Sweetie Belle and the Pixie

by UnidentifiedFlyinPegasus

Chapter 3

Twilight Sparkle was just finishing a letter to her brother, Shining Armor, when Rarity burst into the library, looking frantic. "Twilight, you have to help me!" She panted.
"What is it, Rarity?" Twilight asked.
"It's my sister, Sweetie Belle." Rarity said. "She's doing magic, and I can't figure out how!"
Twilight laughed. "Sweetie Belle doing magic? Rarity, you know that-"
"Yes, I know!" Rarity said. "She shouldn't be able to do real magic until she's older. But she's doing it now! Come see!"
She galloped through the door. Twilight followed hesitantly.
Sweetie Belle was in the middle of town with Scootaloo. Scootaloo watched, amazed, as Sweetie Belle sent wooden boards soaring up onto a huge wooden ramp, fitting each one in the right place. A crowd of ponies had gathered to watch the young unicorn do magic.
Twilight stopped in her tracks. A pony so young, doing magic? Twilight racked her brain; she had never read any books about this! What could possibly-
Then she spotted it. A flash of green light on Sweetie Belle's head. A pixie!
"I'll be right back," Twilight said to Rarity, and she galloped back to her library.
"Where is it, where is it?" Twilight muttered to herself, searching in book after book. "Here it is!" she exclaimed, stopping at a light blue book on magical creatures.
"One of the rarest and most fascinating bonds of all is that of a pixie and a young unicorn. The pixie unites her magic with that of the unicorn, enhancing the powers of both and uniting them with a bond of friendship."
"Thats good." Twilight said. She read on: "However. if the young unicorn dares to break the bond that she has formed with the pixie, terrible events may occur."
"Terrible events?" Twilight cried. "What terrible events?" The book did not elaborate.
"I have to go warn Sweetie Belle!" Twilight dashed for the door. It wouldn't open!
"You're not going anywhere." The ominous voice came from the ceiling. Twilight looked up and gaped in horror.