//------------------------------// // II: Blank Flanks // Story: Painting Tiaras // by MomoCake //------------------------------// Finally! An outlet, please allow me to let my anger out! I can see them, the crusaders talking to each other with smiles on their faces. Time to start the daily routine of making them feel just as pathetic as I do. “Hey Blank Flanks!” I said as I walked up to the crusaders. “What are your great ideas for finding your cutie marks today, hmm blank flanks?” Silver Spoon said with a touch of sarcasm. “Hey! If you’re not interested don’t ask!” Scootaloo yelled and fluttered up to us in frustration. “Yeah, I don’t understand why you girls have to do this every day; can’t you just take a day off?” Sweetie Belle said as she walked up. “What we really are interested, maybe you guy will get your cutie marks today!” I said with a grin “Wow, ya really think so?” Apple Bloom said with a smile Wow how naive can you be? “Well of course we think so; there must be a cutie mark for being a failure!” I said with a giggle and Silver Spoon joined me “BACK OFF!” Scootaloo yelled as Apple Blooms face became saddened and a tear fell. “What I’m just being honest! You girls need to accept the truth! Your constant search for your cutie marks is pathetic! ” “I swear Diamond Tiara, if you weren’t…” Scootaloo was in my face “Weren’t what? Better than you?!” I glared into her eyes. “Girls! Can I ask what’s going on here?” Miss Cheerilee ran up and stood between me and Scootaloo We stayed silent for a while, Silver Spoon looking at me, probably worried we would get in trouble. “They were making fun of us again, Miss Cheerilee!” Apple Bloom was the first to speak up. “Oh, now girls we’ve talked about this many times. No bullying or else I’ll have to give you both detention and I don’t want to do that girls, do you understand?” “Pssh! Wow Miss, oh no! Not detention.” I said with a smile. maybe if I push her enough, I’ll get some alone time to draw. “Diamond Tiara! Do you really want detention?” Miss Cheerilee gasped “Of course not Miss, I wouldn’t want to be stuck inside during break.” “Good, that’s what I thought.” “Of course Miss, I wouldn’t want to lose my chance to pick on the blank flanks!” Miss Cheerilee gasped once again. “Diamond, you’re pushing it too far!” Silver Spoon whispered to me in a worried tone. Even the Crusaders looked at me astonished of the way I was acting. Miss sighed and gave me a displeased look. I didn’t faze me though, I’ve seen a worse displeased face. “Diamond Tiara, I’m sorry to say but you have detention today, you won’t be getting recess and instead will stay in the School house.” She says with a stern look “Also we were going on a little field trip today during recess, so you’ll be missing out. And I want you to apologize to these girls, now.” She points to the three blank flank ponies. Yes! More free time, they just might be gone for more than an hour! That’s enough time to sketch some ideas out. I almost showed my smile of glee but realized I need to complete my trouble making. “Fine, I didn’t want to go to that field trip anyways! Oh yes, I’m sorry Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo” I said as I lowered my head to make it look sincere. “It’s not my fault you ponies are soo pathetic!” I laughed and turned away. “Miss Tiara! That’s enough! Inside now!” Miss raised her voice at me and began to walk to the school house. That’ll make sure she won’t get the idea that I’ve learn my lesson. Behind me I could hear Miss Cheerilee comforting the crusaders as well as tell Silver Spoon to apologize as well. Everyone began to enter the school house and Silver Spoon finally caught up to me. “Wow, I think that was a little too far Diamond.” “Oh really? You think?” I said sarcastically, She gets so annoying when she starts listening to her feelings. “Yeah, I mean you made Apple Bloom cry today; maybe we do need to take a day off from bulling them, just so we stay out of trouble.” “We? Only I was the one who got in trouble! Not you! You’re too soft Silver Spoon!” “What’s wrong with you today Diamond?! Now you’re going to pick on me?!” She ran off into the school house and left me walking by myself. Good, now she won’t try to stay with me in detention. I took my seat which was one seat away from Silver, though she didn’t even look at me. The rest of the class took their seats as well, when Miss Cheerilee entered. The crusaders flowed behind her looking depressed, but took their seats with Apple Bloom sitting next to me. We continued to our lesson which was about nature, flowers and the whole ‘circle of life’ concept. I wasn’t paying attention much. Sitting behind somepony gave me the perfect cover to begin drawing out some ideas. I drew a pony in space floating in space.hmm no, I need something to show off my talents. I scratched it away and began drawing on a new paper. This time a beautiful pony in a garden YES! This is it! It’ll show off my attention to detail with the many flowers, and if I add some detail to her dress, it’s the perfect idea. “Wow Diamond Tiara, that looks really pretty” Apple Bloom made my heart race with that whisper. I looked to see her leaning over my shoulder. “Mind your own business blank flank!” I quietly yelled making sure no other pony was listening. I scowled at her as I tried to cover my drawing as much as possible. “Gee I was just trying to be nice, it really is pretty.” She said as she leaned back into her seat looking defeated once again. I moaned and put my drawing away Wow she liked it, I knew it was the perfect idea! Ugh wait, why do I care what she thinks. I put my head in my hooves as I waited for recess to come and I could finally get some alone time.