Can You Love a Demon?

by OtherWorldsCrazyMinds

Waking Up, Explanation and Some Problems

I can't really remember exactly how long it took to get back to the house as I was fluttering between conscious and not conscious due to the exploding building thing. I couldn't find my key probably due to it being in one of my jackets that I left with the burning building. I wanted to get insides so I did what any sensible dremoria would do in these situations, break down the door. Once accomplished, I walked upstairs and fell down on the couch, falling asleep before actually hitting the bed.

Let me give some info on the darklight healing factor. Small flesh wound bigger than 4 inches. Very easy to heal. Equivalent to doing ten jumping jacks. Small stab wounds bout a couple inches deep. Pretty easy to fix. The same as doing a small 400 yard dash. Stab wound that penetrate through the body. Harder to get rid of. The equivalent to sprinting half a marathon. Broken bones. Easier than full stab wounds through. About the same as a normal marathon without sprinting it all. Ruptured vital organs. Harder than bones. About the same as running a marathon with twenty pounds weight on your legs. Now, put a of those injuries together. Stab wound through the body, cuts, all bones broken, a couple ruptured vital organs. The equivalent of jogging every square inch of the world I stand on. Knowing this I don't know how long my body went into the recomposition state, or in other words, sleep like a rock.

I woke up in the middle of the day groggily with Felix on my head napping since it was in the sun light. Felix was napping and as I woke up, I woke him up. He decided to greet my waking by placing his paws on my forehead and pull out the claws.

"Come on Felix, I am trying to get better not worse" I said. He got off and gave me an angry look and then stalked off. I got up and looked outside. The sun was getting close to the horizon so I guessed it was around 5 or 5:30. Then I saw a sandwich on the coffee table. Felix had decided to gnaw off some of the bread but I decided that I was too hungry to care and finished the sandwich within two bites. I tried to get up but my muscles were sore due too no use. It took around three minutes for me to get up and another three to get down the stair into the kitchen. I looked into the fridge and pulled out a loaf of bread and some cheese. As I took it to the bread and cheese to the living room and listen to some radio music. I heard the click of the front door which I was surprised was put back up so fast. I hear a laugh that was familiar and then someone saying "He was the idiot who didn't realize that we were arguing for the same thing" I turned to see Adora enter from the front door accompanied by that guy who I couldn't remember. I would have to check for any internal head injury. One thing about the darklight healing is that it heals internal problems but stuff like concussion, amnesia or other head injures aren't healed.

"So what did u do after that?" she asked still laughing a bit.

"I told him if he didn't want the skylight then he should have had magic duel in the place. He said that he didn't want it and wanted a dueling room and not an astronomy quarters."

"And you gave it to him?"

"Well I had too but if I didn't give to him he would probably duel me and I don't wanna brag but," he said and flexed one of his arms, "he probably would have lost!"

"Oh so strong" Adora said batting her eyes.

"oh for Sertinvous' sake" I said not being able to take the sheer mushiness of the scene. She jumped in fright and he put down his arm hastily. She looked terribly embarrassed and then suddenly became surprised and exclaimed, "You woke up! When did you wake up?"

"Actually a bit before you guys started getting it on" instant blushing from both parties. I laughed. Then I winced a bit. I pulled my hoof up to my ribs. It felt around them and then found that a couple of ribs still weren't fixed yet and still cracked in several place.

"Are you ok?" Adora asked coming close to me and looking where my hoof was. I smiled and said, "Don't worry about me, I'm just going to eat and sleep."

"Well before that you should probably go see Emerald. She’s been worried about you and has been coming a lot to check up on you” Adora said as she inspected me some more.

“Well, there is a question I have been meaning to ask. How long was I out for?” I asked.

“Um. Today makes two weeks I think.” Adora said. She finally stepped back from examining me; it took me a while to actually understand what she said to which I almost fell. She then got panicked and began to ask scared, “Hey, Are you alright? Do you need something? Should I get you some water or something? Should I get you to the bed?” The other guy (still trying to remember his name) walks over and helps me up on my feet.

“Sorry ‘bout that. Just took me by surprise. And Adora, I don’t need anything, except maybe a beer.” I said and tried to walk to the fridge. I was stopped by a magical rope around my neck. For some reason, I just knew that this belonged to Adora and sighed.

“You just woke up from two weeks of a comatose sleep induced by surviving and explosion. And you want a cold beer?” Adora said in a voice that I could tell was trying to hide so much anger. I looked at the stallion next to me who was backing away slowly. Dick, I thought to myself. Then Adora plunged into a long rant about the effect of alcohol and why I shouldn't drink it after this and how stallions are all idiots some times. I just sat there and nodded whenever she took a breath, only half listening. I was actually thinking about the bombing of the mall. The mall was nothing important nor did it have any real back story I think. It was just a mall. The only thing that made it special was the fact that me and Adora were in it. Which then led me to believe that someone or group knew two things. One; that me and Adora were just figure heads to create peace between the two races, and two; which was if Adora or I died with that demolition, then a war could easily spark as long as just a smidgen of evidence was uncovered. I thought why someone would do this and decided to go talk to my father about it. Then I heard that Adora was finishing up her rant.

"You just went off and decided to stop a building, can't you just take a break and just wait for your body to heal?" she ended. I made it look like I was thinking about it, then said in a plain simple voice, "Nope" she looked into my eyes and I gave a smirk. She saw the realization that I would at least try to take a break and she smiled. I took another bite from the bread and then stuffed a bit of cheese into my mouth with it and said walking towards the front door, “Ok fine you win. I will take a break eventually. But right now I feel like someone doesn't like us being together and I don't want to stop another building going down. Have a good time and please just stop with the strong guy stuff, it's actually sad." I directed the last of it to the guy who name I still couldn't remember. Adora walked to the door and called after me, "Don’t stay out for too long!" I nodded and summoned my darkligt and began to float above the ground. It took a couple of seconds before taking off due to my muscles still hurting a bit. It took around an hour to get to the country that we dremorias have now called home, Felderon. I flew over farmlands and villages. It was grisly at a very fast rate as we have expanded towards the mountains and we even have colonies down in the deep jungle.

Let me just tell you about darklight flight. Dremorias don't fly very often. The reason for this is because people only fly for two reasons as they find it useless on other occasion. The first reason they would fly would to be traverse large expanses of space in short amounts of time. The reason for this is because, surprisingly enough, even though are culture is very loud and extravagant, we enjoy peace and quiet just as much. So walking is meant more for enjoying the time and things around you. The only reason to fly is to cross long expanses, or to get somewhere fast.
It took another hour to get the castle even at my top speed. As I landed one of the guards noticed me and shouted, "It's the prince! Raise the gate!" by the time I hit the ground the gate had been raised. I smiled and said to the guard at the top, "Morning Garen, how is the family doing?"

"Well enough sir."

"Is Vladimir enjoying the gift?"

"Very much sir, he can't stop playing with it." he smiling, which in turn made me smile. I walked inside and was greeted by a very friendly voice, "Hello master, it has been a while since you have last returned to us. Are you remembering to wash your horns once a week?"

"Hey Fioria. Long time no see"

"I take it that you have neglected to do so in a while"

"Sharp as ever aren't you" I said laughing. Fioria was first and only maid I ever had . Yet she was a lot then just a maid, she was also a cook, teacher and a pretty well martial artist. I kind of think of her as Alfred from the BatPony comic books. She has always been here when I lived at the castle, she would take care of me when I was sick and taught me a lot before I starting going to libraries and sneaking into science laboratories (they should really get better security). She would even come over to my mother place to remind me of my duties. She also taught me political and social relations, finance control and others kingly duties. She is the only servant that speaks her mind which I really find nice because she is smart and has nice input. Not only that but she is a looker too. She has a great curves, nice slender seven tails and cute horns. I think my dad specially picked her out for me, which means that my mother wouldn't be so happy about that.

"Would you like me to fetch you anything?" she asked.

"Not right now, is my father open?"

"I am sorry but he is a meeting with the mining chief in Halshorwn. It turns out that they believe that there is a large mixture of gold and obsidian ores and they need more funding to extract it but they don't want it to cut into the funding of other villages."

"When do you think he will be done?"

"It started an hour ago, and something tells me that it won't be over soon."

"Well I might as well get something to...." I was saying till I just stopped and swayed menacingly off balance and stumble till I hit a wall.

"Prince! Are you alright?" she yelled running to my side and helping me keep steady. I laughed a bit,
"Don't worry, its ok. I just didn't have enough breakfast. And my little feet from two weeks ago is taking its toll."

"What feet? Did one of your inventions blow up again?"

"Luckily no but there did involve an explosion. You didn't hear about it?"

"About what?"

"The mall that toppled down. The one that I stopped to get everyone out."


“You didn't hear about this?"

"No! What happened?" she said pulling me up to my feet.

"I'll tell you over breakfast. Can I get some?” So I got the kitchen and she called the cooks to make a quick and decent meal. As the food was being cooked I told her about on the day of me and Adora fake date and how someone triggered and explosion to topple the building. She looked worried and asked, "Do you wish me to fetch a healer for you?"

"Nah, don't need too. I slept enough for most of my bones and muscles to heal. Has there been any talk about any talk about a group of anarchist or anything?"

"No. However there are been people who believed that we shouldn't have formed an alliance with the ponies. They think that we should have fought to the death and not let the warrior got to waste."

"Why do they think that? We barely made out of the last fight alive. Do you know who is started these things?"

"No, they don't seem to have a leader or an organized group. They just seem to be normal dremorias who do not enjoy what we have become. They haven't been much of a problem and they didn't seem to be a threat"

"Until now. I have gone through it in my mind and in killing me or Adora they could potentially start a war between the two races are."

"Then they must be serious. To immediately go for the figure heads of peace…."

"That or they are idiots, just trying to cause anarchy."

"That is always an option. But then there would have to be another event on your lives if that it's to prove that they are after you."

"That's true but I don't think I am fine waiting for someone to go and strike me down with more bombs." I laughed as did she. After another bit of time, breakfast arrived and I ate all of it without break. Fioria and I also talked about what was going on in Felderon. Eventually my father's advisor came into the kitchen; Lyronteth. I never liked him for he was always looked like he was hungry, and not the normal hungry, the kind of hungry that can't be filled with just food and happiness. I could never guess what he was thinking nor could anyone else which had given him this sort of fear through all who walk in and out daily. My father bad picked him as his advisor for reason that I can't remember. He said it was something to do with him and his interesting ideas and ability to convey a large documents worth of information with a couple of words.

"Hello, Prince Hatseal. The king is now open for you" he said in a cold tone. He never likes me either yet I don't know why. He knows I don’t like him and he knows why. I got up and Fioria and I went to enter the room. In an instant Lyronteh pulled out his sword and straight in front of Fioria. In that same instant I moved front of her and placed a darklight shield around my hoof and blocked the sword. We stood like that for a few seconds, his sword against me shielded hoof.

"I said that the Prince may see the king. Not her."

"She come with me, got it?" we stared down each other for a while.

"You were a bit slow on that, you should practice your unarmed combat more" he said sheathing his sword with a snort. I shoot him a look of contempt as he walked away.
I really didn't like him.


When Flame left, Brother Seethe pulled me in and said "Now where were we?" I giggled and I gave him a kiss, "Well we could do some of that or we could just relax for a while." putting a bit of a stern voice at the last part. I don't know why but when Flame watched in on us, I had lost all excitement and was replaced by embarrassment. Seethe gave me another kiss and said "Well I think that we should relax but you have time for that. I don't."

"You’re leaving?"

"Sorry but I have work to do that I have been putting off for some time now."

"Ok then bye." I said giving him one kiss.

Today was a pretty hectic day. It was pretty clustered as I have three photo shoots to be in which I had to sprint to each one. After that I had to go to several meetings and to check up on some of the stores. It was a very long day. Which was made better by meeting Seethe in the middle of the stores checks ups. I made it looked like we were just old friends and we made a time later to meet up. I had to disguise myself so I used a shape shifting spell to change some feature so that the public wouldn't recognize me. After that me and Seethe went to a restaurant and walked through the park. It was a nice walk but it was interrupted by the intrusion of a dremoria supremacy group.

They were handing out flyers about what they were doing. Their plan was to cut ties off with the other race due to them being to different and violent. They ground strangely valid point; referencing dremoira culture and the war. They also said that they were already stricking back as they blamed the mall bombing on the dremoria.

Oh yeah. The bombing. The media was surprisingly aware of what had happened. The head line for it was 'Anarchist or Conspirator attempt to kill the Loving Cross Couple'. Apparently they knew that building had been bombed and they had gotten the information that Lachrymite wasn't used to do it. They had also found out the Flame was the one who had saved the pedestrians who had the misfortune of being in there at the time. However, the next pages of the newspaper was criticizing the dremoria and trying to find reason why they would bomb the mall and kill their prince. It was all pointing at the dremoria as the perpetrator. It was wrong considering that it was the prince of the dremorias who had saved me and a lot of other people. I tried to ignore them but they were persistent preaching the belief that when the time is right they will strike us back and that we shall be unprepared. We had tried to forget what we had gone through but it was really hard considering that we saw what just one dremoria had the power to do; stop an entire building from collapsing down. And they are saying that we should cut ties and avoid them at all cost. It didn't seem right.
Then I had a nice surprise to see Flame waking up today. He had been asleep for about a week and was somewhat frightening as he didn't get up at all for the entire week. He just lay there with barely a pulse. I had a doctor come in to check up on him and he said that he had multiple broken bones (to many to be certain) and a couple of stab wound that were healing very fast. The doctor said that any ordinary pony would have died the moment he stood up but something was keeping him alive. I had been worried about him the entire time. I would leave a sandwich by him every morning I went to work and when it came back I would always come back and through the old one out and use a cleansing spell on him to wash him as he seemed to sweat a lot. As if he was still doing some sort of exercise. It was painful to watch as he just never seemed to decide now was a good time to wake up, not only that but he would talk in Deadric (his native tongue) and sound as if he was saying my name which was very scary. He was starting giving me nightmares of him in the coffin. It wasn't the best sight to wake up in the morning.

I was very happy that he woke because that would mean I get some good breakfast and I wouldn't have to take care of him every time I come in and out. Plus I would like to ask what he was saying in his sleep, with my name in it, I think I would like to know what he meant. I waited around in the house alone playing with Felix and Sandra. I played with them till around 6 and then I decided to take my shower. My shower didn't take long and he still hadn't come back yet. I was starting to worry. 'What if his injuries started acting up and he fell unconscious? What if he got tired and fell out of the sky? What would I do? Could I do anything?' Then after 10;30, I hear a thump outside. I get up and stood in front of the door and put on a look of definite angry. He opened the door and stopped as he saw me standing there.

"Um, hi" he said with look of surprise and confusion.

"Hello indeed" I said, 'Why did I just say that?'

"Why are you up so late? Considering your work I thought you would be in bed right now."

"I was waiting for your return. What took you so long?"

"Me and my dad had to send a message to Princess Celestia about the bombing."

"Why? Was your father annoyed at you for what you did?"

"More like annoyed at the Princess as you guys apparently hadn't told him."

"What! That is not possible. Why would we not tell you about you’re prince just stop mass death?"

"That what we were wondering. My father is annoyed because of me being injured and not telling him and because this was a missed opportunity."

"Missed opportunity?"

"Yup, he said that we could have increased relation by helping with clean up and assisting the doctors"

"Your dad is really focused on making the dremorias look better."

"He is and for good reason. The dremorian people have basically forgotten about the war that has gone on." He had a far way look in his eye as if he was peaceful, "Unlike you guys we don't hold onto hate or angry as tightly. When war happens and either side wins we mourn for our loose and then we rebuild. Making new friend ships and try to wash away the old with the new."

"Wow. Where did you guys come up with that?"

"One of the wise ones had given it to us"

"Wise ones?"

"Old sages, Dremorian druids. Basically the ones who spend years meditating to try to relieve all of the pain of themselves and to give advice that we should follow. Think of it as trying to seek purity in their lives as well as aiding ours."

"Well were getting off topic here" I said trying to grab back at reality.

“Your right’ he said, “I am going to bed. I have had a long day”

“You’re not going to bed without answering of mine!” I demanded.

“Again with the questions. Is this going to be a normal thing?” he said going to the fridge taking out a piece of cheese. ‘I somewhat hope so’ I thought but luckily I had the force of mind not to say it, “What took you so long to come back?”

“I had to wait some time before my father was available. He is a busy man being the king and all.” I thought a moment before throwing my next question, giving him time to take a bit from the cheese. I finally decided to ask something that nags at every girls mind, “Are you seeing someone behind my back?” at this he chocked and started coughing. I went to help him but he put up his hand to stop me,
“Why do you ask that?”

“I ask the questions. You just answer them”

“That hardly seems fair” he mumbled, “No I am not seeing someone behind you. Be realistic.” He finished in somewhat of an angry realistic tone. This tone took me by surprise and he seemed to have noticed and said, “What? You really think that anyone from either one of races would look at me straight in the eye?”

“But Emerald does…” I said trying to bring some good to the question. He chuckled, “Yeah well she got to know me before I throw a bolder across a room with the smallest of efforts. You have to realize that most ponies get scared the moment I walk into a room and dremoria have to bow to me to say hello and are probably disgusted by me. It isn’t easy being a half of both races because I am not either one of you, there is just me and only me. Thanks for the rays of sunshine” he finished brushing past me. His touch was surprisingly cold.

“I’m not done with you!” I said trying to put my fiery anger and command in my voice, but it just wouldn’t come. He kept walking and went to the basement and said “”But I am”