Daring Do and the Black Mare

by UnidentifiedFlyinPegasus

Chapter 3

Daring Do groaned as the scarred stallion pulled on her rope for the seventh time. Not only was she was she tied around the neck like a prisoner, but she was forced to carry the heavy bags like a common pack mule.
"Could you loosen this a little?" Daring asked the stallion.
"Quiet." He barked at her. "The Dark Thief said that I'm not to take any requests from you."
Daring snorted. "Is that what she's calling herself? The Dark Thief?"
The stallion glared at her and didn't respond. They walked in silence for a minute. Daring examined her surroundings; the group was walking in the desert towards what the map labeled 'Crown Rock'. The 'Dark Thief' walked resolutely at the front of the expedition, and a group of guards marched behind.
"Can I have a drink of water?" Daring asked.
The scarred stallion didn't respond.
"Oh come on. I'm not much good to you if I die of thirst, am I?"
"All right." The stallion said, annoyed. "Just one drink." He pulled the water jug from his saddle and began walking towards her to give her a sip. The rope slackened, which was just what Daring had been hoping for.
She grabbed the rope with her teeth and looped it around the stallion, pulling it tight. He fell to the ground with a cry of surprise, and she pulled free of the loose rope with an expert twist of the neck. Bold Wing yelled with anger as Daring Do reared on her back legs and kicked the bags off of her back. The guards ran towards her, making a tight circle around Daring, and for a moment it seemed there was no escape.
One of the guards lunged, hoping to knock her down. She dodged and he fell to the ground clumsily. Another guard began racing towards her, and she struck his leg, causing him to fall to the ground next to the last guard.
The remaining two guards pawed the ground and snorted. Daring grinned and flicked her tail, ready to intercept them at any moment. The pair of guards took a few steps back and both charged her at once. Daring leapt into action, jumping on the back of one guard and off again in an instant. The two guards crashed into each other and fell, dazed, to the ground.
Bold Wing glared murderously at her sister but did nothing to stop her as she raced away into the desert.