Poking Pinkie Pie in the Pooper

by KingofSquirrelz

Mama Knows Best - Narrated by Morgan Freeman

The streetlights of Ponyville were few and far in between for your tastes. The dimly lit fixtures barely lit the ground beneath your feet as you now backtracked your way through town. You could feel your heart beating faster and faster inside your chest as the cool wind caressed your skin.

Tonight was going to be one hell of a night.

The light howls of the breeze in your ear, in conjunction with the rhythmic crunch of your feet hitting the ground, made for an interesting symphony to walk to. For now you were on your way to Luna’s Love Lounge. First though a quick shower at home, you were covered in a light film of grave moss.

That was something that was bugging you though. Since leaving the graveyard, you had a nagging feeling like you were being watched. You were not afraid of the dark, but still there was a feeling that made the hair on your arms and legs stand on end. Seeing Diamond open up like that was a surprise as well. Now you had another promise to keep, to watch over a filly as she grew into a mare. It was a promise that took time, an easy one for you.

You followed the soft ground; the trail you were walking on was now becoming a well beaten path that you were very familiar with. There was just the right amount of moonlight to guide your way back to town proper, where there would be some better lighting.

Something was getting to you, though, and you didn’t like it.

Every home you passed had the same scene in it, and it was starting to irritate you. No, “irritate” was not the right word; it was jealously, pure and simple.

Every home had a family, a mother and a father, children running around and making a mess of things as the parents scolded them. Some sat by a fire and read books. Most were sitting around a television not saying a word.

Some were single mothers who were working their hooves to the bone to provide a home and shelter for them. Derpy was one of your favorite reminders of what a single mother had to go through. She had more hardships than most, but there was a rumor floating around that young Dinky was going to some private magic academy in the fall.

You looked on into the windows; just giving a small glimpse as you pass by, you wonder what could have been if you never came here to Equestria. Would you have a family by now? A wife who was a good cook and had a smart wit? And, of course, the most important thing, a really nice ass. No, you know what you wanted more than life itself.

It was a child. An heir to carry on your name. Such a simple thing eluded you; Pound and Pumpkin were the closest thing you had to being considered your children. You loved them deeply, even would throw your life in danger to protect them. Still, it was selfish, you wanted a blood heir, to carry on your family line.

To have a family that you created…


Your ears perk up at the sound. It was one that was ingrained on your very soul. Well maybe not so much that, but anyone with a set of ears could tell. There was someone crying. A long sigh leaves your lips, there was something about a crying person you couldn’t just leave, something you were just intoned too.

After a few minutes of trying to hone in on the sound of the whimpering noise. You stepped forward cautiously examining the area trying to find the source. The light foliage on both sides of the trail made it hard to distinguish a path. You looked on into the darkness to the hills of Ponyville’s residential park.

Making your way under the cloak of night you finally spot the pony, well precisely a mare. A mare with a golden brown coat and the softest angel white wings that you had ever seen that only complemented her starch white mane.

“Epona… is that you?” you say cautiously.

She spins around to face you, shock shining in her emerald eyes, her expression was one that you had expected, except slightly worse. Her eyes were red and puffy and there was a slight cake of dried tears in the fur on her face. In her hooves though was a tiny Sun-tail, still and lifeless.

“I didn’t mean to do it!”

Perfect way to start a conversation.

You squat next to her and start rubbing her back. In response, she turns around jumps at you, embracing you in a hug. You wrap your arms around her and hold tight while she cries into your shoulder; you can feel your hoodie dampen with her tears, which only makes you to hold her tighter. You brush a hand through her mane, desperate to break the hold of whatever has her.

“It’s ok, I’m sure you didn’t mean too.”

You had very few things that you would consider a “weakness”. Trottingham milk being one of them. Another was a crying mare, it was even worse if it was a filly. You never could understand why, if you saw a stallion you know you wouldn’t give them special treatment. If a mare did though, you crumbled like dried bread.

“It’s not my fault. I didn’t know.”

“Look, tell me what happened,” You say, as you gently pat her back.

She sniffed and pointed to the nearest tree, “I tried to take a nap in the tree and this bird kept pecking at me. I just batted at it a little harder than I thought and it hit the tree. I just wanted it to leave me alone… I didn’t mean to kill it.”

You pull away from the mare and reexamine the body something didn’t sit right. Sun-tail hawks were native and well known for being kind natured. Never had there been any reports of attacking a pony. You felt your gut turn sour as you looked at the tree.

It took a trained eye to spot it, but it was there. Sitting on a branch from the fourth limb nearest the top was a nest, sitting in that nest was a large egg. Sun-tails never hurt anypony, but were well known for being territorial when defending their young.

“I’m sorry to tell you this Epona, but you killed a mother,” You point to the nest, “Look, it was trying to defend its egg.”

She couldn’t look, her face was already scrunched up and shedding tears faster. You didn’t help the matter by pouring salt into the wound.

She released you and looks into your eyes, leaving her hooves on your shoulders. “I’m a monster. Everything I get touch dies.”

You weren’t one for the melodramatics, but you could tell that she was really regretting her actions.

“C’mon, let’s get that egg out of the tree. I know a pegasus who would probably like to take care of the little thing,” You say, trying to comfort her.

Epona looked at the branch that was the home of the bird. It was her fault, yet another life fell by her. Just like so many others, she was tired, tired of living. It may have just been a small life considering, yet, she was living and now it remained still on the cold ground.

Life truly was not fair.

“Do you think the bird would forgive me?” the mare stated an odd question.

You shrugged.

“I don’t know,” you say as you rub her snow white mane, “I guess you will have to ask the little bird when it grows up. That means no dying from magical poisons.”

She didn’t laugh.

“I already tried to find a cure; there is none for my kind. If there was something out there that could heal me I would have already done so. I don’t know how long I have.”

You cringed a little at the morbid testament; her voice was far more serious than you had hoped for.

“Well… then you just can’t die,” You said simply, “That egg is going to need a mother. Since you have a nice set of white wings I am pretty sure you could pass off as its kin.”

Your words were not helping.

“I can’t… I won’t last–“

You cut her off with firm—but light—smack upside the head. Trying your best to be gentle about it, you had a strong belief to never hit a woman or mare.

It’s not sexist.

“Don’t say such morbid things. People draw on untold strength when they are needed. You took the life of another and now you must pick up her mantel. Or do you not care about the people who you have hurt?” You refused to let her fall into a pity party.

“What do you know!?” The mare shouted back, “No one has ever died in your name. No one has ever followed you blindly. Don’t act like you know me.”

“Then don’t act like you don’t want to live anymore.” The words rang true, almost like he knew from the start. “Live for those who died, carry their dreams and live on.”

“How do you live on when other die around you?” the mare questioned.

“That is a question you need to ask yourself,” You pointed back to the egg, “Now, grab the egg, and let’s get going; it’s getting cold out.”

The mare was curious; she wanted to question you more. Within the span of five second you had ripped into her with zero provocation. She knew she had chosen a good mate. If only words could slow down the inevitable.

“Promise me then, if I die you will take care of Snow.”

You raise a brow mildly perplexed, “Who is Snow?”

“The egg, if I die you will take care of it.” You didn’t want to admit it to yourself; she was cute when she was mad.

“Fine, I promise I will take care of Snow. Let’s just hurry; I have business I need to attend to tonight.”

She blinked at you, “Hurry where..?”

“My house, I know three mares who would rip me a new one if I left a certain queen sleeping in a tree. You don’t have a place to stay, so tomorrow we will go to my friend’s house. They are good honest folk who will take in anyone who is willing to work hard.”

“How did you know I didn’t have a place to stay?” she questioned.

“Intuition, that and I have never known a pegasus to spend the night in a tree. Take a nap, maybe, but never sleeping in one overnight. Don’t worry, if there is one thing I learned from living here in Ponyville, it’s that everyone is alarmingly friendly. Seriously, I got a party from just being here for two days.”

You watched the pegasus take flight, you couldn’t help but admire her form as she flew into the air. The moonlight did wonders for her coat. Not to mention that ass, you were glad you were able to see it two times in one day.

In the dark part of your mind you wanted to ream that tight little hole. She wasn’t even trying to cover it as she worked her way to get the egg. It was indeed a perfect ass, almost unreal. Well she did say she was a shape shifting bug, who magically fell in love with you somehow.

You were more willing to believe she was a beautiful pegasus who fell on hard times. Although you did say you would listen to her story. It was just a hard pill to swallow. Love at first sight only was in fairy tales, but to her, she was in one.

You really hoped she was lying, if she really was telling the truth… It would no doubt eat away on your soul that her final moments were spent and you didn’t believe her. So you put it into the “maybe” pile, not fully doubting it, but still not fully trusting the word of a pretty face.

Damn she was pretty, oh god look at that ass.

That perfect round fluffy ass that was now coming right towards your face. It was like a fantasy made real—Oh shit, she’s falling.


For being a mare that what well rounded in the proper places she had a considerable amount of weight to her. Your guess was teetering around sixty five pounds. When you were finally able to open your eyes from the mare that crash landed on top of you, all was forgiven.

Being able to see the perfectly round flank looked even better when it was sitting on your neck. Now, more than ever, you regretted her not being in your herd. Her tight mound was just inches away from your face and looked like it just needed some attention.

You cried a little on the inside, you can look, just not touch.

“Ouch.” Epona said.

“You ok?” you say trying your best to not move. You didn’t want to move until she did, it just meant more time to take in the view.

You were always allowed to look, just never touch... God did you want to touch...

“Snow is ok, but I think I sprained my fetlock.” You sighed, you know what this meant.

Sugarcube Corner Tuesday – One Hour Prior

Cup Cake stepped out of the bathroom, trying to hum the tune of an Earth song that you sang every now and then. Her mane was in curlers, she wanted to try a little something new for her special somepony. She didn’t need to keep it the way Carrot liked it; he was long gone, and a whole new life awaited the mare.

She was in love, and her special somepony love her back. The mare danced away, shuffling about, and making the kitchen tidy after dinner. The twins were now safely tucked away in their beds which meant one thing.

She was completely alone, soon her human will return from his play date, and they will have the night to themselves. She may have been serviced already, but that didn’t mean there couldn’t be a round two... or three.

If she got out those special pills from Zecora, the sky would be the limit.

“Well aren’t you in a chipper mood.”

Cup Cake heard it, but not even the voice of Discord could bring her down off her cloud.

“Well, I am doing great. Thank you Discord, for noticing. I haven’t heard from you all day, where have you been?” She questioned, not really caring about the answer.

“Oh, here and there. Fluttershy had a huge list of chores for me to do, while she was away; and as her best friend, I was more than happy to oblige.” The draconequus faded into the mare’s vision, standing next to the vase of freshly picked roses.

“Seems you're ready for a fun night.”

“Well, if you must know, tonight is the first night me and him will be completely alone.” Cup cooed like a school filly talking about her crush.

“Oh, it seems you had forgotten something. Tonight's the night that human will be running off to see Princess Luna. So you won’t be getting him tonight.”

Cup had completely forgotten about the letter, the mare had been so fixated on the evening she lost track of what was to come.

“I-it’s perfectly alright if he sees her. I am sure that he wouldn’t do anything…” She was trying to convince herself more than Discord.

Discord snapped his claw, and a lawn folding chair, no bigger than two playing cards, appeared on the table. Now Discord lay rested on the table sipping a margarita.

“For once I am inclined to agree with you. Luna is smart enough to not get mixed up with a human. Unlike you, who has yet to heed my warnings, but no, we have to prove Discord wrong.”

Cup Cake raised a brow, “What do you mean by that?”

“Luna has personal experience with interspecies couples. I would know, I was forced into a double date with her, so many millennia ago. I can’t tell you how boring of conversationalist she is, do you know she doesn’t like flaming bananas? Who doesn’t like a good flaming banana?”

Cup Cake’s mouth hung slightly agape, “ You… went on a date with Luna?!”

Discord rolled his eyes, “Not by my choice, I assure you. I was a wingman, I have about as much interest in Luna as a dog does for a cat.”

“What does Luna have to do with interspecies relationships?” Cup said trying to get back on track.

Discord could only chuckle. “I can’t say, or won’t say. Either way it doesn’t matter, Luna isn’t foolish enough to fall for that human. Take solace in that.”

His words didn’t ease her worrying; she had already lost one lover to the lusting temptation of a princess. In her opinion, she had a far better catch this time. Luna might not try anything, but what else would they do in a hotel room.

At night… alone.

No, she refused to jump to conclusions. She knew you were an honest man and wouldn’t give into temptation.

In the back of her mind she knew that wasn’t true… she was the proof of your betrayal of Pinkie… She just couldn’t choke the fact… You had cheated before, with her, now there was a princess. Who wouldn’t want a princess?

“Well, Cup Cake, what are you going to do? I say that with our little chess game I am winning. You have yet to prove to me your claim. Alas, I must be off. I need to tend to Fluttershy’s flowers. I’ll be back soon, you can count on it.”

With that, he vanished leaving the mare alone with her thoughts. Oddly shifting the table to what she was hoping to hear. Discord did know Luna, but how well… She just couldn’t lose the fact that was eating away on her.

No… she knew what she needed. She looked to the telephone, she needed a second opinion.

Cup sat in silence as she looked on to her best friends and closest allies. Mary, who had stopped by only hours before now, sat at the far end of the table, reading and re-reading the letter from the princess. Next to her was Lyra, whom was still limping from the previous night, now stood (she couldn’t physically sit, doctor’s orders) next to Mary as she too was reading the letter.

Rubbing Cup Cake’s back with a tender massage that was well needed at that moment was her best friend and now fellow herd member, Cheerilee. Cup couldn’t quite place it but it was far more comforting to have her around since they both were now in the same boat.

On the opposite side of Cup was Bonbon, your best friend, whom had known about the letter from the previous night. She only shook her head in silence that everypony was called to attend an ‘emergency meeting’. A event that was only issued when a mare from their inner circle was going through a really hard time.

Sitting on the elongate sides of the table, were the two spoken-for members of the circle of friends, Dazzle and Pearl. Pearl couldn’t form the right string of words to what she was hearing. Dazzle was in a similar situation as she wanted to recap the letter over and over again to try to understand the whole situation.

Attempting this will leave both our minds and bodies completely drained. As you have touched me with your romantic sentiment. From what you proposed I am more than willing to give you my full attention. Well if we are successful it will be our moon.”

Mary recited the letter with her signature reading glasses. “Well I must say those are some pretty choice words Princess Luna used… still though nothing here points directly to an illicit affair.”

“I can’t believe he got so close to a princess, how in the hay did he do that?” Pearl was next to speak.

“Damn, Cup, do the princesses have some vendetta against you or something?” Lyra said with mouth slightly hung open.

“I have to say, this just seems a little too good to be true,” Cheerilee said to trying to massage Cup’s worries away, “A princess just happens to make their way into the picture just as he starts herding. I don’t buy it.”

“Maybe the letter is fake?” Dazzle question.

“No… Spike brought it here himself.” Cup said in a shallow tone.

“Girls, we all know him better than that. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt Cup’s feelings.” Bonbon said in your defense, “He isn’t like Carrot Cake.”

The words hung hollow in the air, everyone was thinking about Pinkie, who has still yet to be alerted to the news. He had already cheated once before, who is to say he wouldn’t do it again?

“Well… it’s not like he is married. He can explore options while he is herding. You girls know as well as I how it is when a stallion is when herding. They want to explore all options.” Pearl said in a matter of fact tone.

Everypony but Cup Cake shot a death glare at Pearl.

“Say what you will, but it’s true. We came here to help, and we can't do that, unless all the facts are on the table. Dazzle, when Orion was herding how many mares did he sleep with before he finally settled.”

Dazzle remained silent for a moment; every mare knows the number of how many they have slept with.

“Forty nine,” Dazzle said bitterly. “That is just the ones that I know about. But in his defense, he was herding for almost three years.”

Pearl nodded, “My point precisely, he is not even going on his first week. We have all been there before. All of us have been through this.”

Mary set her frames on the table and cleared her throat.

“None of us have been through this, Pearl. How many times have Orion or Magnum slept with a princess? You know what happens when a stallion is chosen, they move to the palace to join the royal harem. From when I hear about him, he will have no problems satisfying Luna.”

Pearl, Cheerilee and Cup Cake nodded at the sentiment. It was some of the best sex they had ever had. For Cheerilee, though, it was the first time she had ever been with a male, so there wasn’t much she could compare it to.

Lyra’s eye’s shrunk to the size of pins. “I bet she is after his hands!” A loud groan was heard throughout the room. They had all wanted to avoid the staple “Lyra loves hands” concept. It was almost a daily event, with Bonbon being put through the most of it.

“Let’s just put that in the maybe pile,” Bonbon said, “Well, let’s recap, he is going to meet her for something, but we don’t know what. Now, I know we all think it’s sex, but there are a million other things they could be doing.”

“Cup, I know you really like him so you have to give him the benefit of the doubt, it’s not like he brings home strange mares in the middle of the night,” Cheerilee stated.


“Damn, she is getting heavy.”

Slowly, you walked up the stairs; trying to avoid the ones that made the loudest squeaks. If anyone was sleeping, they would be woken up. On your back was a sleeping mare: Epona, whom had fallen asleep on the way home. In your left pocket was her newly adopted egg, Snow. You didn’t not know why the mare had fallen asleep so quickly, your best guess was that she had have a long day.

It wasn't all bad, carrying her on your back gave you the select freedom to where you hands had to got to carry her. You had two options: her calves—which wouldn't have strained your back as much—or her round, soft, perfectly sculpted ass.

Yeah, pretty easy choice there.

You had to admit, you were moderately tired yourself; but tonight, you were going to find out how to make a harvest moon.

Then you finally hit the top stair of your house.

You felt like you just walked in on a murder scene. An awkward silence hung in the air as you were now the center of attention to every single mare in Cup Cake’s card club. It was rare to see them all together in the same room when it wasn’t a Sunday.

What was off-putting, though, was the way they were all looking at you. Like you had just committed some great sin against all pony kind.

Shit… did they find the tenderloin?

Then, you noticed their gaze fall on Epona, still sleeping on your back, your hands all over her rump.

“Well you know, in Soviet Russia...”

No one laughed.

“Can someone open the door to my room? She is getting kind of heavy.”

Wordlessly, Bonbon moved to help you; the rest of the room, however, was now sizing up the sleeping model that was on your back. You were glad to put the mare down to bed. She wasn’t too heavy, just having to carry her for almost two miles was murder on your lower back.

After you tucked her into your bed, you laid the egg on the nightstand, and wrapped it in one of your dirty white t-shirts to keep it warm.

Bonbon just stood next to you the whole time, making note of your every movement since you entered the room. Making sure there were no erotic tendencies to the sleeping mare.

You two leave your room as quickly as you entered leaving the mother and her new found family alone to sleep. The moment the door shut, you cracked your back, it was almost orgasmic, getting blood flow back to your lower extremities again.

“So, what’s with the meeting? Did you move card night to Tuesday?” You questioned the group as you made your way to the kitchen area of the room. You knew the question and answer round for the mares was coming, but you wanted to start off the conversation.

“We were just having an emergency meeting, some things had come up and some ponies were worried,” Bonbon said giving you a clear and concise answer, something that you really liked her for.

“Emergency meeting? You girls haven’t had one of those since… Dazzle thought she had mane rot.”

Dazzle huffed, “It’s a serious condition, and thankfully I do not have it.”

“I see,” you say. “What’s this meeting about? It must be something serious if you called everyone here.”

The room went silent; no one wanted to talk about the elephant in the room. Truth be told, none thought you would be showing up till later in the evening.

Cup Cake had to think of something, anything to throw you off the scent of the true reason why the meeting was called. Everything she could think of though involved one of the girls who were present in the room. If she used anyone there it would just lead to a string of questions and answers that would be hard to get.

No, she needed a scapegoat.

“Dazzle caught Magnum and Orion having sex…”

All eyes fell on Cup Cake, Dazzle and Pearl giving her a wide-eyed glare of contempt. Again the room was fill with a awkward silence. Mary however couldn’t help but snicker a little at the thought. Cheerilee just stood there in silence, there was no way you would fall for such an odious lie.

“Wow, Magnum and Orion? I could have sworn Magnum was homophobic... huh weird. Well you guys are swingers; I guess that pairing was bound to happen eventually,” You stated, you had no reason to think that Cup would lie to you.

“Yes… I found out about this recently,” Dazzle said glaring at Cup Cake, “Very recently.”

“So who is the mare?” Cheerilee said nervously trying to change the subject matter. “She a friend?”

You take a sip of some of the milk that you had taken from the fridge. There was so much to be said for the weird event around the mare. You didn’t want to leave them in the dark. You hated having misunderstandings.

You always believed honesty was the best policy...

“Well… apparently she is a shape shifting bug called a changeling who confessed her love for me. Not only that, she is apparently poisoned and is about to die and she wanted to spend her last few days living by my side. She is also the queen of the changelings, but she can’t use magic. Oh and as for why she is here, I found her sleeping in a tree after she accidentally offed a Sun-tail. So tomorrow I’m going to take her to Sweet Apple Acres, to see if she can get some live-in work.”

You were amazed, you said all of that without even laughing once.

“Say what?”

“Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction to it too. What was I supposed to do though, leave her in the tree?”

Mary raised her hoof like she wanted to ask a question, “She said she was a changeling… and you brought her here?”

“What kind of changeling admits they’re a changeling?” Dazzle said, this night was just getting weirder.

“I thought they all died out?” Cheerilee stated, “Shining Armor’s spell was supposed to do them all in, there is no way a real one would have survived this long.” She was taking this seriously.

“I bet she is after your hands!” Lyra stated.

Bonbon just facehoofed, “Well in any case I doubt she is a real changeling, most likely a mare who heard you were herding and wanted a quick lay. It is spring, she’s probably in heat.”

“C’mon girls, you wouldn’t go after a guy just because you’re in heat.”

The room went silent; you had said something very stupid.

“Yeah… well anyway, Are you going let her join your herd just because she confessed to you?” Pearl said stating the question that was on Cup Cake’s mind, she was remaining silent though this hoping her friend would ask the questions she didn’t want to ask.

You had to think for a moment, she was a very beautiful mare.

Maybe down the line, if I got to know her a lot better, also I would want her to get to know all of you. She doesn’t have any friends here in Ponyville and I know you all would treat her right.”

Maybe… Maybe was not the word Cup Cake wanted to hear. She wanted to hear no, followed by a string of affirmations about the absurdity of it happening at all.

“But seriously,” you say with your voice growing tense, “From what she told me that she lost all of her family recently… can you girls try to be friends with her? She needs friends really badly.”

It was rare for you to ask for a favor, you had taken a page from Pinkie, and not wanted to be in anyone's debt. It left a weird taste in everyone’s mouth that you were asking such an odd question.

“I don’t see the harm in it,” Mary said affirmingly, “Although I am sure there will be tons of questions for her in the morning from each of us.” No one else wanted to say anything beyond that. It was a request to befriend a mare who needed friends. Whether she was in love or not, it was hard to say no.

“Thank you,” you say with a solemn smile, “Now if you'll excuse me I had plans tonight and I smell like dirt so I’m going to take a nice hot shower.” You say cracking your fingers over you is held in a long stretch. Lyra almost came on the spot from the sound alone. “I don’t know what to say about Magnum and Orion, but every guy gets curious at some point in their life, it may just be a one-time thing.”

“Just out of curiosity,” Mary said nonchalantly. “What are you doing tonight…?”

You looked over at Cup Cake, “Didn’t you tell any of them? I figured you would tell everyone by now.”

Cup nervously shifted in her seat, “Oh… you know, I wouldn’t want to give out details of what you do in private… since you didn’t tell me what you were doing, I thought it was a secret.”

You wave you hand dismissively, “Oh yeah it is a secret, but where I’m going, and who I’m going to be with tonight isn’t. I wouldn’t have told you if it was that big of a thing.” In your mind it was huge, but you didn’t want any misunderstandings. Last thing you wanted was Cup Cake worrying that you were cheating on her. You turned to Mary as you made your way out of the room, “I have some private business with Princess Luna, nothing to serious. I figure I’ll head out in a hour or two when the moon is out more.”

The room just stared at you like you had grown a second head. They were more shocked on how casual you were about going to see a princess, like it was an everyday occurrence that shouldn’t be more than a tiny blip on the radar.

The room didn’t say a word, everyone remained completely silent until they heard the cascading waters of the shower. Even then they all spoke in a hushed voice.

“Well… he doesn’t seem to even care about your feelings Cup Cake that he going to visit a princess, of all things. Either he really isn’t planning on anything sexual, or he just went belly up and became a complete asshole,” Pearl said lightly tapping her hoof against the table.

No matter what was said though, the huge worm of doubt still hung in the room. Things were just not adding up.

“Look, I know he has his faults, but we all need to trust him,” Bonbon said, being the voice of reason and a true friend, “If he really was going to do anything, he would be a lot more secretive about it. I say we drop the matter entirely and not push the subject any further. You know how much he likes that we trust him. It would really hurt his feelings if he knew we were doubting his intentions.”

“Well, he didn’t think twice when he cheated on Pinkie,” Mary said bringing up that painfully sore topic, “But, if he is herding, he has the right… technically. This whole thing just doesn’t sit well with me.”

Although her reasons were far different from the others.

A smirk wormed its way onto Dazzle’s lips. She just got a very twisted idea.

“You are right he DOES have that right, which means he can sleep with Luna and there is nothing that can be done about it.”

“Dazzle! Please, you’re going to make Cup cry. We are here to figure out a way to prevent that,” Cheerilee said sternly. She hated seeing Cup Cake like this, more than anything, she wanted to comfort her. Her best friend, and the mare she secretly loved.

“That’s what I’m saying, what if we made it so there was no possible way he could sleep with her tonight,” Dazzle said with going vigor.

“What do you have in mind?” Cup said curiously.

“Well…” Dazzle said in a sultry voice, “Every male—stallion or human—has a limit. I’m saying that we just push him far beyond that point, so that no matter how hard he tried, he won’t be able to perform.”

Everyone just deadpanned. Every pony in the room knew full well Dazzle had been craving your cock since she heard about it from Pearl. Even more so, when Cheerilee and Cup Cake had told her details about your great performance.

“That’s your big plan, have sex with him so he can’t have sex with Luna?” Cheerilee said bemused.

“Precisely, that’s how I got Orion. I fucked him silly so he couldn’t perform when it was the other mares turn with him. Oh to be young again,” Dazzle cooed.

Mary shook her head, “That won’t work; you should have seen him earlier when I invited him to the key party. He wouldn’t do it unless Cup Cake gave him permission, and even then, he wasn’t planning anything sexual. He is a nice guy, he won’t do it.”

Dazzle smile only grew wider, “That is why we make him an offer he can’t refuse.”

“Dazzle we know you want a turn with him, but even with you and Cup, he would still say no,” Mary said, completely sure of herself.

“I’m not just talking about me and Cup Cake,” She slowly spun around the room pointing at every mare, “I’m talking about all of us, except Lyra and Bonbon. Bon, I know you rather kill yourself than touch a penis, and Lyra… well you’re still recovering.”

“What kind of have baked idea is that!?” Mary said with her face burning red, “Look, I like him as much as the rest of you, but I don’t want to sleep with him just because he is my friend. Besides from what I hear, his dick is barely eight inches long, I know colts who have bigger packages than that.”

Mary was notorious for loving huge cocks. Bigger is better. If only she really meant what she said, she was hiding her own secrets.

“Look, you want him to not sleep around, this is the only way I can think of to ensure that,” She turned to Cup Cake, “Unless I can call Orion and Magnum here to suck him off, since they are gay now. No male would ever pass up the chance with five mares at once. All he needs is the ok from you and Cheerilee, I know this sounds weird, but with this I can really guarantee he won’t sleep with her.”

“Or here is a crazy idea… we trust him,” Bonbon said.

“What if she is after his hands?” Lyra said. Again, no one answered her.

Cup Cake didn’t want to think about it. She was right, after pleasing five mares there would be no possible way to service a lunar princess. It meant, though, that she would be sharing her love with her friends. That oddly didn’t bother her; she was weirdly fine with that idea. No, what was getting to her was this was admitting she didn’t trust you alone with another mare.

She knew how much you loved being trusted…

… But she just couldn’t.

She didn’t want this to happen again. She didn’t want to lose the one she loved to a princess, again. She refused to go back to that dark place again. She didn’t care if you add a thousand mares to your herd, millions even. Just no princesses, not again, she didn’t want to be judged again.

Not again.

“Girls… I need your help.”

Sugarcube Corner: 10:27pm

Gingerly you patted yourself dry with your favorite black fluffy towel. Having a nice hot shower was a well needed present to yourself. With your privates now wrapped up tight, you stood in front of a mirror.

You cringe a little as you started to go over your features, you were not ready to go see one of the rulers of Equestria. First things first, to get the taste of your over priced rabbit food out of your mouth.

You had to admit though, eating nothing but greens and being Pinkie’s exercise buddy was really showing on your body. Too bad there were no human females to admire the new found muscles.

“Maybe I should get a curling bar?” you question no one.

“Trying to look better for your date with Princess Luna?”

You yelp, nearly jumping a foot in the air. You didn’t even hear the door to the bathroom open. Thankfully the voice belonged to the only mare in the house that you were sure wasn’t interested in you.

“Bon, you scared the living crap out of me… no pun intended,” You say as you turned back to the mirror, now working away on your back molars.

“I have to ask, are you an idiot or a asshole?” Bonbon said not pulling her punches, “Why in the world are you going to see Luna when you know what Cup Cake had been through with Celestia?”

You spit out into the sink (under normal circumstances you would never spit in front of a lady. But she was in your bathroom while you were brushing your teeth)

“So that was the real reason you girls threw the emergency meeting,” You say nonchalantly applying more toothpaste to your brush.

“Wait, you knew!?” Bonbon questioned.

“Yup, Cup Cake’s ears mat against her head when she lies. That and I’m pretty sure Magnum hates penises as much as you do, so it was a pretty obvious fallacy.”

“So why are you still going?! You know full well what she thinks you’re going to do,” Bonbon said, nearly in hysterics.

You think for a moment, you had really wanted to keep it secret and were still going to. Bonbon however was your closest friend. Well, best friend really, Pinkie was your best friend too, but she had been promoted a long time ago.

Bonbon was stuck in the friend zone till her dying days.

“Bon, I’ll tell you but if you breathe a word if it to anyone, even Lyra, I won’t be your friend anymore.”

Bonbon’s face went sour, she didn’t like having any of her friendship put on the line. However, she could feel the seriousness in your voice.

“It better be great reason, and if I don’t like what I hear I will tell them.”

You sighed as you set down your toothbrush and lean against the sink.

“Tell me Bonbon, when Lyra told you she loved you and she gave you your gift of devotion, what was it?”

Bonbon cringed, “Let’s not get into that. I don’t think I want to recall that memory.”

You only nodded, “Ok how about when Pinkie gave me that indestructible rubber chicken. I blew it off as nothing until I found out how it was made. Three months of time consuming magical concentration by some of the strongest magic users in Equestria. She did it all so that I would know she would always love me.”

“I always wanted to ask… why a rubber chicken?”

You shrugged.

“It’s Pinkie, sometimes even I don’t understand her,” You shake your head as you made your way to the bathroom window, “Even now, that chicken sits in my room, still as rubbery and stretchy as ever.”

“I’m not following, what does this have to do with you going to a shady hotel late at night with a lunar princess?”

“I haven’t given Pinkie anything,” you say, not directly answering her question, “Nor have I given Cup Cake anything. Or Cheerilee.”

Bonbon just shook her head, “I am still not following…”

You roll your eyes, “You know I’m trying my hardest to set off for this grand revelation so if you could just very kind not ask until I tell you the whole story?”

Bonbon huffed, “Continue.”

You pushed opened the window and sat down on the windows ledge, thankfully it was one of the largest windows in the house. You pat your lap to single the mare to get closer. Bonbon set her front hooves on your lap as she leaned on you. Neither of you felt weird about the position you were in.

“What do you see?”

Bonbon examined the landscape, “Ponyville, dirt, some green stuff, bug—“

“Ok look up, what do you see?”

“The moon, stars, clouds and a stray red balloon.”

“Ok, now I’ll give you a hint,. If you were a human, and you wanted to give your special somepony a gift of devotion that had never been done before. What out of those four things would you give them?” You say with a growing smirk.

Bonbon looked at the red balloon first. That would have made sense if it was just Pinkie Pie, she loved balloons.

Slowly though, the pieces were starting to sink in. You could physically see the shift as her mouth almost unhinged itself from her face. You could see the reflection of the moon in her eyes. You had to admit it, she was a beautiful mare.

“Is that even possible? How… no way.” Bonbon was at a complete and utter loss for words.

“No we're not going to take the moon down, but there is a celestial event from my world called a harvest moon where the moon looks like a giant red gem for one night. I want to show them a piece of my world as my gift of devotion.”

Bonbon just stared at the moon; never had she looked at it in such a way before. The gleaming orb now burned in the back of her mind with its diamond-flame silver color.

“I am now regretting not joining your herd… Can I be an honorary member?”

You only chuckle at the sentiment, “Well Bon, now you see why I want to keep it secret.”

Bonbon nuzzled against your bare chest, “Either you are the nicest guy in history or the biggest fool I have ever met. Sometimes I really wonder about you.”

“Thanks… I think, but now you know. So don’t go thinking I’m running off to pork a princess. I do love Cup Cake, I would never do that to her.”

Bonbon nodded, “You know what..? You deserve everything coming to you,” Bonbon finishes as she repositioned herself, “If you don’t mind I’m going to head home with Lyra, you enjoy yourself.”

“I’ll try; hanging out with Luna might be a blast. I never really got to talk to her before,” You say as you shut the window, the cold air was starting to make your body hair stand on end.

“I wasn’t talking about that,” Bonbon said as she left the room, “Good luck.”

You didn’t catch the sentiment as you finished your mouth rituals. It was nice though to tell someone your plans, if anything, just to get it off your chest. It took a few more minutes to get the five-o’clock shadow off your face.

You rub the back of your head trying to make sure everything single detail is perfect. Even you had to admit, you cleaned up pretty damn good.

You even checked to make sure that the very back of your tongue (the primary source of bad breath) was clear. You didn’t want to offend the royalty. From what you knew of the princesses, Celestia was wise and understanding but Luna was cunning. Luna however was said to have a harsh jealousy over her older sister. You didn’t have any siblings, so you never knew what that type of jealousy.

Now you made your way out of the bathroom, just in time to see the bandaged flank of Lyra descend the stairs. You really wanted to say goodbye too. Or at least ask if she was ok, those bandages look severe.

“Hi Hun,” Cup Cake cooed the moment you took your first step outside of the bathroom.

“Oh, Cup,” you said almost nervously, it felt like she was waiting for you. “You need something?”

“Oh nothing too much, I know you’re in a hurry to run off you finish your business… but I was wonder if you could help me… like this morning?”

You had to think on it for a moment, but your cheeks went red hot the moment you saw here swishing her tail back and forth. She wanted to fuck. It was a very tempting prospect, and it was your duty to service her. Alas, you had just showered and you didn’t want to go to the princess smelling like sex.

You knew you had to restrain yourself, besides you would be back in a few hours and you could help her out then. You hated thinking of it like that. Like you didn’t receive any benefit from in the slightest.

You leaned down and gave Cup Cake a firm kiss on the lips, “Cup, lets hold off on that till later tonight, I just got cleaned.”

That caught Cup Cake off guard, she really thought she could do it with just herself. It was like pulling teeth to get Mary to agree to the idea. A promise of some alone time with Dazzle’s husband was all it took for her to agree. Pearl and Dazzle were far more willing, the only protest from them was that Orion would be miffed that he didn’t get to watch. Cheerilee didn’t protest, but the idea of five mares servicing on guy put her on ends.

“You sure? I set up something special for you in the bedroom…” Cup Cake squeaked in her filly voice.

God did that ever send a wave of dirty pleasure down your spine.

You pet the back of her mane, This time, she had to wait. It was for her benefit. Besides it wouldn’t hurt her to wait a few hours. Tonight might actually be the night that you actually get to make love to her. The fluffy vanilla lovemaking session that you know she needed. Well maybe did know, but you figured it had been a while.

“I'll check it out when I get back, it will give me something to look forward too.” Cup Cake cut off your path as you tried to make your way to your room.

“Please, just look… I am sure you will like what you see.”

Well now, that just made you curious. It would ruin the surprise, but if Cup Cake was just so insistent, what harm could one peek be? Cup started to rub the back of your thigh with the tail, it kind of felt like she was leading the way. Cup Cake didn’t say a word until you both were standing directly in front of the door. Gingerly, she pushed it open, it took all of two seconds for all of the blood in your body to be completely redirected.

Four mares bathed in the bright moonlight but was accompanied by several new candles lit throughout the room. The smell that was invading your nose was that of dark chocolate and lavender. Every nerve in your body now stood on end in the best possible way.

First that came into your vision was Cheerilee, she was laying on the floor next to the bed with her tail wrapped around her midriff as the tip pointed down like a arrow to a glistening mound. The smirk of her face knew you liked what you were looking at, but from your angle you couldn’t see the firm flanks that you loved.

You knew deep down though she rather show her stuff to Cup Cake and you were just there. Like she said before, there was room for you two to fall in love, but that takes time. Until then all she wanted was to be close to Cup Cake.

Next to catch your attention was the largest thing in the room. Pearl’s pristine pink posterior presented a plethora of points protruding from your privates. The only thing visible before you now was her bubble butt, her tender flanks were just begging for a firm hand. She wasn’t even trying to be shy about it, her tail was completely flipped back and her pulsating pussy now dripped freely down to her calves.

You remembered what she wanted, nothing but a large dosage of hot seed imbedded in her womb. She had wanted another foal to extend her family. You could relate, you wanted that very same thing. A nice large family. The parts matched, but the genetics didn’t.

You subconsciously swallow as you look to the mare next to her, although it was exceedingly hard to pull your eyes away from that ass. Never in your life would you thought to see Mary in your bedroom. Her tan coat looked glossy in the moonlight. What was really pushing your buttons, was her delicate lips, on full display. The pink velvety slit was opened wide, literally, you could see her entrance was wide and waiting for a hot, veiny cock.

You’d had a few fantasies about Mary, she was a close friend. This however, was now reality and she was looking right at you with her delicate baby blues. Also… there was something about a mare with glasses that just struck you the right way.

Dazzle though, was by far the most promiscuous of them. She was wearing some of Cup Cake’s panties. It was easy to see with the size difference, but looking at her in a black lace thong, with a pink heart covering her pungent pussy was getting you bothered. Her front hooves were on the headboard and her ass was wiggling in the air, taunting you.

She licked her lips as she looked at the tent the was now standing in between your legs.

The sound that left your mouth came out like a groining squeak. Even your dick couldn’t understand the situation or maybe it refused to understand. If you died right now, you would have no regrets.

“Do you like it?” Cup Cake said as she nuzzled your side. She could see you cock standing at attention.

“Cup Cake…“ that’s all you could say. You had something else in mind, but that required more blood flow than your brain was getting at the moment to sustain.

“Come here big boy, mama wants some more sugar,” Pearl said from her vantage point. “How would you like to cum in my bum?”

Oh fuck yes.

“Come now, Pearl. You already had your turn., it’s only polite that Cheerilee and Cup Cake go first, they are in his herd,” Mary said, in a matter-of-fact tone.

You could feel your heartbeat rising in your chest, logic was the last thing on your mind. Actually, nothing but stamina was on your mind. The prospect of five mares was… unreal.

“Cup Cake, if you’re trying to test me, I swear I’m going to disappoint you, if this is what I think it is...” You knew well enough that you wanted to remain loyal and true. This was just way too… you just didn’t know.

Cup Cake bumped you with her rump, making sure that both of her plump rosy cheeks grind down your leg. “No test, we all just wanted celebrate you starting your own herd.” That was a half-truth, when a stallion does start to herd a celebration would consist of a local party. Though, they were amongst close male friends, and usually consisted of drinking.

This was an orgy with only one male member.

You bit your lower lip, everything in your body said this was a trap. You knew full well you shouldn’t go through with it. Something was amiss. There was Cup Cake and Cheerilee though, asking for sex. It was your job to help them.

Yeah, you could roll with that. No flaws in that logic at all.

“Come on,” Cup Cake cooed, “You don’t want to keep a lady waiting.”

No… no you didn’t. That would not be very gentlemanly.

You could feel every fiber of your being screaming at you. You had to admit, even if this was a trap, it was one you were more than willing to walk into. Now, though, you knew you need help, you were going to plan on satisfying five mares.

You're human, not a sex god. You needed an advantage, a chemical one.

“One sec, I am going get some medicine.” You didn’t physically need it, but it was a special herb that kept you hard even after a long session of rampant love making. You didn’t get any word from the mares. They all knew what medicine you were talking about.

With utmost haste, you dashed your way to your room, taking great care to not wake the sleeping mare. You had to admit she was very beautiful when she was sleeping. You could only wonder why a mare as pretty as that fell for you of all people.

No, now was not a time to think about her. You quite literally had a room full of mares waiting for sex. You carefully inch your way past her and open the bottom drawer of your night stand. There in the far corner was a small pill bottle of Zecora’s all natural medicine.

You close the drawer… and that is when it caught your eye. It was a photo, a simple little photo. It was one that you had seen a thousand times before. It was of you and Pinkie having your first kiss. You touch the frame and sighed.

It absolutely amazed you on how comforting just looking at her made you. You almost had forgotten.

Would doing this make them happy?

You look down at the medicine. “If I really go through with this…”

You were only human… nothing more.

You put the medicine back in the drawer. Even you had to put a limit on yourself. You didn’t want to become a horny mutt whom plowed everything in sight.

Three... three is a nice healthy number.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” you sighed.

Now it was time to get dressed… before you came back to your senses. You didn’t know how long you could resist that tempting offer. God was it a tempting offer.

Cup Cake’s Room

“How long is he going to be… grab pills, come back?” Mary said mildly annoyed.

“Just give him a minute,” Pearl said sitting back down next to the bed. “Hey Dazzle you plan on anything special for our next gathering?”

“Oh… I have something I always wanted to do, I can’t do it with our husbands, they wouldn’t understand,” She said, blushing, “Mary… can you do that thing… you know.”

Mary just raised a brow, “I suppose… I don’t see the harm.”

“Thanks, normally I like when Orion does it, but since he isn’t here.”

Cup wasn’t paying attention; you were taking far too long to just grab some penis pills.

“I’m going to check on him,” Cup said as she got up and made her way out of the room. What she saw as the door shut behind her almost gave her a heart attract.

You wear wearing your favorite black hoodie to protect yourself from the cold with a bright white undershirt. In your pocket was your ocarina for this was still a trade. A song for the moon, totally a fair deal. You were wearing matching black cargo shorts, you didn’t want to look formal nor like a complete slob.

“Hun what are you doing?”

You turned and faced Cup, “I’m getting ready to see Luna. Hun, It’s a nice thought to celebrate me herding and all but that… well it’s a little much.”

“But… how can you say no?” Cup Cake went to your side, “Please..? For me..?”

You leaned down and picked up Cup and hugged her, “I know Hun, I am not stupid.” You loved the feel of her in your arms, her smell, her soft coat. “Cup Cake, listen to me, I am not Carrot. I love you and I want you to trust me.”

“But… I—“

“Cup Cake… please, I need you to trust me. If you don’t then think of it logically, I have met Luna two times and both times we exchanged all of five words to each other. Nothing like that will happen.”

Cup Cake head fell against your chest and her ears matted against the side of her cheek, “Please… you don’t have to go. Just stay here with me forever.”

“I already promised you I would, remember? Or did you for—“

“Promise!” Cup Cake came to a revelation, “Promise me, that no alicorn will ever join your herd.”

“Oh, and what if Twilight—“

“Promise me!” Cup Cake said pleading.

Well so much for teasing her.

“Cup Cake I promise on the grave of my mother, as long as my herd exists, It will never hold any alicorns.”

The words were far too easily spoken, but Cup couldn’t openly argue a promise like that. It was everything she asked you to say. She leaned up and wrapped her hooves around your neck.

“Kiss me.”

Those were her only words, before she gently touched her lips against yours. You could only enjoy yourself, Cup Cake really started to cheer up a lot. It was a soft kiss, nothing too unfamiliar, but it felt so warm and loving. God she tastes like candy apples.

Cup pulled back slowly blinking her eyes open. The look of surprise from you made her question her actions. She hesitated, but pressed her lips to yours again, and that’s when she felt a hand stroking down her neck. It was as if a switched had been turned on inside Cup’s mind. This felt so strange, yet so intimate and pleasing.

It was such an innocent moment, and god it was turning you on.

It was then that you felt something thick, warm and wet pressing to your lips. Another act on impulse allowed Cup’s tongue to slip inside. It was far longer and flatter; your eyes widen a little as the protrusion now tickled the back of your throat.

You savored the taste of her, and she you. You felt that familiar heat built in your loins, your cock was begging for attention. You gave in a tiny bit to the temptation as you dragged your fingers down the length of her back and right on to her fluffy plump cheeks. Each finger now dug into her coat as your body pressed hers against the wall.

You broke your kiss as she let out a loud moan that filled the dining area. You could feel your throbbing member pressing through your shorts. You start to pepper her neck with tiny butterfly kisses and got a twisted pleasure as you sunk your teeth onto her neck.

Turns out Cup Cake has a very sensitive neck.

“Oh dear Celestia!” Was all the warning you got as she squeaked and release a thick spray of her juices right on your freshly cleaned blacked hood. Cup Cake then found out she more than loved being bitten. “I’m a very bad little filly!”

“Hmm, Cup Cake… I can’t tell you how badly I want you right now,” you say with a baited breath breathing heavily in her ear.

“I can feel it,” Cup breathed into your hair, “I want you inside me.” You literally bit down into her blue coat earning you a delicate wine, this was for your herd though. A small sacrifice of pleasure for a lifetime of love. Sometimes you just had to make a choice.

“Cup Cake, I need to go now. When I get back, I want you and Cheerilee,” You were giving into you baser instinct, “I am going to fuck, you both silly.” You finished with another large bite into her neck. She liked it when you talked dirty.

“What about the other girls?” Cup questioned. “They are really looking for—“

“Separately, Cup Cake having an orgy like that is something I want on my birthday. Not just some random day out of the blue,” You weren’t going to close yourself completely off to the idea, you're not dumb, “A threesome, sure, foursome would be pushing it but a seven-some... well, I can wait for my birthday for that.”

You never thought you would ever have the chance to say that, ever.

“Don’t you think foursome is a little much?” Cup Cake said with a smirk.

“You, me, Pinkie and Cheerilee. That is, if the best case scenario ever happens.” Cup Cake only nodded, it made sense.

“What are we going to do about your hoodie?” Cup Cake said as you finally set her down, her eyes however were betraying her as he look at your shaft, that was trying to beat its way out of your shorts.

You take off your hoodie and toss it to the table, left you smelling like an Irish spring with a hint of sex. Luna was a big girl, she should understand if you smell a little like mare.

“There, all better, I’m going to get some night air,” you say, hoping that it would make your boner go away by the time you reached the hotel, “Give the girls my best, and I’ll see you soon.”

You gave her one final kiss before you descended the stairs. Today was going to be a good day.

Yet as you left, there was something wearing on your mind. Something that made you want to cry. When you knew that you were far away enough and in a dark enough area for no one to see. You sighed as you started to repeated bash you forehead into the nearest tree.

“I can’t believe I just walked out on an orgy.”

On the inside you knew it was the right thing to do. As a gentleman, you praised yourself. As a man, you wanted to kick your own ass for letting that opportunity slip by. Not even the cool night air was enough to cool your savage nerves. You knew one thing though, when you got home.

You were going to rub the fuck out of their tummies.

Cup Cake’s Room

Cup Cake was on cloud nine, she was still in the euphoric high that came from a very unexpected organism. Even now, she rubbed the tender area of her neck where your fresh bite marks now were making the area red.

The doubt and worry was still there, but it wasn’t controlling her judgment. She had the love of a human, and best of all, the word that no alicorn would ever come between them. Finally, Discord’s words were now a comforting soils that there really was nothing going to happen.

“Where in the hay is he!?” Dazzle said still in position on the bed, “I can’t stand like this forever.”

Cup realized her surroundings, as she aimlessly bumped into the bed in the middle of the room. She was quite literally lost in her thoughts.

“Probably a quarter way across town by now,“ Cup Cake cooed.

“Wait, what!?” Mary said, now half flopped on Cup, “Bring him back here, he is my ticket to twenty seven inches of horse cock.” Mary still had her eyes on the prize.

“What do you mean by that, did he really just walk out on us?” Dazzle said, now taking a more comfortable position on the bed, “Did he go gay or something?”

Cup chuckled, “Oh no, he definitely didn’t go gay.” she swooned a little as she hugged the top cover of the bed swinging her tail back and forth like little school filly.

“You sneaky little minx, so that is what took you so long?” Pearl said as she nudge her side, “In the end you didn’t want to share. Well I guess this is all for the best, at least you know he won’t cheat.”

Cheerilee however didn’t like the news, tonight was going to be her first time with Cup Cake. An act that she had long dreamt of. She now could only sit in silence as yet another chance of intimacy eluded her.

“I still can’t believe he turned us down,” Dazzle said mildly surprised, “Well I guess mission successful, I just didn’t want to have to wait till Thursday.”

Cup Cake knew full well of Dazzle’s intention, it wasn’t off setting, at least while you were herding. Someday soon though you wouldn’t be, then you only could choose from them, and all outside temptation would go away.

“I still get Orion,” Mary said to Dazzle, “just because he didn’t want to go through with it doesn’t mean we still don’t have a deal.”

Dazzle waved her hoof dismissively, “That’s all up to Orion, don’t worry so much.”

Mary huffed, “You know what he is like, it’s like pulling teeth with that stallion.”

Which was true, Orion was notoriously known to rather watch than join in on any sensual act, unless the pairing was at a one to one ratio.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make it happen,” Dazzle said, leaning on her lap, she turned to Cup, “Well if none of us are getting laid, I want details.”

Sex talk. A favorite hobby of every mare in the room, Cup Cake didn’t like giving details of when she was with Carrot. After a few times, every story became similar to the last.

Cup regaled them with the story. Although, in her version, you were more of a knight in shining armor. You had far more rippling muscles and your voice rang out into the world like the sweet chorus of angels. Cup had a very high opinion of you. Although, there was something missing. Something everyone picked up on in the room but Cup.

“So… wait. You didn’t get him off?” Pearl deadpanned.

“Well, no,“ Cup said nervously, “After… he sort of kissed me and left. He promised he wouldn’t let any alicorn join his herd, though.”

Dazzle just deadpanned, “Cup Cake, the whole point was to get him off so he couldn’t perform.”

“It’s ok, he promised,” Cup said losing her nerve.

“That’s not my point, all you did was get him super horny and then sent him off to see a princess.”

Cup didn’t think of it like that, “I… well… he won’t…” Cup Cake head hit the black silk pillow, “I am so stupid,” She now huffed and sniffed in the pillow, “I’m so selfish I didn’t even think about him… I really am a bad filly.”

Cheerilee almost pushed Dazzle off of her, so she could take the tender comforting role. She was still her best friend.

“Don’t worry Cup Cake, you know just as well as everyone here. He is good to his word. “

Dazzle however already brainstorming an idea, “Well girls there is only one thing we can do now.”

Everyone but Cup Cake turned to her, she was now too busy crying into Cheerilee’s mane.

“What is that?” Mary said.

“Well we got a location and a room number; I say we do a little reconnaissance.”

Luna’s Love Lounge 11:20pm

You had to admit, for a place that held the name of royalty. This place was a dump. The grass was long and uncut, the room numbers were multiple colors. The place smelled like a barn. For a minute, you felt overdressed. You wondered if you should go back and change into some dirty laundry just so you didn’t look inconspicuous.

This was the perfect place for a person of the high life to hide out, who in their right mind would think that a princess was staying here?

You stood outside the door, behind it was none other than the goddess of the moon. You tried to calm your nerves the best that you could. This was a member of the royal family. Yet, there was still one thing you couldn’t get your mind off of.

Pinkie Pie’s ass.

You didn’t know why you were thinking about it. It just popped into your mind and stuck. Her round, pudgy, plump cheeks now taunted you. The worst part is you knew they were out of reach. Which made you want them more.

Not even the chill of the night air was helping your member. He was pissed, he had been denied not once but three times within the last hour alone. You had to tuck the guy away just so he wouldn't spring worth.


You gave the door three solid knocks, and then waited. It took about a minute before the door finally cracked open but a hairs breath.

“Are you the human known as Frost?”

You wanted to say no. Why in the world she wanted to call you that, of all things, was beyond you. You were sure the letter you sent had your full name. But you weren’t going to argue with her. If she wanted to use your alias, then so be it. She was here in secret, after all.

“I am, are you the one I seek whom can control the tides?” you say trying to be equally cryptic.

“I am… please come in.” The door opened several inches. You opened it the rest of the way and stepped inside.

You never had been so happy to have your package tucked away. Within the first half a second of meeting the princess, you bumped right into her backside. It felt like your waist hit a feather soft pile of memory foam.

Her ass was nowhere near the size that you were accustomed to. It was small, but it was almost feather soft. She was considerably taller than most ponies as well, her ass was just the perfect height to just reach to your nethers. Her cutie mark was an eye cater for it ran down most of her flank.

Her mane looked like it was made of the night air as it danced around nothingness. But something about her mane caught your eye; for all its otherworldly appearance, it also looked wet.

Her wings flared out a tiny bit as you pressed forward, the action caught you both off guard.

“Sorry,” you quickly say.

“Do not worry, Frost. You are my honored guest. It is not often I get to speak with one who can also command the moon.” She spoke regally. You could easily tell that she had been studying. The last time you had had words with her, she shouted at you.

On a side note, you were never going to tell her you only raised the moon in a video game. She didn’t need to know.

“Thank you, so Princess Luna—“

“Please Frost, you may just call me Luna. As a fellow moon raiser you have more than earned the right to call me as such.”

Yup, never going to breathe a word to her about it, you were now the moon raiser. Technically it wasn’t lying, even though it was virtual.

“Well Luna,” that was going to take some getting used too, “I must personally thank you for taking my request. I knew it was a long shot when I sent my letter, but to think how you responded so quickly to come to my aid. Well, it goes to show that you really do care for your subjects.”

Luna slightly blushed, she had never been complimented on her way of leading before. Normally such words fell to her sister.

“You honor me. But please, let us relax a little, before we dig into the business at our hooves, do you drink?”

You nod, “Yes, I do.”

Just outside off Luna’s Love Lounge now sat three mares. All three dressing in skin tight black tights that covered their bodies. Cup Cake, Pearl and Cheerilee now watched from the vantage point of the tall grass. Mary and Dazzle had to wait at the house to watch the twins. Also there was only three of Pinkie’s incognito suits.

“How does Pinkie even wear these things, they are riding up my tail something fierce,” Pearl complained.

“Shhh, you don’t want them to hear us,” Cheerilee said.

Cup Cake didn’t say anything , she was watching your every movement through the giant window. She counted every time you both laughed, and even how many times you had breathed. Yet, there was nothing that fell under suspicion.

What was getting to her, though, was how many times you looked at her butt. She knew you were looking, you were looking at it like a horny colt. Which thanks to her, (something she secretly liked) you were.

“Look at her, standing there like she owns the damn place,” Pearl said as she looked through her binoculars.

“It’s called Luna’s Love Lounge,” Cheerilee said, pointing out the obvious, “I wonder what they are drinking, it looks cheap.”

“She is trying to get him drunk to take advantage of him!” Pearl said.

“What kind of business do they have that requires they be drinking?” Cup Cake said quietly, she truly felt horrible for doubting your intention, but it was her fault for driving up your libido; at least that was the excuse she was using to justify her hiding out in the bushes…

“…then I gave her a peck on the forehead and she bolted. Left me standing in the dark,” You said as you regaled her with your tale of your date just that evening. The alcohol was truly working wonders on opening up your conversation.

“That’s adorable, that filly must be head over hooves for you,” Luna said as she downed her fourth glass of wine, “I wish my dad let me date when I was thirteen. Pfft, he didn’t even let me date even when I was thirteen hundred.”

“Yeah, but Diamond may have it rough when she starts seeing real stallions. Sadly I know she won’t be interested in me forever.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that, some fillies carry torches for their first love their entire lives,” Luna said in a matter of fact tone, “The first stallion I fell for,” she said as a smiled drifted onto her lips, “I carried a torch for him for almost nine hundred years.”

“I don’t think she will, she is going to grow up, and the first stallion that is a nice guy who is handsome and charming and I will become a distant memory.” You hated to admit it, but the thought made you kind of sad.

“Well, here is to her happiness and to your herd. May the love between you all grow,” Luna said as she raised her glass and you cracked it with yours.

“Yeah, well, my herd might be getting smaller on Friday,” You said, you oddly felt extremely talkative, almost like you could just open up completely.

“Oh? Why is that? You do something you shouldn’t have?” Luna said with a growing smirk, “Forget her birthday?”

“No, the moment she left town I cheated on her,” you said looking into your wine glass. You felt ashamed.

“Oh… I didn’t know you were married…” Luna said, raising a brow.

You wave your hand dismissively, “I’m not, I don’t know much about the laws of herding and what not but, I still feels like I cheated. Truth be told, this whole herding thing just puts a sour taste in my mouth. Just feels like the world is saying ‘Here you go, cheat away. No one will give a damn, you're herding!’”

Luna sighed, but smiled, “You know, it has almost been four thousand years since herding started, and you are the first stallion I have ever heard say that.”

You squeed a little on the inside, she called you a stallion.

“It’s probably only because I was raised in a monogamous culture, it was only just this week that I opened up to the idea of polygamy. It really put a didn’t shift in perspectives. I don’t know, it just feels like a weak cop-out card for cheating to me,” You say now pouring yourself a third glass, “I bet the stallion that came up with the idea for herding was some old pervert who–“

“It was Celestia,” Luna informed.

“Who is wise and noble, completely forgiving, beautiful, cunning, smart, a snappy dresser–“

“Do not worry, I’m not going to run to my sister because you do not agree with her choice,” Luna looked down at her cup, “Please understand, it was a hard choice she had to make. She did what she felt in her heart was right.”

“How did herding start?” you say raising a brow.

Luna sighed, “I guess you wouldn’t know… well if you want a history lesson I guess the best pony to tell you was somepony who was there,” Luna chuckled slightly at her own joke, “Herding started a little over four thousand years ago. But, if you want to understand fully, we need to go back further. “

You could only giggle a little, Luna sounded like she was telling an adventure story to children.

“No one knew where they came from, but every pony knew of their importance. Two immortal dragon brothers who ruled over the balance of nature. One dragon was named Disarray who ruled over all of harmony, he was loved by every pony. Gentle as the evening breeze and a hero to the world.”

You nodded, “He sounds like a really great guy.”

“He was,” Luna said as she poured yet another glass, she hated telling this story. “he had a brother though. His name was Discord, he ruled over the realm of chaos. He, unlike his brother, was not liked by anypony. He liked it that way, all he needed was his brother and he was happy.”

“I bet he put his brother in a bunch of really tight spots.”

Luna shook her head, “No actually, Discord always followed his older brother. Their bond was strong, and the world lived in harmony. For their importance in such fell to that, harmony.”

You raised a brow, “What?”

“I see you require more knowledge. The manafont, the source for all of our magical powers. Unicorns, earth ponies and pegasi alike all draw on the harmony manafont. Disarray was the source of it.

Discord was also the source of a chaotic manafont, but thankfully Disarray convinced him that his magic was unneeded for pony kind. He was more than happy to agree, that left him alone with a unique source of magic. He was always one for being original and unpredictable.”

“So, what does all of this have to do with herding?”

“Everything,” Luna said simply but with a slight slur, “Back then, harmony magic was far more powerful than it is today. Even so, there were spells out there that come at an additional cost. This is where my sister comes into play.”

“How old is your sister?”

Luna deadpanned, “Some things in this world are not worth knowing. Now, Disarray may have been wise beyond all measure, but he had a dark secret. Not really dark, and you could find this out in any history book. He was in love with Celestia.”

“I see.”

“Yes, and she loved him back. It was… fine for a while. Discord didn’t like the thought of sharing his brother, but he knew how much Disarray loved her. Disarray, though, had a desire. A deep longing, in fact. More than anything in the world, he wanted a family.”

Instantly your ears perk up. He was a dragon and Celestia a pony. You knew right where this story was headed.

“Well Disarray wanted a child, he didn’t care if it was a dragon or a pony. He just wanted a child,” You felt like this Disarray was more of a kindred spirit, “Alas, no matter what tactics my sister and he used, there was no chance to conceive a child. Until one day–“

“Until... You mean it’s possible!?” you say with a little bit far to much enthusiasm.

Luna nearly jumped a foot in the air, but it only took her all of half a second to realize what you were talking about. She shook her head, “No… it’s not.”

To have that candle of hope be lit, and then immediately blown out; you knew it wasn’t Luna’s fault, but you still felt like you wanted to cry.

“Disarray wanted to attempt something very dangerous. Magic does have its limits but to break those limits… sacrifices must be made. Disarray loved Celestia more than life itself. So one day he went to his brother to help him perform a spell he created that needed an unheard of amount of chaotic mana to cast.”

“So… what did the spell do?” you said, still sulking.

“It was going to mix his genealogy of that of a pony. The spell worked, and yet… didn’t work. Chaotic magic is just that, chaos in its purest form. It turned Discord and Disarray into a hodgepodge of creatures that spanned Equestria.”

“And he still couldn’t have a child? Even after his DNA was altered?”

Luna was silent for but a moment and nodded, “Yes.“

Your head fell into your hands. Now you really felt like crying. Deep down, inside, you had hope. You knew full well if there was anything that could help you have a child it would have been magic. Magic was the grand ‘fuck you’ card when it came to reality. Yet, if the two masters and sources of all magic couldn’t do it...

What hope did you have?

“Are you ok?” Luna said. You hadn’t realized, you actually were starting to cry.

You blink a few times to let the tears fall away and swallow, “It’s nothing… I just… well I can relate is all.”

“Oh… sorry. If you want I don’t need to finish the story.”

You shake your head, “No please continue.”

Luna nodded, “Well, the spell worked, but like all magic, they pressed beyond what their minds and bodies would allow, and the spell they cast came at a dire cost. It was almost a hundred years after that we finally started to see it, Disarray started to age.”

“He lost his immortality?”

“Yes, but the effect his life had on the world were far more noticeable. All of pony kind was drawing on his manafont. Magic became weaker and weaker as the years grew by. When almost a thousand years had passed, Disarray finally ended his life.”

“H-he killed himself? Why?!”

“Disarray saw his end coming. He knew what he had to do, Pony kind could not live without magic. So, as his last act in this world, he cast a spell that turn his body into six special jewels each of representing a virtue he was known for.”

“The elements of harmony?”

Luna smirked, “Now you’re catching on. Discord was furious, he had lost his only brother. He tried to curse the world by turning it upside down and making everypony as miserable as he was. The harmony manafont was still there, although considerably weaker than what it was in its splendor. My sister and I took the Elements, and sealed him away. We couldn’t kill him, both of us knew he was just grieving for the loss of Disarray. Even if we wanted to though with it, there was no hope of doing anything more than sealing him away. Only his brother could match his magical strength.”

“So... again, what does that have to do with herding?”

Luna sighed as she pour another glass, “Like I said before, they had a huge influence on nature. If Disarray hadn’t sacrificed himself, it would have spelled the death for all pony kind.”

“What, would it cause like massive tidal waves or something?”

“No, it was the birth rate. Nowadays, it is roughly estimated to be about nine to eleven percent of the population is male. Back then however less than point zero zero one percent of the population was male. For every thousand mares there was one stallion born.”

You just deadpanned, “Holy shit.”

“Yes… indeed,” Luna smirked; it was a surprisingly lovely change to hear crude language, as compared to what she was used to. “Back then, males only had one duty, when they came of age at eleven, they were sent to breeding camps. Day in, day out, nothing but sex filled days and nights. Sex, eating and sleeping.”

“Wow… sounds like hell,” You trying not to smile, and failing.

That awarded you with a giggle, and a snort.

The mare caught herself and turned a deep crimson, “You didn’t hear that.”

You just rolled your eyes in response. To change the subject, she continued, “Yes, well it had become a law, after the population had finally grown to about five percent males, that they had to have at least twenty mares before they could settle. Since then, the law has changed over and over again; depending on the population. Did you know that just twelve hundred years ago marriage was illegal? Nowadays ponies don’t remember how close we came to extinction.”

“I have to admit, that is a pretty interesting history lesson. All of it came from a dragon who loved another and wanted a family. A man who dreams of the stars, but can only look at the ground can with never live his dreams,” You said into your wine glass.

Luna raised a brow, “Oh, a philosopher? I must say that is a nice change. A mare that can see with both her eyes closed can see more than a mare with both open.”

You raised your glass and smirked, this felt like a challenge, “A man who chases two hares, catches neither.”

“Time is but a dream and we are the dreamer.” Luna quipped.

“War. War never changes.” You had always wanted to say that.

Well over an hour had passed into the night, and still there was no real change in the demeanor of whom the mares were observing.

“You know, I wish they would hurry up and do it already if they are going too, I’m getting cold,” Pearl said. She was a frost baby.

“Yeah, Cup Cake, I don’t think they’re going to do anything. All they been doing is drinking and talking, it actually looks like a business meeting to me,” Cheerilee said honestly.

Cup Cake didn’t want to listen, she wanted to see for herself. She knew you wouldn’t do anything, you promised, or at least that is what she was hoping. Now was a time she was testing your trust.

“Just one more hour… please.” Cup whispered.

“Cup, I have school in the morning. I can’t be out any later,” Cheerilee said. She loved Cup Cake, and she already knew there was no point in being there. She knew you were completely anal about keeping promises.

Cup sighed, “You can go Cheerilee, I won’t hold it against you,” Cup said, she completely forgot to tell her about the little ‘outing’ you wanted to have later that evening.

Cheerilee gave her a side hug, trying to get her personal fill of the mare she loved, and longed to love. How badly she wanted to tell her, hold her, love her. Yet she could only do so from afar. Reluctantly, she left, she knew she would get a update in the morning whether or not you broke your promise.

“…then she tells me, she loves me. Completely out of the blue,” You slurred, “I have no idea what to do about her. I feel for her I really do. Not to mention she is a drop dead gorgeous knock out! Seriously I’m talking model here. Now she’s sleeping in my bed at home… I tell yah I just don’t know what to do about her.”

Even Luna was at a loss for words, “Well at least she does know her biology. Very few ponies know about the changeling magical poison.”

“Way, what? That’s real? Its sound really fake to me,” You slurred, “Is there a cure?”

“Magical poisoning is a very common illness among small unicorns. It comes from them trying to use advanced magic when their body can’t handle it. There is an over-the-counter medicine you can get.”

You gave a sigh of relief, if she was telling the truth then there was a cure.

“Except it won’t work on changelings, that magical poisoning is special.”

Well so much for that idea.

“It’s impossible to cure. I should know, my new and I nephew made that spell specifically to kill changelings. I can’t tell you how many lives we lost due to their race. So many broken families,” She sighed as she looked into her glass, “It was ingenious too, slowly it eats away from the outside inward. If they use magic to shape shift, it works faster. It was designed to make sure to keep them out of hiding.” Luna said.

“That seems really cruel,” you say, feeling slightly nauseated at the thought of a spell specifically engineered for genocide, “Besides, she seemed really sorry about it… Can’t we make a cure?”

Luna shook her head, “Nope, no cure. If there was one it would have to be magically made, which would be impossible, since it would just kill them if they used it. Everything magical will make it spread faster. Don’t worry about ‘what ifs’, the last changeling died a long time ago. There would be no possible way one could still be alive right now. This mare you’re seeing just wants to be unique.”

You sighed, “I rather have an honest mare that trusted me.”

Luna smiled, “Well, you made a mistake, and you're trying your hardest to make amends. I am sure Pinkie will see that,” Luna leaned in and rubbed your back, “and you always have the choice as well to kick her out. It’s not something could see you doing but the option does exist.”

You didn’t even give the idea a passing thought, you would never kick anyone out. It takes a huge amount of courage to confess love. Courage is something you greatly admired.

“So Luna, do you have a special somepony?” You ask, now trying to get a read on Luna; she had asked a lot of personal questions about your life and opened up very little on hers.

The alicorn sat there for a moment thinking, she wanted to keep the conversation… one sided.

“Well, I guess I can talk about it… I did have a special somepony. Well, I have had a few, I try to find a mate every few hundred years, or so. Even a alicorn had needs,” Luna said, as her face turned flushed, “Yes well, unlike my sister I am very choosy. First, I like to find common ground and see if I like them or not.”

Her face went red hot as she looked away from you, it was cute.

“Then, if I find them physically desirable I make an attempt at romance. However, I find that romance has long since died off since my imprisonment. Anyway, if they are able to woo me over, I then seek a more physical… bond after I find out if they are available.

“Open to the idea of sex, or–“

“Most males… tend to herd. Normally I proposition them when they are herding, I at least know then if they are looking for a mate. I find it however rather… hard to find a male that I can get close to, since I came back.”

“I heard about that, your ‘Nightmare Moon’ phase. It was before I came here to Equestria… not many talk about it, though,” you say with a smile, “There is a colt that comes by the shop who always orders the “moon on the Hill’. It’s a shake that is filled with blackberries and white chocolate bits. He says that—and I quote, ‘Princess Woona is his favorite princess ever’.”

You could almost feel the bit of tension in the air sift away, or maybe the gratuitous amount of alcohol she had consumed finally kicked in. Either way she was smiling.

“Yes, well, it seems the foals have taken a liking to us,” She said, chuckling, “But even with that, ponies are still scared of what I was. Even members of my night court are scared of me. You know, I took out every female member of my personal guard just so I can have a conversation with another male.”

“But didn’t you say you had a special somepony?” you questioned.

“I thought I did… there was a scholar who I had grown quite fond of. His name was Starry Night. He was a curious type, and always wanted to know him more. Unfortunately, when I regained control of my own mind, I had the body of a filly. I couldn’t proposition any stallion. I didn’t mind too much… Well I got to know him very well, I even came up with lies just to see him throughout my day.”

Her smile faded.

“He wasn’t scared of what I once was, and he loved my night sky more than my sister’s sun. To say the least, I was very… smitten. Well, I grew up, and when my body was ready again to be comforted by a male, I hit my heat. I took it as a sign to tell him how I feel. So I called him to my bedchamber. He never came, turns out my sister had eyes for him as well…”

“Oh,” was all you could say. You really wished Cup Cake could hear this story. They would be the best of friends.

“Well, it seems I must wait until the memory of Nightmare Moon becomes a faded dream–“

“I feel bad for Starry Night,” you said honestly.

Luna raised a brow, if anything she thought you would side with her, “How so?”

“Well… he missed out on a chance to fall in love, because of a moment of temptation. From what you’re saying he really might have liked you, but your body wasn’t ready to handle a real relationship, and out of respect he waited. From what I gather though, you don’t refuse a princess when she asks for a mating partner, so he must have felt obligated when Celestia came to him.”

“I never thought of it like that… its true I never knew of a single stallion in history to ever turn down the offer when propositioned,” Luna said now thinking of the stallion, “Maybe I shouldn’t have had him transferred to the arctic north…”

Hell has no anger…

“Yeah, maybe I would try to find another guy, he might be a little miffed at your right now…” You snapped your fingers, “Well, how about you go on the offense next time? Go with what feels natural right away. I never met a guy ever that doesn’t like a girl who show interest...”

“What do you mean?” Luna asked, with her ears perked.

“Well… do what Epona did. She told me straight out that she was in love with me. That takes a godlike amount of courage. When I get to know her better, I will be more than willing to give her a shot,” Provided Pinkie didn’t kill you on Friday, “Next time you want you find that stallion, just go for it.”

Luna bit her lip… it was an odd tactic. Something that came right out of books, yet… It got this Epona mare her hoof in the door. Why shouldn’t it work for her?

“You have made Luna very happy, I shall try what you say. Now let us get down to the business at out are hooves, please take off your clothes,” Luna said gingerly.



“Please disrobe; I need your chest bare for this spell to work. There are a lot of requirements for it to work.” Luna informed.

“Wait… tell me what is going on first…” You didn’t want to take off your pants, you respected Luna. But you were still hung like a horse in a room full of mares. You were itching to get home; you wanted a nice piece of… Cake.

“Oh yes, well, the spell I need to use require me to enter your mind. First though I need to get to know the subject better. Next the subject must be stripped of their garments, you may keep your shorts on, only your chest must be exposed.”

Oh thank god.

“Next, you must verbally give me permission to enter your mind. I have the power to enter your dream of my own accord, but memories are a different matter entirely.”

You have never heard of her ability to do that, but hell, living with Pinkie Pie for as long as you have, you have grown used to mares having special abilities. Sometimes it wasn’t even worth questioning it.

“As I am in your mind I will be rooting through your memories to find this ‘Harvest Moon’ of yours. When I get a good mental image I will be able to paint it onto the night sky.”

Part of you really didn’t want her rooting around though her memories. Some things, you had hidden away deep in your mind. Some things you had done in private, that no one but you knew about.

“It’s it… you know dangerous?” You questioned hoping she would come up with another idea.

“No… but when I go inside it would help if you made a guide for me. Something that can help me along while I am searching. Time runs differently inside one’s head. I may spend hours in there, while only seconds drift by. Also, if you could organize your thoughts, that would also expedite the search.”

“Cup Cake, c’mon, it’s been well over three hours now, and all they are doing is talking. Its dark and cold, and these get-ups are starting to round third base,” Pearl complained.

Cup Cake tried to ignore her fellow spy’s complaints, but she was right, it was getting very cold out and were already huddled together for warmth.

”I know Pearl… just five more–“

“He is taking his shirt off…” Pearl interrupted.

“What!?” The cold chill of the night didn’t seem so cold anymore. Quite the opposite, Pearl was getting a little heated over seeing your bear chest. “Why are they getting up?”

Cup Cake could feel the same stinging inside her chest, the very same one from oh so long ago.

“Ok, let’s not jump to conclusions,” Pearl said in a heated breath. “Ok, he is sitting on the bed… yah now take off those shorts…” Cup shot pearl a death glare she didn’t see.

“He promised…” Cup said half heart-broken.

“Yeah well don’t count your chickens just yet…”

You did as you were told, as you took a good resting position on the bed. All your job was to do was close your eyes, and open your mind.

“Like this?” you assed as you laid down on the bed. You felt a little weird but she did say it would be easier on a bed.

“Yes,” Luna said now taking note of your body. It wasn’t bulky, it was more lean. She could easily make out the muscles below the surface of your skin. Even had to admit, you were attractive. The white shirt you were wearing was hiding the best parts of your features.

Even now, Luna tried not to look too much. This really was required for the spell to work. It just wasn’t until now that she realized what a compromising a situation this was. Her being in heat didn’t help the matter. Although she had long ago learned to stifle those basic urges, a thousand years on the moon helped with that.

That still didn’t stop her from looking, she followed the very same law you did, she can look, just no touching.

Well, now she had to touch.

She put her front left hoof in the dead center of your chest. Again she felt the tender muscle below your skin shift. She could feel your heart beating through her hoof. It had been well over a millennia she had been this close to another, let alone a male.

“Now speak, and I will let the magic flow into you.” Luna said trying to hold her concentration.

“I give you permission to enter my mind–“

The very instant you finished you felt your chest start to burn. It didn’t hurt, it just felt really hot. Like a snake of lava was burrowing into your chest cavity. You couldn’t move, no matter how hard you tried, nor did you really want to. It felt... oddly comforting.

Slowly, you tried to resist. Blinking, you tried to hold your conscious mind together, but you knew you couldn’t but you wanted to see just how strong this magic could be.

Turns out, pretty strong.

Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as fell into a transhumanative state.

Memory Lane XX:XX

Warmth, blissful even. Luna had missed this feeling; it had been far too long. She almost had forgotten.

Embrace? Yes, she was sure of it, she was being held. How long it been... fifteen hundred years? No... It couldn’t have been that long… couldn’t it?

“It’s time to get up Luna,”

Luna didn’t want to get up, no, she wanted to stay where she was. She missed this feeling, it had been so long, oh so long.

“Do I need to get you up myself? “ Luna didn’t take it as a threat, the voice talking to her sounded like silk to her ears.

“Please… just a bit longer,” Luna cooed.

“Luna awoke in the arms of her guide. She didn’t want to move but she knew she must, for she knew she had a very important duty to accomplish.”

Luna blinked twice. There was a weird goal driven sensation that was now building inside her. she now looked at her surroundings, She was in the arms of a human. He was considerably older than the one whose mind she had entered.

He had a peppered beard, and grey hair that was cut back short. He was wearing a black suit, with a dark velvet undershirt. It felt like the softest silk against her cheek.

“Who are you?” Luna questioned looking up. She had finally noticed the difference in her voice. She looked down at her body, and that it was in her youngest form. Even her flank was completely clean of its cutie mark.

“My name? You may call me anything you wish. The mind you're in though calls me Freeman, I am to be your guide down Memory Lane.”

Luna couldn’t get enough, she could lay there all and listen to the voice of this human. It was so oddly comforting, welcoming, it made her feel accepted.

“How long have I been here?” Luna questioned.

“As long as you wish it, the man you call Frost has made me to be your guide.” Luna could only smile, if Frost could make such a fabulous creature, she would only wonder what beauty was in store for her when she finally saw this mythical harvest moon.

“Come,” Freeman said, getting up, “We must be off, this memory is ending.” Luna didn’t even get a chance to see where she was before the walls of whatever room she was in turned white and crumbled.

Luna only gape at the view of what she was seeing as the walls fell. She knew it well enough, it was her night sky. Millions upon trillions of tiny white dots floated and bounced every which way. There was no ground under her, she was being held in the arms of the gentleman whom was her guide. He was standing on nothing at all.

“I am sorry Luna, we are trying our best to organize, but the moment Frost fell asleep everything just fell apart.”

Luna blushed, she just couldn’t help it. It felt weird being apologized to by such a man.

“It is quite alright,” She squeaked, “Let’s just sort things out as they…”she cut herself off “What is that?”

Luna pointed to an oddity of things, it was a golden box. It wasn’t the only one though, then she started to notice boxes everywhere of varying sizes shapes and colors. But some were chained up, and some seemed broken.

“That right there is a solid memory. Something import is related to Frost is inside there. As for what of, I don’t know,” Freeman snapped his fingers and the small golden box appeared in front of them, “I can’t open the memory, but Frost gave you control too, so please open the box.”

Luna did hesitate as she touched it with her tiny hoof. The box instantly shattered into a trillion tiny cubes, and just as fast, reformed into a screen.

Luna looked on into the memory as it played out like a video before her. She didn’t know what she was seeing but she could easily tell who on in the screen, it was a child version of you. You were lying next to a withered bed of roses, crying.

“I see,” Freeman said nodding.

“See what? What am I missing?”

“This memory is golden, for it is something he never wants to forget. I don’t know why it is so short though. I know every memory here and you, miss, picked out a very special one.”

Luna looked on in wonderment, what could be so special about a withered up rose bush? Like he was reading her mind, (because he was) he answered before she could ask.

“This memory is special, because in all his memories, this one is the only instance where you will find that Frost broke his promise.”

Luna was slightly taken back. “He only broke one promise?”

Freeman nodded, “Yes, his mother was gravely ill when he was eight years old, and she was hospitalized. That rose bush you see there was her prized possession, It was planted the day Frost was born. Frost’s mother asked him to take care of it. She passed away days later. While he was in mourning he had forgotten to water it, and the plant died. It was the last thing his mother had asked him to do. He told himself that he would never break a promise again.”

“That’s not his fault, he was in mourning.” Luna said in your defense.

“It is not our will to judge, this single memory drives him to keep his word,” Freeman said as he snapped his fingers, “Now choose another box, one of these should be the harvest moon that you seek.”

Luna only looked on and amazement, there was a lot of work to be done.

Luna’s Love Lounge

Cup and pearl just looked on through the window; they had repositioned themselves directly outside it, not even making the tiny hint to try to be inconspicuous. Pearl had long since taken off her outfit, but Cup Cake drew back her hoof so her curly mane didn’t flatten.

“What in the world are they doing?” Pearl questioned.

“I have no idea,” Cup answered.

Her fears of sex had almost completely gone out the window. Luna had been standing still, with her hoof on your chest, for well over a hour. Yet, what was drawing her attention was that your chest was pulsating with a dark blue light.

“Well, it may be some new form of dominatrix?” Pearl said throwing out a random idea.

Pearl was kind of hoping there was some kind of drama, the lunar princess with a local baker. It was a scandal just waiting to happen. Cup Cake didn’t know what a dominatrix was; she only nodded and pretended she knew.

“What do you want to do, Cup? I don’t think anything is going to happen…” She squirmed a bit. “Look I’ll be back in a minute, I really need to pee.” Cup Cake only looked on in silence but gave her an affirmative nod.

Cup Cake watched in silence, she now had a new theory. Princess Luna was after your hands. How she had come to that conclusion, even she didn’t know. She actually figured she was hanging around Lyra too much.

Finally, she was rewarded with moment. She ducked from her vantage point on the window so she wouldn’t be spotted. Luna pulled away and looked down at the still body, still pulsating. She knew soon the magic would wear off.

“It was beautiful…” she said, “I know what you were trying to tell me. I… I think I love you.” She knew you couldn’t hear her words. But soon… you would be awake. She was going to make sure her new found feelings were recognized.

Cup Cake however did hear every single word. Every ounce of her body felt oddly blissful. She was fucking right! Her paranoia paid off. This time she wasn’t going to lose her special somepony. She was going to give that home wrecker a piece of her mind, and a swift kick in the ass with her hoof.

Memory Lane XX:XX – Before

Luna had long since lost track of how long she had been in the mind of Frost. Never had been so intimately aware of another being in her entire life. She knew why such heavy precautions were taken when dealing with another’s mind. She didn’t know how many boxes she had opened, she knew it was somewhere in the thousands. Luna, though, had discovered something amongst the time she had spent rooting through your memories.

You were completely obsessed with the ass. It was almost an unhealthy obsession.

Never in her entire lifetime had she known so much about anal. The texture, smell, taste even the sight of an ass. How to tell if a mare had been anally penetrated within the last six months, it was now a skill Luna had mastered. All thanks to you.

That was not a skill she had ever wanted.

It was a hobby of hers now, as she watched the mares in your recanted memories of Ponyville. Your eyes were always drawn to the flank in which then Luna could tell if they had or not. Even now, she wished she was alone to do her search.

Freeman narrated every sex scene memory she had come across, every single one. Even after the thousandth one, though, she still couldn’t get enough of his silky smooth voice. She wanted to be alone... even with the body of a filly and even being in the mind of another her heat was driving her up the wall.

She wanted to be alone, and come back when she could concentrate. Now she was aware of all your personal kinks, and Pinkie’s, and your first girlfriend’s. Her favorite sensual memory was when you tried anal for the first time.

You didn’t last fifteen seconds.

Since then, she watched you grow into the ass master you are today.

On a lighter note, she had to admit. Your ways, it reminded her a lot of her old friend and mentor, Disarray. Although she was pretty sure you had him trumped when came to anal knowledge. Everything else about you, though, reminded her of him.

How had you tried to please others at the cost of your own comfort, to even the tiniest detail, like matching your walking speed to your special somepony.

You were kind and considerate, loving and caring. You kept your cool under pressure and when push came to shove, you stallion up. Most importantly, you loved her night more than her sister’s sun.

It was nice to see the old ways still being used, to say the very least, she had become… interested in the human. She knew her place, though. This human, Frost, was not hers. That didn’t stop the warm mirth of bubbling feeling that we're now springing up inside her.

“…and he pressed forth, releasing the hot seed into her womb.”

“You know you don’t have to narrate every single memory, I’m pretty sure I have the gist of the fantasies right now.” That however didn’t stop Luna from watching you go to town on the wall eyed pegasus.

“I am to tell you what the memory is, I keep telling you that the boxes with the blue borders are erotic, but you still keep opening them.” Freeman said, but he did not scold her. No, his voice echoed throughout your mind like a chorus of doves.

“Well, you never know…” Luna said as she scanned the horizon for the nearest blue box. She was now adding a nice stockpile to her fantasies for later use. But, then she saw it. Out of all the boxes out there, this was the first time she had ever seen one like this.

It was a black box, completely chained up. It was shaking like there was something moving on the inside.

“What is that box?” Luna questioned.

Freeman only looked on, “That is the only box you are not allowed to open. That is his greatest fear. Most men have many fears, but as he was growing up, he wanted to become a hero. Slowly he conquered all of them, but what is in that chest is the only thing in the world that he could never overcome.”

Luna was now more curious than ever, she herself have few fears. Being isolated again was her greatest fear. What could it be? she wondered.

“He won’t tell you even if you asked him,” Freeman informed, “He refuses to acknowledge this fear. Only one other knows of his darkest fear, and that belongs to his first beloved, Pinkie Pie. She swore under a Pinkie promise that she would never tell.”

Now she wanted to know even more.

Freeman however was a step ahead of the curious mare as he snapped his fingers and the box vanished from her sight. However after the box disappeared. The world around them froze.

The tiny white specks that floated aimlessly, froze in the air for but a moment, and then started to mass together.

“What’s happening?” Luna said with a whimper.

“It seems Frost hit REM, those white specks are thoughts, they are coming together to make a dream.”

Luna had never seen a dream from the outside before. Inside, was a world created by the mind, she knew her way around dreams better than any pony.

“I’m going to take a look,” Luna said, “Can you take me there?”

“If you go in, you can’t come back here.” Luna just nodded, she wanted to know what you were dreaming about. She could find the harvest moon memory another time.

“Then Luna, I shall bid you adieu,” He snapped his fingers and everything went black.

Dreamscape XX:XX

It took but a second for the world to build around her. If she hadn’t been a master of the realm of dreams, she would have sworn she was awake. It was her hotel room. It was weird feeling, looking down and seeing yourself.

She floated about herself as she examined the dream version of herself. She had a few complaints. Her eyes were far bigger in the dream version of herself. They looked to be the size of muskmelons; her mane was tied to the side in pigtails.

Her breasts were in the wrong spot completely, they were sitting in the middle of her chest instead of above her nethers. What caught her eyes the most was her butt, this was obviously a Frost dream. Her ass was huge. Unreasonably so, it looked like someone had stuffed her flanks with beach balls.

“Whatever shall I do?” Luna spoke. That immediately got the real Luna’s attention.

I do not sound like that!

“So your sister slept him,” Luna took note that your voice was far deeper and more pronounced. “I must say, it is his loss, for who could give up such a beauty?”

Both sets of Luna blushed, but the dream version looked like she drew it on her cheeks with a red crayon.

“Do you really mean it, for real and for true?” Luna cooed as she threw herself into his arms.

I would not do or say that!

“I do,” Luna was almost blind as you smiled and your teeth caught the light that seem to come from nowhere. “You are special, and you deserve a very special human.”

“Oh please, make me your mare,” Luna cooed and she buried her head into your rippling chest of manliness.

Luna’s mouth agape, eye twitching, she had no comment.

“I am sorry Luna, but you see I can only be with those whom I love and that love me back. I will not give my heart to just anyone!” You throw your head to the side dramatically, “I know my feelings for you are as pure as the evening due, but you have yet to tell me those three simple words.”

“I can’t say that, I am afraid of being hurt again…” Dream Luna said.

“Then let me give you this, as proof of my love.” You raised both hands in the air.

Luna watched in wonderment at what you would conjure up. Nothing appeared, the room just went still as she waited for some trinket to show itself.

“It’s beautiful…” Dream Luna cooed as she looked up.

Luna raised a brow as she turned around, and almost (metaphorically) shit herself.

Her breath got caught in her throat. As she looked at the giant red jewel that was now sitting in her night sky. Words alone could not express what she was seeing; the forest hue of her moon now shook her to her very core.

She had never even imagined that her moon could look like that. It was truly a gem in the sky. Luna could have used a magic spell to remember every detail, which was the plan. However, the sheer beauty of it was now burned into her memory.

Both Luna’s started to cry.

“Do not cry my dear, for I am here!” You said tearing off your shirt revealing the rippling abs below.

“Oh my handsome stud muffin!”

“Did someone say muffin?” cooed the soft whisper from the door.

All eyes well on the mare who was standing, bipedal, at the doorway. Unlike Luna, her features were less distorted, her mane was golden hue that ran down the length of her back. While her ass was slightly more round and pronounced, it wasn’t to the ridiculous degree of dream Luna’s. Her tail was tied back at the end. Her most attentive feature was her golden wall eyes.

“Derpy,” You say swiveling in the comfy chair, “come in.” Although the mare had already walked across the room, and her cheeks were now firmly planted on your other lap.

“He is my man,” Derpy said as she sent a playful swipe over at Luna.

“No he loves me!” Luna said returning her play paw down her bouncing chest in between her large, supple breasts.

Derpy pressed her warm lips against Luna’s, savoring the sticky texture of the fluid they were now sharing. The real Luna could only watch on in amazement at the dexterity the dream version of her was showing. Not to mention the tongue fencing.

Luna’s face went beet red, you are not supposed to lick that!

Derpy now moved to Luna’s chest, where the misplaced breasts now sat. She gorged herself on the tender tit. Lapping at the puffy nipple like filly in feeding.

“Ladies, please,” You said as you pulled them apart. “There will be no fighting over me.“ Luna really wanted to question your sanity of what you called fighting. “There is enough of me to go around. I will not have two beauties fight over me.”

You snapped both sets of your hands and you were magically teleported to the bed.

“If you must fight, fight me on the field of love.”

You flex your massive biceps as the mares used them as pillows as they rub oils onto your chest. Luna was slightly outraged, but she had to admit… it looked really fun rubbing oils into your skin.

“So, Luna,” You said, “what say you? Can open up and fight for me?” you said seductively, “Or will you run away?”

Dream Luna froze, literally, as did Derpy. Luna knew what was happening, the dream was fading. She knew she had to leave soon, or she would be stuck until the next dream appeared.

The dream version of you didn’t notice the difference, as you leaned in and held the stone mare as she started to crumble away.

“Never forget, if you never tell them how you feel… you will never get what you seek.”

There was something else you had said, but Luna couldn’t hear it. The dream was now falling apart at the seams, but Luna was far more than satisfied, she knew what your words meant. She closed her eyes and let the magic fall.

Reality – Wednesday 2:37am

Luna blinked twice as her mental state returned to her body. She looked down at your still form, slowly the blue hue in your chest started to fade. The spell will fade and then… what would she do? She could bottle up her feelings. She had grown so accustomed to that… running. Running from those who have run from her.

Yet still, he had almost asked her to confess, like he knew from the very start. It was just three little words, and if she could just say then, it would open the door to romance. She knew though, full well what would come from this.

You words rang out in her ears more than logic and reason did however.

“It was beautiful…” she said, “I know what you were trying to tell me. I… I think I love you.” Luna said know full well you could hear her.

Luna leaned down and pressed her hoof in dead center of your chest to free you from your restraints. For, to gain access to your mind, she had to bog down your consciousness. There was a reason why this spell is forbidden to all but her and her sister.

She knew deep down that you loved her; it was small, tiny even. But, she could work with that, being immortal gave her all the time in the world. This time though she was going to make a feelings completely blatant. She wasn’t going to pussy foot around anymore.

That was when Luna finally noticed a very pissed off mare, and the lamp flying right toward her face.

Your Reality 3:01 AM

You sniffed, the very first thought that entered your mind was the smell of wildflowers. It was almost heavily, your eyes were shut as you felt a pair of hot lips press against yours. You felt a small tongue worked its way into your mouth.

Your mind was now fully awake. Being woken up by a kiss was one of your favorite events. The tongue you noticed was small, far smaller than you had felt before. Then you noticed the lips were way too soft, and small.

You almost choked as a mixture of saliva and oxygen was forced down your throat.

Your eyes shot wide open as completely cognition now registered with you. You were now looking into the violet eyes of the last pony you wanted to ever see pressing their lips to yours.

Inkie Pie.

You didn’t yell or scream, deep down you knew she hated your guts to the extreme. There had to be a perfectly logical explanation way she was standing on your chest giving you CPR.

“Get off,” You said bluntly.

Inkie was more than happy to oblige, What caught your station next was the long string of saliva that trailed from your lips. You always like that string, now… not so much.

“Oh thank Celestia, you're alive!” Pearl said, as she wrapped her hooves around your neck, “We thought we lost you.”

You felt completely normal, well almost, your chest hurt a tiny bit, but nothing life threatening. The only thing that was bothering you was the taste of Inkie in your mouth.

You looked around the room, it looked like a tornado had gone through it. The night stand was tipped over, the lamp that had been on it was now in pieces that covered the floor and Luna. Luna had a new bump on her forehead. Cup Cake was on the ceiling, bound and gagged. Inkie and Binkie were standing on your chest still giving of a stoic demeanor.

You had a pretty good idea what had happened. Still…

“What happened?” you said to no one as you tried to examine your body. Now you really wanted to know why there was a black burn mark in the center of your chest that looked like a horse shoe print.

“I shall enlighten you…” Luna said taking on her regal stature. “I was about to release the magic that bond your mind when your special somepony assaulted me. Your mind was not in your body when your body awoke. So it shut down. Thankfully these little fillies happened along to give you CPR when I went back in to receive your mind. Cup Cake almost cost you your life.”


“I see…” You were able to piece together the rest. The mark on your chest was a mana burn. Cup Cake followed you and Pearl came with. Inkie and Blinkie sensed you were in danger and came to your aid.

You were pretty good on the uptake.

“So, did you get what I asked for, Luna?”

Luna raised a brow, she was expecting a shouting match. You to yell and scream at Cup Cake. At her betrayal of your trust. Yet, there you sat, like you hadn’t almost died. Luna could only smile at how you well kept your cool.

It was one of the things she had grown to admire about you.

“Yes… I will have it ready soon,” Luna said with a smirk, “I wish to talk to you in private, when it is finished, and I will be wanting my payment then as well.”

You nodded, a moon for a song.

You turned to Inkie and Blinkie, “I guess I owe you two my life. Thank you.”

“Do not thank us—“ Inkie stated.

“—Pinkie Pie would never forgive us if we let you die here.” Blinkie finished.

“That doesn’t mean you don’t owe us—“

“—tomorrow evening, you shall repay us in full; we require… your brute strength,” Blinkie said with a smirk. You didn’t like being in anyone’s debt, but, as much as you hated to say it,(Which was quite a lot.) you owed them your life.

“Sure, I’ll help you tomorrow.” You had to admit, you wanted a better relationship with them. You didn’t like the fact that Pinkie’s family was cut down the middle because of you.

Y ou got out of the bed, you felt perfectly fine. “Luna, if I may ask that you don’t hate Cup Cake for what she did… she has her reasons.”


“It is fine, just know that assaulting a princess normally cost a pony their life. Since you technically died I am sure I can overlook her actions,” Luna said with a stern, but tender voice.

“Thank you Princess Luna,” You walked under to wear Cup cake was suspended by magic, “Luna, if you would please.” You held out your arms, as Luna descended the mare into your arms.

She didn’t kick or fuss as she regained control of her body. You could feel the tension seep out of her as she rested in your arms. You take your free hand and unbind the white sash that was binding her voice.

“You bit—“ you pressed your lips firmly against the mares. You even forced your tongue into her mouth. Cup only blinked twice before she wrapped her hooves around your neck. You were hoping this would keep her quiet. You didn’t want her to anger the alicorn that held her life in her hooves. Also, you would much rather have the taste of Cup Cake on your tongue instead of Inkie. You quite literally wanted to drink the mare dry. After a moment you pulled away and looked right into her pink doe eyes.

“Let’s go home, Hun.”

Cup Cake nodded silently, something was offsetting her. You were far too calm for her own good. Right now though, she sent one last glare at the alicorn as she tightened her grip. She was completely and utterly right. Now, though, she held you in her hooves like a trophy, she gloated silently in her triumph.

Luna watched you and the accompaniment go your separate ways into the night, leaving her alone. She really wanted to confess her feelings, but… that was definitely not the right time. Now though she had a problem.

Now there was a pudgy pony standing in her way…

Luna had learn a valuable lesson though, all is fair in love and war. That mare made the first move the moment that lamp left her hoof.

It was on.

Now though was not the time to act on will. With a flash and a dark hue of magic, she willed the room back to its original state. She wanted to make sure she got her damage deposit back. The room however didn’t completely return, there was one piece that was left in its original state.

It was your white t-shirt… left behind in exchange for a hasty exit. Luna looked around the room like a guilty filly with her hoof caught in a cookie jar.

“No one needs to know…” Luna said silently. Despite her being a goddess. She was still a mare; a mare in the peak of her estrus cycle. She knew this before she even left, and even packed for… the inevitable. She closed the curtain and dimmed the light.

After retrieving her ‘tool’, a bright blue stallion member, a birthday gift from her sister. Sadly, it wasn’t the length she wanted anymore. She wished it was short and with the tip was more rounded; though now was not the time to be picky. She had an itch that needed scratching.

Luna laid on her back, and spread her hind legs apart. She blinked once and shook her head. She knew damn well what she wanted. If she lied to herself, she knew full well she wouldn’t be able to confess.

She stuck the blue mastiff against the wooden headboard. She closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and took in the thick cock. She thought of only one thing as she applied generous amounts of lubrication onto the veiny rubber toy. She tried to imagine the sound you would make if she was taking in your member.

Although the toy didn’t get to play for very long. She only wanted the first eight inches well lubed for what was coming next. She turned away and lifted her tail and took careful aim. As the flat head of the horse cock was now pressed against her delicate rose bud, she turned and smile. She buried her head into your white t-shirt and took in its scent.

The sweet musky smell of a real man, and the new pressure that was now slowly inching its way into her anal cavity, was just what the mare wanted. She shuddered and bit her lower lip as the head popped in.

“Oh, Frost!”

As always though, he silently kept his word. Watching, always watching. Discord floated unseen above the alicorn who was moaning the praises of the human.

Discord was not happy.

No, not only had he been proven wrong not once but the fun game of chess he was playing with the mare now had a huge advantage over him. This he did not like.

He couldn’t do anything, but watch, he wasn’t allowed to interfere.

He promised and as a nice draconequus he couldn't break his word.

No, he couldn’t interfere which meant he couldn’t touch Luna. She was on Cup’s side of the playing field. She was so easily willing to throw her king out into the field, while he had yet to move a single pawn.

A smirk crossed his lips, now was the perfect time to play a game. He had to give Cup Cake credit, he now was very interest in their match of right and wrong, and now it was time to play his first move. The best part, he knew just the right opening move.

Discord snapped his claw and vanished.

Canterlot Castle – Celestia’s bedchamber

The immortal sun goddess lay awake in her bed, opposite her was a stallion whom she had tested to join her harem. His name was… she had forgotten. It started with a T. It may have been a B. Hell it didn’t matter, he passed.

Tomorrow, though, was Raoul, Celestia’s personal favorite. She knew she needed to get to sleep so her body would be ready for ‘The Raoooooul’.

Celesta was just about to close her eyes as the ever familiar flash of chaotic light blinded her briefly.

“Morning Sunshine,” Discord cooed in a morning pink fluffy bathrobe, “Sleep well?”

“What are you doing here Discord? I told you you're never allowed in my bed chamber,” Celestia warned, as she covered herself up

“We need to talk, I have some very interesting news,” Discord said, in in a uncharastically serious voice. The big yellow rubber ducky he was holding though wasn’t helping his case.

“Can't it wait till, I don’t know… morning?” Celestia gestured to the bright moon outside her window.

“I see, I guess you don’t care if your sister dies is all. Fine by me, I say you’ll get your just deserts.”

“Who’s dying?” Grumbling the complexly exhausted stallion.

“Nopony… T… Bright Heart, go to sleep,” Celestia said quickly.

“My name in Apple Bottom,” The stallion informed.

Discord rolled his eyes; he didn’t have time for introductions. The stallion vanished and now fell into the moat outside Celestia’s window. “Don’t worry… he can swim… I think.”

Celestia huffed, “What do you want Discord, what is this about Luna.”

“It seems your dear little sister has fallen in love,” Celestia blinked, more than a little shocked.

“I can’t believe it… wow! She did get a letter recently. It must have really been a love letter. I thought love letters died out ages ago. To think, they’re still popular. Well, Luna does like the old ways, so I guess it makes sense in a way. So, who is this strapping stallion that captured my sister’s heart?”

“It’s not a stallion, it’s a human.”


“Come again?” Celestia queried, trying to understand.

“It’s a human,” Discord repeated, “It seems your sister is following in your hoof steps.”

Celestia shook her head, “I know she wouldn’t do that. Besides, our situations are totally diff–“

“Two different species, one who is an immortal being and one who is obsessed with having a large family and wanting children. Tell me, how that is at all different?” Discord said, coldly.

It wasn’t different in the slightest.

“I saw her today, you know,” Discord said floating above Celestia, “My little niece. She has Disarray’s eyes. She actually lives not five houses down from Fluttershy, ironic isn’t it? Wouldn’t it be interesting if she found out she was royalty?”

“You leave her out of this, I already set her on the right path as I have for our family.”

“History is written by the winners, Celestia. Wouldn’t the world like to know how Disarray really died? If Luna is allowed to continue her pursuit of this human, she will tell him the secret of interspecies birth; and guess who be the scapegoat for that.”

Celestia bit her lower lip.

“You never know, the human could be used… how long to they live? Five, six thousand years?”

“You wish.”

“I see… we'll… dispatch the ‘Sunshine Squad’. Make it look like an accident. Luna may hate me for the rest of her life, but at least she will be living,” Celestia said, as she was about to sign your death warrant.

“No,” Discord said firmly, “You are not allowed to kill him.”

“Excuse me; do you know who you are talking to?” Celestia asked, indignantly.

“You are not allowed to kill him,” Discord said again, more firmly, “ if you try to send any pony to do so, they will be dead before they have a single chance to get near him. I am a nice guy now Celestia, defending the innocent is what I do, and all that other stuff nice guys do as well.”

“Cut the crap Discord, you’re a nice guy, and I’m a virgin. If you interfere, I will have you sealed away.” Celestia warned.

“Oh? What are you going to do, grab that guy to stop me? What was his name? Michael McDoesn’tExist?” Discord smirked as he drifted behind and started to gingerly rub Celestia’s aching shoulders, “Now Celestia, I think you are going about this the wrong way. Think about it, do you want your sister to hate you forever, or just for a little while?”

“I don’t want her hating me at all,” Celesta said, trying to knock Discord’s appendages off her shoulder blades.

“Just hear me out. Recently you… seduced a local scholar. One who your sister greatly admired. The moment you defiled him, she lost interest. It seems our dear Luna doesn’t like to share. If such an event were to happen again… Luna would lose heart, and not be interested in him anymore.”

Celestia deadpanned, “I didn’t know she liked him for the thousands time! I make one mistake, and I’m marked for life! I said I was sorry!”

“Come, Celestia. If you want to save her life. All you need to do is seduce a nice guy,” Discord face turned sour, “You always had a flair for bringing down the nice ones.”

“Disarray made his choice. I never asked–“

“He died, all the same. You might as well have,” Discord said, with venom coursing through every word, “Now are you going to let you sister fall prey to the sweet sentiments of some human she met in one day?” Discord chided, “Or will you have your sister suffer like my brother did?”

Celestia thought for but a moment, she loved her sister more than anything.

“Tell me about this human.”

Discord smirked as he saw his queen now make its first move onto the chess board in his mind. He had a point to prove, and he refused to lose to anyone, not even his new rival, Cup Cake. Love between different species can never exist.

“He goes by many names, but it seems he more popularly known as… Frost, and he is the worst type of person.”

“A lawyer?” Celestia questioned.

“He is a nice guy.”

Ponyville Road

Only the sound of your steps were heard, as you made your way back home. Since you left Luna’s Love Lounge, you held Cup Cake tight in your arms. For two very good reasons. One, you loved her and wanted to keep her feeling safe. Two, you forgot your shirt at the hotel and it was freezing cold out.

Spring was just so emo when it came to deciding if it wanted to be hot or cold.

Cup Cake, though, wanted to talk. She just couldn’t find the right words. She didn’t want to betray your trust, but she was right, completely spot on. Luna was going to try something and she successfuly stopped her.

With a lamp!

“I’m not mad at you,” you started off telling her the very words she wanted to hear. Although it made no sense to her why you weren’t mad.

“Why?” Cup said sniffling into your hair, “By all accounts, you should be furious…”

“Well, you didn’t find out what I was really there for, although I am disappointed that you couldn’t trust me for a few hours alone,” You said giving her a tight squeeze.

“I was right, though! She said she loved you, and she was going to put the moves on you, and if I didn’t stop her–“

You knew you were going to have to talk to Luna at some point about what Cup Cake said she heard, but that was a matter for later. Normally, you would dismiss the idea of a princess—of all things—falling for you at all, but you currently had a mare in your bedroom, who not one day ago, had confessed her love to you. Seems stranger shit could happen.

Twilight was right, mares are crazy.

“Tell me, Cup,” you said, taking a turn down a familiar street. “What if she did tell me she was in love with me and then tried to seduce me, what then?”

Cup Cake shuddered and held you tight, “I don’t want to know… I don’t want to lose you.”

“I don’t want to lose you either, nor do I want to lose Pinkie or Cheerilee,” You said, rubbing her back, “Do you really think so little of me that I can’t resist the charm of a princess?”

“Well… you're herding, you had the right–“

“Yes I get it, I have the right to plow anyone I think I can get away with, but I am pretty sure I waived my right for alicorn princesses not moments before I left to see her. I always keep my promises, always. Sometimes,” You turned your head to the sky, “you just might not be able to tell a person you’re sorry if you broke a promise.”

Cup Cake squirmed a little; Pinkie Pie’s outfit was starting to chafe her thighs.

“I’m sorry,” she said as she gave you a peck on the cheek. “I know it’s not much, I just—“

“Don’t worry, that situation was exceedingly special. No more late night visits to hotels to see princesses for me,” You say, trying to cheer her up. You were not going to prosecute her for such an off the wall situation. It hurt a little that she didn’t trust you around the princess; but she, of all ponies, had good reason to suspect them.

Cup Cake kissed your cheek, “You’re too good to me.”

You smiled as you gave her flank a firm squeeze, “Oh don’t think you’re off the hook yet, you have been a VERY bad little filly, and you need to be punished.”

Cup Cake swallowed, she knew precisely what you wanted. She was more than willing to do that. Truth be told, she also wanted it. Then she remembered, “I forgot to tell Cheerilee!”

“It’s okay, there is always tomorrow night,” you say, trying to sound like a very attentive stallion. You hated the idea that a mare thinks intercourse was something they only needed when they were in heat. Also, you were pretty sure Cheerilee wanted to be with Cup at some point, “I have to say, I like your new hairstyle, curls look very good on you.”

Cup cake was slightly taken back; she was already planning ahead for the events to come.

“You noticed?!”

“It’s kind of hard not to notice, I must say I like this a lot more,” Your favorite was pigtails though.

“Carrot never noticed before,” Cup said, and she nuzzled your chest, she loved taking in your scent, “I can keep it like this if you want.”

“Oh hell yes, keep it like that.”

Sugarcube Corner – You didn’t give a shit about the time

You didn’t make it one foot inside the before you ripped the ass end of Pinkie’s suit off. You wanted to get to that plump rump as fast as your hand could muster. You knew how much you wanted your love filled vanilla sex with her. This time, though, it was you who needed release. You wanted to show her the full extent of what a human could do. You were still a guy, you had needs too.

Your needs now wanted to burrow its way into that tight, hot, fluffy ass. In an instant, both your hands are on her, one buttcheek in each palm; one handful of squishy, slappable ass between both sets of fingers. You only wait a second to feel how warm they are, before you squeeze. You squeeze down hard on Cup’s right cheek and pull her ever so slightly closer, muffling another groan as you feel her belly press against the hardness underneath your shorts.

“Take them off,” Cup breaths into your ear as she shudders, and whips you with her tail.

Your shorts and underwear had no chance of survival. You ripped off the button, even though taking the time to unbutton them would have only taken five more seconds.

Five seconds that was far too long.

Your cock now stood at full attention. The poor guy had been locked down and shut out, ignored and refused for far too long, in its taste.

Cup Cake wetness was now starting to drip through the hole you had created for her ass. She pushes herself down, and you grit your teeth to try to keep in your groan. You’re unsuccessful.

You didn’t have time to turn the knob of the door to your room, turning knobs is for pussies. You kicked the door open breaking the metal piece.


Cup Cake had also forgotten to mention Mary and Dazzle were babysitting the twin while you were away… You stood there in an awkward position as you now looked at two of your friends whom were playing cards on Cup’s bed.

“Why did you stop?” Cup questioned, as she tried to thrust down her hips to get to the throbbing red headed member waiting below.

“I see you two are having fun,” Dazzle said, but her eyes were glued to your crotch, “I take it things went well.”

Cup slowly turned around, “Hi girls…”

“Hi,” Mary said in a solemn voice.


Well, this is weird.

“Well, I guess I will have to be the one to say what’s on every ponies minds,” Mary said curtly, as she set down her hand of cards, “You want to finish where we left off?” Mary said in a business tone of voice.

Cup Looked at you, the whole orgy idea was hers to begin with. She didn’t mind the idea went it meant preventing a princess, now though… Cup huffed, after what she put you through tonight, there would be room for a little adventure. She did technically get you killed. “I will leave it to you Hun,” she said, as she looked back at you.

You could only think for but a moment, which was a very hard act to do considering. There you had two choices, a four way or… what was the other choices?

Reasons why you would say no.


The reasons why you should say yes.


The all knowing one had some very valid points and he never has steered you wrong before.

“So… how are we going to do this?”

Five minutes later

Cup Cake came up with the idea. You protested, but she was firm on her stance. Also, she couldn’t stand wearing the suit any longer, besides she had heard enough stories of Dazzle to know what she liked.

Three solo rounds is what was decided. Dazzle being first, Mary being second and finishing off with the mare of the hour, Cup. All you could do was sit on the bed, like a drooling dog waiting for his treat.

What a treat it was.

Dazzle was still wearing Cup Cake’s thong, you had to admit, and there was a mystery effect that was very appealing. Cup Cake and Mary now took spot on the side of the bed. Cup now watched you like a slab of meat, her still being in heat made it almost maddening to have to wait.

Mary sat there on the opposite side, slightly bored. She wasn’t thinking much on the matter. Now she only looked on at your eight inch cock, she really wanted to tell you.

“Mary, can you do that thing… please?” Dazzle said, with an almost pleading, pouty voice.

“I already said I would, you want me to try to sound like him too?” Mary said mildly bored.

“No need, I like your voice,” Dazzle said, with a growing smirk. She turned to you, “I would ask you but… well maybe another time, you will see why. Can you do me a favor, though, and try not to talk?”

You raised a brow, “Fine...” You were more than willing to serve to another’s personal kinks. You considered yourself a jack of all trades on the subject.

“Good…” Dazzle crawled closer to you on the silk sheets, “I won’t lie, Orion is going to be mad at me for not letting him watch. I am such a bad mare aren’t I?”

You could only smile a little as you saw Dazzle turn away from you. She lifted her tail lifted, giving you a full view of Cup’s lingerie on her. The slightly puffy mound just hidden away by the pink heart stitched onto her garment.

“You like that, don’t you? You like my ass. I want you to fuck my ass, just like Cup,” You could feel the hushed, languid tracing of her tongue over every syllable as she sidled into position next onto you. Dazzle felt your girth press against her mound, jabbing against the lower part of her haunches where her joyously shapely behind met the rest of her legs.

Cup Cake’s hoof traced over her stomach, rubbing it tenderly. She wanted you to rub it, more than ever. She licked her lips as she now started to wet the floor boards with her juices.

“You like that, don’t you?” Dazzle shuddered as you position your hands on her cutie marks. It was nothing compare to Cup Cake in size or softness, but still quite nice. “Yes, fill me with your human meat– oh my!”

The words caught everyone but you off guard, you were not allowed to talk but you really wanted to ask her if she thought Cup’s thong would protect her from your throbbing member.

Seriously, it’s just a piece of cloth.

Next on the list of good reasons why you were not allowed to talk, was how you could comment on Dazzle’s inner workings. She really was the wife of the legendary walking mega monster cock Orion. It was like throwing your cock in hallway. Your dick had ample room, in all directions.

“Come, now Dazzle, there is being polite, and then there is exaggeration,” Mary said, with a brow slightly raised.

“No it’s not that… it’s just so... hot!” Dazzle purred, a rare act even Mary was not accustomed to seeing. Cup Cake only smirked; she now knew why Orion liked to watch… this was oddly exciting, she took pride in you, “You know Mary; you can start at any time.”

Mary sighed, “Fine.”

“You feel bigger than you look,” says Dazzle, swiveling her hips from side to side as she tries to grind down on your pole, “Oh Celestia, I’m such a dirty whore!”

Mary breathed a heavy breath, she knew now that was her time to start.

“You are a filthy dirty slut aren’t you? You love the fact you riding another guy’s cock.” Mary said with zero enthusiasm.

“Oh yes!” Dazzle screamed, her voiced echoed through the empty house. She raised her hips and forced your length inside her. No, ‘force’ was not the word. It glided in with ease. Far too much ease, for your taste. It still felt nice though, warm, “I’m a cum guzzling gutter slut who will take any cock.”

God damn…

“Oh, yes, I bet you would fuck your own son,” Mary said still taking her stoic demeanor.

“Hmmm, yes, I would ride him and let him cum inside me!”

Even you stopped your thrusting at that line. You looked up at her incredulously. Dazzle quickly turned to you.

“Don’t worry I wouldn’t actually have sex with my son, just go with it.”

That wasn’t the reason why you stopped; you had known the Sparkle family for a while. You were great friends, even. This was the first time you ever heard of them having a son.

Fuck it. You had a hot MILF wrapped around your throbbing member, who cares if she had one more kid you didn't know of.

“Oh yes, ride that cock, you would fuck anything just to fill your whorish holes,” Mary said, now taking heavy interest in a magazine on the nightstand. It had an article she really wanted to read.

“Oh… my!” Dazzle said, missing her demeaning line for one that suited the situation better. Dazzle took a gasp as she filled her lung as she started to quicken her pace. She wasn’t sure if it was his natural state, or simply the fact that her loins were hyper-sensitized from waiting for so long.

Or it may have been the member that felt like flame burning away on her insides.

“You ok Dazzle? You missed your line,” Mary questioned, she had played the role of dirty talker a few times, and Dazzle had never missed a return on it.

“Its. So. Fucking. Hot,” Dazzle said, as her breaths became far more heated. She was now taking deep breaths through her mouth, and exhaled through her snout. Her lower back started to arch as her body now was slapping against your waist.

You were doing NOTHING different. You didn’t know what she was feeling but it wasn’t being felt on your end. Seriously, you wanted to start dirty talking yourself, that was hotter.

Cup cake’s hoof now found its way down to her wanting clit. She couldn’t wait for her turn any longer.

“Orion is going to be so mad!” Dazzle said, as she almost unhinged her jaw to let her tongue loll out of her mouth. Dazzle was now starting to tear up as she tried to quicken her pounding.

“Please I beg you, don’t stop.”

You were do nothing, literally. Your hands were on her flanks and she was doing all the work. You had yet to return any real effort. You wondered what would happen if you really tried.

Mary now was taking looking at Dazzle riding the now glistening cock, “Dazzle... are you…?”

“I’m about to cum!” Dazzle answered her question, “Ohhhhh...” Dazzle moaned, keeping herself from the profanity that Mary had so readily devolved into. Her enjoyment was always incomprehensible, except for the rare moment of an epiphany struck her suddenly in the throes of arousal.

“You are kidding me right?” Mary said, in utter disbelief. Dazzle was right, Orion was going to be really pissed… if it was true.

Her whole body went rigid, and her walls clenched with a force like a vice around the shaft, the first bit of arousal that you had felt since starting. The idea of being balls deep in Twilight’s mom as she came, though. That was arousing. It felt so taboo.

Dazzle neighed and whinnied as her front legs locked up and her thrusting stopped. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as her tail started to beat rapidly against your bare chest.

Then you found out Dazzle—like Pinkie and Cup Cake—was a squirter.

You fell back as the first payload of her cum got pressured by your member and redirect into to two hot streams. One shot up your chest and narrowly missing your head. The other hit its mark as it nailed Mary right in the ear.

When you pulled out, you tried to avoid the next incoming shot, but you found yourself in a very similar situation to Mary’s. This time, there was no hot cock to redirect the stream, and you took five watery cum shots to your face, torso and legs.

It tasted like warm, watered down coca-cola.

Mary sat there looking like she had just seen some miraculous event, “You… actually got off?”

You wondered what was her first hint.

“Orion is going to be so mad,” Dazzle said, chuckling as she repeat herself now laying face down in a small pool of her own drool.

“I don’t think mad will cut it,” Mary said with a smirk.

“Is someone going to tell me what’s going on?” you said mildly curious. You were the one who just got an impromptu cum bath; you might as well get the whole story.

Dazzle turned back to you as she examined her work, your body now shining with her aftermath.

“Orion… he has a peculiar taste… as do I, if you didn’t catch my little… verbal communication.”

Nah completely missed it.

“Orion likes to watch me have sex with other guys, as they try to get me off. Since I have married Orion no stallion has ever been able to, well, till today.”

Well you’re not a stallion so that fact still remains true.

“Yay for me?” You said not really taking in the full grand scheme.

“I think… you me and Orion should do this again real soon. I want to be a good wife, and satisfy my husband needs. Right now though I don’t feel like... How did Pearl put it? Like my insides were coated in molten steel?”

Well since she asked so nicely, “You know... I do like anal.”

“Oh, I do,” Dazzle said and she crawled closer to you and the bed into the point where she could whisper into your ear, “I am saving that for Thursday, I have some very special for you in mind as a reward for… conquering me.”

What you heard was, ‘you can fuck my ass Thursday’. Yup… you already did her once, what’s one more time? You had completely forgotten you were just going to entertain her, leaving her untouched. There was anal promised though, and she wasn’t an alicorn.

You now had to really think about it…

“Now… how about I clean you off?” Dazzle said as she crawled to your nethers. The now pulsating member was slightly bemused. If her cock sucking abilities were as good as what he has already seen tonight, he already was unimpressed.

“I’ll help,” Came the whimper of the mare who was stroking herself. There was an impressive amount of precum now pent up on the floor. You could feel the adjustment on the bed as Cup’s weight shifted.

“Couldn’t wait your turn?” Dazzle said with a growing smirk, “Well, organization really isn’t that much fun anyway, besides what’s the point of a four way then?” Dazzle turned to Mary “Come on, it–“ Mary however was already getting on the bed.

Mary looked at the protruding cock mountain like it was the eleventh wonder of the world. It had a medium girth and an… unimpressive length. Yet.. it got Dazzle off.

In a matter of seconds you were now enjoying the idea of a blowjob. You knew Cup Cake was good at the act of tongue tango. Mary, however, wanted her turn, if this meant that she had suck to get her turn faster.


“Cup Cake, let me and Dazzle handle this one,” Mary said, with uncharacteristic vigor, “Dazzle wanted to go old school like in our college days?” she cooed.

“We haven’t done that in years, I still remember Magnum’s face. Priceless.”

Cup Cake only nodded, she knew full well of their college days. She went to college with them, although she was married at the time. Cup Cake had derived her technique from their stories.

“Hun,” Cup said nearly pleading, “Can you do that thing… like last time, I really liked that.” It’s not what she really wanted, but... she couldn't just ask for it, no guy really does that.

You thought it was so cute that she thought she actually had to ask, she could have cursed at you, and demanded it, and you still would have agreed. You only nodded in response. You had been wanting to taste that delicate peach again.

Cup Cake didn’t take the same position as she did last time. She slid down your chest laying on you in a sixty nine position. Too bad she was not long enough to reach your member, the idea of a triple blowjob was tantalizing.

You enjoyed this position far more, you got full view of Cup’s perfectly round ass, alas, it obstructs your view of Dazzle and Mary but you had to prioritize, knowing you had to get to work.

“Lick me,” Cup whined, that earned a giggle from her friends, and it was rare to hear Cup ask for it.

You nodded in understanding and leaned forward, nestling your head between her hind legs, and with just a moment’s more hesitation you pressed your lips against Cup’s wet folds.

Her instant reaction was a sharp gasp of surprise, because the touch was extremely warm, like sinking crotch-first into a heated bath, your tongue began to flick in and out of her with impressive speed. It stroked her inner walls with both speed and accuracy, already deeper than she could ever hope to get her own hoof in.

“Hhnnn,” Cup shuddered as her flaming nethers were now being satisfied. You cringed a little at the taste, a mare in heat tasted more… sour than when they weren’t. You couldn’t smell the difference but the taste was unmistakable.

“You first, or me?” you heard Dazzle say, as she took her vantage point in between your legs.

“Oh… let me. I am curious to how this tastes,” Mary replied.

You could feel the flat tongue of Mary envelope your entire shaft. The pleasure rocketed up your spine as you sent an erratic thrust forward. Trying to delve deeper into her mouth. Your cock barely tickled her tonsils.

Mary came back up with a loud slurp, “It’s no good, it still tastes like you. I guess I’ll find out soon enough though. Let’s begin.” Both nodded to each other, as Dazzle now came down on your shaft. Her tongue hit the head as your meaty member glided into her mouth with ease. This time, you were able to hit the back of her throat at least.

The pleasure faded as quickly as it came as she let Mary take her turn on the shaft.

Both bounced their heads up and down like a pair chickens fighting of the same kernel of corn. Both worked in tenderness and precision of godlike proportions. You couldn’t see it, but you heard the gluk gluk and smack as they went down on you.

You tried to thrust a little deeper as they slowed their unison head bobbing cock suckery.

“I’m such a little whore,” Dazzle said, as she tried to gobble down your wiener.

“You’re a fucking piece of gutter trash,” Mary said, as she took her turn enveloping your head.

“Please lick my ass!” Cup Cake finally gave in to her wants.


You stopped your lapping, and both mares stopped, even while Mary still had your cock pressed against the roof of her mouth. You knew they wanted to hear your answer… you didn’t want to tell them your answer. It was a secret that you would do ONLY upon request.

“Well?” Dazzle said waiting to hear your response.

You sighed, “Did Lyra tell you?”

Cup Cake went still, “No...” her ears were firmly matted against her head, her cheeks crimson.

Dammit Lyra!

“Fine,” you said now preparing mentally for her request.

“No way,” Dazzle squeaked, “Can I get one too? I have been trying to get Orion to do that since he started herding.”

Mary pulled off your cock, leaving a nice sheen of saliva to run down you genitals.

“Can I get one too? I always wanted one, but I could never find any pony willing.”

This is the situation that you wanted to completely avoid. You only started to do it in the first place to get Pinkie interested in anal. That plan never worked. Pinkie’s posterior has yet to be poked by your pickle. But, as your pride as a man to whom the ass was your domain, you decided long ago that you would never refuse a anal request.

“Fine, but that better be the best head I have ever gotten!” You however wanted a tradeoff. There was a high risk that came with ever mare. “Cup, you better be clean or this will be the first and last one you will ever get from me, I mean it.”

Cup Cake didn’t care. Truth be told, she didn’t know whether she was or not. She didn’t even know this was special; all she wanted was a single firm lick.

You flatten your tongue as much as you can, as you take a generous lap of her pristine pussy, as it was pooling onto your neck and chin. Taking its flavor, you now turn your attention to the rose bud that was now throbbing for attention.

“Ooooh,” Cup cooed in her regular voice as the lubed up tongue gingerly slipped passed the anal ring.

Your eyes shrank to pins as the tip of your tongue worked inside...

“Holy crap! He’s doing it!” Dazzle said, amazed, “I thought he wouldn’t.” Now her thoughts fell to her backside, she knew she was clean, but didn’t know if it was clean enough. Mary however was attentive to your request, she want her ass licked as well. You had become quite the oddity on her list.

With a forward dive, Mary took the whole of the ‘sizable’ length of human dick right down her throat. You let out a moan of hot air, it felt like she was trying to suck your balls out through your cock.

She pulled off to speak, “You don’t taste half bad, actually. A little like Magnum,” Mary screwed up her mouth as she finished her comment, and leaned forward after a few seconds. Her lips parted, and a long, stringy drool of saliva dripped over the head of your cock, which twitched excitedly in response.

“Hey! Don’t hog it all,” Dazzle whined, “Cup, tell her she needs to share.”

“Sh-sh-hair.” Was that only thing Cup could muster, as she leaned back against the bedpost. You opened your mouth as wide as you could try to get as much of your tongue into her ass as humanly possible. It tasted like cupcake! Thankfully there was no coarse texture to assume the taste, but her asshole tasted like a cupcake with vanilla frosting.

You didn’t want to stereotype but you now had a growing fantasy of what Applejack’s ass would taste like.

Apple Pie?

You wrap your arms around the waist of the blue mare, working your fingers over her puffy mound. You wanted to give her double stimulation, and with this you could fit about half an inch more of your tongue into her ass. You wanted to tease her a little, as you lightly bit down on the ‘cupcake ring’.

“Don’t stop! I’m almost there!”

Those words alone were enough to get your own groin to twitch, the first batch of your bubbling brew was about to find its way into the mouth of two mouths.

“Gonna cum,” you grunted with haste, trying to give them a little warning. You were going to get off before Cup Cake; well you can’t always be in perfect synch.

Mary pulled back and let Dazzle take in the member.

“You first, I’ll get the next round.”

“Thank you,” Dazzle said as she now started to rapidly stroke you cock with both her front hooves. “Mama, wants a pearl necklace.” Your eyes turn to pins, but it slightly turned you on as she called herself mama. It just sent a dirty pleasure you were servicing not one, but two MILFs.

“Please,” you said in a fevered voice, “Just swallow the first–“ You take a sharp breath, “just the first one.” That warning didn’t stop the mare from stroking faster, her hooves felt like magic on your skin.

“Oh…” Dazzle said with a smirk, “I like my pearls large and the first load is always largest, mama’s going to get her pearls, because mama is a filthy little whore.”

“No, seriously,” you say in a baited breath, “i'll coat your whole body if you want, just swallow the first one.” You tried to sound serious, but now you were on the threshold of a whiny teenager begging for his first release.

“Oh I’m a dirty cum slut and you’re going to give me every—“


You finally released, as the first wave. (The heaviest and fastest cum shot) Hit the unexpected mare dead center in the eye. Given her angle on the bed, the fifteen pound cum shot knocked her off the bed, head first. The next three shots of cum did however give her the pearl necklace she requested all over her face and stomach. She was now being weighed down by almost seventy pounds of hot seed.

You gave her fair warning, not your fault.

“Hnnn!” Cup whinnied and kicked the side of your head, as she fell forward panting. She hadn’t even noticed the mare getting shot off the bed. You now we're looking in the pulsating mound that you left partially unattended.

Cup hit her second climax of the day, all over your face.

Her cum… didn’t take like cupcakes.

Actually tasted more sour, like an over ripe lemon. For some reason you felt a trend going on… Cup fell to the side of you, panting like a dog in the hot sun; even her tongue fell out of her mouth and now was pooling drool.

“You knocked her out cold,” Mary said as she examined the twitching body on the floor. “Should I ask how you did that?”

You head fell back against your pillow, that first round really spent you. The little guy had been wanting to do that for far too long. You still had Cup Cake and Mary to finish; you didn’t want to be unfair. Still, though, you needed at least a five minute break.

“Mary… give me a few too restock.” You turned to Cup, “don’t worry Hun I will—“

You were interrupted by the soft snores of Cup Cake. You only sighed, she was so beautiful when she was asleep. Although the meant that big plump ass didn’t get to see any attention. It also meant that you couldn’t lick that tight little hole again.

It tasted so good, too. Even you have to admit Pinkie Pie’s tasted like bubble gum, though you had thought that was some weird flavored lube. It just seemed like something Pinkie would do.

Mary, however, took a blanket from the closet and covered the knocked out mare. There was no way she would be moving anytime soon. After a few more minutes of silence she finally spoke.

“Would you mind if we go down stairs? I have a special request,” Mary said solemnly.

You had a very good guess what that was, there was one thing down stairs that wasn’t available up stairs, frosting. She didn’t have to be so secretive about it. It’s not like you opposed the idea.

“Lets go,” you say getting off the side of the bed. You need a stretch anyway.

Front of the House 5:02 am

Mary had remained silent since the moment you had left the room. You didn’t particularly mind it, just walking around naked made you feel a little exposed. When you got down to the kitchen, you took a washcloth and tried to wash most of Cup Cake’s essence off your face, the remained that was in your hair, though, meant you had to get a nice hot shower

“So, tell me, what is this special request?” You say, as you take the seat of a free booth.

Mary paced back and forth in circles, her breathing was heavy, not the sexy erotic kind, more like the ‘I’m about to hyperventilate’. She looked at you and then at the floor and sighed.

“Lean back,” Mary said, her voice slightly cracked.

You lean back against the wall as you gave the mare enough room between the table and the chair. Mary took one step, and noticed that her choice in placement was off, but moving would have been too much of a hastle.

“Can you pick me up… there isn’t enough room,” Mary squeaked as she looked away.

You reached over and picked her up under her front hooves, you slightly gaped a little, as she was caught in the morning light of the window. Her tan coat took on a slightly golden hue. You lowered her down onto your body, making sure to keep your right hand on her cutie mark so she wouldn’t fall.

The mare took in a sharp breath as she aligning her nethers and took in the length of your member.

“Wow… that’s really hot,” Mary purred, as a visible shudder ran through her coat, “Feels like fire in my loins.”

“Yah I get that alot. So, what is this special request?” You said, so far there was nothing different about this.

“I will tell you… since it’s something only you can do, but I need to tell you a story.”

Seriously, storytime now?

Then you caught the twinkle in her sapphire blue eyes. Was she crying?

Always... crumbled like dried bread.

“Tell me.”

Mary took a more comfortable position as she laid her head against your chest. She looked away from your gaze to the floor boards below the table, “Once upon a time there was a dog. This dog was trapped behind a large pink fence for a really long time. For the story we will call this dog… Paws.”

“Pretty cute name, for a dog,” you stated.

“Thank you, I thought you would like that. Well Paws was a very popular dog. He had lots of friends and was really nice and sweet to all the other dogs in the neighborhood. Although he was trapped behind a large pink fence and couldn’t play with the other dogs.”

Mary sniffed.

“There also was a dog who really wanted to play with Paws. Paws was really nice and sweet to her and she really wanted to play with him for a really, really, really long time. Then one day the pink fence disappeared when the dog wasn’t looking,” Mary huffed, “for the dog had lots of business to do that would have better the relationship with Paws.”

You weren’t dumb in the least, you knew precisely what she was implying.

“When the dog finally could play with Paws, there was a bunch of other dogs, far more prettier and cuter dogs... and younger dogs,” Mary cut herself off as she coughed a bit, you didn’t want to call her on it for it wasn’t touching, but you could see she was crying, “This dog missed her chance and kept it bottled up inside. She really wanted to play with Paws.”

“How long has the dog been wanting to play with Paws?”

“Six months… almost seven,” she knew you had caught on, “The dog knew there was no chance she could play with Paws. Paws has a lot of other dogs to play with, and the dog that really wants to play with Paws is twice Paws age… Paws also has a lot of other obligations and the dog doesn’t want to be a burden.”

“I don’t think Paws would think she is a burden, Paws may even like the idea that one of his closest friends wanted to play with him. As long as she really wanted to play, and not was in it just for the green grass.”

You give her a slight thrust.

“The dog doesn’t care about the grass, well not too much, the dog just wanted to be really close to Paws. The dog has been lonely for a very, very long time. The dog even has to go to her friends to play with their dog, when she REALLY needs to sniff some green grass.”

“I think Paws would think it’s really sweet that the dog cares for him so much. I think Paws is a dog who would take everyone seriously, if they really wanted to play. As long as they’re... not playing around?. Paws would wonder though, why the dog thought she wouldn’t be taken seriously.”

“Because that dog loves Paws a lot, but she really loves the dogs around Paws too. They are her close friends; and to keep her feelings secret, the dog said many bad things about Paws and even made fun of Paws… tail size.”

“Paws would most likely like it if others didn’t call him on his small tail. Where Paws came from, he was considered to have a very large and fluffy tail. Paws would think it strange, though, that the dog would think that her friends would find it odd if she went to play with him.”

“The dog loves two of the other dogs, like sisters. She didn’t want to lose them, playing around is very serious, and sometimes other dogs might get the wrong idea. The dog has a past that she is not proud of when it comes to playing around.”

You raised a brow.

“What could that dog have done to make the others not trust her to play with Paws?”

“The dog… once, long ago, when she was a puppy, made a really big mistake ;and since then, has been hoping the other dogs would forget. The puppy might have broken a set of puppies up, because she wanted a puppy for herself.”

“That doesn't sound too bad...”

“Two days before they were married.”

“I see… if the dog really regrets what she has done, then Paws would most likely not see the harm. Paws tries to not be judgmental of other dogs’ past. Also,” you smirk, “Don’t tell the other dogs but Paws has a slight preference for older dogs.”

She gave you a squeeze; she really needed to hear that.

“So, what if the dog asked to come play with Paws? Would Paws consider it, or would playing with one far more older dog be too much for Paws? The dog knows that Paws has a lot on his plate and even if the dog does like Paws, she wouldn’t hold it against him if he didn’t want to play with her…”

“I think the dog would be very honored to play with such a beautiful older dog. Although Paws doesn’t like talking in rhymes and riddle very often and takes it very seriously, and so if the dog really wanted to play with Paws, she needs to ask in a clear voice and speak her feelings for Paws to take her seriously.”

“The dog kind of likes talking like this with Paws.”

“Paws don’t care.”

Mary leaned up and since the first time she started talking she looked at you.

“My name is Mayor Mary Mare, I love you, I want to join your herd. I want to go on dates with you, I want to make love with you in the moonlight on a boat in the middle of Ponyville Lake.”

She had been thinking about this for a long time.

“I want to grow old with you and I want to get a big white dog and name him Frosty. My mane is really pink, I voted for myself. I’m addicted to milk and I really like it when my mane is pulled during sex.”

You would have been happy with the first line but you weren’t going to poke holes in her speech.

“I would be love to have you join, Mary.”

“The dog though, would like Paws to do her two small favors...”

“Paws does try his best to please all those who want to play with him,” You say smirking at the idea.

“Its going to cause some misunderstandings if it’s found out that the dog asked Paws if she could play with him. Would it be ok if we went with Paws asking the dog to play with him? The dog’s friends would be more understanding then, and also the dog has a very important political career.”

“Paws doesn't see the harm, but doesn't understand how it would affect the dog's job...”

“Some ponies may thinks its weird that a older mare is with a younger st– man, I am running for reelection next month, and our relationship would be considered... scandalous,” She leaned down and laid her head on your chest, “The dog has waited a very long time, and loves Paws a lot. Paws... you smell really good, kind of like fresh cut grass.”

You didn't know how, you should smell like Dazzle, if anything.

You really wanted to seal the deal with a kiss; Mary really had never looked too tempting, slightly teary eyed staring up at you from your chest. You were stuck however, your right arm was hold her up and it was pressed against the table and you other was underneath you and it had long since fallen asleep.

“So what is the second favor the little doggy wanted?”

“I know it’s customary to ‘celebrate’ when a mare joins but… Would you mind if we just stay like this for a while. It’s… a fantasy of mine to fall asleep on you when… when you’re inside me.”

You really wanted to move to a bed; at least there you could be comfortable. This was one of the more awkward spots to choose to take a nap. It was at her request though. If she just wanted to cuddle you weren't going to ruin it.

“Do you snore?”

Wednesday – 6:01 am

You felt a sharp prod poke your bare chest as you had finally entered the land of dreams. It seems that the world really didn’t stop when you fell asleep.

“Hun,” came the frantic whisper of your newest herd member, “get up…”

“What is it Mary, did you change your mind already?” you said, slightly hoping she didn’t, you were dead tired, and it was an oddly blissful feeling being ‘connected’ to someone when you fell asleep.


You finally open your eyes to see a group of police ponies standing in the entrance, all were staring at the intimate position you were in with Mary. Across from you sitting in the same booth was your former employee/co-worker/boss, Carrot Cake, and on his face was something you hadn’t seen him wear in a while, a smile.

“Get the fuck out.”