Paradise Sounds

by Listie The Scribe Maid

Slip On Through (Part II Of "I Know There's A Good Answer") & I Was Made To Leave Her (Part II½ Of "Good Vibrations)

Written by That Gamer!
A parody of the Paradise series by BixXaa
CHAPTER 4 OF 2: Slip On Through (Part II Of "I Know There's A Good Answer") & I Was Made To Leave Her (Part II½ Of "Good Vibrations)
Brought to you by the PARADISE CITY, DEPT.

It was not an ordinary day for Paradise. But it was still the opposite of dark and stormy, so there was still some normality. Anyways, speaking on why the day wasn't ordinary, it was because Paradise could finally move to PonyVille. She was very happy (or, to put it in Zelda terms, "20 Rupees! JOY!"). Finally, she could hang out with every single one of her friends!... Well, she had friends in Canterlot, but they apparently weren't important.

"Nem tudom, semmi esküszik ezen a nyelven," Paradise grumbled to herself, "packing is harder then I thought it would be. I mean, it's not that hard, but I need things to complain about..." She then stopped packing from a moment and noticed somepony knowable flying by. "Yo, Rainbow Dash, could you help a pegasus sister out?" She knew Rainbow was strong... And loyable to the point of being gullible. And blind.

The blue pegasus landed and shook her wings. "Well... Eh, I got nothin' else better to do today. But first, why are you packing outside?"

"Why are you flying over Canterlot?" Paradise retorted.

"It's a free sky!" Rainbow Dash cried before going to pack Paradise's five things.

"And as you're seeing, it isn't taking that long!" smiled Paradise. "And, in fact, one of my friends is coming here and he's going to make this even shorter! His name's Flying-V Stratocast. I sometimes call him 'Paul'."

"Let me guess... He plays guitar?" Rainbow jumped up for no reason and began to fly in the air once again.

"Yeah, he's about as good as Miss Buckethead with both her forehooves broken... So, I can presume that you're going to help me?"

"Wait! I thought this was all you were packing!"

"That was my bag for packing outdoors! Now we gotta pack inside!"

"What the... Urgh... Fine.." Rainbow sighed in half defeated, following Paradise inside. "Wow, I can't see $#!t, but I can tell that your house is a wreck. But I guess that's the way things get when you move."

"When I move?" Paradise repeated. "It's always been like this!"

Her bags and furniture arrived from Canterlot at a later date. Two days, in fact. Anyways, PonyVille was so silent! But that was subject to change. For the time being, however, she loved this small, almost mountain town for that. And Pinkie, maybe. Speaking of friends, Paradise arrived at her new home the day before her furniture arrived and noticed that her friend, Flying-V Stratocast, was standing there. Describing what he looks like, like Paradise, he was a white pegasus, but his mane and tail were less abstract, being blue. He wore black sunglasses like the back-flank he was and his cutie mark was a black guitar. What kind? A Gibson.

"Flying-V! Wazzup?!"





"You're not a part of this, Nyx."

Nyx sighed and wandered off, depressed. Anywho, Paradise was very glad that she saw her old friend."How're you? And what are you doing here?"

"I thought you'd be here a couple of days ago, y'know..." Flying-V replied. And, yes, his name is supposed to be spelt like that. Excluding the "-V" is punishable by death.

"You didn't answer my first question," Paradise pointed out, ignoring Flying-V's first reply.

"Oh... Well, I'm fine, thank you very much." He was courteous. Wasn't that much out of the ordinary. "So with that out of the way, how've you been doing? From the looks of ya, you've been doing beautifully."

"O-oh... Thanks!"smiled Paradise. She liked when somepony complimented her in an abstract way. She was such an egoist and she knew that. And she was very proud of said egoism. Like, if she could title this story, it would be Paradise Is Full Of Herself. "Smiled", by the way, just entered the dictionary as a speaking verb.

Yes, Flying-V was very courteous, kind, unassertive, pandering, six inches, somewhat stupid, exploitative... Ect. He was a very good friend. A very, very good friend. But nothing more. So don't ask about those six inches.

"'Tis a mighty big shame you're moving here. I mean, it's not like you have other friends in Canterlot you've spent your whole life and are completely devastated by the fact that you're out of their lives. Regardless, I will miss you."

"Yes, 'tis the biggest shame of all shames," said Paradise in her usual sarcastic voice. Of course, it goes without saying that she'll miss Canterlot and Flying-V, but the former and the latter wasn't as fast anymore. Playing, I mean. Nothing more. "But, in all seriousness and saying, I will miss you deeply."

Suddenly, Rainbow appeared, looking more tired then normal sudden appearances. "Sorry for being late... "

"You weren't late. In fact, in a sense, you're early!" Paradise reassured Rainbow. She was quite confused by what she (Paradise) said, so she (still Paradise) moved on: "Rainbow, this Flying-V Stratocast-" Paradise pointed at Flying-V "-and she is Rainbow Dash." Paradise pointed to Rainbow Dash.

"Charmed," Rainbow Dash said. Aaaaaaand they were shaking hooves.

"All the same here, miss."

"W..What? What the buck did you just call me?" choked Rainbow, SHOCKED.

"Miss. So what? I'm still a rock st-"

Rainbow Dash pulled Flying-V close to her face by the front and growled, "Nopony calls me babe!"

"I-I called you 'miss'!"

"Oh..." Rainbow Dash said, mildly embarrassed. "Sorry, I get the two words mixed up often..."

"How could you?"

Rainbow grunted in annoyance like that. To be perfectly honest, she hated the movie Barb Wire and anypony calling her "babe" reminded her of it. On the topic of "miss", it sounded too regal.

So let's talk about Paradise's new house. It was kinda nice, not overblown like most OCs, but not poor like the other extreme. But it was still in the centre of PonyVille, next to Sugarcube Corner. The house was white and small (but, again, not overblown) and that's about it. Inside, there was a nice living room, a small kitchen, two bedroom in upstairs and a bathroom. Overall, it was friendly.

The next day Rainbow Dash, Flying-V Stratocast and Paradise Sounds finally made it back to the house, since they decided to screw around while they waited. But nothing more. The moving ponies were nice, seeing as how the house was full of Paradise's furniture. Not taken out of the boxes or put int he right place, but still. But they were tired, so they only unboxed the sofa.

So now they were all sitting in the box that had the sofa. "Well... It has finally been done," Paradise sighed in content. "Thanks for all your help, guys. I could have gotten the moving ponies to do all the work, but... Really. Thanks." It might not have sounded that way from her voice, but she was tired from the previous day. Very tired. And while Paradise was tuckered out, Rainbow and Flying-V weren't looking any better. In fact, they seemed quite worse off.

"Okay, whatever..." Rainbow Dash muttered, trying to get up to no avail. She back in the box.

"Rainbow Dash, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but you weren't kidding about Flying-V...." Rainbow Dash mumbled, having this half-glazed look in her eyes. "I got other fanfiction appointments. Something about Nyx going somewhere..." The blind speedster was just about to finally get up when they heard a knock. In case you couldn't tell, somepony was knocking Paradise's new door. Paradise opened the door while Rainbow Dash fell back in the box, grumbling about something. Anyways, at the door was Fluttershy and *groan from Paradise* Gilda.

"Um... Hi... Am I interrupting anything?" Flutteshy asked, with a shyly curious look.

"Nothing's going on... Come in," Paradise was confused... Why was she here? Less importantly, why was Fluttershy here? For the last couple months, Fluttershy and Gilda have been hanging out, being best friends and all that. It made Paradise sick to think that somepony didn't agree with her prejudice. And here Gilda was, coming in to her new home like it was her's (Gilda's). with Flutter, too, but Paradise could really care less with that... GRIFF here.

"Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash jumped up, finally getting out of the box. "How's it been going?"

"It's been fine... Chrysalis has been progressing well towards being able to care for the animals. Speaking the animals, Applejack tried to kill-"

"Never mind the squirrels, here's Flying-V," Paradise interrupted, pointed at Flying-V.

"Well, minden bizonnyal szép, hogy ismerősök veled," Flying-V greeted in a cheer-like matter.

"Örülök, hogy találkoztunk is," said Fluttershy in the quietest voice she's probably ever had, on the verge of being a whisper. She then turned to and said,"Paradise... I-I want to apologize to you. I thought Gilda a nice griff... A-and she is, but I got this memo saying we shouldn't be friends anymore. You were so right, it's scary. I'm sorry I didn't believe you because you were right the whole entire time. Sorry."

Paradise smiled and hugged the yellow pegasus. "Bucking finally. I forgive you."

"HEY, THAT'S A LIE!" Gilda shouted.

"Yeah, but I don't want you taking my mare," Fluttershy explained, now sounding a lot more like Chrysalis.

Soon, Pinkie Pie appeared even more suddenly then Rainbow Dash and instantly made a party for Paradise pop out thin air. The party, naturally, was fantastic. Paradise felt like she was in her namesake. But when Pinkie started to sing that foolish song she always sang ("When they see me coming, they just steps aside, they throw a fit while I commit my social suicide, I'm a dancin' fooo-"), Paradise left to get a breath of fresh. Out there she saw Flying-V and Fluttershy. Paradise wasn't jealous. But nothing more.

"'Ello, ponies!"

"Um... H-hi..."

"'Sup, Paradise, 'ow's it goin'?"

"I think what's going on out here is more interesting. Besides, was my party really boring that you're out here?" Paradise joked in a cheery manner.

"Well, it was nice before Sweetie decided to prove she could spell methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamylserylleucylphenylalanylalanylglutaminylleucyllysylglutamylarginyllysylglutamylglycylalanylphenylalanylvalylprolylphenylalanylvalylthreonylleucylglycylaspartylprolylglycylisoleucylglutamylglutaminylserylleucyllysylisoleucylaspartyl..."

"Okay, forget it..." Paradise knew about what Sweetie Belle was doing and she was still going. Also of note, Paradise was apparently in the wrong place at the wrong time. "Flying-V, I just want to say thanks for all the help and support you've given me. So, um, thank you."

"Oh, that was not a big deal." smiled the stallion."Oh, I think I have to go now..Um, good luck, Paradise! Bye!"

"Thanks, Flying-V... Goodbye, my friend..." Paradise said, the two embracing each other briefly, before Flying-V flew away to go play at Rock In Rio, which wouldn't be for a while.

"Goodbye, Paul," Fluttershy muttered before turning to Paradise. "I'm so glad Paradise. I'm a little confused as to why Gilda said we weren't friends anymore, but, aside from that, it's all good."

"Fluttershy," Paradise looked at said pony, "we were friends all along. You just didn't agree with me opinion and that's why we briefly weren't. But I don't blame you for that. I blame that griff."

"You can stop calling her a 'griff', you know."

And so all's well that ended well. And Paradise knew knew that it did end well. Sure there was a large chance Paradise could meet Gilda again, but there was a large chance she wouldn't, so Paradise technically won. And the prize from that was Fluttershy being her friend once again. Anyways, Paradise loved Ponyville. It was a silent and peaceful town, unlike the now boring shininess and niceness of Canterlot. Sure, she knew she would miss her other friends in Canterlot, like Flying-V Stratocast and Caroline. But she had new friends. New, much better friends. So everything was just fine... Well, it was until Sweetie's head exploded from still trying to spell methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamylserylleucylphenylalany...