//------------------------------// // Magic Tests, Dragon Eggs and Breaking News // Story: Truth or Theory // by Zombie Blood //------------------------------// THIS IS BACKGROUND INFORMATION MORE THAN THE ACTUAL STORY. A young purple unicorn anxiously walked with her parents into the large castle in Canterlot. The filly was nervously sweating, her hooves shaking just a little bit. She was auditioning for a spot in Canterlot Magic Academy. Everypony around noticed her attitude, her parents trying to comfort her and reassure her. “Twilight, honey, you’ll do great, I’m sure of it!” a white unicorn with a white main and purple streaks said to her foal. Twilight was filled with some hope as she was being told these things. When it was her turn to audition, all of Twilight's hope vanished, leaving her with hundreds of butterflies having a field day in her stomach and the approaching feeling of fainting. Twilight walked into the room and looked at the judges; 3 of your average Canterlot ponies and, to the filly’s unfortunate surprise, the ruler of all of equestrian. She had not realized one of the spectators was Princess Celestia. She quickly became more and more nervous as she walked to the center of the room. She gulped before looking up at the judges again. She was asked to perform a simple task using magic. Something any average unicorn could do, levitate a small potted plant. Yet the filly was so nervous, her magic only came out of her horn in tiny spasms, nothing useful. The princess and other teacher looked as if they were growing more and more impatient, Twilight strained harder to produce good enough magic to levitate the plant she recognized as the rare Poison Joke. After a few seconds of using all her strength, the pony collapsed to the ground, gasping for air. "That is enough, thank you for coming." Celestia said sternly. Twilight looked up, tears quickly forming in her eyes. As one fell, she dropped her head and ran out of the room. She began to sob and couldn't tell her parents what happened but it wasn't needed, they could tell what events just took place. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Over the next week, Twilight had fallen into a terrible depression. Constantly thinking of how she could fail that miserably at such a simple task when she had practiced so hard and for so long. There was a knock on the door and the filly turned her head to watch her parents walk in. "We thought that you would want a companion" Her mother began, and her father finished, "So we got you a dragon egg" Twilight unenthusiastically thanked them. It was a nice gift after all; she was just so down in the dumps she couldn’t smile. The two set the dragon egg down and left their daughter alone. Twilight sighed decided to try and levitate her egg over to her. A dim beam slowly crept over; it could easily move faster; Twilight just didn’t make it. The egg floated up and over. It was so easy to do. Twilight gasped at how easy it was, even though she already knew that. How couldn’t I do that earlier? She yelled no, burying her head in a pillow, the magic breaking and the egg fell to the floor and cracked open. Twilight heard the crash and jolted her head over to the location of the sound, her mouth agape. No, no, no, no. I couldn’t have just done that. That couldn’t have happened. It just can’t. I could’ve had a friend and I just…killed it… She got out of her bed and sat by the mess. She looked at it and began to cry. “I’m so sorry. I’m so, so, so sorry. I didn’t mean to kill you. I swear I didn’t, Spike.” She whispered to the mess. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years since passed but Twilight never forgot about the dragon. She pretended it was real, she talked to it. She spent all her time alone in her room facing a corner talking to nothingness she called Spike. It scared her parents, how real Twilight treated it. It was nothing like an imaginary friend. Another month passed and the dragon continuously grew more and more realistic in Twilight’s mind. Her parents ended up taking her to a therapist. At one on of these sessions, there was a newspaper on the therapist’s desk that caught Twilight’s eye. She asked if she could take it and she was allowed to. At home she read the article she wanted to. BREAKING NEWS! The very gifted unicorn, Trixie, who was powerful enough to have Celestia take her under her wing; was sent to Ponyville to make sure the preparations for the Sumner Sun Celebration were going well. While there; she made five unexpected friends; who helped her defeat Nightmare Moon. These six ponies ended up discovering that they are the Elements of Harmony. They are Pinkie Pie; the element of Laughter. Apple Jack; the element of Honesty. Rainbow Dash; the element of Loyalty. Rarity; the element of Generosity. Fluttershy; The element of Kindness. Trixie; The element of Magic That should’ve been my life. That should’ve been me. Twilight began to laugh maniacally. "I will kill you, Trixie. Your life will become mine, and then I will kill your pretty little friends." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The unicorn set out and packed a saddlebag of essentials. This included some food and several hundred bits she stole from her parents. She ran away at midnight, lucky to find a midnight train going anywhere. She paid to go to Ponyville. She camped in the EverFree forest, she was lucky to find a hut. The hut was obviously owned by a witch crafter; there were potions everywhere and the pony’s – zebra’s – corpse lay dead there, obviously killed by her own work. Twilight discarded it and then examined the hut. It was in rather good condition and; besides potions, had a number of tools that could be used for various activities such as dismemberment. Twilight cynical smile from the thought vanished once she realized how insane the thought was. She considered going back, but slammed a hood on the ground. “NO! Trixie has MY life, and I want it, I will kill her and I will have a lot of fun doing it. She laughed and gathered these weapons, then went to bed. Her mission would start tomorrow.