//------------------------------// // Only a Dream? // Story: New Ponies on the Block // by Aquarius //------------------------------// ======hello this is Valor8878 here due to budget cuts we had to let Tim the narrator go by way of throwing him out the window. he talked to much. anyway until we can find some volunteer's we wont be able t- (ooo, ooo mememe i.ll do it, i.ll do it) Pinkie Pie? what the flank, get back in the story right now! (but i wanna help! i can do the narrity thing! pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease) Alright, ALRIGHT! just please stop and go ahead so we can get to the intro. (YAY, ok now then in the last chapter there was happy singing and Rainbow Dash was all "Talk" and Scales was all "make me" and then mhmmhmhm) QUICK! go to the intro before she talks again!========= Its dark out as the trio lay next to a lit fire at there campsite under the night sky. _________________ Aquarius,Scales and Fishcored were by the fire warming themselves up from the cold night as Scales and Fishcored were on one side of the fire pit talking to one another while Aquarius was at the other kneeling on four hooves with a book and a pencil, both were glowing light blue and floating in front of him, looking over what was written on the book Aquarius nodded to himself before the pencil started to write down on the book "until next time" was all Aquarius said before the pencil floated away from the book as it closed. =====(ooo that's the book for the Trios journal isn't it?) Pinkie Pie shhhhh no spoilers====== "*yawn* philosophy im tired" Aquarius stated as he got up with the book floating next to him "i think its time we hit the hay" "it is um.. pretty late out" Fishcored said as he got up along with Scales who stretching. "yeah, and im gonna need all the rest i can get if im imma out fly that rainbow guy" Scales said with a cocky attitude as he made his way into the tent followed by Aquarius and Fishcored. "but Rainbow Dash ins't a um...." Before Fishcored could continue Aquarius elbowed him in the ribs before leaning over to him. "im sure it would be much funnier if he discovered such little details like that on his own" Aquarius whispered to Fishcored before entering the tent and waiting for Fishcored to pick a spot and lay down "good night idiots" Aquarius said with a smile before finding a spot and laying down himself. "good night jackflank" Scales replied with his eyes closed. Aquarius chuckled to himself before slowly closing his eyes and slowly breathing not having to wait long for sleep to take him. ______________ "what in the name of god is going on!" "just keep ruining!" "there they are! open fire" *the sound of gunfire* "Kyle! no!" ------------------------- Under a dark night sky it rains and thunders down upon a industrial town, broken down and torn up as the streets are full of trash, bullet shell's and snow, the people were humans dressed in rags and covered with frostbite many on the ground motionless as others cower and hide from a large group of troop's armored head to toe in black and dark blue robotic like armor carrying automatic weapons as they march in formation down a street littered the body's when a rock flew towards them and bashed against one of the troopers helmets making them all turn to face a small group of children with rocks in there hands, the troopers then raised there automatics at the children. _________meanwhile________ In the dark alley's a large hooded cloaked figure over eight feet tall and carrying a body is walking down the alley while the sound of gunfire echo's threw the town, the figure walked up to a brick wall with large graffiti on it that reads -DEATH TO THE NIGHTMARE REGIME!- the figure reached out with the palm of its hand and laid it on the brick wall when suddenly a door shape piece of the wall is pushed back inside itself and opens like a doorway, the figure ducks its head as it walks in, walking threw a hallways lined with torches before entering a large room slimier to that of a torture room. "*ah* Bruce, so glad you can join us" a voice called out to him and when Bruce pulled his hood down to reveal long dark green hair a figure walked in view next to a man stripped bare from the torso up who was strapped onto a blooded table by leather and wearing a spiked masked helmet made of iron over his face. "i had to do a little hunting" Bruce said as he slung the body he was carrying onto the floor the body being that of a male with purple hair "i couldn't get a name out of him but his code name was Elusive and he worked for intelligence" The new figure pulled down his own hood to reveal a male with combed back blue hair and a clean shaved face, ========(oooo is he the bad guy?) PInkie!====== "well then lets take a look at him" he then moved towards the body and examined it "did you really have to break every bone in his body?" "i like to be thorough Devin" "right, right dumb of me to ask" Devin then slowly stood up and clasped his hands together "well then skin him then hang him in the middle of town, lets start sending some message's" Bruce nodded as he reached down and grabbed the body by the leg, dragging it out of the room, "now then were was i?" Devin then turned to the man strapped to the table "*ah* yes how could i forget about the infamous Jack Smith" The Jack tried to struggle free as Devin grabbed a clipboard and looked at it while he walked around the table jack was one "lets see now the highest ranking commander of the nightmare regime, popular for the public executions you preformed which included your own older sister and grandfather, *oh* and lets not forget the man who shot and killed my good friend Kyle" Devin then tossed the clipboard away and then picked up a nearby skull "you know i do enjoy this world im suddenly thrust into, there are just *oh* so many murders and killings that i feel like im in my own personal heaven" Devin said with joy as he examined the skull while moving next to a steel pot "do you like soup Mr, Smith? cause id very much would love for you to try my recipe, its a special blend of blood, organs and bones" Devin then tossed the skull into the pot "as you can imaging to get the right ingredients for a beauty like this can be hard to come by, luckily Mr. berry was kind enough to supply me with the ingredients before his..... sudden disappearance" The jack struggled more trying desperately to get free as Devin fitted himself with thick leather gloves before picking up the steel pot with both hands and then slowly walking to jack "*oh* i almost forget to mention one more vital ingredient, MOLTEN LEAD!" Suddenly Devin raised the pot up and poured everything in it on Ja- ======(*scream* scaryscaryscaryscary) wow i forgot how graphic this scene was, cut to the next step quickly this is not for kiddie's===== ----------------- "this world needs a better class of monster" "one who wants to see it all burn" ____________________ "*gah*" Aquarius woke up suddenly his eyes wide open as he lifted his head off the ground and looked around him to see that Scales and Fishcored were still asleep. ,it was only a dream, he thought as slowly got up of all hooves ,i need some air, he then walked out of the tent too see it was still dark out, Aquarius took a deep breath and decided to take a stroll as he shakes his head and then trotted further into the woods ,i was done with sleep anyways, as he made his way past tree after tree he couldn't help but think more and more about the dream ,it just seemed so real it was like i was watching a bad TV show on FOX or CBS mind you but my dreams were never that detailed before, as he continued down on his path threw the woods he came upon a small hill and saw something very peculiar, by instincts he quickly hid in a large bush and he was amazed to see a pony possibly no taller then he or Fishcored, colored dark blue and to his astonishment saw that the ponies long tail and mane were a glowing shade of dark blue with star's that made it looked like the endless void of space and also hide not only wings but a horn as well much like Aquarius himself. ===== (Hey look its Luna! hi Luna look its me Pinkie Pie!) she can't hear you Pinkie ( that's ok i.ll just step out and say hi then) *oh* ok.... wait what!==== both Aquarius and Luna were unaware of Pinkie Pie suddenly jumping out of a tree followed by a human hand that soon grabbed Pinkie Pie by the tail before she could fall to the ground. ===== *OH* no you don't ======= The hand then quickly dragged Pinkie Pie back into the tree which was followed by the sounds of twigs breaking "what was that?" Aquarius asked himself in a near wispier looking towards were the sound came from and when he saw that it was nothing he turned back to see that Luna was looking right at him. They both stared at each other awkwardly for what seemed like minutes before Aquarius looked around in a panic trying to think of what to say ,come on Devin gottathinkgottathinkgottathink, Aquarius rubbed the back of his neck with his right hoof before looking back at Luna "i was just um... looking for my um..." Aquarius then looked up at his hat "MY HAT! and whelp i guess i found it so i um... i gotta run now" Aquarius then made a bolt for it back into the woods trying to run as fast as he can , that's it when i get back im hitting the gym, Aquarius hat glowed as the buttons on his trench coat undid themselves when his wings suddenly spread wide and he took flight into a tree ,perfect hiding spot, Aquarius hid for what seemed like hours ,boredboredboredbored, Aquarius laying on a branching trying to think of what to do next when he spotted something small on his right hoof ,what the?, he looked closer to see that it was a black spider, Aquarius's eye bulged wide as he took his left hoof and in a panic tried to get the spider off "getoffgetoffgetoffgetoff!" while trying to get the spider off he accidentally tripped on the branch and fell out of the tree. _________________ it was morning as scales was laughing hysterically "ok, ok so you hid in a tree *laughing* saw a spider freaked out and then *more laughing* broke one of your wings?" scales then feel to the ground laughing still "SHUT UP!" Aquarius yelled from inside the tent "it coulda happen to any bod-ouch hey watch how you bandage that up fishcored" "sorry its umm.... hard to do this with no fingers" Fishcored said from inside the tent as well. Scales, while still laughing got back up trying to stop himself from laughing "ok, well im just gonna go ahead and get to this clousdale place were the race is going to happen at, Scales then started trotting off before turning back to the tent "you coming or what Fishcored?" "just a sec!" Fishcored left the tent and then looked at Aquarius "um.... try to get some rest and um,.... stay off the wing" "*Grrrrrrr*"