//------------------------------// // III: Time For Myself // Story: Painting Tiaras // by MomoCake //------------------------------// "Okay class, time for recess! As well as a Special field trip I prepared for you all!" The class cheered happily and began talking to each other, ‘where do you think we’ll be going?’ ‘I hope its somewhere we can get something to eat!’ ‘I love field trips!’ Even Silver Spoon was talking about how excited she was and I saw her look at me and silently turn away. She was still mad, good. I watched as my class mates began to leave the class room, it seemed the Crusaders were not very happy about the field trip; it seemed Apple Bloom especially had a frown on her face. I cleaned off my desk and waited for Miss Cheerilee to tell me where I’ll have to be or detention. Miss Cheerilee walked to the door and held the door open as she told the rest of the ponies to wait outside, once I was the only one left in the room she walked up to me. “So, Miss Diamond Tiara.” “Yes, Miss Cheerilee?” “Well I was wondering if you would like a second chance and be willing to come on the field trip with us today.” “A second chance? Really Miss?” “Well yes, I know you didn’t really mean those harsh words earlier, and I’m willing to turn the other cheek.” She said with a smile, it annoyed me. “And what would I have to do? Apologize once again?” “Something as simple as that.” “Then the answer is ‘no.’” By this time Miss Cheerilee’s face became a little frustrated and she looked at me with narrow eyes. “But, Diamond Tiara, please reconsider” “No! I meant what I said!” I cut her off and stomped my hoof on my desk. She sighed and turned away from me. “Very well then Miss Tiara, you’ll be staying here then until we return. You must stay inside the building at all times and I suggest you take the time to think about your words and how they affect others.” she walked away and left the school house. I sat quietly and waited until I heard the laughter and chatter of ponies fade away. “FINALLY!” I jumped out of my seat and stretched, “Time to get some art done!” I took out my sketch book and pencil and walked up to Miss Cheerilee’s desk and stomped my hoof. It looks like I am in charge now! I played around a bit, mocking Miss Cheerilee and pretending to punish students. ‘Apple Bloom! Talk properly for once!’ ‘Snips! Can you be any dumber?!’ I laughed to myself then stood for a while. I need to start drawing, but this won’t do, I need inspiration! I walked away from Miss Cheerilee’s desk and walked to a window and looked outside, it was a beautiful day. The sun shined gorgeously and there were very few clouds in the sky. The grass was the perfect shade of bright green and even butterflies floated around. Outside! That’s where I need to be! I took one last look at the class room, I thought about what Miss Cheerilee said about staying in the class room and decided I can do whatever I please. No one was here to stop me and no one would know if I was to step out for a while. I walked over to my desk and placed my sketchbook inside my backpack and threw it on and went outside. I walked around in the silence and beautiful scenery. No ponies to bully or have to listen to and no teacher to tell me what I’m doing wrong. I let out a sigh and began to look around. I found myself sitting in the middle of a flower field behind the school house. It wasn’t too far away so I could make it inside the class before anyone came back from the field trip. The grass was a perfect spot to sit. It wasn’t too hot because the grass and flowers still had some morning dew on them. There was a slight breeze in the air and my mane flowed a bit. This was probably the first time in about a week that I have been so relaxed. I allowed myself to smile and I giggled a little. I opened my sketch book and began drawing. I used the flowers as reference, the butterflies as inspiration and I let my idea take flight. I turned the first drawing I had of a filly in a garden and wanted to create a story to go along with it. I had a filly in the middle of my drawing with a long wavy mane. She was sitting in a patch of flowers, just like I am. I have her in a wonderful dress, with many frills and ruffles to make her look regal. I added an open book in her hooves, so I appeared she was reading. I made the look on her face so serene that I almost wanted to cry tears of joy upon seeing this face. I grew the plants around her, but in a lovely way, not in a way that it looked like vines crawling around her. I wanted it to look peaceful, not dark. I lost track of time while I drew, I was in a place of happiness. I loved the feeling of drawing something I truly care about. It made my life have meaning. I started adding the little detail. The flowers, the butterflies and what color I should make everything. I need to add light coming from the plants above her. Now, what color should I make this filly? Should I make her look like me? I drew two tones in her hair and a tiara on her head. No! I scratch out the tiara. For the first time while drawing this, I felt angry. I don’t want her to look like me, because that’s not who I am. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. Why do I hate myself so much? I wiped the tear from my cheek and realized that there was a shadow behind me. My heart stopped. “Why ya crying Diamond Tiara?” I know that voice!