Family First

by Monarilla

My Family is Strong and Proud

She picked up her basket and walked outside. It was a little heavier than yesterday since she felt she hadn't given them enough. She had of course, but if anypony knows Fluttershy, they know that she always wants to be sure everybody is happy.

"Hello my little critters!" She said with a smile "I hope you're hungry, I've brought you an especially large serving today since you didn't get so much last time."

The raccoons were slightly puzzled by what she meant by underfed, but who were they to pass up more food? This of course was their reasoning while they scarfed down the leftovers of the other critters. They didn't need leftovers but the preferred them.

"Goodness, you must have been starving if you're eating them that fast. Well, I hope you enjoy!" She waved goodbye to them as she headed back into her cottage.

"Let's see, we have a couple of things to do today. I'll need to buy more seeds for the birds, I have lunch with Rainbow Dash at two, and finally I need to visit Rarity to check up on Opal. Again."

She took a deep breath, put on her saddle bag and trotted out the door, all the while humming one of her favorite tunes.


As the sun began to set, Fluttershy finally arrived back at her cottage. She took a moment to appreciate the breeze of a cool summer day. It was one of the nicest parts about living on the ground, the wind blows to fierce or too calmly in the clouds. She took out her keys, about to unlock the door when she heard a loud noise that sent her diving for her emergency bush. Of course it was nothing more than a simple thump on the ground but you can never be too careful, right?

"Fluttershy poked her head out of the bush. "W-w-whos there?" she whispered

"Honestly my lady, I thought you were used to my less than perfect landings." Came a familiar voice

She turned her head only to see I giant snout inches away from her face. She shrieked and dived into her backup emergency bush. "Who are you?" she said breathing heavily. "P-please don't hurt me!"

"Hurt you my lady?" The figure chuckled "Now why would I ever do that?"

Hearing his soothing voice, Fluttershy emerged from her "hiding place" to get a better look at the stranger. It was a flying pig, they're very rare and not many people get a chance to meet one. The only other one she ever met was her butler, and he... was in... Cloudsdale.

Fluttershy gasped "Snouten? What are you doing here?"

"Well my lady, I first came here with a message from your mother, but now it seems I might have to check your memory as well." The flying butler pig waddled over to his master. "You remember me I'm guessing, do you remember your family as well?"

"Of course I remember them!" Fluttershy said, insulted. "There's mama and papa and Flutterdream and Flutterfree and Flutterdawn JR. I remember them all... y-you just startled me."

Snouten stared blankly at her "Of course my lady, deepest apologies. However, I should continue on to the matter at hand."

"Oh, why don't you some inside and have some tea then? My flying friends collected some rarer leaves from the Everfree forest, I haven't tried them yet but there's no better occasion than catching up with old friends."

Snouten cocked his head a little, examining his master now all grown up. "You know ponies who travel into the Everfree forest?"

"Not pegasi Snouten, birds." Fluttershy corrected

"Oh, of course. How could I forget about your little talent?" Snouten smiled as they walked into her cottage, "Isn't that why you moved here anyways, to live with wild animals?"

"They're not wild, most of them are very tame and nice once you get to know them." Fluttershy said as she filled the tea kettle. "Maybe you could bring one back to mama and papa, I'm sure they would love to have one of the exotic birds that live down here."

"You can give it to them yourself, that's why I came down here. Your mother and father wanted me to let you know they are visiting you in a weeks time."

"That's wonderful!" Fluttershy exclaimed "I haven't seen them in years, I certainly miss them."

"Which is why you never visit and never write." Snouten mumbled.

Fluttershy looked down at the floor embarrassingly. It was true that she hadn't had any real contact with her parents aside from seeing them at a distance at the Best Young Flyer Competition. Her sister used to visit her but that was three years ago.

"I just assumed they didn't want to hear from me, Flutterdream told me they were furious at me for leaving the manor. I wanted to apologize for leaving but mama scares me to death! I would sooner have had a heart attack than have made amends with her."

"You're sister always had a way with exaggerating the truth" Snouten snorted "The only time she's ever been timid with her words was when... never mind. You're parents are a little sad and disappointing that you chose to live down here, but they still love you all the same my lady. Don't worry, they're not coming down here to burn you at the stake."

Fluttershy breathed a sigh of relief, she was always worried that her past would come back to haunt her but now it seems it was just coming for a friendly visit.

"Anyways my lady, they said they would be staying overnight for three days so they hope you will be ready to host them for that long."

Fluttershy looked around her cottage quizzically. It could definitely house her parents for three days but would they mind all the animals? Well, if they taught her anything it was to value that what was more important than being a good host; is being a good guest.

"I'm sure they will be more than comfortable staying here for three days, maybe I can introduce them to my friends!" Fluttershy beamed.

Snouten looked gravely at his master. "You have friends?"

"Oh yes," She smiled "Five of the best friends I could ever hope for"

"I will inform your parents they will be seeing some new ponies on their visit" Snouten grunted. "In the mean time I hope you have a good day, my lady."

"What about tea?" Fluttershy asked

"I'm sure you can share it with one of your friends, I on the other hand have duties to attend to." Snouten said as he took off into the sunset.


"I cant believe we're gonna see Fluttershy's parents!" Pinkie Pie cheered jumping from hoof to hoof. "This is so exciting I don't think I'll be able to sleep till they get here!"

"Cmon Pinkie," Rainbow Dash said rolling her eyes. "Its not like it's your parents or anything, why are you getting this worked up about it?" She sighed, why did she even ask?

"Because if Fluttershy's excited then I'm excited" Pinkie giggled "And there's two more ponies who I'll get be able to know, and a flying pig A FLYING PIG! I bet he has the cutest wings, do flying pigs have a different kind of wing? What if they're little stubby wings? OHHHH that would be the most adorable thing! What if they have huge wings so they can lift all that weight, not saying flying pigs are fat or anything cause that's just insensitive."

The other five ponies stared at Pinkie Pie, it was gonna take a fair bit of time to get used to her entirely. True, they were all excited to see Fluttershy's parents for the first time, but it also brought up a whole bunch of questions.

Twilight brought up the elephant in the room. Well, whatever large object makes the outdoors uncomfortable. "So Fluttershy, do you mind telling us why we're only now hearing about your parents?"

"Ah must admit, I don't reckon I've ever heard you talkin about your parents before sugar cube. Is there somethin about them that embarrasses you?" Applejack smiled encouragingly at her friend.

"Goodness no." Fluttershy dug at the ground with her hoof "I just... thought it would be better if I didn't mention who they were, especially in a small town like this." This was a half truth, but they didn't need to know the entire truth, there was no point in worrying them.

Rarity's ears perked up, she loved being the first to hear gossip. "Why would you ever not want people to know who your parents are darling?"

Fluttershy hid herself a little in her hair, She hoped she would be able to explain it all when her parents arrived, it felt a little to early to be telling them now.

"Don't be shy Fluttershy," Twilight said sweetly. "We all Pinkie promise not to tell anyone about you parents if you don't want us to, right girls?" She scanned over her friends to make sure they were all going through the steps. Rarity reluctantly promised, what a waste of good gossip.

"Well, I guess you would find out sooner or later." Fluttershy sighed "I come from the Flutter family, I would be lying if I said we werent one of the wealthiest families in Equestria but fortunately my parents know how to minimize their publicity and maximize their profit."

"So you didn't want us to know that you're filthy rich." Rainbow Dash concluded "I don't know about you four but I couldn't see Fluttershy wearing a tiara and walking around like royalty could you? also, we both went to flight school together, how did I not know your parents were rich?"

"Well if you recall, you never saw my parents. I always went to flight school with my Nannie, she would take me behind a cloud, give me my saddle bag, and send me off. She picked me up the same way too." Fluttershy stared into the clouds trying to picture it happening up there.

"Why in Equestria would your parents be so secretive about being wealthy? I mean if I were them I'd be flying around in style and throwing money every which way!" Rainbow dash grinned at the idea.

"I must admit darling, I too would enjoy a little fame from my fortune." Rarity said as she also lost herself in her super rich fantasy.

"Well, I guess you haven't been rich before." Fluttershy caught herself "I-I mean, not that there's something wrong with that."

"Its fine Fluttershy, you're right, we none of us really know what it's like to have personal wealth. I mean I did spend most of my life in Canterlot but my parents weren't the wealthiest and when I went to live with Celestia I never cared much for having expensive things. Just books, lots of books." Twilight frowned a little, she was finding yet another thing that she didn't get to enjoy because of her constant studying.

"Don't get me wrong, my parents are very well known in the wealthy community, and I'm sure many people out there know their names. But they don't like paparazzi or journalists or anything like that. I guess they just prefer the money making part of their life and not the fame that comes with it."

"Well, if they were one of the poorest families in the world it wouldn't matter." applejack put a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. "We'll keep their identities to ourselves, you don't have to worry about that."

Fluttershy smiled, It was so nice that she had such good and trustworthy friends. She was sure they would love her parents. Absolutely sure.

"Hey Fluttershy, I was wondering, how did your parents get so rich? I mean, its not like money grows in trees, which would be so cool if it did!" pinkie gasped "Do your parents have a money tree? can I see it?"

"Well ummm, I dont think they have a money tree, they might as well have one though" Fluttershy giggled "Money has been in my family for generations really. Do you know Dawn-breaker Stadium?"

Rainbow dashes jaw dropped "You don't mean the Dawn-breaker Stadium? The largest arena ever built for the Summer Pegasi Games? I wen't there with my aunt once, it was so awesome!"

"You might have seen me looking out of one of the VIP booths." Fluttershy blushed

"That is so cool! I cant wait to meet your parents!" Rainbow Dash had the biggest grin on her face, the other four ponies nodded in agreement. Fluttershy smiled, this was going to be a great visit.

The six girls continued to laugh and talk over tea. Fluttershy was happy.