//------------------------------// // Preparations // Story: Friendship is a Curse // by Nightnote //------------------------------// As Bon Bon and I walked through the doors of Sugarcube Corner, I was instantly bombarded by the sweet aroma of the bakery. With a large inhale I took it all in, trying to savor every smell that was given off. I could smell fresh baked cookies being pulled right out of the oven by a baker. The smell of cake came to me as we passed a few on the counter with a bunch of cupcakes next to that. Behind that counter was huge shelves filled with so many different types of candy I couldn't possibly list them all. The interior was a mix of beige, brown and pink and it gave me a nice comfortable feeling. With all the sweets around I could definitely tell how this place got its name. Scattered around the room there were plenty of tables for ponies to sit by. Almost every table was occupied with ponies of all ages, from young colts and fillies having a snack, to stallions and mares enjoying their own treat together. "Are we even going to be able to get a seat here?" I inquired, looking around for an open table. There did not seem to be a single open table in the entire venue. "Oh you two don't need to worry about finding a seat," Pinkie Pie chimed in with a bounce, "I come here and help out so often, I have my own table that is always reserved for me and my friends! And guess what? You guys are my friends, so don't you worry one little bit Lighthoof!" As she said this, Pinkie Pie led us to her table and we sat down. "So, let's get down to business, what do you want to have in your party? I know first thing we'll need is music! And I know just which pony to get that from." Pinkie immediately darted away from the table and Bon Bon sighed. "I just don't understand how she does that." I motioned around the room with my hoof, "Tons and tons of sugar maybe?" Bon Bon laughed, "Yeah maybe, but still it amazes me. So besides all the mishaps we have been having today, how are you enjoying Ponyville?" "Well besides all of the interesting events that have happened today, I am enjoying myself so far. It definitely beats sitting around my parent's apartment all day or rushing around shopping. This is just the change of pace I needed. This environment is so calm and serene compared to back in Fillydelphia." "I'm happy that you are having a good time. Again, I want to apologize for all of this chaos today, it's like Discord appeared in my house today he wrecked havoc before you came." "No problem at all," I assured her, "I kind of liked the excitement. And I seemed to have already made a few friends today. Say, I hate to ask you this, but I just want to know before I say something stupid, but is there anything wrong with Ditsy Doo?" Bon Bon sighed and I knew this was a sensitive topic, "Well... no. That is the biggest misconception about her. She is a perfectly normal pony, but people can't really see past her eyes. She has made a couple of clumsy mistakes before, like dropping some deliveries on Twilight Sparkle's head, leading bird in the wrong direction during Winter Wrap Up, and the one time she nearly destroyed Town Hall when she was helping Rainbow Dash. Anyway, no, she doesn't have any issues. The biggest issue is that because of her appearance, ponies instantly judge her more harshly than others. The only reason why she seemed like a klutz today is because she was nervous. She is so used to people judging her at first glance she tries so hard to make a good first impression, her actions often backfire." "I see, again I feel bad asking, but I just wanted to make sure I don't make a mistake." I said as I looked around the bakery still amazed at the place. It seemed as though Pinkie could teleport because I turned my head back to the table and it's as though she just materialized in her spot. "Well I just talked to Vinyl and she is totally down to perform at your party! Next, we need a venue, for the party." She darted away from us again, and then reappeared just as fast as she disappeared, "Okay I just talked to Mr. and Mrs. Cake and they said that we could definitely have a party here! Next up decorations, what would you like? Balloons? Streamers? "Well I-" "Oh I know, let's get and ice sculpture! Okay next we need guests, we'll invite all of your friends, can you give me a list? "Um well so far I kn-" "You know what? We don't need a list I'll just invite all of Ponyville." "Finally food! Don't you worry about that! Leave that to me. I'll have a ton of treats baked up and ready to serve in a jiffy! Party in one hour!" Pinkie Pie bounded off once again leaving Bon Bon and I alone yet again. Bon Bonb seemed exasperated, "Well looks like we have no choice now, but to attend." "I don't believe I got in a single sentence from that whole conversation." I noted a little peeved. What is with that pony? I ask myself. "Get used to it, once Pinkie Pie starts talking about parties, the is absolutely no stopping her." Bon Bon got up from the table and started to the door, "Come on we'll get plenty to eat later, I want to go get Lyra and Ditsy." I complied and as I walked out of the door I heard a loud boom. I turned around and saw the entire bakery become transformed with streamers balloons everywhere. In the back on a table I saw an ice sculpture of me and Pinkie with her hoof around my shoulder like she was posing for a photo. In the doorway leading into the back of the bakery, I saw Pinkie Pie with a blue cannon with streams leaking out of it. Bon Bon looked back into Sugarcube Corner, "Used her party cannon did she?" She commented. Then she saw the sculpture, "Pinkie! How in the hay did you make that sculpture?!?!" "Oh it was easy, I just added a bunch of ice cubes to the party cannon! This is going to be the best party ever!!!!" Pinkie responded and then with a hop, she turned back into the kitchen and went to work." Bon Bon and I left and started walking back home. I noticed that coming towards Sugarcube Corner was a a white mare with a two shaded blue mane and a pair of purple sunglasses. She was dragging a cart full of speakers, subwoofers and a soundboard. She made eye contact with Bon Bon and grinned. "Hey, Bon Bon, sup?" "How's it going Vinyl? I see you got all of your equipment. Got a gig now?" Bon Bon responded with a smile. "Yeah, Pinkie came in a little while ago and asked me to lay down some tracks at a party she's throwin'. And you know with the way Pinkie parties, there wasn't no way I was gonna refuse." "Well I'll see you there, I just have to swing by home to pick up Lyra. Say hi to Octavia for me will you?" "Sure thing, Bon." Vinyl started again toward Sugarcube Corner. "This party is gonna be off tha hook!" While Bon Bon and I continued to walk back I took the time to admire Ponyville again in the evening light. This is a wonderful place. Almost everypony here seems nice and it's comfortable here. I noticed that most of the shops were closing now, the ponies closing their shutters and locking their store's doors. Restaurants were now lighting their candles on their outdoor tables and in the more popular restaurants, ponies were lining up to get in for dinner on this delightful, cool evening. Much to my astonishment, there were flyers everywhere advertising the party. "How the hay did she do that? " I asked Bon Bon pointing to the flyer. "Like I said before, it's Pinkie Pie. Never question how, she just does." Bon Bon answered sounding a bit amused. We arrived back at the house and were greeted to a nice clean kitchen and two exhausted ponies. Lyra was sitting down on the couch in an interesting position I have never seen before. Ditsy was not very far away reading a flyer. "So she's already holding a party for you huh?" Ditsy said as she handed me the flyer. I read looked at and read it for the first time: Come one, Come all! Please join me in welcoming a brand new super amazingly cool awesome pony to Ponyville, Lighthoof! Everypony is welcome! It's going to be a blast! The entire sheet was adorned with pictures of balloons, cupcakes and other party goodies. It even smelled like cupcakes which was a nice touch. "Yup she is... so are we all going to go?" "Well of course we are, this is one of Pinkie Pie's parties! You can't miss out on that!" Lyra said, full of excitement. "Now let's all get ready and go!" So the four of us all got up, freshened up and departed for the party. As we walked down the street, I could hear the music resonating across the entire town. I knew that I was in for a fun night.