Big Mac's Marijuana

by AllieKat2000


Big Macintosh roamed the streets of Ponyville. The town seemed desolate in the middle of the night. The sun had long set, and the moon floated ominously in the sky, partially shielded by the clouds that produced a gloomy shower. Big Macintosh was grateful for the rain, as it repelled even the ponies who claimed to be night owls.
Big Mac held a big red duffel bag in his teeth. He looked left and right constantly, expecting to find a pony watching him in the shadows.
He reached an abandoned candy shop. He quietly trotted down an alleyway between the shop and, strangely, another abandoned candy shop. He felt safer while he was masked by the shadows.
Big Macintosh stopped near the end of the alley. He placed his duffel bag on the ground.
"Big Macintosh," a devious voice whispered. "Is that you?"
"Yyyyyup." Big Mac replied.
The owner of the voiced moved towards Big Mac. He pulled down the hood on his raincoat, and revealed himself to be Discord.
"Do you have it?" Discord muttered.
Big Macintosh unzipped the duffel bag with his teeth, reached in, and pulled out a cardboard box. He placed it on the ground in front of Discord. Big Mac nudged the box with his nose, and it opened, revealed a steaming apple pie.
"Yyyyyup." Big Macintosh said to Discord.
"Good, good." He closed the box and pulled it towards him. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a plastic bag, filled with marijuana. "Here it is. Now, don't tell anyone we met each other, ok?"
"Yyyyyup." Big Mac said.
"Good. Now scram, before anyone notices us." Discord pulled his hood over his head and rushed past Big Mac, holding the apple pie.
Big Macintosh looked at the bag of drugs.
"Yyyyyup." he said. He put the marijuana into his duffel bag and cantered away with it.