Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Crossover of the Consciences: Kill VS Break

Crossover with 'Three of me vs school society' by KillJoy

[My conscience Kill writes in the brackets and bolded]
< My conscience Joy writes in these and Italics>
{ I respond in these}


[ My conscience Break writes in these bracket and bolded]
< My consciences Dawn writes in these and italics >
{ I respond in these }

Kill and Break will be spoken in first person a.k.a myself and Graze so we will refer to them as I or me.

Graze's POV

Play this while reading this scene.

Kill and Break stood silently on the field, quiet as the wind blew through their manes. The tension was hyped up for two days as it was a battle of the two consciences.

Kill said staring at Break, "Let's try and make this as gentlecolt as possible."

" Ha, fuck no, I want to see who turns out on top."

" Good, because there was never any intention of me fighting like a pussy."

The two shared a quick laugh, which turned to one of seriousness.

They both dashed at each other at full speeds, Kill with his hoof enflamed with black corruption and Break with his engulfed with the brightest of flames.

Hoof against hoof and flame versus flame was the battle for now.

Our hooves collided with one another continuously as the black and red flames danced on contact. Break's power had increased since two days ago, this was surely going to be fun.

We were both equally matched hoof versus hoof.

" Fuck this!" I announced being controlled by Kill.

I spun on all hooves making a one hundred and eighty degree turn and whipped my tail causing a successful distraction as his eyes were no longer on me. I balanced on both my front legs and bucked him with my hind sending him flying slightly above the surface then landing with a thud.

"Ha! BUCK YOU!" I shouted.

{ Sssst Ouch, that has got to hurt }
< Why are we even doing this? >

Break then got up and wiped his hoof across his cheek, spitting out some blood," Not fucking cool."

Break flapped his wings giving him an extra dash of speed appearing before me in a blink of an eye," Wait! What the--"

He grabbed me with both hooves and began to choke me," Thanks for the lesson teach' "

{ KILL! D... SOM...TH..NG! } My voice tried to call out aiding him.

" Graze can't help you nor can Joy," Break announced.

I felt the transfer between me and Kill begin. He was fading in and out from the strangle.

He gasped for one breath and held it in so that the control he had over my body won't be lost.

I reached for Break's hooves and held onto them, trying to loosen the grip. He only choked harder.

" THAT'S ENOUGH!" Kill shouted. I then headbutted Break as he released the grip on my neck. I wrapped my tail around one of his hooves and pulled with great force sending him to the floor on his back knocking the wind out of him.

We were both out of breath from the strangle and the fall. I walked slowly towards the grounded pegasus and looked over him.

An evil smile grew upon my face as a thought appeared in my head," I'm glad Twilight is already pregnant."

Break's eyes opened wide," Oh fuck no..."

I raised one hoof straight up in the air and struck down upon his genitalia. What a fucking cheap shot but totally worth it.

" Millionth time for this fucking month," Break said holding his balls under his breath. ( Yes, perverts, I encourage these thoughts unlike Lance).

"Hahahahaha," I snickered at what I had done getting too caught up in the moment," ......."

I grew silent and fell to the floor holding my own jewels as I saw Break's hoof out where it had just made impact.

In my pain and struggle to even crawl, Break walked up to my face, his hoof viewed upon by my eyes directly in front of me.

*POW* Break had kicked me directly in my face pitching me off the ground counteracting the pain of the nut shot.

I opened my wings and caught a slight drift allowing me to get back upon my hooves with me facing the floor as I tried to catch a breather.

Break rushed towards me with one of his hooves charged for another shot.

{< KILL! WATCH OUT!>} Joy and I said in unison directing his attention to Lance.

In a split of a second Break released a powerful hoof only to be caught by Kill," Not fucking today."

Kill stood up on hindlegs twisting Break's hoof in such a position making him kneel before me," Yes, kneel bitch."

With one of my supporting hindlegs, I placed one gently on Break's face and tensed it gaining enough energy and force.

I then exerted all force in one perfect shot releasing his hooves before to prevent any dislocation," Octavia taught me how to stand up." Kill said with a smug tone as Break's body pitched across the field like a rag doll.

Before he could have even bring himself up, I was there before him as he was to me just a few minutes ago," You're going to love this new trick."

I wrapped my tail around his hoof taking flight to the skies. Once reaching the highest altitude, I looked at Break trying to escape the red and white grip known as my tail," You ever felt a piledriver before?" Kill asked calmly.

" Fuck...." Break said.

" Well, I'm not going to do that. It would be.... disrespectful to such an opponent like you," I smiled evilly at him as his eyes opened wider in fear and had put more effort into escaping his restraint.

" It's time for the Seismic Toss."

I flew around in revolutions picking up speed as I kept my momentum. Soon, I was going so fast that it looked like Break was about to throw up. The intense speeds of revolutions had taken colour of my black flames singeing Lance's coat," AGGGGHHHH!" Break shouted.

From my intense rounds of circles, I then made a deep nose dive heading towards the surface of the earth as my black flame trail mimicked my movement.

Approximately halfway there with my continuous momentum, I rolled in mid air with my victim. With a snap and flicker of my tail, I shot him sending the black flamed trailed body to his dirt like death bed, figuratively speaking.

*Thud* was all I heard as dust and dirt pitched from the ground surrounding him in the newly created crater.

< Think that did it?>
[ Yeah.... Wait.... It can't be! THE BASTARD IS STILL MOVING!] Kill exclaimed to Joy watching the body of Break slightly shudder with a weak stance and heavy breaths.

" That's fucking it!" I shouted diving towards him with break neck speeds. I didn't want to kill him but I desperately wanted to try this move since our last match.

With my distance drawing nearer to Lance's impact zone the white thick air resistance cone formed around me. Perfect.

I tainted the barrier yet again with my trademarked black flames and spun literally twisting and bending the black flamed cone to my will. " BREAK! MEET THE NEWEST ADDITION TO MY ARTILLERY!" I shouted out loud. The air resistant cone broke, not creating a sonic boom as supposed if it wasn't twisted but something newer, and more destructive with precision.

" NECRO VORTEX!" I shouted as a whirlpool or rather preferred a vortex of black flames, engulfed, concentrated and emitted from the source, Kill.

I took aim at Break and shot down towards my target with a quick of my legs, I counted down," THREE..... TWO.....ONE..... The fuck?"

Suddenly all my speed decelerated and my flames extinguished. I looked confused at Lance.... No, it was Breaking Dawn who had stopped my assault with a catch of his hooves only dragged back a few metres from my impact.

Break looked at me and said," Now the real fight begins."

Lance's POV

Now, play this for this scene.

I smiled at Kill, "Now the real fight begins." I laughed loudly and slammed Kill into the ground.

I quickly reached down and grabbed his vest, "You shouldn't wear clothes in a fight!" I then threw him straight up.

Seconds after I threw him upwards, I jumped up and slammed my hoof into his chin as he fell back towards the ground.

The force from the blow sent him straight up again, giving me the chance to perform a second uppercut, and a third, and a fourth.

He finally caught himself and slammed his hoof into my face, causing my head to turn slightly.

I chuckled, "That all you got?"

He smirked, "Nope, I have so much more!"

His wings caught fire, and his eyes darkened even more, "KILLJOY IS HERE!"

I smiled, "Oh yeah, that's what I want!"

Kill flew straight for me. I didn't even try to move.

He slammed into me and we began to quickly exchange blows. I slammed my hoof into his face, he slammed his into my face. It was hard to keep track of.

Suddenly, Kill jumped back and twisted in the air. His back hooves slammed into my face with great force, sending me sprawling through the air.

I stopped myself and rubbed my face, "Cheap shot!"

Kill only laughed as he slammed into me, flying towards the ground.

I laughed at his attempts, "Again? This is getting old!"

Seconds before impact, I twisted, putting myself in control and threw Kill forwards. He hit the ground, dirt and rock flying everywhere.

{Damn Break, kinda going overboard with this aren't ya?}
[I always go overboard!]

I flew straight down, slamming into Kill as he tried to stand. We slammed into the ground, creating a small crater. I smiled and pulled back my hoof, "Good night Kill." My hoof tensed up as the flames became intense. I slammed my hoof into Kill's face, causing his head to leave an indention in the ground.

As I pulled my hoof back, he pushed forward, throwing me off of him. "NOT TODAY!"

He flew forward.

When he made contact with me, I stood on my hind legs and put my hooves on his shoulders, holding him down.

He then began to take quick and powerful jabs at my exposed torso and stomach.

I tried to force him away, but he kept pushing forward. I grabbed his head and pushed down, slamming his face into my knee.

His body snapped up, but instead of falling back, he punched me in the face, hitting my snout.

I stumbled back and went back to all fours, holding my snout.

He sprung towards me and I ducked under him. As he soared over me, I punched upward, hitting him in the gut.

He slammed into the ground, holding his stomach, gasping for air. I chuckled and charged towards him.

As he began to stand, I slammed my head into his side, sending him back to the ground. I stood over him and reared up, "TIME TO END THIS!"

He smirked and twisted around. He then kicked outward with his back hooves, hitting me in the knees.

I fell backwards, my knees close to breaking.

Kill jumped up and landed on my chest, "Cocky much?"

I rolled my eyes, "Fuck you..."

Kill began to repeatedly slam his hooves into my face and chest. I held my hooves up to block, but he easily bypassed them. He was in control.

As he beat the crap out of my head, I smiled. I brought my back hooves up, wrapped them around his neck and threw him backwards.

I stood and dusted myself off. I then looked at Kill as he stood back up, "What? I though you said you could take me?"

Graze's POV

Play this now, it so fits this next part.

I smiled at Break," You know what? You are right. I will allow shit to get serious."

I then took off my coat and shirt showing off my two exquisite cutie marks, the tribal deviled wing and the angelic one," Whew! You do not know how good it feels to not be held back by clothes."

" Hmph, two?" Break asked.

" Not cutie marks, I was born with them," I said neatly folding my clothes," You ready for the ass kicking of your life time?"

" Only if you're ready for yours," Break said.

I flared my wings, showing off the black outlines of my weaker state," Trust me, you don't want to see these bad boys at a third NecroFlare."


I smiled silently at my side mocking him.

Break then decided to rush me head on with a dirty look on his face. He immediately took aim for my face with an enflamed hoof.

I smiled smugly grabbing his hoof and punched him spinning him around his back facing me. I then grabbed him where his back facing and suplexed him in a split of a second with no time to waste.

" You won't believe how flexible I am bro," I said to him. Obviously he didn't know that I learnt that move when I was a mare for a day.

I then picked him up with one hoof onto his mane and the other on his coat intensifying the heat of my black flames on my hooves," One thing you lack is creativity," I said to Break as he endured the burning sensation with looks of discomfort," If you are going to fight like me then you're going to have to learn the hard way."

I threw his body like a ragdoll from his mane which he then countered by opening his wings catching his balance from a drift," HA! THE HARD WAY?! I'm not even close to finished."

" Have at thee brethren," I said placing out my hooves motioning him to come for some more.

He accepted the invitation flying towards me with a black and red trail of colour behind him as I did the same only for my movement to be mimicked by my tribal black flames.

We clashed at the floor trading blows then slowly ascended criss crossing path in a DNA like structure intersecting at points only to yet again to assault one another. Through each intersection a small wave of a bright orange flame contrasting with another corrupted tainted black flame would disperse and expand for only a few metres.

We both had the same idea as we reached the highest altitude and copied one another following into a nose dive.

Necro Flare Vs ShadowBlast, the outer colored perimeter from both versions of our sonic booms collided with one another, spreading throughout the lands of Equestria darkening it's skies. No longer was it a sunny day but rather a gloomy one as the shadows and dark, violent colours covered the skies.

With both of our speeds at Mac-4 and my wings doubled in size due to the effects of the NecroFlare, we both made a U-turn before impacting with the floor and headed straight for one another.

We were both moving at speeds invisible to the naked eye but only our impacts and hits were seen represented by either a black or bright orange flame.

Lance got the first hit on me, sending me flying but he was so fast that he caught up to me before I even had time to catch my balance. He followed this system of hitting me from all directions, over and over again, countless times which he soon then broke his combo with one final hit sending my spiraling to the surface below.

Just how many craters were we going to create? " Ah, BREAK YOU BITCH! I'M GOING TO FEEL THAT IN THE FUCKING MORNING!" I said from the surface.

"HA! WHO TOLD YOU TO MESS WITH--" Break began to gloat.

" Me," I whispered behind him. I then placed both of my hooves in a lock and slammed them onto his neck. Before he even touched the floor, I grabbed him by his mane and dragged him along the surface.

I stopped in my tracks and placed him firmly on all four hooves as he was delusional from my hit and drag technique.

" This is the worst combo you will ever feel in your life," I said flaring my wings with a few embers coming dropping.

I hoofed him with my right and then my left picking up the momentum to spin and hit him with a spin kick from my right hind leg making two spins hitting him twice. Before he fell from the hit, I grabbed him, kneeing him in the face. He then floated for a while unconsciously as he recoiled from the hit. I made one final spin with my forelegs supporting me as I bucked him with both my hind sending him high sky.

I flew up meeting him as his body ascended unwillingly, grabbing him from the back and sprung out my wings creating a Bucaneer Blaze.

We both fell to the ground, tired, beaten and exerted.

*Double Thud*

On the floor, Break and I both stood up, not wanting to give up but extremely tired, KillJoy was no longer there and neither was Breaking Dawn.

We both panted," Ready... for one last move?"

" Winner...takes all?" Break asked.

I nodded.

Lance's POV

For some reason, this fits. Play it.

I smiled, panting loudly, "How about we play chicken? With sonic booms?"

Kill smiled, also trying to catch his breath, "Lets! Who ever turns away loses and is admitted the weakest."

I raised an eyebrow in a taunting way, "And! If we collide, the one who is hurt the most is the loser."

Kill nodded, "Deal."

{Wait! This is suicide!}
<You two can't do this!>

"LANCE! Stop all this now! Please!" Somepony said running towards us.

Me and Kill looked in that direction to see three mare's running towards us; Ditzy, Dali, and Twilight.

Twilight ran up to me and wrapped her hooves around me, "Lance, please stop! Look at you, your body is covered in bruises and cuts!"

I chuckled and pushed her off me gently, "Oh Twi, I'm not Lance, I'm his conscience, Break."

Twilight then glared, "Stop this fighting now Break."

I smirked, "Nah."

Ditzy looked Kill, "You don't have to do this!"

Kill shrugged, "True, I don't have to. But I want to."

Dali looked at me and looked close to tears, "Please don't continue this, your going to hurt Lance!"

Break waved her off, "He'll be fine.... hopefully."

Kill looked at him, "Ready for this?"

Break smirked, "Lets fucking do this!"

Kill flew straight up and away from me, I did the same.

Down below, I could hear the girls trying to talk us out of it, but it was of no use. Kill and Break wouldn't listen, they had a score to settle.

Once we was far enough apart, he yelled out, "You ready to lose?"

I smiled and yelled back, "Only if your ready to admit to being a pussy!"

We shot forward, both of us picking up speed.

I looked to my side and saw the cone began to form. Perfect.

The cone quickly caught fire due to the flames coming off of me. I suddenly shot forward, breaking the sound barrier.

Kill was also past the sound barrier and coming in fast.

It was clear neither of us had any intentions of chickening out. This was going to be a head on collision.

I pushed myself harder, and harder, and harder. I felt myself go even faster, "DOUBLE SHADOW BLAST!"

Far ahead, I heard Kill Scream out, "NECRO FLARE TIMES TWO!"

I laughed as we speed closer and closer, "You stole that from Dragon Ball Z!"

Seconds later, we was to close. Moments from impact.

When we slammed into each other, the shock waves from both of our sonic booms slammed into each other, causing a massive explosion of sound and wind.

We both fell to the ground, unconscious. The impact had been to much for us to handle.

Graze's POV

"....Graze....wake up....." I heard a voice call out.

" Huh?" I said confused.

" Wake up," the voice was more stern.

" Mommy?"

*POW POW* I got two slaps from a hoof.

"GRAZE WAKE THE FUCK UP!" The voice being recognized as Kill said.

I looked around only to be surrounded by a veil of white and Kill and Joy," Oh Celestia Buck ME! AM I SERIOUSLY IN MY SUBCONSCIOUS AGAIN!!....Wait.... Who won?!"

A more tender yet stern voice said known as Joy," Neither of you retarded fucktards did. I told you this was a bucking stupid idea, BUT NO! No one ever listens to me."

" Oh quit your whining!" Kill said.


I stopped both of them from arguing pushing them aside," Hey guys! Stop it! What the hell is happening?!"

" Wake up and see for yourself," Joy said.

My eyes opened as I laid on a soft comfortable hospital bed. I looked at the side of me, Lance was sleeping soundly as he was recovering and resting from our fight.

" Poor pony," I said.

[ We have to go Graze, this is not our universe and our two days are up.]
< C'mon, everypony back home is waiting >

I was a bit saddened at the fact that I had to leave my new friend, he had so much more to learn but two days was just enough time to get him started.

I looked at the side of my bed, my clothes neatly folded before the fight and my saddlebag with the teleportation scroll.

I had an idea, grabbed a piece of paper and wrote:

Dear Lance,

Thank you for being one of my closest friends throughout these past two days, giving me a home to stay under while here and supporting me with that Ditzy scene. I don't ever think I could have had this much fun as we did these past two days. I'm sorry to tell you that none of us won the fight but since I recovered first.... Well, nevermind, nopony won. I am actually heartbroken that I must leave, Kill says he is going to miss Break and Joy says that he is going to miss Dawn. Tell everypony good bye for me, I know this won't be our last time seeing each other and hopefully we would get a proper rematch. I really hate to go without telling you face to face, bro-hoof to bro-hoof but as I said one day you can pay me back the favor. Keep everypony under control and also I am proud that you learnt how to control Break and Dawn.... Remember, it's not about anger, it's about control! Protect your friends as I do with mine, they are worth it and forever will be. I won't leave you without a gift though, something that you won't forget me by, you're going to need some new threads.... Extra Swag you know? Don't worry, I have like six others of the same design home. But for now see you soon. Keep calm, Love and tolerate. Til next time Lance! See ya.

I neatly folded the note placing it and my neatly folded clothes and Lance's bed where he had rested.

I felt my body strain as I limped with my saddlebag and the teleportation scroll in my mouth.

I walked outside the room not wanting to wake up Lance as he needed some well deserved rest. I exited the room only to be confronted by Ditzy who was now about check up on us.

Her face brightened as she saw mine and hugged me," THANK CELESTIA YOU'RE SAFE!"

I endured the pain as she squeezed upon my bruises and cut off the hug," Don't worry, it will take a lot more to get rid of me.... But I really have to go, sorry."

She smiled and nodded," It's alright, I know you can't wait to see 'her' "

" Ha, you don't know how right you are," I smiled but then as soon as it came, it disappeared," Ditzy?"


" Listen to me, I just want to remind you, that even though you aren't part of my universe, you are still Ditzy, the same eyes and personality.... Never give up on who you are with those bright eyes and smiles of yours, they are a blessing not a curse."

She cried hearing it first from me, accepted through her hardships and hugged me," Your name isn't Derpy, it will always be Ditzy." I moved away from the embrace," C'mon where is that bright smile?"

She nodded wiping her tears and gave me a big ol' smile," That's better.... but I really need to go."

I placed the scroll on the floor, waving a hoof goodbye at Ditzy and stomped on the letter.


I was now teleported back in MY Ditzy's room, in the school at the same time of night.

The flash awoke her as she got up from bed and saw a figure, me. She flickered on the lights and gazed upon my many cuts and bruises. Her eyes filled with tears unable to say any words. She rushed towards me and hugged me which I will always willingly accept.

Throughout the embrace, I wrapped my wings around her, stroked her mane as she nuzzled my chest letting out all her feelings. I stood firm throughout the burning sensation of my bruises enduring the pain as I only wanted to be here, with her, my Ditzy, my Bright Eyes.

" Don't worry Bright Eyes..... I'm home," I said with a small sob.

Lance's POV

I opened my eyes, my whole body in pain. I rubbed my face with my hooves and sighed, "That sucked!"

I put my hooves down and my right one touched something. Paper.

I looked down and picked up the piece of paper and read it.

Once I finished, a tear was in my eye. I looked over at the clothes and smiled, "Thanks bro, how did you know I needed something new to wear?"

I sat back and relaxed, next time I see Graze, we're going to have a fair fight. Maybe I can ask Celestia to send me there sometime. But for now, I rest. Because in two days, we leave for the Ski Resort, and that is going to be fun!

Break rubbed his eyes. [Did we win?]
{Nope, it was a draw.}
[... Shit....]