The Rather Peculiar Life of Cookie and Her Dearest Companion, 'Sparky'

by Inkin

Cookie Tries Using Swatches... and Fails

Cookie Tries Using Swatches... and Fails

Sparky has a coat that's the most interesting yet weirdest blue colour that Cookie has ever seen in her life. It's really light, almost like a clear sky at midday except it's sort of got a green-ish tinge like turquoise. Cookie just cannot decide what colour it is.
She even asks for a bunch of swatches but can't find one that fits Sparky's coat properly, even when she sticks them to Sparky's face and compares them up close. Now though, Sparky is moping and Cookie knows better than to stick things on her face when she's moping.
“Sparky!” She calls and the unicorn sighs heavily.
“What, in the name of all that is sacred, do you want?” She replies.
“What colour is your coat?” Cookie questions as she flips through the strips of blue in front of her and sprawled across the floor around her.
“I know blue but what kind of blue?” Cookie quips and her friend stares at her.
“Why does it matter?” She sighs.
“Why shouldn't it matter?” Cookie replies with a grin and Sparky massages her head. That means that she's getting a headache and is usually followed by her growling like a wolverine.
“Any reason at all. I don't know what colour my coat is exactly, Cookie, nor do I care enough to find out,” Is what she actually says but at least she isn't yelling. That always makes her headaches worse. Cookie gazes at her thoughtfully.
“It's somewhere between snowy mint and Malibu blue...” She says and Sparky watches her with a quirked brow. Cookie smiles slowly. “You called me, 'Cookie',” She adds cheerfully and Sparky's eyes widen then she groans loudly.
“Oh Celestia, things are just going to get worse from here on out, aren't they?” She mutters.
“Worse? Why would they get worse?” Cookie quips curiously and for a moment, her friend says nothing then Sparky looks over to her and sighs again but more softly than before and there is an odd look in her eye like there sometimes is when she looks at Cookie.
“No reason at all...” She says and Cookie looks back to her swatches then grins.
“I'm gonna call it Sparky Blue,” She decides.
“Sounds... Sounds great...”