Never Cry Flutterwolf

by thatguynamedaxel


Fluttershy was in a deep sleep and she was having a horrible nightmare.

She was eating cake at Suger Cube Corner.
Then it all faded away and insted of eating cake she was eating a rabbit.

She relized that she enjoyed the taste of the blood flowing down her throught
and howled.

When she woke up and relized it was just a nightmare,
she was so relived.

"When will i become normal?" she wondered.

a few months had past and still no leads

most of the ponys gave up,
exept for Twilight sparkel, rainbow dash, Morning Arrow and Princess Celestia herself.

They tried to keep fluttershy calm but her mind was fadeing
she wanted blood but she didnt want it.

She felt like she was being torn apart.

Morning Arrow looked at the spell forwords, backwords and sideways
still nothing

Twilight had tried a millon spells and remedys on Fluttershy but nothing had seemed to work.

Fluttershy had acepted her fate to be a wolf for the rest of her life

No more friends,
no more careing for animals,
and no more flying.

She cried for hours she missed it all
but what chould she do but wait for the day after entirety.

Fluttershy's dreams where getting worse and worse
she had a dream where she was dragging a kill up a hill,
and when the moonlight hit the freshly killed corpse Fluttershy saw that it was none other then her best friend

Fluttershy tore into the corpse without one thought
and howled.

Fluttershy woke up and looked at herself.
"what am I?" she thought

She cried for hours in her bed.

The next morning, Morning arrow was siting in a dark ally.

"Why do I care?.. She's not important to me.. I mean I could just leave
my life whould not be affected." Said Morning Arrow.

She took out her pocket mirror

"shes... just... like me."
Morning Arrow thought back to that faithful day seven years ago

"But its not likely that ill ever find the pony that did this to her." Said Morning Arrow.

Just then Morning Arrow felt some pony sneaking up behind her,
so she jumped up onto a roof.

The pony(s) where Snips & Snails.
"Geeze Snips I sure feel bad about that prank we pulled on Fluttershy" said Snails

"Hey not so loud!" Said Snips.

Snips and Snails then hid behind a dumpster.

"Looks like im going to need to buy a lottery ticket." Wisperd Morning Arrow.


"TWILIGHT!" shouted Morning Arrow

"What is it?" Asked Twilight still getting out of bed.

"I know who did it!" said Moring Arrow

"Who did it?" asked Twilight

Morning Arrow draged Snips and Snails into the room.

"They did it?" asked Twilight.

"WERE SO SORRY!" said snips and snails

"It was sposed to be a joke!" shouted snails

"i found them talking about it" Said Morning Arrow.
"nothing ever gets past me." She said.

"What do we do?!" shouted snips and snails

"There is not much you can do!" said Morning Arrow

"We could try to get her to look as much like a pony as she can." Said Twilight.

Just then Applejack came into the library.
"TWILIGHT" shouted Applejack

"what is it? asked twilight

"Fluttershy she she went into town and she's acting crazy!" shouted Applejack.

Twilight quickly explained how to do the counter-spell
to Snips and Snails

When they got to the center of town they saw Fluttershy terrorizing the CMC's.

Applejack threw a rock to try to distract Fluttershy

moring arrow explained to evreypony what had happened.

"I have a plan" said Morning Arrow.

"What is it?" Asked Twilight

"Because I have the most combat training ill distract Fluttershy when I have her pinned have snips and snails cast the spell." Said Morning Arrow.

The plan went into action

"Fluttershy... I know you don't want to hurt me." Said Morning Arrow.

Fluttershy tried to lunge at Morning Arrow but she missed and Morning Arrow pushed her against the ground

"I'm going to tell you a secret that I cant hold onto anymore." said Morning Arrow.
Morning Arrow whispered something into Fluttershy's ear.

"NOW!" Shouted Morning Arrow.

Fluttershy felt weird,
she felt her wings grow back
she felt her fur and hair return to normal.

She looked back
she saw her cutie mark,
but her tail was still wolf like.

Twilight told Snips and Snails to cast a spelllock

the end


Snips and Snails where grounded for half a year for this prank, and then they were sent to a magic boarding school so they could study how to turn Fluttershy back.
Morning Arrow went back to her hideout in Canterlot
Twilight went back to her studys

and Fluttershy simply dyed her tail the right colur and leared to live with it.