//------------------------------// // The Essence of Friendship // Story: The Essence of Friendship // by LightningChaserRaikage //------------------------------// Laying in the dirt, explosions and burning metal were all I could hear. Unable to move, unable to cry for help. I guess it’s true what they say: your life really does flash before your eyes. There it all was…stretching back to that faithful day. 5 months earlier. The usual grey day of life, same routine: get up, survive the day, and get back to bed. Ever since the economy crash in 2017 the unemployment rate skyrocketed, and houses on my street were under constant foreclosure. I was one of the lucky ones able to keep my house, but without my neighbors and my friends able to keep their houses they all had to move back in with their parents, don’t know how long it will be until the economy gets worse from this; hell I don’t think it can get any worse. So far I’ve managed to keep my two closest friends under my roof for some time now. Zach and Jeff, we all had one thing in common, we are bronies; though the show had not aired since June of 2024, we still have a love for the show. I usually go out running in the afternoon around the neighborhood and through the local park. Since I started my runs, I have been trying to beat the time it takes for me to make a full round. On the way back, I noticed a light was on in one of the houses. Unusual for the fact that the house hasn’t been occupied in 20 years. I chose to ignore it and continue my run till I got home. My house is found with a large candle porch, since the government shut off power to this district due to “budget cuts”, it has been dark enough to make death scared, lucky we got a generator; but we try not to use it often. Upon opening the door I was greeted by an “all these ponies are CRAZY!!!” I know that voice, it was Twilight from the first episode of season one. “Did the HUB station re-air or is this another one of your recorded tapes?” I asked. Zach was sitting on the couch eating a cake from Jeff’s football win party. “The latter, I still can’t believe that they cancelled the show half way into the fifth season.” “Yea… anyway where’s Jeff?” “At the gym, still training for the upcoming season.” “Hey, do you know where a flashlight is?” I chuckled a little as I asked “No, why?” I thought about telling him about the light, but I decide it was not important. “I am going to try a new route on my run, but it is getting too dark to see.” I hated lying trough my teeth, ironically I was good at it. Zach sighed and calmly stated, “It’s in the cabinet with the magazine stash.” I found it next to a pile of weapon mags; since we were both in the military; we were able to put arms in our home. I grab the light, and set out to ease my curiosity. Staring at the house, I could faintly see something was not right. For one thing: the light was out, but that was not the problem. What caught my attention the most was that I could sense that someone or something was moving inside, aware that I was watching. My heart rate was rising, hands getting clammy. Not many things in this world frighten me, but whatever was in this house nearly has me petrified. Mustering all my courage, I climb the steps, turned the knob and took my first step; cautious but wide. Even with the flashlight on, my visibility was crap, nothing but dust, tattered drapes and rotten, creaking wood. *SLAM* I turn around under sheer instinct, ready to run, but the door prevented any moonlight to peek through. The only thought that ran through my head kept repeating itself: So this is how I die. I shook my head driving the thought out my head. I know I survived worse, but none the less this was all too strange. “Damn, starting to wish I brought a weapon.” Taking a few more steps I could hear voices, female voices, whispering in the darkness, so quiet that I could barely hear them. And that when I saw it, a light, flickering but an reddish, pink color, almost like someone lit a road flare as a light and heat source. Walking towards the light the wood creaks under each step, breathing getting heavy, I take a look in the room to see a ball of light just floating in mid-air. Before I could even comprehend what it was, *DONK!*, something hits the back of my head and I black out. Waking from the blackness, my vision blurred, and my ears were still ringing. “Ugh…what happened?” I managed to groan out, but I was pretty sure my words slurred. And then I heard a voice, familiar but indistinguishable. “Who are you? Where are we and what do you what from us?!” I couldn’t speak but the voice then began to talk to someone else, conversing on what to do with me. Then a fist contacted my face and I saw more black. When I wake up again, I find myself flat on my front porch. Getting up caused almost all the bones in my body to crack. After fishing for the house key, I get in and begin the usual routine and head off to work. Though work is slow since the game designers have lost all imagination, if any, in a new video game that could capture the public. Getting back was a slow drive through downtown, looking at the road and reminiscing on the days when the streets where filled with people. Teenage girls on their “shopping sprees”, couples lining up for the movies or sitting in a café. Then again, America was not the best judge on leadership, especially when it came to politics, so most of those luxuries soon fell out of the social norm. As soon as I got home, Zach had thrown a birthday party, I had completely forgotten about it and I know how much of a party animal he can be. What came to my surprise was that Jeff was there as well. “Jeff! What are you doing here? I thought you had a big game tonight.” Jeff replied with a sly grin, “You kidding, I can’t leave my friends alone on a birthday. Now, LET’S PARTY!!!” Next morning, I woke up in my bed, sunlight light peeking through the blinds. I manage to get up, though drinking all that beer and soda mixed with junk food, pizza and god knows what else, really stirred up a nasty hangover. I open the blinds and then I hear a “Shut the blinds, we are trying to sleep here.” “Oh, sorry.” I calmly say and then close the blinds. I go into the bathroom to wash my face. “Wait a minute…” I go back into the bedroom and rip the covers from the mattress to find the weirdest thing I have ever seen. Laying in my bed was not one but SIX women in my bed. I couldn’t tell if that was awkward or awesome, but to top it off they were all naked! My mind lurched, trying to contain any thoughts or actions that may lead to worse. I managed to sneak out of my room without waking them and hurriedly tiptoe to Zach’s room. “Dude... dude, wake up. You gotta see this.” Zach pulls the covers over his head and moans, “It’s too early in the morning, just leave me alone.” My patience was wearing thin by the situation at hand. “WAKE UP YOU LAZY BASTARD, YOU GOT SHIT TO EXPLAIN!!!” I flipped his bed over trying to get is ass out of it. “Dude! What the hell!” “Zach, did you by any chance get hookers or female “friends” invited to the party?” Zach looked at me like I was crazy, I probably was. “Nooooo…why?” My eyes widened, “Get Jeff.” I slightly creak the door open enough for our eyes to see my bed, the women still sleeping. Both Jeff and Zach look at each other and then to me. Jeff started by saying that I was a lucky bastard, though sometimes I think I am one on occasion; but Zach was asking me how long I knew these women, but I just kept telling him: “I don’t know, I don’t know!” By then one of the girls slowly sat up, rubbed her eyes and then stared at us. For fifteen minutes it was a stare off, ‘course to break the silence Jeff decides to push me in the room and slam the door shut. “You’re going to pay for that Jeff!” I shouted, bad move; now all the girls were awake and staring at me. I was prepared for the beating I was expecting to get. But to my surprise one of them hold a hand out to help me up. “Uh…thanks.” I say with much surprise. The girl was probably around 20 years old, a little shorter than me, and straight hair of an unusual indigo hue with a violet and pink stripe running from her bangs through her entire length of hair. I try to turn my vision to a different object; though they were naked, I wanted to keep some integrity. She looked at me with violet eyes and introduced herself, “Hello, my name is Twilight, Twilight Sparkle.” My jaw could have hit the floor. Did I just hear right? Did she say her name was Twilight Sparkle? Nah, it could just be coincidence. Shortly after they all introduced themselves: The girl with blonde hair and freckles was Applejack, the one with curly hair being Rarity, Fluttershy had her hair all the way down her back, Pinkie Pie with the same puffy hair style as in the cartoon and Rainbow Dash with the rainbow hair. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, it was ridiculous. Then I notice on each of their lower backs, their cutie marks were set just above their hip. I guess they were telling the truth. After a while of talking and trying to grasp the situation, I step outside the door and walk into the kitchen to get a much needed lunch. While browsing the fridge Jeff comes up behind me and asked, “You’re not dead? What the hell happened in there?” Zach had the same thought, I could tell it from his face. “Oh, you guys are not going to believe this.” After a few minutes of explaining I could see their eyes grow wider and wider as I tell about it. Jeff appeared speechless, but Zach just acted like it was typical, he is not the most expressive person, except in situations of utter randomness. Jeff looked on the verge of going ballistic, “Jeff, why don’t you go to the back yard, hop the fence into the park and then go nuts to your heart’s content.” “Yea, ok” Jeff exhaled, “but why aren’t you freaking out about this.” “Because I know how to contain my excitement, none the less you should go outside before you feel like blowing your head off.” In a short 5 minutes, Jeff came back fully calm, but I don’t know how long that will last. Just as I finished explaining, Pinkie Pie randomly jumped on my back. I didn’t know what was more awkward: Me giving a 20 year old humanized Pinkie Pie a piggyback ride, or the fact that she was still naked while doing so. The weight was barely enough for me to hold on for long before the rest of the girls dog pile me. “Ow…hey Jeff, Gimme a hand here?” I groaned “Hell, I’ll trade places with ya.” “Ok, first order of business, we need to find them some clothes. Quickly please, I think I’m getting a bloody nose.” Zach kept staring at Pinkie Pie the entire time, I know that she is his favorite, but now his face looked like he received a gift from God and was spasing out because of it. I thought that the shock of have a HUMAN Pinkie Pie standing in front of him was what started this reaction, ‘course the other possibility was that she was not wearing any clothes. So I had to slap him in the face with a sock to snap him out of it. Jeff came back with all the clothes that the stores had, it wasn’t much but what can you expect from this economy. I instructed the six girls to try the cloths we provided. On instinct I shielded both Zach’s and Jeff’s eyes as they proceeded to do the same in a cartoon fashion where I was in the middle and both of their hands were covering my eyes, trying to keep whatever decency we had left. All we heard were the bantering of “this doesn’t fit right”, “Where does this go?” and “what is this for?” After lasting for several minutes of this ordeal we lowered our hands to see a pile of girls, cloths and somehow grape jelly. We all looked at Pinkie Pie, whom having jelly spots on her face, and chuckled. I spoke up and said, “Here let us help you.” It took some time to find the right clothes that fit, but we eventually got the right looks to fit their personality. Twilight was dressed in a suit with a white shirt and dark purple vest; Fluttershy in a yellow sweater and long moss green skirt; Rarity in a white sundress; Rainbow Dash wore a short skirt, slightly ripped grey stockings and a cyan hoodie; Applejack had a pair of jeans, a low cut white T-shirt and an orange flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up to mid-bicep, though due the fan made pictures of them Jeff decided to tie both shirts in the front like the stereotypical farmer girl where her belly was exposed. Pinkie Pie was the hardest to figure out in terms of outfit, but we managed to get her into knee length jeans and a small T-shirt. I started out by making some muffins, while Jeff got some soda and Zach sat on the floor due to the fact that all the girls fit on the couch and two chairs. When we all got in the den, there was an unwavering silence of us darting our eyes to each other. Then Jeff breaks the silence by asking, “So… how did you girls get here?” I was pretty sure Zach and I were just as curious in the matter. Twilight was the one to answer, “Well I’m not sure, all of us were in the Canterlot archives looking for a way to solve a shortage in our hay growth, we did find the scroll but I must have said the wrong incantation. The last thing I remember was seeing a white light and hearing a voice screaming my name. But I don't remember who screamed or how they sounded. And the next thing I knew we were here.” Jeff continued to ask questions. “Ok…how ‘bout explaining why you were… y’know… naked?” “Jeff, had you considered the fact that they do not typically WEAR modern clothes back in their universe?” I quickly responded. “Oh…right.” “How about explaining why you were all in my bed this morning?” I looked at Twilight while asking. Almost instantly everyone looks at Pinkie Pie, she giggled and said, “I was curious and wanted to see if we could be friends.” “Oh, I see.” My eye then turned to Rainbow Dash; she had a bored expression and was obvious that she was not going to trust the three of us as easily as the others. “I’m going outside.” She bluntly states, then walks outside the door. “What’s her deal?” I asked, but I already knew the answer. “I reckon she has trust issues with you three. Ya know, with this whole falootin’ mess we are in.” Applejack responds. I tried to sink in her words and then rose; I knew what I had to do. “I’ll go talk to her.” I said Applejack was quick to retaliate, “You sure that there be a good idea, sugar?” “Yes... yes I am.” I step outside, *WHACK!*, searing pain strikes my head as the PVC pipe hits the ground. I look up to see Rainbow Dash laughing her ass off in the tree branch overhead. Applejack comes out of the house seeing me clutching my head and Rainbow in the tree. Without a word she kicks the tree and the whole things shakes and sways. Man, I’ve never seen such power; then again, I never knew how much PVC hurt. Rainbow was barely hanging on the tree when I looked up and on instinct, dove under her to catch her when she lost her grip on the bark. “Are you ok?” I asked. But she gave me this blank surprised look. I was not prepared for what she did next. For a few minutes I stood in the front yard, cradling Rainbow Dash, eyes staring into each other, trying to read our thoughts. My mind snapped back to reality and I gingerly set her back on her feet. I was sure I was blushing because my face was hot, my heart pounding louder than a drum line and my palms were sweating. I looked at Rainbow Dash and began again, “So…are you o-" *WHACK*, I did not have time to react as Dash’s foot connected with my left cheek. I lay face up in the mid-morning sun, tilted my head up. “Beautiful roundhouse!” I moaned before blacking out. Zach kicked me in the side and I woke up, it was dark and the streets were pitch black. “Ugh…how long was I out?” I managed to groan “A few hours. Damn that was some kick she’s got.” Jeff states, he was impressed. “Yea, more kick then shotgun on steroids.” I chuckled. “What time is it?” Zach looks at his watch, “Quarter to ten.” “And which way did Dash go?” “North, towards the park.” I instantly got up, ran in and out of the house with my car keys and ran to the Koenigsegg Agera R. I somehow got my hands on one of these just before the economy crash. This was one of those moments where having connections in Europe really paid off. I turned the key and awoken the beast, engine revving, the power I could feel in my very bones as I floored it. The car went screaming down the street, not that there were any cops around, the city fell apart with their legal system and the police force was overrun by the gangs that run the slums of the city. I must have been driving for at least 3 hours because I had to be in 7th gear by the time I caught up with her. Hitting the E-brake, I power parked on the curb and hopped out to stop her. She manages to plow right through me and I ended up running after her. ‘Damn I knew she was fast, but I never imagined her to be this fast.’ I thought, but I am a runner and I'm more than a match for her. “Rainbow Dash slow down! I just want to talk!” I hollered. “Leave me alone!” she cried back. Not good enough, so I went into full on sprint. I was able to get close enough to grasp her arm, but I tripped and accidently tackled her to the grass. Time stopped, I was laying over Dash in the park grass, the air was still and I could hear my heart pounding on my eardrums. Now that she was still I got a good look at her face, soft and smooth skin, her Rainbow colored hair spread outwards and shining light violet eyes. My mind snapped to reality as Rainbow started to kick and scream, “Let go of me! Get off!” In order to prevent her from punching me in the face, I pinned her arms down to the grass with firm grip. She was still struggling, but what I saw almost made me loosen my grip. One good look at Dashie and I saw…tears. Another look at her eyes, they were red, she had been crying this whole time. I paused in thought to figure out why she was crying. Short lived it was, when Jeff brought the rest of the gang in his Challenger with Pinkie halfway out of the moon roof. Zach stepped out of the car and stopped with mouth agape. I looked at him and then at Rainbow Dash, then I quickly let go of her wrists, “Zach, I know what you’re thinking and this isn’t what it looks like.” Bad move, next thing I knew, Rainbow swung a right hook straight to my left temple. I rolled over, gripping my head while Dash turned the tables. Now she was on top of me punching me in the chest multiple times. It took Applejack to pry her off me, while everyone was trying to calm her down, Jeff helped a very winded me up. “Dude, what happened? Why was she like that?” “I don’t know Jeff, but whatever it was, it was what caused her to cry.” “She was crying?” “Yes, by the look of her eyes, she must have been doing so for hours.” Needless to say, I kind of felt sorry for her. Once Dash was calm, Jeff took the opportunity to properly introduce himself to Applejack. “Hi, I’m Jeff Revette, nice to meet you.” Jeff started. Good start Jeff. Good start. Applejack responded, “Howdy, I’m Applejack.” “I was impressed with that kick you gave to get Rainbow Dash down from that tree.” Jeff continued. “Years of applebuckin’, gives ya a good leg work out.” Or abusing the Thigh Master. I just knew that they were going to get along nicely. While everyone cramped into Jeff’s car, I told them that I would be driving to my usual place. Jeff and Zach both nodded at me and drove back to the house. I hopped in my car and drove west towards the ocean. I decided to take my time on the lonely road, almost lost in thoughts of current events; only looking up to swerve a piece of debris that still lingered on the road. Once I got on the beach, I took a walk up the cliff trail to the top of a 50 foot cliff face where there was a patch of loose dirt. I sat down and stared out to the horizon. ‘Man…what a first day.’ I thought to myself, and began mulling over other thoughts. I must have sat there all night because the sunrise broke my train of thought. I rubbed my eyes and suddenly felt something move on my thigh. I look down to find a wave of Rainbow colored hair and a sleeping girl breathing slowly. I swear my heart beat so fast it could’ve exploded…twice. Once again I was trapped, if I moved and she woke up…oh god that won’t be pretty. I slowly shifted myself with my hand supporting her head trying to slide out from under her. “HOLD IT!” Dash screamed and wrapped her arms around my neck. I was sure that I was going to die but then she slumped down, still hang on my neck. I slowly exhaled a sigh of relief as I realized that she was still asleep. “I’m…sorry…for hitting you earlier.” She mumbled I whisper, “It’s ok…you must have been confused... scared...and felt like and outsider.” I knew how she felt, most of my life I had to work alone, with low expectations placed against me; but I had Jeff and Zach for support. We were inseparable after college. I carried Rainbow Dash into my passenger seat and drove back to the house, taking my time as to not wake her from her much needed slumber. By the time we got home, I gingerly carried Rainbow Dash into my bed, tucked her under the covers and silently closed the door behind me. I walked into the den, laid on the couch and almost instantly fell asleep. Eventually, I woke up and the house was quiet, I looked around and found a note sitting on the coffee table. It read: Dear Chris, Zach and I took the girls to downtown to get some shoes for them, be back around 5pm. I got up from the couch into the kitchen to get some lunch, looking at the clock it showed 2:37 pm, I would need something quick to eat. I rummaged through the fridge to find that only the milk and couple of beers where left. Pinkie must have been snacking at night. I sighed, closed the fridge and started to walk to get my coat for another grocery run. But then I saw it…there was a sandwich sitting on the counter with a note attached to a toothpick. For Chris: Thank you and your friends for helping us understand this world and trying to get us back home. I pick it up and inspected its contents: ham, salami and cucumber on wheat bread. Seems they know me well. After having my lunch I took my coat and keys before leaving the house. “Uh…Chris?” Rainbow said. I turn around to see her wearing just her lingerie and one of my shirts, she looked like one of those women in soap operas... or a Secret model. “Oh you’re up,” I stated, “I was just going to go out and get more food, due to Pinkie’s appetite.” I heard her chuckle, and by god it was cute. “Can I come?” she asked “Sure why not, just get dressed properly and we’ll be on our way.” We both got in my car and drove to the local supermarket, which of course was near abandoned, but there were some employees still working. Considering that we now have nine people to feed instead of three, I wasn’t sure if my paycheck was going to pay for all that food for long. Done with the groceries, I drove us through downtown when Rainbow Dash yells, “STOP THE CAR!” I have never hit my brakes harder in my life, but then Dashie runs out of the car and presses against the window of an abandoned shoe store. I step out and look through the glass, she was looking at a pair of black sport boots with two leather straps encircling the shins of the boot. I look at Rainbow Dash and then step in the store take the boots and give them to her. She made that fan girl squeal like she did in the Gala. I had to admit they looked nice on her. She asked for me to continue driving around the city, I firmly stated that we had to get the food to the house quickly before it spoiled. She gave a disappointed sigh as we drove off. Heading back to the house in the late afternoon, I got to the front door just before Pinkie Pie busted out of the door and landed right on top of me. The look on her face told me something was wrong, and she kept babbling, “JEFFINMOTOSTAREBUTSCARY-“ “Whoa there, sugar cube. Let me explain.” Applejack stated and proceeds to lift Pinkie of me. I groaned as I lifted myself from the ground. “So what seems to be the problem, the only audible thing I heard was something about Jeff.” “Ya, about that…he’s in the garage. And he hasn’t’ moved in over 45 minutes. Me an-“ But I raised my hand to cut her off. “I know what is going on, wait here, I’ll talk with him.” I then walked into the house to the garage door, and opened it to see Jeff sitting on a stool in the corner. I followed his transfixed eyes to a motorcycle that collected more dust than a mummy. I drew a stool up next to him and sat down, but his posture did not change. I knew why he was like this, the bike used to belong to his father, a great man in the Kenyan Conflict. He’d been meaning to fix it up, get it working again, but never caught the time because the pain of losing his dad nearly shattered his life and sent him in a five year depression. This item was just as sentimental to him as the crystal pendant around my neck. It was shaped in a tear drop and shown a brilliant rainbow refraction despite its pale blue color. It was planned to be a family heirloom if I ever had children of my own, but I have yet to be successful in finding love in this shithole of a country. Since I got it, I never took it off except to sleep and to shower. “You miss him don’t you?” I asked, turning to him. “He was the best man I knew, just wish that I could fix that bike of his to fulfill his last wish.” “Yeah…I know. Come on, the girls are getting worried about you.” I said, patting him on the back. Jeff stood up and walked into the hallway as I turned out the light to the garage. One day, the bike will ride again... I promise Jeff. Over the next few days, it was just me and the guys showing the girls about our world and things in it. Though today started to change the tempo on our lives. Twilight was worrying more often about not getting home, desperately searching through every book in the local library…twice (even three times!), for a way to get back home. I walked into the office where she kept the books she checked out once to check on her progress. “How is the search going?” “Not good, not good, not good. I’ve searched through every book in this collection on magic of ancient times five times already and I’ve still found nothing!” The distress of the issue was tearing her apart. “I know you’ll find the answer Twi. If anyone can do it, it’s you.” She smiled at me and continued her research. I closed the door as not to create more interruptions for her studies. As I passed by the den I overheard Jeff chatting with Applejack about his dad and the bike, AJ was fascinated by his story. In the kitchen I saw Zach talking with Pinkie about parties and pranks that they have thrown, seeing my two best friends with the literal “girls of their dreams” made me happy. I looked out to the backyard to see Fluttershy communicating with the woodland creatures that survived the clearing of animals of this city. As I poured myself a cup of tea, Rarity came bursting through the front door. Out of nowhere she dragged me onto the driveway. She was asking me about my car, and at the same time, scrutinizing Jeff’s for the Metallica: Master of Puppets spray job on his SRT 2011 Challenger. “Oh my, that has got to be the most revolting design I have ever seen, ack…it is clearly a violation of fashion.” She rambled on, good thing I had more self-control than a martial arts master; the temptation to punch her in the face was almost unbearable…almost. I felt very insulted since I helped Jeff get the paint job for him. Even more so that I even built the car; no car manufacturers ran business anymore so the blueprints were left in the dealer’s drawers. After hours of torture from Rarity’s fashion rant, I went to look for Rainbow Dash. Eventually I found her at the park, long since abandoned of cheerful children. Walking through the stone pathway that ran through the park; Dashie tried to dragon kick me, but I reacted quick enough to catch her in mid-air. “Nice try, that won’t work on me twice.” I said with a sly grin. Impressed as she was, she was still a black belt in karate, but oblivious that I was a master of all forms of martial arts and military combat. Time after time I was able to counter her persistent volley of attacks, but I kept reflecting her back to the ground. I stood over her tired body, “Not bad, you are crafty, I’ll give you that.” “Thanks,” she replied “um…Chris? I…If it’s not too much for asking…can you…can you teach me how you fight?” I raised an eyebrow, Me? Teach Rainbow Dash to fight? I pondered the thought, but decided what the hell. “Sure, I can’t see why not. But I warn you…my hands are registered lethal weapons.” I started out by showing her Tai Chi, Kung Fu and Bushido; I surprised me how quickly she learned the techniques, she had already reached a red belt level. We both walked back to the house, all the while Dash was fascinated by my travels to distant countries for my combat training and even my time in the U.S Air Force. Once we got back home, Rainbow took a shower while I went to the kitchen. Looked in the fridge to find it was empty again, looks like Pinkie had another kitchen raid. So I grabbed my car keys, and head to the supermarket. After getting out with handfuls of food. I take a look at the sky and gazed upon three Blackhawks zooming past the cityscape. Something was wrong, I could tell; nothing flew across the sky except the government. Not two seconds after, I got a call from Jeff. “Dude...come back to the house…we g…got trouble.” I dropped everything I have in my arms and floored it home. Once I got there, I glimpse at the blown in windows, the door in completely gone; on closer inspection the house was ransacked. Everything was laid on the floor, I search the house but all the rooms were empty. I look outside to find Jeff and Zach knocked out in the backyard. “Jeff! Jeff, wake up!” I yelled, slapping his face back and forth. His head turned and I saw a silver dart in his neck. I plucked it out and sniffed the tip. “Sulfer, with a hint of …potassium…what kind of black ops bullshit is this?!” I angrily scream out. Jeff was beginning to stir as I managed to wake up Zach. “Ugh… why does my head hurt? What happened?” “The government broke in and kidnapped the girls.” Without thinking I pulled a knife from my sock sheath and threw it at a bush. “Gah!!! Damnit!” a voice screamed. Jeff ran over, reached in and tossed one of the soldiers in front of my feet. I pulled my knife out of his thigh. I looked towards Jeff, then Zach. We all had the same idea. *WHACK* Nose was running with blood, bruises all over his face and a black eye was beginning to swell. “Now…I am going to ask again. Where are they?” I stated. The man remained silent, my patience was wearing thin. “Ok…have it your way. Zach…let’s see if you can make our 'guest' a little more…communicative.” I darkly stated. At that moment, Zach pulled out an old car battery and jumper cables. He hooked the cables and clapped the other ends together, allowing the sparks to fly. The then attached the other ends to his left ear and right wrist. I asked again, “Where are the girls?!” but he still said nothing. I nod at Zach and he flipped the switch. Screams of agony filled the room and then died after five seconds of shock therapy. He was breathing heavily; I kneeled down to meet his eyes. He slowly tilted his head up, blood beginning to flow out his ears and eyes. “Once more. Where. Are. The. Girls?” He still kept his mouth shut; expect he took the opportunity to spit in my face. That was the last straw; I grabbed a pistol from the workbench, cocked it, aimed and pulled the trigger. The smell of blood, sweat and gunpowder filled the room. The man was muffling all the pain caused from me blowing his kneecap clean off. The red plasma oozing down his leg, bare muscles and veins writhing like headless snakes. I look at Jeff and he handed me a yellow, egg shaped fruit. I look back at the man, bloody, broken, and just about ready to snap. “You know what the weird thing is I find about lemons? The uses it has, much like duct tape, it can be used for… unintentional purposes. But like to use them to flavor my Fish n’ chips. I then proceeded to crush the lemon in my hand, the foggy yellow liquid ran down my fingertips, dripping slowly onto his bare bones and nerves. More screams came from the beaten man, “OK!...ok…I’ll talk.” He gasped and heaved heavily. I leaned in closer so I could hear what he had to say. Just as he finished, Jack opened the door, sniper rifle slung over his shoulder and a leather sack of ammo tied on his belt, “Hey guys, I’m back from Siberi- what the hell is going on here?” “Gentleman, I’ll leave you to go nuts with this man. Oh, and clean up when you’re done. Jack, come here…I’ll explain.” While I debriefed Jack on the situation, the sound of punches, screams and on occasion a gunshot filled as ambiance. The look on his face gave me the hint that he thought I was insane, granted I believed that I was for the most part. The ambiance stopped and Zach and Jeff walk out with bloody knuckles and stains on their clothes. “Zach, go to your cache and take all the ammo you can carry and get into the APC. Jeff, Jack, get in your cars…we’re going on a road trip. Move people!” Everyone scrambled to their assignments. I walked into my room; it looked just as ransacked at the rest of the house; turned a picture of my parents hanging on the wall and pressed a button in the lower left corner of the frame. The bed flipped and a trapdoor reveled itself, I pulled the handle and let light run down a stone spiral stair case. Upon reaching the bottom, a voice spoke from the darkness: Voice key required to progress. “Sic Parvis Magna.” Access granted. I steel door raised to a lighted hallway, rows upon rows of guns, ammunition and explosives lined the walls. I designed this hallway so that if anyone where to discover it, they would take the fake guns that line this hall. I walk all the way to the other side to a keypad and scanner. Typing the code and a retina scan finalize with a voice code that only I knew. Input Access Code. “Code word: Lighting Strike.” Access Granted. Welcome Major. The inner sanctum of this cavern made the Batcave look like a pillow fort. Holographic screens activated. An AI program that an old friend of mine had coded into the system for emergencies appeared next to me. He called it the Creative Adapting Resource Intelligence Network. Greetings master, what brings you to the Vault? “C.A.R.I.N., we have been breached.” Breached? By what extent? “Code White, C.A.R.I.N. Get me the Viking Package.” Right way master, shall I ready the Lightning Chaser? “Just keep her maintained till I get there.” I took out the three guns I needed for every mission I had in the Force from a black box: more ammo for my HK45 pistol, an HK416, and a Steyr Elite sniper rifle slung over my shoulders, making a cross on my back. I was dressed in black stealth uniform and an ammo vest; titanium toed combat boots and a radio receiver in my ear. Is there anything else I can do? I need to find out where those bastards are. Those darts are all too familiar. “Yes, C.A.R.I.N., can you pinpoint a location by the content of a fluid dart?” Why yes master I can. I laid the silver dart on a table and a blue grid scaned it. Searching possible matches…Match found. It appears that the dart is a specially made non-lethal sedative liquid derived from a eucalyptus leaf that has a light sulfur odor to hide the true contents of the fluid. The casing is made of a chrome-aluminum alloy that was manufactured in Tucson, Arizona for Navy Seals in 2015 but the manufacture had since been shut down and the project canceled. “C.A.R.I.N, search locations based on shipping manifests, display locations where cargo traffic was high.” Accessing archives…match found…displaying locations. The screen shown the world map, zoomed in on the U.S and two red dots shined on the screen. One was in Houston, Texas and the other in New York City. “Download the map and locations to my PDA.” Downloading...Done. . Once topside, I meet with the boys on the driveway, dressed in similar attire as me, they seemed anxious to move out. “Guys, our mission is to rescue the girls from the government, there are two locations where they are holding them.” I pulled the PDA and showed the map on the screen, “The targets, Codenamed: Elements, will most likely be separated into two groups. We’ll split into two teams, Zach and Jack will take the Houston base; while Jeff and I will head to Nevada to get the transport necessary to reach New York.” I looked up to see if they were following was I was saying. “No survivors only get the girls. If you succeed with the rescue, report in to me and meet at the rendezvous point V. Good luck…and Godspeed.” As I the gang hustled to their cars, I stopped Jack before he could move. “Jack…I got one thing to ask you.” “Yea, what is it?” he questioned. I gestured for him to lean closer and whispered into his ear. “Ok, I’ll see what I can do.” Satisfied, I hopped in my car and drove off, Jeff trailing behind. “Hey Jeff…” “What?” “Try to keep up.” I floored it, taking my car into eighth gear. Jeff floored it as well, seeing as I added 900 extra Horsepower to his car while I built it, he was barely able to keep up. It took a two day run, given the stops for gas fills, but we eventually got to the Nevadan dessert. It was nighttime, I stopped in the middle of nowhere and stepped out of the car. Jeff parked his car next to mine, hopped out. “Where are we?” “This, my friend, is the bunker.” I knelt down and wiped the sand off of a metal plate with a circular notch etched in it. I removed my ring from the leather strap and inserted it into the notch. The sound of gears turning echoed in the waving sand as a building slowly rose from the sand, towering over us like a giant. “Leave the car.” I said, removing the ring from the plate and back on my neck. Jeff walks beside me, turned around to witness the cars sinking in the sand. “Don’t worry, just focus on the mission.” I stated as we both entered the building. The room was dark, but it was massive judging by echo of our footsteps and breathing. “C.A.R.I.N …lights please.” As you wish, sir. The flood lights lining the ceiling activated and the room was filled with various sorts of air and spacecraft, though they were mostly antiques, some could still function. I looked at Jeff, his eyes were wide and mouth agape. “Damn Chris, you’re full of surprises. How did you afford all this?” I returned with a sly grin, “Who said I bought them? C.A.R.I.N …clear the room, prepare the runway for takeoff.” Suddenly, the planes shifted to opposite sides of the building as a landing strip rose from the floor down the center and the Bombay doors slid open. “Time to let the bird fly. C.A.R.I.N …” Yes? “Raise the LC.” The sound of lifts echoed as an F-35 Lightning II rose though the floor. It was black with a Navy blue lightning bolt painted on both sides of the wings. “Dude…what is that?” Jeff inquired. “That is my pride and the dark horse of the Air Force, the Lightning Chaser. Since the military was disbanded back in 2016, I was allowed to keep this old bird. I spent the next few years maintaining and modifying it.” “So that’s what you were doing in Nevada, and here I thought you went to Vegas to get some hookers.” “Har Har, just get in.” “One more question, how did you pay for maintenance?” “Oh, I used your debit card.” I sarcastically remarked. Jeff gave me a cold stare, “Fucker…” “You can get mad at me when we saved the girls, now get in princess.” Once strapped in, I grabbed the radio, “Bravo team, report on your situation. Repeat, what is going on?” At first I got static, but then Jack responded. “This is Bravo, we have sighted the base, but we are under heavy fire!” *BOOM* “We might be delayed in the rescue!” “I don’t care when or how you do it, just save them!” I yelled before I hung up. “C.A.R.I.N, are we ready to launch?” Activating thrusters...meters calibrated...weapon systems online. You may begin take off. Without missing a millisecond I punched to full throttle, our bodies sunk into the chairs as the plane took off. Reaching 10,000ft altitude, the plane was flying over various landscapes, some that held better during these hard times. “Dude, we need to get to New York, like yesterday!” Jeff hollered in the back. “Then hold on to your ass!” I screamed and I pressed the booster. For a moment time slowed down before the plane jerked forward and the sound of a lightning strike shot outside. The G-forces were literally pushing us halfway into our seats as my barometer displayed Mach 5. The booster stopped and the plane slowed to normal cruising speed. I heard Jeff groan in the back and puked up whatever lunch he had prior to the launch in a bag. “There Jeff, we made it to New York in 10 seconds flat.” “I can see why you called it the Lightning Chaser.” Jeff moaned as he vomited again. I see the base in the Harlem district and vertically land the plane in Central Park. We both hopped out, Jeff still sick from the G-force said he would catch up in a minute. I nodded and jogged northeast toward the base. Most of the buildings where ruined, some of the skyscrapers were leaning against the ones still standing; reminded me how fucked up the country was. I found a hospital building tall enough for me to overlook the base. I set down my Elite, lay on the concrete and looked through the scope. Four towers, four guards; I based my assumption that the majority of the base was subterranean. I sit up, attached a silencer to the barrel lay back down and aimed for my first target and pulled. One goes down, three to go; I get up, slung the rifle across my back and started to walk towards the stairs. Then I notice zip lines running from the top of the building to another, and from there, there were bridges. Seems like resistance fighters used these to get across the roof tops, lucky me. I take my pistol, get a running start and gripped tightly as I zipped down to the lower building; hoping that the rope wasn’t going to break. On the next rooftop, I repeated my shots till all the guards were dead. “Come in Jeff, can you ready? The lighthouse is broken. Over.” “Acknowledged, moving to wall, meet you there.” I got up and continued to move from roof top to roof top until I was outside the base wall. Another transmission from Jack: “Chris, we got in the base, but we need schematics of the layout.” “Sending you floor plans now.” Jeff was waiting on the west side with a hook and rope by the time I managed to meet with him. It took some finesse to sneak into the base, having to take vents, and occasionally break a few necks, but we eventually reached the detention wing. We searched every cell and found Rainbow and Applejack, chained to the wall, beaten, bloody; their prison garb was torn and mutilated. It was almost unbearable to witness. I try to yank the cell door open but in wouldn’t budge, Jeff started going ape shit after seeing Applejack in her condition and started to punch the steel door. I look down to note a pad lock imbedded in the door. “Course it’s locked, it’s always locked.” “Good thing I came prepared.” Jeff smugged as he pulled out a screwdriver and a handful of booby pins with bleeding knuckles. “I pick more than my nose, my friend.” It took five minutes to throw the lock open, due to the constant breakage of the pins. I notice a small computer terminal hanging on the wall, my curiosity got the better of me as I hacked into the mainframe. Once Jeff got lock open I heard him saying. “Got it, I am a god…I’m a god.” “Jeff…take a look at this.” I motioned him to look at the terminal screen. “What’s this?...What is this? What does this do?” On the screen displayed a command to the holding cell. Jeff expression changed dramatically as the terminal showed: -Disengage Locks- Leaving Jeff in the hall to recollect himself, I went in and knelt in front of Rainbow Dash. “Dashie…Dashie, it’s me.” Dash slowly raised her head, face looking no different than the guy we tortured. As I looked into her hazy eyes, placed my hand on her left cheek, I could feel tears rolling over my fingers. “It’s going to be ok; we’re getting you out of here.” I used my knife to pry the cuffs from her wrists, Jeff finally in the cell doing the same to Applejack. My PDA received another radio transmission from Bravo team. “Chris, we have the Elements, moving inbound to rendezvous point.” “Copy that, Alpha team collected the Elements, making our escape.” Carrying Dash and AJ on our shoulders, we fought our way out to the lot where we hijacked a jeep with a grenade cannon mounted on the back and raced to the LC. The swerving and tight turns didn’t help my aim as bullets flew around us. Jeff was quick in getting us to the plane, but there was only enough room for two people. My mind was racing on many thoughts, but I clenched my fists and sighed heavily. “Jeff, take the plane and get them out of here. I’m going to buy you some time.” "What?! No way man, we are all getting out of here together!" "There isn't time to argue! The jet can only fit so many people. Dashie And Applejack can squeeze into one seat, but one of us has to find another way to the rendezvous point." Jeff was clearly troubled by leaving me behind, I could also see in his eyes that he wanted to switch places. "You better make it out alive! I'll kill you if you die now!" He finally said. "Just get them home." I reply, "C.A.R.I.N, autopilot to point V." A small chime sounded in the jet, as Jeff climbed in. I took the jeep and drove off towards what was left of Times Square. I planned to leave the city with a “parting gift.” I stopped at the center, looking up to see the plane zooming overhead before going west. ‘Just keep them safe, Jeff’ I thought as I planted mines, tripwires and C4 around the streets and intersections. The government soldiers were screaming towards me in their Humvees, jeeps and tanks. I hopped back in the Jeep, and pushed the pedal to the floor. I looked back to see one of the jeeps nearing a mine, *BOOM*-*BOOM*. The mines were tripped and the whole building collapsed and a massive dust cloud kicked up. “Looks like they’re going to have to glue you back together. IN HELL!” I yelled out. The dust cloud gave me a smokescreen for me to cross the Lincoln Tunnel to the main land and westward. Having to drive 3000 miles was excruciating, the many stops I had to make for gas, food, and sleep made it seem forever. Everywhere I went, I got looks like I was a mass murdering maniac with my weapons full blown out in public. And as if the distance was not bad enough, I was being chased by jets, choppers and jeeps. The longer it took for me to get across the country and the farther I got, became increasingly difficult to hide from the military. I was able to outrun them till I reached the Rockies where I lost them entirely…or so I thought. It had been two months when I got to the desert area of the country. The sun was blistering and heat was unbearable. I decided to go off-road for fear of being detected on the highways. After so long of being by myself, the radio garbled. “Hris…me…Can you…read?” *KSH* “Chris?! Are you there?! Can you read?!” “Hey guys, I read ya.” I respond. “Thank Christ Almighty! Your alive! What’s your ETA?” “I should be 7 klicks from the rendezvous point. Give or take 20 minutes.” “Roger that Chris. Oh, by the way, there’s someone who wants to thank you when you get here.” Jeff responded. *WHEEEEEE-BOOM* A missile exploded 5 meters away from my bumper. “What was that?!” “Seems like the welcoming committee.” I quirked. An AH- 1Z Viper zoomed over my head and was making a turn around. I rummaged around the bed of the jeep, steering with my foot. Thank god I was in the desert; I found a brown cowboy hat that looked familiar and then quickly found a rocket launcher and prepared to give the pilot a mouthful of pain and fire. When I looked u, the chopper was behind me. I fumbled with the launcher and finally looked down the lens need to lock on. The lens beeped and I pulled the trigger; the rocket flew through the air, but missed as the pilot made a sharp roll to the left. “Shit!” I screamed and punched the gas pedal. Now the chopper was gaining on me, flying low; I swerved repeatedly, hoping it will distort his aim. *BOOM* I look back; the Viper was falling to the ground, thrusters bellowing black smoke. Apparently, I used a FIM-92 Stinger, utilizing heat seeking and it followed the heat from the exhaust. The chopper crashed with a loud thud and was flipping end over end, and then exploded. I ducked as a piece of the blade whooshed above my head, but the shockwave was close enough to send the jeep airborne. I gripped the wheel tightly but the forces were too great and I lost my grasp. In a moment…I felt weightless. *THUD!* I slammed into the ground and skipped 40 yards, before blacking out. All these memories, they keep leading me back to the same place, broken and bloody in the middle of nowhere. Many thoughts ran through my head, ‘Is this how it ends? What will become of the girls? Will I ever get the chance to tell Rainbow Dash how I felt about her?’ No, I won’t let that happen, feeling in my arms and legs slowly began to return. I tried to get up, only to feel pain in my left hip. I look down to see a five inch long piece of the Viper sticking out. I grabbed the sheet of metal, grimacing at the pain. With all my strength, I yanked it out, letting out a bellowing shriek of agony. I cupped my right hand over the wound, as to keep the blood and bits of my intestines from breaching the skin. I looked at the burning inferno of the helicopter, black smoke quickly rising into the atmosphere. I turned around and began to hobble in the direction I was going. I probably got 4.8 miles before the blood loss started to get to me. My vision began to blur and my body felt like it was getting heavier and heavier. My legs gave out a couple times, but I willed them to keep moving. I was tired, thirsty and in unimaginable agony. I was able to climb over a dune to catch sight of what looked like a city, fine time for my legs to give and was rolling down the sand dune. Getting up, sand sticking to the blood and sweat; I was sure that I was going to die. In the distance I saw something coming towards me with a dust cloud trailing behind it; but my blood loss had reached its limit. I finally collapsed in the sand, staring at the sky, vultures circling. I heard the sound of an engine running and voices shouting before the lack of medical attention finally caught up to me and I passed out. My eyes slowly opened to a white room, I shift them both ways to get a look at my surroundings. I was in a hospital bed, the heart monitor reading normal, and an IV bag hung on the cart. I feel something on my hand; I look to see another hand, followed by a cyan blue sleeve and a touch of rainbow hair. I slip my hand from under Dashie’s and sat up, legs hanging over the side of the bed. The door opened and a man wearing a white coat came in, holding a clipboard. “Oh good, your finally awake.” The doctor said. “What happened?” “Your friends saved you from the bowels of the desert. Good thing too, you had lost enough blood to save seven other people.” “I have to get going, I can’t stay here for too long before-ahhhh!” Pain struck my hip as I note the bandages wrapping around my entire waist. “Sir, you have to get rest or you’ll open up the wound again.” The doc insisted. I decided to take his word for it, but I was not going to stay here. “Doc, I need to leave here and get to my friends.” “No need, they’re already here.” He said with a smile. In that same moment, the other five girls and the guys appeared in the door way, while at the same time Dash had woken up from her nap. Pinkie Pie prepared to pounce on my, but Zach had restrained her. The girls were telling me how relived they were that I was still alive. Zach and Jeff made a few jokes and we laughed it up, Jack had given me a hand shake which then turned into a hug. Jeff interrupted the moment, “Hey Chris, you owe me a new car.” “Really? What happened to your old one?” I gestured me to the window and sitting on the city street was Zach’s APC with a mangled Dodge in tow, a piece of the Viper blade was embedded down the middle of the hood; looking like a knife slicing fruit. “Oh…” I said, “So how did you get to me? “My dad’s bike, Jack got fixed up somehow.” “Don’t thank me, it was Chris’s idea.” Jack said. “Course the startup is still sticky; I had to get Applejack to kick it just to fire up the engine.” Looked at Applejack and remembered, “Oh, AJ…could you look in my pack; I think you’ll find something that belongs to you.” She proceeds to fumble in my backpack hang on a chair and pulled out the hat that I found in the jeep. She put in on her head and gave me a smile that could have made Pinkie burst out singing. “Thanks partner, I owe ya.” She stated “That won’t be necessary.” I replied. After a few minutes of the reunion, they all left…except for Dash. She looked at me with tearful eyes, “Chris…thank you.” “It was nothing, I’m sure you would have done the same thing.” "No... I couldn't do what you did when you found me." "Nonsense." I retort, "If you are willing to risk life and limb to save the ones you care about, then you have a friendship and love that can transcend time and space. A bond like that, can make a man do anything and everything to protect this loved ones." There was a moment where we just looked into each other's eyes, not paying attention to the world around us. “Well, I’ll... I'll see ya tomorrow.” She said, walking out of the room. I sauntered to the window, overlooking the bustling city of Las Vegas; one the few cities still thriving after all these years. Once I was allowed to leave the hospital, I took a car that Jeff so kindly parked in the lot and drove to the hotel they were staying in. I ordered for a room on the 7th floor, right next to the rooms that the rest of the group where staying. There were five rooms, two beds a piece; I had taken the room on the north side of the building. I head to the lobby to find the group socializing. Jeff was outside with Zach, Applejack, and Pinkie. Jeff was teaching AJ about wrestling and throwing a football to each other. Pinkie wandering around the garden, Zach close behind as to make sure she doesn’t go nuts as she always does. I saw Jack and Twilight playing a game of chess, it was obvious Jack was winning, but I think he was teaching her the game. Fluttershy and Rarity were sitting in chairs, one reading fashion magazine and the other a National Geographic. “Hey guys, miss me?” I said. Almost instantly Pinkie Pie jumps on my back, nearly making me lose my balance, everyone else had come over to welcome me back. After having a drink and trading stories of what happened after the rescue I decided that we needed to get supplies for us before we plan our next move. We spent a few weeks relaxing in the city of lights, drinking, partying and sometimes test our luck at the poker table; life seemed to go smoothly again. Sunday was one of the restock days, the ones where we all pitch in to resupply and prepare to head home. Rainbow, AJ and Twilight decided that they wanted to go see the sights, and possibly shop in the mall. So I dropped them off in the middle of the town center, all the while warning them not to go into any casinos. After the drop off, I was driving out of town to the old market on the outskirts when something hits my car square in the driver’s side door; flips upside-down, glass shattering everywhere. The rolling forced me to be thrown out of the window and lying on the road. Geez, I just can’t get a break can I? I try to look at who hit me, seeing only red and a pair of black shoes. Before I passed out, I could faintly hear someone, “We got him…Yes sir. Men, get him out and return to base, we have a meeting to prepare.” The ride in the trunk of an SUV was rough and technical. I tried to keep calm, planning my escape. They kept my wrists bounded with rope and my hands sat between my legs. Then the bouncing stopped, it was now or never. The trunk opened to a well suited man, too bad I had to add a boot mark to his face. There were five others, the first one lunged at me, but I grabbed his arm, spun it behind his back and snapped it at the elbow. The next man tried to kick me, I caught his foot, threw it upward; making him flip and fall flat on his face. I managed to swing myself on the third man, kicking the forth in the face, then threw the third into the last man, knocking both of them out. The first man recovered from my kick and tried to jab me with a knife from behind, luckily my reflexes were quick enough to punch the guy in the face. I take the knife, cut the ropes, and then plunge it deep in his chin. The crimson liquid running over my hands as his breaths got shorter and shorter. I pulled the knife out, his limp body hit the floor, blood pooling from his neck. *CLICK* “Don’t move…not unless you want to die like Lincoln.” I slowly raise my hands, drop the knife and turn around to see down the barrel of the pistol. The man holding it had a scar running from this right ear to his chin and his left eye clouded white. Without a second thought he hit me it the butt of the gun and I saw nothing but black. A wake up, but the blackness did not leave. I try to move but my wrists and ankles wouldn’t budge. The black lifted to a bright light shining above me. I look around, there was no way to tell if I was in a room, the light only shown around me; everywhere else was pitch black. A voice came from the black, “You just don’t know when of quit, do you Major Chris?” “What do you want?” I said. “It’s simple really…the girls you and your 'band of misfits' are protecting.” “You so much as come near them…” “And you're going to do what exactly? Kill me? Make me suffer? Hahahaha…I knew you were special Chris. YOU: “The Speed Daemon. It's a shame you didn't continue your career, you could've served your country well.” “You know why I left the force; I am not willing to kill innocent people by orders from a corrupt man like you.” "What you call corruption is nothing more than progress." "Funny...I heard those exact same words a long time ago. But I'm sure you remember... Blake Douglas . Another light shined down on a table and a black chair on the opposite side. Sitting in the chair was a man, well dressed, red tie, but the most disturbing part about him was his black eyes. He looked like a hollow shell, but his eyes gave the impression of a black hole. “I am surprised; no one had ever seen my face in this country. How did you figure it out? “There is only one person in this world that could act like this since the Harmony Initiative.” "Oh? So you still remember the Initiative. But to you know why it was discontinued?" "I'm sure you going to enlighten me." I snap. "Nine years ago, the military was losing its men too quickly in Kenya, so the government had to take drastic measures. Thus, the Harmony Initiative was created to bring a new era of diplomacy and peace, but the corruption of the government altered it. The leader of the Initiative was assassinated and replaced by a puppet to the government. The project then changed to be known as the Discord Project, designed in order to breed an army that would be relentless, ruthless and highly destructive. Some were chosen by the higher ups to test an experimental super-steroid. A serum was made to enhance cell division by 79%. This produced a healing factor effect, as well as increase muscle density by 30% and improve cognitive thinking three fold. Seven subjects, all around the age of 15 years, were listed to test the serum. Only two survived the nasty side effects while the others died violently from the increased cell production. The government made sure that the two subjects wouldn't know who the other was for fear of them attempting to slaughter each other. They trained the subjects and found that the results of their experiments were better than anticipated. The next step in the process was to wipe their memory and condition them to be the ultimate soldier. Though the memory was cleaned, one the subjects became aware of the military's intention and escaped the facility. Since then, the CIA had disclosed the project and swore the group to secrecy." "Well isn't that a lovely story, but could you get to the part where I care?" I demanded, yawning. "Well now, I'll let you in on a secret. I was one of the subjects." "And how did you end up as the Secretary of Defense?" I inquired. "It's all about connections. It's not what you know, it's who you know." I took a look around the dark room, two beefy guards were standing behind me, making sure I didn't try anything clever. “But, what really surprised me was when I came to a startling revelation a few years ago. What if I told you that I know who the other subject was?" "Somehow I find that unlikely considering the story you just told." "And what would you think if that person was you?" “Well then I would say that’s bullshit. How can you even prove such an outlandish claim?” Blake then slapped down a file with my name on it. He proceeded to open it and read off the contents. “Major. Christopher S. Luukk. Born in November of 1995, joined the U.S Military at age 16. Decorated pilot of the Air Force, earning the Badge of Honor during the conflict in Kenya. Employed at a graphics development company- now I could go on, but I think you get my point.” "So you know who I am and what I've done, BIG whoop. Where in that file does it say I'm the other subject?" "Right here." Blake stated as he slipped a paper across the table. I stared at it for a few seconds. "This is my military aptitude test. This doesn't prove anything." "Why don't you read the results for us." Blake coyly asked. I let out a heavy sigh as I lifted the paper and read aloud: "Average running speed: 10.3 m/s. Average weight lifted: 170.8 Kg (377lb). Accuracy: 93%, Deviation score: 839/900... What proof is this?" "Then look at the results for the average U.S. marine." I looked at the paper and my jaw was slowly going agape. Average running speed: 6.7 m/s Average weight lifted: 131.5 Kg. (290lb) Accuracy: 79% Deviation score: 721/900 "But... that's impossible. This has to be a result from the worst soldier in the military!" "Nope." Blake stated, "That is the result of a Marine in peak physical and mental condition, and in his prime. You're results was when you were eighteen years old." "So what? You're going to kill me now? So you can be the 'alpha superhuman?'" "HA! No, no, no…I don't want to kill you... not yet anyways. What I want…is for you to suffer." "Why?! I don't even recall any personal grudges to you!" "Do you have ANY idea what I had to go through at the facility?! DO YOU?! I had to fight dozens of armed men in order to survive and progress. And not even once did I have any form of recognition by my superiors. But then I learned about you, how you escaped and was living the good life, while I suffered with the training and experiments!" "So all this angst over jealously?!" I yell. "If I can't have a personal life of my own, then neither can you. You will understand how I felt all those years. I want you to get one last look at your precious friends before I kill them. Then you will beg to be killed. A broken man, with no life left worth living.” Blake stated coldly, and added an evil laugh. "I swear, if you even so much as-" "OR WHAT?!?! You going to play HERO? You are in no position to make threats." My eyes burned with a passion, anger was enveloping me and I really wanted to wrap my fingers around his skinny, pale throat. "Since you're to die either way, I see no harm in telling you my plan." Blake came and leaned close to my ear, my eyes widened with every word he whispered from his entire scheme. "Lock’em up! And throw away the key!” He barked. A bag was thrown over my head and I was dragged down to somewhere. I didn’t care where he was going to put me; I’m going to kill him. Next thing I knew I was in a cell, no windows or door, just a box with a bed, a toilet and a nearly burnt out light bulb hanging overhead. I don’t know how many days I spent in that infernal room, the tally marks carved into the wall didn’t help to put my mind at ease. *BANG* A hole in the wall formed from the dust and rubble. “Oh man, am I glad to see that your alive dude!” Jeff said. He handed me my vest, a pair of combat knives and my pistol as we crawled out into a hallway. Jack and Zach were standing with their weapons ready and aimed down either side of the hall. "How did you guys find me?" "Well, that would be my doing." Jeff said, scratching the back of his head with guilt on his face, "I planted a tracker on your watch when you left the hotel a few weeks ago." "You beautiful son of a bitch..." “C’mon, we need to get the hell out of here before we attract any “unnecessary” attention.” Jack pleaded. "Right." Jeff replied and we all ran down the hall. At some point we made it to an intersection, and I quickly glanced at a sign that read: Mission Control Room We made it the exit, where the rest of the girls were waiting in three trucks. I was greeted with crushing hugs as the girls gathered around me. Rainbow looked especially happy to see me alive, there were tears in her eyes. "I'm so glad you're ok." she said as she embraced me. I wrapped my arms around her and stoked her hair. "We have time to reminisce later, lets get in the trucks and high-tail the fuck out of here." Zach said as he went around to the driver's seat of one of the trucks. I began to walk forward and then stopped. I turn to look at the entrance to the base I was trapped in. "Dude! Get In! We need to leave!" Jeff hollered. “No…I have to stop Blake from going through with his plan. Guys, get the girls out of here; get as far away from this place as you can.” "What?! Are you mad?! We came to get you out and you want to go back in?!" Jack cried out. "He's planning to launch a missile." "Where?! At who?!" "AT YOU!" I scream, everyone stood in silence, "at all of you." “No…no don’t do this.” Rainbow Dash cried. “If he goes through with this-“ “You can’t!” “IF he manages to launch that missile and I didn’t try to stop him-“ “But it’s suicide! And you know it!” Rainbow was on the verge of crying her eyes out, but I did not change my mind. “Jeff…Zach…Jack…It was a pleasure serving with you.” I said. Jeff stepped forward, held out a hand to shake and said, “You better make it back alive.” Zach stepped as well, “You come back home when you succeed; we’ll have a party ready for you.” Jack gave me a nod, we both knew what he was going to say. The girls all told me to come back alive, for the first time in my life…I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it back. Rainbow stepped in front of me and through tear stained eyes; she leaned up and passionately kissed me. Her warm lips almost made me not want to let go, to be trapped in this moment. When we parted, she stated, “Just promise me one thing…please don’t let this be the last time I see you again.” “Don’t worry, I promise.” “Pinkie Promise?” Pinkie Pie came in. “Cross my heart, hope to fly; stick a cupcake in my eye.” I smiled Everyone started to walk to their trucks, I grabbed Jeff arm, “Wait, Jeff…I have a favor to ask you.” I handed him an envelope, “If I don’t make it…give this to Dashie.” I hugged him and we went separate ways, I ran back down the hall and turned to the control room. It was time to end the madness. Entering a large spherical room, at its center a control panel linked to was looks to be an N4S18 Nuclear Cluster Missile. The explosion from that would turn the entire state of Texas into a crater. *BAM* Bullet grazed my right arm; I look to see Blake holding an M72 assault rifle. “Well, well, well…Looks like you DO have a death wish.” “I am going to destroy this missile and kick your ass in hell!” “Wrong…First: I’m gonna beat you down, then fire this missile while you watch it destroy the country, along with your friends. Then I can finally reshape the land in image!” “Over my dead body.” “Easier done, than said.” I whip out my pistol and pull the trigger, the bullets all going towards him. He also fired and deflected all my bullets with his. I threw the gun and unsheathed my knives as he dove from the ledge with a katana sword. I managed to block most of his strikes and landed a few cuts and stabs into him. Same with him, he was able to tear most of my clothes and spill a decent amount of my blood. “I am superior to you in every way!” He made a last ditch effort by jabbing at me. My instincts kicked in and everything seems to move in slow motion. I dodged his blade and kicked him the head, throwing him through the glass of the missile silo and into the silo wall. I then threw my knife, spun around and threw the other. They landed on both of his wrists, pinning him to the wall like a bloody piñata. Timer was ticking; I had to destroy the missile. I ran to the control panel and started to input any cancelation codes that could stop the launch sequence. “You can’t save them Chris! You’re no hero!” Blake yelled, struggling to break free. Time’s up; the missile began to launch. The roar of the thrusters nearly broke my eardrums, as the 500 terra-ton beast lifted from its cradle. Without thinking, I jumped onto the missile and help on with and iron death grip. Blake, being stuck, suffered the pains and heat worse than the surface of the sun. I tore out a panel that revealed several wires. In my desperation, I was ripping and tearing out wires and cogs, anything that could stop the detonation. The wind rushing passed me made it difficult just to hold on. After pulling a few more wires I saw the power source; a small blue ball of anti-matter held by a magnetic field. I reach out to it, but it was surrounded by an electrical field that shocked me, almost losing my grip. I look back to a desert and barely see a speck in the landscape. It was my friends… my family. Since high school, the four of use never lost our friendship, but now times were going to change; for I knew I would not return this time. 'Sorry Dashie.' I painfully thought. I look back at the anti-matter; I thrust my hand through the field, pain surging as skin began to peel and burn away. As I closed my hand around the ball, my life played before my eyes; from birth, to meeting my friends, military service and finally meeting the girls. And...I felt happy…for the last time as everything went white. There was nothing but white as the nuke exploded. The blast was still powerful enough to send Jeff, Zach and the rest of the group flying backwards a few yards. The group resurfaced from the sand and rubble after a few minutes to see a mile wide crater where the base used to be. “So…he did it.” Rainbow Dash said. “Yes, he saved us all…” Jeff replied. “Oh wait…he wanted me to give you this before he left.” Jeff held up an envelope, Rainbow Dash snatched it and opened the seal. She pulled out a letter from their friend and read it aloud. Dear Rainbow Dash, If you are reading this, then I mostly likely didn’t make it. I know that I have wanted to tell you this, and I am pretty sure you know it too; but I feel like I had to write it. I love you…from the moment when we met, I thought I was dreaming; but one I didn’t want to wake from. You showed me the bright side of a bleak and grey world that you were not familiar with. You and the rest managed to bring and my friends closer together. You even gave me something I’ve always wanted for myself. You gave me a family, a reason to keep living. And now I want to return the favor, within this envelope is an item that I kept for years, my greatest treasure. Now I want you to have it, something to remember me by. Wear it with pride. Chris Rainbow Dash dug in the envelope and lifted out a thin, leather strap with a blue crystal teardrop hanging in the center of it. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she put the crystal around her neck. “C’mon…lets go home.” Jack said, beginning to walk off into the distance. The rest followed slowly as the sand began to fill the massive crater. Rainbow took a look back; stared at the sky…hoping that Chris was would return one day. EPILOGE It had been seven years since Chris’s sacrifice. Jeff, Zach and Jack continued to do their work. The girls even got careers in the human world. Applejack owned a successful apple orchard, which saved thousands from starvation with her signature “Apple hour”, giving out free apple pastries to the homeless and poor. Rarity became the world’s number one fashion designer and clothing chain. Fluttershy spent her life as an animal preserver and vet. She was able to resurrect hundreds of extinct animals ranging from toucans to the Siberian tigers. Pinkie Pie earned a living, being known for her party style, currently as the country’s top party coordinator and hostess. Twilight grew into the world’s top international school teacher teaching children from Libya to the Philippines. Rainbow Dash became three time Olympic champion in the 100 meter and hurdles, as well as an undefeated Indie racer. To this day, she still wears the pendent that her loved one gave her. Believing that he is giving her the strength to continue on in life, still believing that he will return. November 2nd Everyone had arrived in the very house that they all met, Pinkie Pie worked with Zach to throw a memorial party in the name of their best friend and family member. Mid-way through the party, *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* Everyone looked at the door, no one ever knocked at this house in months. Jeff opened the door to see a beautiful woman standing in the doorway. Her hair was flowing with light colors of green, blue and pink. “Hello sir, may I come in please?” the woman said. “Uh…sure.” Jeff responded, stepping aside. “You have no idea what it took for me to find you six, this world is a mess.” The woman spoke. At that instant, all the girls’ eyes widened to the point where their blood vessels could be visible. They all squealed at the same time, “Princess Celestia!” They all ran to give her a crushing group hug. She looked up to three men, standing dumbfounded, trying to piece together the events that happened. “I would personally like to thank you for caring for my students, for that, I shall give you your greatest desire.” Celestia said with much gratitude. Jeff, Zach and Jack looked at each other and nodded, they all wanted the same thing. “We would like for you to resurrect our friend, Chris. Nothing more.” Celestia had a worried look on her face. She sighed and grimly stated, “I apologize, but that kind of magic is far beyond my power to accomplish.” “DAMMIT!!” Jeff yelled in anger, “WE ARE OFFERED ONE THING IN THE GOD DAMN UNIVERSE, AND WHAT WE WANT CAN’T BE FUCKING DONE!!!” It took a couple of minutes of calming down and Applejack hugging Jeff for him to expel his anger. “I know what I can do.” Celestia said, “I can let you keep your memory of these six. It’s a loophole I found in the Law of Inter-dimensional Travel.” She closed her eyes and a glowing spot on her head showed, she raised her hand, ready to cast the spell. A yellowish light glowed and then faded. The boys didn’t feel any different. "Now that that's done, I must take my leave." Celestia stated. "Wait." Twilight spoke up, "What about us?" "I'm afraid I can only transport myself and two others. But I can see it in your hearts that some of you don't want to leave." Twilight looked down and turned to her friends, Rainbow, Applejack and Pinkie all had the same look. "I'll go with Celestia." Rarity spoke up, "I have to take cake of Sweetie Belle, but I also have new fashion ideas from this adventure." "I...I will too." Fluttershy included, "I don't know long it's been since I took care of Angel, or any of the other animals back home." "Are you sure about this?" Celestia asked. "Yes, absolutely." Rarity confirmed. Celestia closed her eyes, but when she opened them, they were glowing. The light grew brighter to the point where everyone else had to shield their eyes. When the light subsided, they were gone. Jeff and Zach hung their heads and slumped on the couch. Jeff grabbed a beer on the coffee table and held it up high. “To Chris…and to our friendship.” He said, trying to hold back his tears. Jack, Zach and the four girls held their glasses in unison. As life goes on, and sometimes ends… the bonds that keep people connected remain transcending and unbreakable. And it is within those bonds that one can discover the true essence of friendship.