Conversion Bureau: St George

by kryxel

episode 3 part 6: Ponies and god.

Ponies and gods
intervented by kryxel
Wished to legibilty by Ray 10k
(yes based on the "baseline" of all TCB stories)

Grace entered the doorway of the bureau conversion room. Doctor Whooves, Berry and Colgate were at their usual spots as Grace entered.
Grace immediately saw the flask that held what looked like grape Jello, with gold glitter mixed into it.
"Is that...?" She asked, looking at the Doctor.
"Oh yes. It is," the Doctor said as Berry handed over the small Styrofoam cup with 3 ounces of the formula mixed in with it.
"So, I just, down it and bang, I am a pony?" Grace asked as she held the cup.
"Yes. But you may want to undress first. The conversion process could kill you otherwise, per example when your neck grows bigger than your collar," Colgate said. In the meantime, Grace had set the cup down on a table to free her hands and was about to undress, when she thought of something that made her blush a little. She looked at the Doctor and stammered, "C-could you uh... Leave?"
"What? Why?... Oh! right... I will just be out here," the Doctor said as he stepped out of the room, finding a chair in the hall.
Grace undressed, and took the cup in her hand, swishing the liquid a little before she steeled her resolve, and downed it in one quick gulp.
“huh, tastes like grape-”


The first part of the Dream was almost identical to any newfoal. The peaceful meadow they find themselves in, the moment they are accepted into the Herd, the run, the cliff giving way to a path of clouds, and finally meeting the royal sisters. One thing that varied for each nowefoal however, was the location of that meeting.

When Grace met the goddesses, she found herself in a place she had abandoned not so long ago but had hoped not to see again, not so soon anyway.
Her father’s church.
The pulpit sat empty and rows upon rows of pews lined the red carpet isle.
Grace found herself lying down on the carpet, facing the pulpit.
She stood up and walked up to the pulpit to see all the room at once.
At first, her new eyes and ears did not hear or see anyone, but then she saw the tip of a pastel tail, slipping through a narrow gap between the large double doors at the end of the church.

Grace broke into a gallop as she ran past the pews and out the door to follow the tail she had been certain she saw.
Passing through halls and running past rooms, she soon reached the exit to find the two sisters... and an unexpected third guest. A human guest.

"Grace, please come and sit with us..." Celestia said as Luna played chess with the bearded man.
Grace sat down and looked at the three
"She does not know what to think, does she?" The man said with a grin.
"I must assume she can at least put 2 and 2 together," Luna said as she moved her knight.
"Both of you, please quiet down. Grace, are you okay?"
Grace's mind was blown.
"M-M-My God," was all she could say.
"Well, I am sorry Grace... But I have not been anyone’s God for a good long time," the Man said as Luna looked over the board, trying to find a way out.
"B-but huh... How? W-why? Hold on, WHAT!?"
"Grace, let me explain," Celestia said. "Each Universe has its own God or Goddess. A main Deity of the sun, who created everything on the planet. The Man before you is the one who created this world. He wanted to see what we talk about when we talk with a newfoal like yourself."
"Don’t call me by one of those religious names, please. Call me Dave instead," the Man said.
"D-Dave. Okay, I can do that."
"Now, Grace. You have lived on this Earth for all of your days up until now, and I want to ask you something. One last request, before you leave. A request for you, for the good of the whole human race," Celestia said, leaning closer.
"What... IS the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?" She looked at Grace with her face so serious, one would be forgiven to mistake her for a statue, and Grace stared back, her face a mask of barely concealed confusion.
Dave burst into laughter. "Oh Tia! You need to learn the difference between serious questions and popular icons in inventions. I have had that one asked to me so many times, I would not be able to count it, not even on all fingers and toes in the world! Now, my dear Grace, please don’t worry too much about her silly questions. I know you are not "mine" anymore, but there is one thing I would like you to do. If not for me, then for the others you can help by doing it. Help others, those who are afraid to choose, those afraid to take a risk. I cannot give you much, but if you could help others to make up their mind before it is too late, you will have my gratitude."
"Sister, Dave, we must hurry. She’s been under far longer than the usual. They are getting ready to use the Defibrillator!" Luna said.
"Right.. *speedyspoilsport*." Celestia sighed, and turned back to Grace. "Grace, I wish we had more time, but Luna is right. Please, drink the Tea in front of you."
Grace nodded, and bent down to drink the tea. Soon, her world fades to gray. The last thing she saw, before the veil covered her completely, was Dave kneeling and hugging her.

"Good luck Little pony," He says before all fades from grey to black.


"CLEAR!" Colgate said as Grace came to. "WAIT! She is awake!"
Grace sat up, and looked at the three worried ponies surrounding her.
"Grace, are you okay?" Berry asked.
"More than okay... Far more than okay," Grace said with a smile.