The War Between Myself and The War to Win Equestria!

by LRGC carmine

I meet the girls

"Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, and Rarity How are you? I asked."
"Hello Jet, Amber we are all fine we really should be asking you that question. Twilight Sparkle said."
"What do you want from us? I asked."
"We want you. Said Twilight Sparkle."
"What do you want us for. Amber said pulling close to me."
"You're love could save the kingdom were we are from. Rainbow Dash said."
"So I take it we all had the same dream form every other prospective? Jet asked."
"Yes we all did. Said Fluttershy."
"What kingdom would that be? I asked."
"Equestria. Said Applejack."
"I never herd of it. I said."
"Nobody has only the people who live in it. Said Rarity."
"Why not? Amber asked."
"Because ummm..... Magic hides it for this world. Twilight Sparkle said."
"Okay tell us what we need to do. Amber said."
"Go to class for now well meet you after school is over. Rainbow Dash said."
"Okay. Amber said."
"Come on Jet let's go. Amber said."
As we walk away Amber started reaching for my hand. I saw a light from behind us i looked it was the girls they all started to glow like magic and then it stopped and the girls looked at us.

"YOU SEE IT IS THEM THEIR THE ONE'S! Twilight Sparkle yelled."