//------------------------------// // Summer begins in Entry Seventeen // Story: The Diary of Diddy Discord // by DreamWings //------------------------------// Dear Diary, I can’t believe my first term at my new school’s almost over. It doesn’t seem that long ago that I started there. Actually, I don’t think it was that long ago that I started there; it was half-way through the term already when I started. Oh well, it still feels strange. But then again most of these diary entries recently have said how strange things feel. It must get a bit boring me saying it all the time—even if I’m the only one reading it. I’ve got some fun things to look forward to over vacation. Spending time with my family and friends being one of them. Blankety’s coming to stay here for the WHOLE Summer so we get to spend a lot of time together. We’re going to Mommy and Uncle La Loo’s own castle (you know, the one they visit without us usually) for a few days, and I get to help them with some of the jobs they have to do, like a big foal. Galloway says they have some good training equipment there; not as good as the Palace, but alright if you just want to have some fun training. I also have a few holidays with my friends planned. We’re going camping near the Everfree forest next week. Tia’s just as excited as I am; it’ll be her first time going there as well. A few of the Knights are coming with us to make sure that we don’t get hurt and to protect us if any creature comes out of the forest. I wonder which ones will be coming. I know most of them quite well now after spending a lot of time at the Palace. The good manners thing worked out because Marelin, the court magician (and much more) agreed to teach me and Tia some magic. Loony can’t join in sadly, she’s much too little. But she’s getting bigger every day. Yesterday she said her first ever word, ‘dandelion’. We’re not quite sure whether she meant me or the flower but Tia keeps telling me she was definitely talking about me. I think she was too. I love spending time with Loony, almost as much as hanging out with Tia. There’s nothing more relaxing when Tia’s busy than coming into Loony’s room and showing her all the dolls and giving them all names and stuff. Blankety sometimes comes with me. He was always good at playing make believe. Loony loves it. Tonight was the last night of school so all of the parents got sent home a special report card. I’d had them before at my old school and I knew what came out of them: anger. A lot of anger. Teacher’s comments making Mother mad every single day. Daddy always tried to comfort me but you could tell he was ashamed of the reports I always got. However it wasn’t like that this time. Mommy and Uncle La Loo were super proud of my report. I was top of the class in quite a lot of subjects, especially English. My story, ‘Lady Blankety and the Brave, Brave Knight Diddy Lion’, got me a special round of applause when it was read out at the last assembly of the year. It earned me a gold star on my report, just the same colour as my star up in the sky. It was brilliant. Galloway came first in the strategies test. He should do, he’d been studying for it for ages. He was desperate to at least pass. And guess who was second? Tia—only joking, it was me. The test was easy-peasy, milk and cheesy; most of the stuff I could do in my sleep (not really, the only thing I can do in my sleep is make pig noises). Daddy had taught me all about the stuff in the test, and I’d helped Galloway study so much with his; not to mention helping Blankety with a sort-of-same test he was doing, so I knew pretty much all the stuff about strategies. But come on, second is still pretty good, and it meant that I got a ginormous lollipop from my teacher. King Alicorn gave us all a present as well; he was really proud of us. Tia got a pretty necklace/amulet thing to wear around her neck; Galloway got a small wooden shield made by the King’s own royal carpenter (with his own special Galloway-crest on it in silver); Gallophad was given a special golden cup; Miamore got a special love heart case encrusted with diamonds which the King said ‘made sure he didn’t give his heart away too easily’. Miamore laughed at that. Blankety got a bowl full of carrots sent down to him at his school. Loony got a special amulet with a moon on it, for when she was older. And I got a drawing pad and pencil crayons (I’d been telling Uncle Alicorn how much I wanted to draw my own comics for ages and now I could with the finest pencils possible). It was great. We even had a special feast to celebrate. The Queen’s retired to her chambers even more now and Uncle Alicorn doesn’t seem to spend much time with her. I don’t know what to do, I like the Queen; she’s really nice to me. But the King doesn’t seem to want anypony to speak to her. Tia said she was ill and needed time alone but Miamore said there was definitely something else going on. He’d noticed a lot more than his Father probably wanted him too. We all agreed to not say anything about it. It might get better on its own without our help. After all we were just barely-older than foals; we didn’t have the right to question anything the grown-ups did. Alicorn’s spending a lot of time with us at the minute. It’s fun. He knows some really funny jokes. Anyway we don’t have to worry about anything when we’re camping. We’re just going to have some fun, fun, fun. Time for Summer Vacation.