//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Maybe that's all... // by Fat1thatyoulove //------------------------------// Chapter 9 – One nice night please. It took you a little longer than you thought to find the room and mainly because you got lost and you needed a key to get into the royal section anyways. The one good thing is that you didn't have to scare any other pony in the building. You rub your hooves over your head as you sit in the one bedroom sweet, note to self that heat stuff, fucking brings a headache...You give a sigh as you blink your eyes to the ground. Your ears peer up as you hear the door to the room open, your body tenses as you look to the hallway waiting to see who opened the door. "There you are." You breath a sigh of relief as you notice the lavender mare come into the room, "Hi Twilight." She rolls her neck as she walks over to the satchel on a nearby table, "My massage was so relaxing...how was yours?" You quickly answer her as you shake your head, "Oh it was great ya nothing bad at all." You give a nervous laugh as you stop talking. Twilight giggles as she looks you over, "You still look tense." You shake your head as you move your eyes, "Naw i'm fine." "Oh..." She looks around the room for a moment and then back to you, "...I didn't know the room only had one bed, i'll make sure we get another." She turns to walk out of the room but you stop her as you speak up. "Wait...its alright Twilight the room is fine." She paused as she looks back to you a little surprised, " A-are you sure? I know you haven't been sleeping good the last two nights." You think over her words for a second, "Then neither have you." Twilight moves her soft eyed gaze from you as she starts back to the door, "...I want you to be able to relax tonight and get a good night sleep...maybe that's all you need." You again stop her as you talk, "I have a better idea, how about we just have a nice dinner and not worry about it?" You think over your sentence for a moment...yep librarian has some word skills. Twilight squints at you as she talks in a low voice, "Like a date?" You give a little chuckle as you think over her words, is she serious we have a kid and dinner dates are still something weird? You stop your laughing as you notice her bring her head down a little. You quickly change your action as you talk, "Yes Twilight, would you go on a date with me?" She blinks at you for a moment before she smiles, "Yes, i'll be ready in a little bit." She hoovers the bag over to her as she darts into the bath room with a smile. You can't help but laugh as you think about the dress that she just went to go put on, we don't wear clothes... why would a dress matter? - - - It turns out a dress does matter as you lay flat on the bed staring at the ceiling as you call out to the bathroom for the hundredth time, "Are you ready?" Her faint voice comes back into the room as you have to listen hard to hear it, "One more minute..." You roll your eye as you again go back to clapping your hooves together in front of your muzzle...it doesn't do really anything but you are too bored to do anything. The bathroom door finally cracks open as you sit back up to look at her. She pulls on the dress a little as she blushes a bit, "Its a little tight." You stare at her ears pointed up and mouth closed, the tight dress clings to her body and curves with her...the color and placement of the gems bring out the sparkles in her purple eyes and as you continue to look her over you expel your thoughts, "You look good..." She blushes a little as she looks down at the dress, "Well...it is a bit tight but I do like it." She looks back up to you with a smile as she turns to the door still holding her head to you, "Care to accompany me?" You give a light laugh as you roll yourself to your hooves from the bed, "Where to?" Twilight waits till you're beside her before she talks, "I thought we could just stay in the hotel, the restaurant here is one of the nicest in Canterlot...and we get in free thanks to Celestia." You think about it for a moment as you follow behind her, well it looks like Celestia is not so bad after all. - - - La bonne, You look over the sign in front of the restaurant as you near the pony standing at the reception desk, "Hello, dining for two?" You and Twilight both nod to the waiter dress light amber unicorn stallion. He holds his hoof out to the room as he waits for you too follow in behind him. You look around the elegant room as you walk in, the tables and chairs are covered with a vinyl deep red with gold trim, each table seats two and a tiny candle burns in the middle. But the pleasantly dim lit rooms regal decorations are not the only thing that enter your mind, the room is filled with soft piano music that is being played by a pale green mare in the corner of the room...wow when Rarity says something is nice she really means it. "Here you go." The stallion leads you two to a table that sits towards the middle of the room. He patiently waits as you and Twilight take your seats before he floats over some menus to you, "Would you like fresh salad while you wait?" You and Twilight both nod your heads as he talks again, "I will return for your order when your ready." As the pony leaves the table you bring your eyes to Twilight as she talks in an excited but not over dramatized voice like Rarity would, "This place is nice, Rarity was right." You give a nod as you look over the menu... fresh something...some kind of fruit thing....you search the menu some more as you look for something that is not just green. Your eyes place on something and your stomach rumbles to you, a fucking pizza?! I want this! I don't know what it is but I want it! You read over its description as you feel your mouth water a little...only available for out or restaurant pick up or room service. You flop the menu on the table as you read that last part. Twilight looks up from her menu with a little confusion, "Something wrong?" You realize how stupid that must have looked as you try to pass it off as you talk, "What no I just uh drop my menu." You place your hoof back on the menu as you bring it back up to you. Your eyes meet another option, spaghetti...ok. "Here you go." You hold the menu from the table as the stallion hovers to bowls of salad to your table. Wow that's fast...You look over the good looking food as he sets it down. As he turns away you reach for your fork. As you stick your fork into the fresh salad it makes a loud crunch sound and you feel like everypony in the restaurant is looking at you. You stop for a second as you look up to the lavender pony who eats with a quite elegant pose. You try to straighten your posture as you attempt to mimic her. But instead you just drop the fork onto the plate sending a loud clanging noise through the restaurant...yay i'm an idiot. Twilight gives a little giggle as her horn glows a light purple and the fork was placed back in your hoof. You give a little laugh to her action, "We didn't go out much did we?" She smiles as she shakes her head, "Not really." "Uh, hello." You both turn back to the waiter pony as he hoovers a wine bottle down to the table, "Here is your wine." Twilight watches the bottle being sat on the table as she talks, "We didn't order any wine." "Oh yes I know, it was bought by another table for you two." You and Twilight both give a look as you nod your head to the stallion. Free wine fine with me...You stare at the bottle for a few seconds almost ready to pour it for you and Twilight but something in the back of your mind tells you that you would just drop it. Luckily you don't have to say anything as the bottle takes on a purple glow. You give a smile to Twilight as she pours you both a drink. You can't tell if its the music the mood or her stare but you are starting to understand some of the things that were pounded into your mind over the last few days. End of chapter 9