//------------------------------// // Blind // Story: Meeting Vinyl // by Crimson Ink //------------------------------// I had led Vinyl through the main gate and then down the streets. After a while I felt I we could slow down and not have to worry about Blueblood or any of the other party guest's find us. "We should be fine now." Now that I had the chance I took a better look at this Vinyl Scratch; her mane looked surprisingly unkempt for someone whom was at a Canterlot Castle; especially Princess Celestia's birthday. I held my hoof out for an introduction "Hi I'm Octavia, and you are?" For some reason she was squinting and almost yelling when she spoke. "Yo I'm Vinyl Scratch. Could you please stop moving around so much?" I was worried and held up two hooves in front of her face to test her vision. "How many hooves am I holding up?" She was squinting and struggling for an answer while I stood there patently. "Er three no wait four" I got closer to her so that our noses were almost touching. "Can you see me?" She was squinting before she yelled suddenly "why are you across the street?!" She sure knew how to yell; I had to cover my ears at the sudden noise out of surprise; it was already to late to really stop the sound from reaching my ears. "I'm right in front of you Vin-." before I could finish she had reached forward with a hoof looking for me. She had got her hoof in my mouth almost as if she had met to do it "oops sorry" was her response as she pulled her hoof out of my mouth; she was really silent all of a sudden. "Are you okay Vinyl?" I had to ask, it was odd seeing this filly silent. She had let out a flustered sigh as she spoke "I can't see a thing." I put my hoof on her back to tried to give her comfort, not sure how I could help her "how long have you been unable to see?" Vinyl Scratch was a pale yellow filly and had the most beautiful magenta eyes I had ever seen. She was standing in front of me, furrowing her brow and tapping her hoof on the cobblestone walk we were standing on conversing. "Um after waking up, after getting knocked out by that stupid Prince something-or-other." I had let out a soft sigh at that. "Can I ask why you stood up to him?" She didn't even give it a thought before answering "he was pickin' on a filly." "Thank you for standing up to him." With those words I started leading her down the streets looking at the different shop signs with a plan in mind to help Vinyl Scratch. "No prob she looked in need of help." She hasn't figured out that she had helped me yet... "I did, thank you." I didn't want to be rude in letting her know it was me. "What?" I couldn't help but wonder if that hit had also ruined her hearing or something? I had lead her into a building with glasses everywhere. When I looked around for somepony I saw a kind looking mare who greeted us as we walked up to the counter "how can I help you two young fillies today?" I had helped Vinyl find a seat before answering; she was feeling around and had caught my flank once looking for a hand hold. I flushed yet again at this, but eventually I got her to sit down in the chair. "She can't see that well and was wondering if you would be able to help her." "How bad is that?" her kind voice was helping me think clearly; it was as if I was playing my cello all of a sudden. As if to answer the mare's question Vinyl started reaching for a can with something I couldn't identify. I grabbed her hooves and looked at her "what are you doing Vinyl?" she was pouting a little bit when she spoke. "I'm a little thirsty. I thought I would find a cup and then take a drink from it." The mare looked at me and went off into the back not even needing me to answer his question from earlier. "What would you like to drink Vinyl?" She couldn't see and I was worried she'd hurt herself or brake something. "I'm fine with water." I found her a cup and then got her some water and I had made sure it was in her hooves before letting her try and sip at it without my aid. Shortly after the mare came out and was levitating them with her magic. "Let's see if any of these can help you, little one." It was interesting to watch Vinyl try on glasses most of them not helping her much and some looking just plain ridiculous "this is bad, if this next pair doesn't work it could be a while until I would be able to get you a pair that works." She had gone into the back and then shortly after came out carrying a pair of black glasses with purple lenses; I had to tilt my head to those ones. "Aren't those sunglasses?" The mare smiled softly "they are but they are the strongest prescription I have in stock" and then when Vinyl had put the glasses on she looked around as if she was taking everything around her in for the first time in her life. "Whoa these are some sick shades." When she saw me, she had half tackled half and half hugged me causing me to flush yet again for the day. "I know you, you're the filly from the party that Prince fellow was picking on." She had then gotten off of me and started to walk around amazed by her surroundings; while she was off exploring I went to the mare. "How much is it going to be for those glasses?" The mare gave a kind smile and took a moment before answering me "Well normally those are 10 bits but how about just 5?" With that I had started to shuffle through my little pouch I kept behind tied my bow tie and felt my voice drop when I finished the count. "Um I only have 3..." "Octavia!" I had gone stiff hearing that shout; there was only one pony I knew who had that much energy. "Pinkie?" with that one question my cousin suddenly tackled me to the ground with such force that it threw me for a loop. "I've been looking for you all day!" I had looked at her with my eyes wide, because I was still a bit stunned. Vinyl trotted up to us with her head tilted. "Tavi who 's this?" Pinkie Pie smiled wide at me hearing this question. "You have a nickname?! and a friend?!" I was suddenly spinning around as Pinkie Pie was celebrating. After she had stopped spinning me I was wobbling trying to keep my balance. If it hadn't been for Vinyl letting me prop myself against her I would have fallen right there. "Um ya" - I felt the urge to ask - "Pinkie do you have two bits with you by chance?" She shook her head with such energy that a bit fell out of her hair. "I have a bit. Is there something you need?" The nice mare who was helping me had knelled down in front of my eccentric cousin with a soft smile. "Your sister here is just trying to pay for her friend's new glasses." When she heard that Vinyl had dropped two of her own bits on the ground into the pile with Pinkie Pie's "They are my glasses after all." I smiled slightly and then put two of my three bits in the pile. The kind mare gave me a smile using her magic to pick up the bits. "5 bits, the glasses are all yours." With that we all trotted out of the shop onto the Canterlot streets happily, and then I stopped mid stride something clicking in my mind. I had turned to Pinkie Pie before asking "Pinkie, what are you doing in Canterlot? She had started to hop around me like she always did around me. "To see you play your Cello silly!" Her words had hit me with such force that I had fallen onto my rump. "That was today wasn't it?" I had said ruefully and Pinkie Pie had started to climb all over me like she always did, her voice was carefree like always. "Shouldn't you be at the castle by now?" I tried to avoid the subject." I don't think I'm going to be preforming my Cello today." At this moment she was trying to balance on my back and look at me from over my head "what?! why not?" I had tried to shake her off of my head but I couldn't get her to leave me be. I had to tell her in the end. "Sigh... I attacked a prince." With that Pinkie Pie had rolled off of me and was now rolling around on the ground laughing. "Hahaha you hit, hahaha a prince hahaha!" Vinyl was looking down at Pinkie a look of wonderment on her face. "You have your cutie mark?" I had never thought to see if Vinyl had a cutie mark but when I looked I wasn't surprised when I didn't see one; I don't have mine either. "She does..."I hated the fact that my crazy cousin already already had hers; all she had to do was throw a party and she had one. Everyone was silent for maybe a second before Pinkie Pie had started to drag me along the ground by my tail. "We have to get you to the castle! Celestia needs to hear you play!" I had tried to stop her but nothing could ever stop Pinkie Pie when she wanted something done. "Let me go Pinkie!" I pleaded hoping that she would let me go, when I looked over my shoulder I saw that Vinyl was walking along side of Pinkie Pie. "You are aware that she hit a Prince right?" Pinkie Pie had given me a sharp tug sending me sprawling into the air with a scream. Then I landed on my sister's back tangled up in my own mane and tail. "Of course! but is she apologizes then I'm sure that-" I remarked coldly at that idea "I'm not apologizing to that stuck up pony." My words had made Pinkie Pie stop and drop me on the ground. She was pinning me there oddly serious all of a sudden. "It was mean Tavi, you have to apologize." At that point Vinyl stood up for me for the second time that day. "He made her cry, and caused me to need these." With that Pinkie Pie got off of me and started to trot around speaking in a sing song manner. "We should go and demand an apology then!" I had groaned at the thought and when I tried to go in the opposite direction of Canterlot Castle, Pinkie Pie just continued to pull me along against my protests. "I really don't want to go Pinkie." She just kept dragging me and Vinyl kept following right beside Pinkie Pie. "I'm sure if we ask him politely he will apologize." I doubted that, and then we all slowed down as some really loud sound was coming from a building, definitely the most atrocious sound that I had ever heard in my life. "That's a sick sound, we should totally go in there!" She likes that sound?