//------------------------------// // Caramel // Story: Episode 1: Nightmares and Lunascapes // by mr lovecolt //------------------------------// Though only a few moments had passed, to the ponies in the room it had seemed like hours. Pinkie Pie lay still on the ground, having passed out from a combination of shock and blood loss. Edger lay on the platform, but his eyes had dilated to the point where all that could be seen was blackness. Finally, it was Script who broke the scene and ran over to Edger while pulling the pills from his saddlebag. His white aura surrounded the bottle and it let fall a single pill. Before Script could place it in Edger’s mouth, he felt his forehoof yanked by another force. The pill in his hand was surrounded by a dark blue aura, and he watched as it flew through the air into Princess Luna’s outstretched hoof. Princess Luna’s gaze burned into his eyes. “You are the one who has been acting as his physician, I presume?” “It isn’t what you think, Princess Lu-” “Twilight,” Princess Luna yelled, “You and Caramel teleport with Pinkie Pie to the Ponyville Hospital. I am going to have a few words with Edger’s agent.” Twilight Sparkle and Caramel nodded and both rushed to each side of Pinkie Pie. They spoke to her as though she could still hear them. “Pinkie,” Caramel said, “It’s going to be fine.” “Yeah, Pinkie,” Twilight Sparkle added, “We’ll get you fixed up.” A purple aura surrounded all three ponies, and a moment later, Princess Luna and Script were left alone in the atrium. Script began to cower on the floor as he watched Princess Luna’s form grow larger and her mane flow more violently. “Script,” Princess Luna yelled as she neared her Royal Canterlot Voice, “Do you even have any idea what you have done?” “Princess Luna,” Script replied as his voice trembled, “I can see that I may not be in the very best light as of now. But think of how many ponies have been saved from Edger’s mind.” “If you hadn’t started giving him these pills, then he would have been able to find help from the few other unicorns who have been given the old magic.” “So you wanted him to get better at it?” Script yelled. Princess noticed that the trembling had stopped and that the white unicorn had taken to his feet rather quickly. Was the fear this pony showing me an act, Princess Luna asked herself. “Need I remind you to whom you are speaking, subject?” “Edger is a danger to himself and all of the ponies of Equestria right now.” Script reasoned, “When I saw him, I knew immediately that his talent was the use of Helioselenian magic.” “What did you just say?” Princess Luna asked as her eyes narrowed. “Umbrakinesis is what I spoke of your majesty.” Script replied, “The ability to control shadows.” “That was not my question, subject,” Princess Luna said, “What was the word you used?” “You mean the magic that came from Helioselene, one of the lesser gods who came before you?” “You are broaching the crime of blasphemy, subject.” Luna’s voice was strained yet remained calm, “I would choose my next words very carefully, lest you wish to spend a great deal of time beneath Canterlot.” “Is that where you keep the other unicorns who have been given Helioselene's and the other lesser gods' magic, Princess?” “Enough!” Princess Luna yelled using her Royal Canterlot Voice. Her eyes grew pure white, and a moment later, the sky itself broke open, and a large chariot piloted by dark grey thestrals landed through a large hole in the roof. A large grey stallion stepped off of the chariot and immediately bowed before Princess Luna. “Yes, your majesty?” “He is to be taken to the dungeons of the Canterlot Castle.” Princess Luna yelled without any control of her rage, “For blasphemous and insurrectional speech.” “Your highness,” the guard replied shakily, “Those crimes haven’t been punished for generations, I don’t even think they’re on the books anymore.” “Princess Celestia will understand once I speak with her.” “Y-yes, your majesty.” The guard made his way towards Script, but Script simply turned his nose in the air and made his way to the chariot, followed by the guard. The guard gave a signal, and the chariot flew into the air. The sky opened again, and a moment later, the sky was empty once again. Princess Luna closed her eyes and imagined her sister. Her mind whirred with static, but eventually she could hear the sound of her sister’s voice. Tia… What is it Luna? There is a stallion set to arrive at the castle any moment. He’s already here, Tia. Blasphemy laws haven’t been used in centuries. He spoke of Helioselene. So did that one author. And if I recall, he also painted you in a rather unflattering light… This stallion spoke of Helioselene and the old magic, and he has the ability to control the unicorns born with the old magic, as well. I am watching over one of them as we speak. The unicorn before you was using encapsulated magic to control his abilities. There was silence for a moment. Princess Luna looked over Edger’s unconscious form for a moment and at the remains of his mutilated cutie mark and genitals. A shiver ran down her spine as she imagined what the stallion had been through. He is being dealt with as we speak, Luna. Thank you, Tia. The communication between the two sisters broke, and Princess Luna made her way to Edger. She closed her eyes once again and imagined being in Edger’s dream. She had to get him out of there. She had to find out what other secrets this young stallion was hiding. She concentrated harder, but every time she tried to enter, she was met with a black wall. She tried again and again, but Edger’s mind would not allow her in. Finally, as she charged the black wall once again, the wall finally pushed her out of Edger’s mind completely. Princess Luna found herself on the floor of the old ruins. ***** Twilight Sparkle and Caramel paced the halls of Ponyville Hospital for the second time that evening. Doctor Stable advised them that this was a minor surgery, technically speaking, and that she only had blood loss to deal with, so she would simply be tired for a while. Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash sat at the small benches along the wall. “Twilight,” Caramel said, “We need to get back to Princess Luna and Edger.” “So,” Rainbow Dash snorted, “You want to leave your friend in the hospital so you can get to know your latest crush?” “What did you just say?” “You heard me.” Rainbow Dash yelled as she flew out of her seat. “Fluttershy nearly died. Pinkie Pie’s in here, too. And the first thing you say to Twilight is ‘oh, I want to go see Edger’, the stallion who dismembered Daisy, Lily, and Rose right in the town square-” “He did not do it!” Caramel shouted, “I saw the thing that attacked Pinkie Pie, and I know it was the same thing that attacked the others.” “How can you be so quick to trust him when you see what’s been happening?” Rainbow Dash said, “Whatever. The fact is that your friends are here, and you want to be there.” “Things have obviously happened in Edger’s life,” Caramel explained, “That has caused him to close himself off from those who want to be his friend. Edger needs a friend more than anything, I know it. He needs to be comforted right now.” “And I’m sure you want to comfort his flank with your dick.” “Rainbow Dash,” Rarity exclaimed, “There is no need for such vulgar language.” “Well,” Applejack chimed in, “When the barn door swings both ways, y’all just leave yerself open to all the whispers of the wind, if ya catch my drift.” “I’m getting sick and tired of everypony thinking that I want Edger. And I’m really getting sick and tired of everypony thinking that just because I’m bi that I want to rut with every mare and stallion I see.” “Caramel,” Twilight Sparkle tried to speak. “No!” Caramel yelled again. “I’m a pony, just like you all. I’m allowed to want to comfort somepony that I want to be my friend without having my motives questioned!” “Caramel,” Twilight Sparkle repeated, “I agree with you.” The yelling in the hospital waiting room stopped. Caramel turned to Twilight Sparkle. “I do. I saw the same thing you saw. I know Edger has a role in what is happening, but I know he’s not responsible for the deaths of the flower girls. We need to go back to the ruins to check on Princess Luna and Edger.” Caramel nodded his head in understanding as he made his way towards Twilight Sparkle. “Girls, you keep an eye on Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. We’ll get to the bottom of this, I promise.” A purple aura surrounded Twilight Sparkle and Caramel, and a moment later, Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked towards each other and resumed their vigil over their two friends. “Rainbow Dash,” Rarity asked, “Were you giving Caramel such a hard time because of… you two breaking up?” “No,” Rainbow Dash yelled, “How can you say that? How can everypony just immediately think that this Edger… Tiller… whatever his name is, is some sort of victim in all of this?” “Do you remember when you were suspicious of Twilight Sparkle when she first arrived to Ponyville and Nightmare Moon kidnapped Princess Celestia?" Rarity asked, "Just because Edger knows something doesn’t mean he is responsible.” Rainbow Dash looked down at the floor for a moment, and Rarity moved to sit on the other side of her. The sound of ruffling feathers could be heard in the room, and both she and Applejack noticed that Rainbow Dash’s wings trembled. “Rose… Lily… Daisy…” Rainbow Dash whispered, “We have to stop what’s happening.” Rarity watched Rainbow Dash’s eyes, but she knew that the rainbow haired pony would never allow others to see her cry. Still, she and Applejack placed a hoof on each of her shoulders and listened to the sound of feathers as they rustled against the bench. ***** Fluttershy stared in shock at the sight of Pinkie Pie with a bandage over her head as she was wheeled into the room. The light was still on, though, but Fluttershy assumed that they thought she was still asleep and wouldn’t mind a room partner. Still, Fluttershy couldn’t help but speak to Nurse Tenderheart. “Nurse,” Fluttershy whispered, “What happened?” “Poor thing got her ear bitten off.” Nurse Tenderheart shook her head, “I swear we need to find an end to these timberwolf attacks. First you, then Pinkie, and I hear they actually killed the flower girls.” “Rose… Lily… and Daisy…” Fluttershy whispered in shock, “They’re… gone?” “Please, don’t ask for details, Miss Fluttershy.” Nurse Tenderheart turned away and Fluttershy heard her sniffle, “Just be glad you’re alive.” “Oh, hey Fluttershy.” Pinkie said as she opened her eyes. “Oh, hey Pinkie.” Fluttershy whispered. “Welcome back, Miss Pinkie Pie,” Nurse Tenderheart said, “Its good you’re back with us.” “What was that?” Pinkie Pie asked as she held a hoof up to where her ear used to be. “I said,” Nurse Tenderheart a little more loudly, “It’s good you’re back with us.” “What?” Pinkie Pie asked again. “I said-” Nurse Tenderheart yelled. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie burst out laughing. “You don’t need to yell, Nurse Tenderheart,” Pinkie Pie smiled, “I still have the other ear. Oh that’s going to be a fun joke.” “Only you, Pinkie Pie,” Nurse Tenderheart muttered to herself, “Only you.” Nurse Tenderheart chuckled to herself as she reached her hoof to turn off the light, but as she began to leave, she heard both ponies start to scream. “Oh Celestia, there it is again!” “You aren’t getting my other ear, you big meanie!” Nurse Tenderheart rushed back in and turned the light on to see Fluttershy huddled as best as she could beneath her pillow and Pinkie Pie on top of her sheets with a hoof in the air. She looked around the room and wondered what possibly could have set both of the mares off like that. “Girls!” Nurse Tenderheart yelled, “Get back in bed!” The girls looked over to the corner of the room for a moment, then to each other, and then back to Nurse Tenderheart. “We’re sorry,” Fluttershy said, “But can you just leave the light on please?” “Of course dear, I should have remembered. I’ll be back in a few hours, okay?” “Okey dokie.” Pinkie Pie replied. Nurse Tenderheart looked around the room one more time and made a mental note to speak with Doctor Stable about setting the two girls up with a counselor to deal with possible stress disorders. When the door closed once more, Pinkie Pie turned to Fluttershy. “Was what I just saw the same thing you saw?” “Yes.” Fluttershy answered. “You really saw it? I’m not going crazy?” “That was the same thing that attacked me. Script had said something about the light keeping them away, so let’s just keep the light on all night if we have to, okay?” “The light does keep them away?” Fluttershy asked, “Good, then we’ll be safe, I hope.” Pinkie Pie watched as Fluttershy finally slumped down onto the pillow, gasped, and then flipped over. Pinkie Pie looked at the bandages that covered where her wings once were. Seeing the remains of her friend’s wings made her think of Edger. She remembered what Twilight Sparkle said to her, but she needed to hear it from somepony else. “Fluttershy?” “Yes?” “What would you do if you learned that you had done something a long time ago, but it wasn’t really your fault, but it ended with something bad happening to another pony?” “Pinkie Pie, I already forgave you and Rainbow Dash for tricking me into staring at that stuffed turtle for hours that one time.” “I didn’t mean that something.” Pinkie Pie sighed as she settled herself into her own bed. “I meant as an example.” “Well, did it happen to a friend?” Fluttershy yawned. “Yes,” Pinkie Pie admitted, “A really good friend.” “Then your friend will forgive you. Your friend knows if you make a mistake that you will be forgiven. That’s what friends do. Friends forgive each other.” “Yeah,” Pinkie Pie replied as her head fell onto the pillow, “You’re right.” A moment later, the sound of two sleeping ponies could be heard in the room. ***** Twilight Sparkle and Caramel appeared in the atrium of the ruins only to see Princess Luna lying on the floor and rubbing her horn. “Princess Luna!” Twilight Sparkle shouted, “What happened?” “I’m fine, Twilight,” Princess Luna replied, “I tried to reenter Edger’s dream, but something is keeping me out of it.” “But you’re the Princess of the Night.” Caramel blurted out. “I know that,” Princess Luna said, “But there is some other force at use here. It is a different force than my sister and I even fully comprehend.” “Princess,” Twilight Sparkle asked, “Where is Script?” “Script has been detained for the moment.” Caramel could see the look of fury in Princess Luna’s eyes at both the mention of her inability to enter the dream and Script. Caramel wished he had gotten the chance to do more damage to the while unicorn. “So are we going to just stay here and wait for Edger to wake up?” Caramel asked as he made his way across the room. “We have no choice,” Luna said. “Unless,” Twilight Sparkle began, “If you explain to me how your dream walking spell works, I could enter his dream.” “Absolutely not, Twilight,” Princess Luna said as she stood up. “You can’t just walk into somepony’s dream. An untrained unicorn’s magic would go haywire once it enters the dream world. And unfortunately, Caramel, being an earth pony, doesn’t have the capabilities to even enter the dream by will. No, Edger has to do this on his own.” Suddenly, another wave of energy burst through the room, and Edger’s eyes reopened. The shadows that stood along the wall began to waver back and forth, and both Princess Luna and Twilight Sparkle yelled. They both lowered their heads and allowed a beam of light to emit from their horns. Caramel looked around and saw that there were numerous shadowy ponies making their way from the corners of the room. The light repelled the shadows for a bit, but they continued to move, inch by inch, towards them. “Your Highnesses,” Caramel said, “I can’t buck all of these things away.” “We have to hold them off for a while until Edger awakens.” Caramel turned back to look at Edger. Edger, Caramel pleaded, please let somepony in. Caramel watched as, if by his command, the blackness in Edger’s eyes widened even further until it began to pool out of them and over his body like liquid. The blackness extended beyond Edger’s body and towards the three of them. Once it touched their feet, the blackness rose into the air until it surrounded them. “We’re at the border.” Princess Luna gasped, “This is where the black wall has been placed." As if to prove her point, Princess Luna walked forward a few steps and pressed against the blackness. She struggled to push, but then sighed and backed away. Twilight Sparkle tried the same thing but to no avail. Caramel took a few steps forward, and then a few steps more. “Where is this wall?” Caramel asked. “It let you in.” Princess Luna said, “The wall didn’t even give you any resistance?” “He isn’t a unicorn.” Twilight Sparkle said, “Maybe it has to do with our different types of magic.” “Edger’s body is still in the ruins,” Caramel said, “We have to go back before the shadows get to him.” “Caramel, listen to me.” Princess Luna said, “I know this is unorthodox, but you have to find Edger. I don’t know if he’s engrossed himself in his dream or if he has become trapped. Edger is in a very dangerous place right now, and I can already tell this is very different from the dreams he has been having.” Caramel looked around but didn’t feel anything besides cold. “You have to be very careful in here.” Princess Luna continued, “This is a reality for Edger right now. I had managed to pull him away once after trying for years to get to him, but you cannot force him to do something that goes against his reality.” “I understand.” Caramel said. “Whatever you do, do not let his reality become yours. Remember always that you are in a dream. You cannot change what happens, but you can help Edger realize what is happening and he can stop it. Edger is the pony in control here.” Caramel moved to speak, but a moment later, both Princess Luna and Twilight Sparkle were flung far away from him into the darkness. In the distance, Caramel could see two pinpoints of light for just a moment, but then they disappeared. Everything was silent for a moment, and Caramel couldn’t shake the feeling that he was either floating or falling. Suddenly, the smell of fire invaded his nostrils, and the sound of ponies chanting filled the air like a low hum. Helioselene Enas alithinos theos Perimenoume ankalia sas eikosi oples Without walking, Caramel felt the ground beneath him turn. He saw a fire in the distance, with tall shadowy figures standing around it. Beyond the fire was a large barn. Caramel took a deep breath of air and swore to himself that if he got out of this, he would never read another horror story again.