//------------------------------// // Hey Everypony // Story: My perfect world // by Lonepone //------------------------------// Hey everyone, sorry for the long wait. Before you read the next chapter, you need to at least read the last two chapters of ‘A Glitch in the Program’ to understand why Vinyl is back alive again, along with some other things, like why her, Celestia, and Rainbow Dash are all at Derpy’s, with no clue how they got there. It would also be helpful to read ‘A Sequel to my Little Dashie’. (Insert link to hey sound by vinyl scratch) “Wake up, Vinyl” A voice reaches into my consciousness. I groan, and open my eyes. I was having a very vivid dream of my and my friend Sound. I’m in an unfamiliar house, with Rainbow Dash and Celestia standing next to me. Wait, what? “Where did you two come from?” I ask them. Rainbow dash smiles. “I dunno, but I ain’t arguing with it. Last thing I remember is falling asleep, and then waking up here. I tried talking to Celestia here, but she aint sayin nothing” “Hm” is the only response I have. I’m too wrapped up in my own thoughts. Something happened, something bad, but it’s almost as though those memories have been deleted. Just erased. And in their absence, my mind is thinking about my old college friend Sound. I can’t remember his full name, Hard Sound, or something. Celestia is looking out the window, but Dash notices my disconnected look. “Whassup, Vinyl?” “Nothing, just thinking about an old friend of mine” She nods, and looks out the window. Why haven’t I talked to sound for so long? Something happened, something that ruined our friendship, or whatever we may have had. He lied about something, I think. And then, of course my mind switches to more present problems. I don’t feel the need for that drug anymore, which is good, but will Octavia let me back in? Celestia talks for the first time since I woke up. “I’m sorry, but I must leave. I must check up on my sister. Tell whoever the owner of this house is thank you for watching us for whatever reason” She gets up, and walks out the front door, immediately taking flight. All of a sudden, a grey mare with yellow hair and blue eyes walks in from what I assume is the kitchen, carrying a tray of muffins. “Hey, everypony. Glad to see your all up. Muffin?” She asks, holding the tray to us. I take one to be polite. As I bite into it, I notice that, instead of blueberries or something, theres little tiny muffins baked into it. Odd. “Who are you? And why are we here?” I ask. “Well, the three of you had a bit of an accident. I can’t really tell you more than that. But I decided to help you. My names Ditzy Doo, but everyone calls me Derpy” A look of recognition flashes across Dash’s face. “Oh, you. I remember you know. Didn’t you destroy the mayors office or something like that?” “Yeah” she says ashamedly “I just don’t know what went wrong” “It’s fine. We all make mistakes” Dash comforts her. “So uh, Derpy, thanks for watching us after... Whatever happened. Say, would you like to have supper at my place?” I look out the window, checking the time. Probably about four. Perfect. Her face lights up like a christmas tree. “Really?!” Her wings flare out, and almost knock over a lamp on a table. I manage to catch it in my magic aura just in time. “Hehehe. Thanks, Vinyl.” “Yeah, don’t mention it. Come on, lets head to my, I mean Tavi’s place” The pain of calling it her place, instead of our’s is almost too much. It’s like a knife in my heart. That phrase sends the back of my mind bubbling with something, but I can’t tell what. I try to blink away the tears, I can’t let others see my pain. I push it down, suppress it like I’ve managed to do with most other things. Many other things. Dash noticed my hesitation. “What's up, Vinyl? Something wrong?” “No, nothing. Just got something in my eye” I say, trying to hide the fact that I’m tearing up. I blink, and then turn away, towards the door, saying “Come on, lets go” We spend about half an hour walking towards... Tavi’s house. I want to call it home, but I don’t know if I can. Home is where the heart is, but that heart has been broken. I walk up the front steps, and it seems as though I’m just following the routine that I would at three in the morning, coming home from the club, just at a different time. I turn off the street sidewalk, into the yard. I go up our personal sidewalk, up to the front steps leading to the door. Normally, I’d now pull out my key and walk right in. Even though I still have my key, It wouldn’t feel right to use it. Instead, I knock. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, slowly, muffling the sound of voices, many of them, and then the front door opens. It’s Octavia. I stand there, looking at her, while she looks at me. She glances at the other two, but for the most part her eyes are locked onto mine. After what seems like multiple eternities, she finally makes the first move. She walks up to me, and enfolds me tightly in a hug. “I missed you” she whispers into my mane. My hooves are hanging awkwardly by my side, and so I slowly raise them, and wrap them around her. I Rest my head on her shoulder, as she’s always been a few inches taller then me. It’s been so long since I’ve smelt her coffee scented mane. I pull her closer, loving the contact between us. “I missed you too. I can’t explain how much I missed you” “So where have you been these last two weeks?” “What? I’ve been gone two weeks?” “Yeah. You’ve had me, Bass, Synth, Jason, Whooves, and even my cousin super worried” “Wait, you cousin? Lyra?” “Yeah, even she helped out in trying to find you. But you vanished. Off the map, as Mr. Dash would say” Rainbow Dash’s ears perk up at that. “Dad’s here?” “Oh my god. Rainbow Dash, that’s you? Yeah, he’s upstairs. Go, I’m sure he’d love to see you” Dash barrels past us, and runs up the stairs. We stand there, watching her run in. As soon as she’s out of earshot, Octavia says “We should go upstairs and talk. There’s a lot we need to discuss. The reason I kicked you out to begin with to begin with. Let’s go” She finally lets me go, and we walk in together. We get to the top floor, and I can see everyone sitting on the couch, the lay-z-boy, and even on the desk chair for my laptop. Mr. Dash is sitting right next to Rainbow Dash, arm around her protectively; Lyra is sitting in her own odd way, a My Little Human shirt on; Renegade Bass is sitting on my chair, possibly messing around on my laptop; and Harmonious Sy quickly push the thoughts out of my head. The only important person we’re missing is Hard Sound, and I don’t know if I even want him here. The second I step into the room, all eyes focus on me. “Hey, everypony”