vinyl once more. "Hey..." Vinyl whispered softly into Octavia's ear, "Mind if I say somethin'?"

"Go right ahead, my beautiful Vinyl," Octavia replied, looking over her shoulder to the blue haired angle caressing her so sweetly.

"I'm gonna grow real old right next to you like this... Day after day. Night after night. I'm gonna remind you that you're my number one, Octavia..." Vinyl dipped her other hand down Octavia's back, stroking down the bumps of her spine and between her fine ass, "I love you, Octavia. Promise."

Octavia wanted to speak her own words of devotion, but had the air sucked out of her and replaced by a sharp wail of pleasure as her pussy was split apart by three stiff fingers. Octavia lept upward, only to be pulled back down by Vinyl's chin against her shoulder. Vinyl's fingers rippled skillfully inside the tight entrance of Octavia's most private area. Each nail raked a quick, twisting wedge against the pulsating velvet of the woman's pussy, curling and furling at a slowly quickening pace inside of Octavia. Fighting herself and holding in her lustful moans, Octavia gave a lidded glance over to Vinyl from over her shoulder.

"I-I will always love, y-you too..." Octavia struggled at each word, breathless and taken away by the swift and lingering sensation of Vinyl fingering the deepest reaches of her cavity, "I... Promise."

In that moment, Vinyl tilted Octavia just enough for them to meet into another heated kiss; this time with Octavia panting uncontrollably into Vinyl's mouth. Vinyl silenced each scream of ecstasy Octavia made once she returned to fucking her most sensitive spot with her fingers. Vinyl's fingers drenched over with Octavia's juices, dripping just enough down the stretch of her palm, causing the DJ to slide her fingers out from her lover's pussy. The two of them broke their kiss and laid back against one another, Octavia lovingly held within Vinyl's arms and Vinyl caressing Octavia's naked form with gentle strokes. For one final time, they looked into one another's eyes and smiled a tired smile.

"I love you..." They spoke in unison, blissfully thankful for the world they would face together as something far more...

You can't change who you are. You can't change who someone else is. You can't change pretty much anything about anyone. But... Don't you just feel so great when you find that person who you don't even get the idea of changing?

If I could rearrange the alphabet... I'd always but "U" first, and "I"... Well... Wherever you want "I" is fine.