//------------------------------// // Jealousy // Story: Immortal // by jishwadunscat //------------------------------// 4:00 PM and the sun still in it's noon position. Princess Twilight Sparkle was in Ponyville, visiting all her friends. She, along with many others was baffled as why the sun was still at is highest point. A few thoughts ran through her head that could be explanations of why this was happening. She came across quite a few frightening reasons, but decided to give it up. "Its probably nothing" Twilight told herself sternly. "You have heaps more time with your friends, don't let a little problem like that ruin your afternoon." And with that she galloped off to Sweet Apple Acres. Meanwhile The Guards that stood by the doors of the Princess' bed chambers had just left for the other guards to take over the post, but the other guards were nowhere to be seen. However, there was a large amount of activity taking place in the Princess' bed chamber. Princess Celestia was at war with herself. Over the past month the ponies of Equestria had begun staying up all night to admire the beautiful night of her Sisters. They would sleep through the day, and she found herself jealous of the attention that the ponies were giving to Luna. Today, it was at its worst. Luna had been asked to be the head of the mayors meeting. Luna would be able to make final decisions, and this outraged the sun Princess, for normally that was her job. A sudden wave of jealousy and rage swept over Princess Celestia. She felt her eyes begin to glow, and the rest of her body began to shake. Those who would have passed by the chambers would have heard a blood-curdling scream of anger, and a manic laugh not long after. A few minutes after the noise had passed the guards returned, having not found the others. They soon found themselves being pulled into Celestia's bed chamber. But the aura of magic that surrounded them was blood-red. The guards screamed when they saw the being that held them, until they found themselves suddenly outside the doors again, along with all of Canterlot castle. Princess Luna was up the front, asking every pony to calm down. Then the doors of the bed chambers burst open, and there was silence of shock and horror. The pony in front of them was not Princess Celestia. The pony had the body, coat and cutie mark of Celestia. But this pony wore armour. It was gold and sharp looking, and also had the shape of Celestia's crown moulded onto the head of it. The pony's mane was bright cyan blue, and was outlined in bright pink and and purple. But her eyes were the most frightening. Her pupils were now slits, a single line though the fuschia iris. The eyes glowed as she scanned the crowd infront of her, grinning showing a fanged set of teeth. "I am Solaria!" the pony in front of them bellowed "I am now your queen. Bow at my feet! From this day forth, there will be only light. The day will last forever!" Luna stood dumbstruck. Her pupils had contracted down to tiny dots as she realised what had happened. Her sister was now evil. And her night would never be seen again. A familiar sense of jealousy and rage washed over her, and she felt her eyes begin to glow. "NO!" she screamed, fighting back tears. The crowd had already rushed away, anywhere away from the horrible pony that stood in the castle at this very moment. Luna couldn't hold back tears any longer. She ran, tears streaming down her face. She wanted to believe it wasn't real. But it was it was happening here and now. She had to get the Elements of Harmony and their bearers. Back in Ponyville Princess Twilight Sparkle gasped and doubled over in pain. She felt as though she had been punched in the stomach, but that wasn't possible because the only ponies near her were in front of her. Twilight suddenly remembered what Celestia had told her on the day of her coronation. "Congratulations, Twilight! I must tell you something about being a princess." Twilights eyes widened. "What is is princess?" The sun Princess smiled. "If something shall ever happen to me, Luna or Cadence, you will feel as though someone has hurt you. This is how you can easily tell if something has happened." Something was wrong with a Princess. And with the burning feeling in her gut, she had a hunch it was Celestia. Without farewelling her friends, she took off into the air. Something wasn't right. Canterlot Castle When Twilight reached the palace, she found the place practically deserted. She raced off towards the bed chambers, and found princess Luna sobbing just outside the doors. The lavender pony raced over, and helped the princess of the night onto her hooves. "What happened Luna? I heard there was something wrong with your sister. Is she alright?" An unfamiliar voice spoke behind Twilight. "Well this is a lovely surprise, princess. Twilight's pupils shrank down to dots as Luna's had done before. The lavender pony slowly turned around, only to come face to face with the corrupted Solaria. Twilight stood still in shock, then came to her senses quickly. She conjured a magical purple blade, and held it threateningly in front of Solaria. The corruppted pony laughed, and her horn lit up with red magic. It engulfed Twilight, and bands of magic slowly wrapped around Twilights body. (Like when Rarity was getting her wings or with the age spell.) She screamed and twisted, and vanished in a flash of light. Solaria laughed menacingly. "Gone, trapped inside a room. She won't be back for at least an hour. And now it is your turn." She turned to Luna as she spoke. "You, how do you feel about another 1000 years on that pile of rock you call a moon?" "Please sister, no, this isn't you" Luna pleaded. Solaria just laughed, and threw her head back. He grinned down at Luna, and Solaria's horn lit up once again. Luna did the only thing she could think of. Run. Far away.