Velvet Farewell

by Dzeraph

Chapter I


“It's heading north! ... Captain!”, rumbled deep in the night. At least twenty of them were heard galloping at full speed in the darkness of the forest. The best stallions of the royal guard, led by a relentless path of destruction.

“Faster!, do not let it get away!”. The huge shadow did not hesitate as it destroyed everything in its way. Growling desperate through the trees, there seemed no way to escape its captors. Gradually, the tired creature was losing its will. It was not fast enough to lose the knights and its size would not let it go unnoticed. Soon, it was found in a dead end. A large rock blocking the passage of the huge can.

“He's trapped!”, said one of the soldiers while the rest stay in formation. The beast had no choice but to face them in the most fierce way. Revealing his sharp fangs, a roar that was heard miles away. The soldiers quickly went into action. All of them unicorns, pounced using nets and ropes driven by their magic. The creature violently resisted throwing away the ponies, shaking each one of his three heads; unable to break free.
“Resist! We Almost have it already!”. The effort wasn’t enough, the Cerberus was too strong and did not seem to give up.

“Move aside!”, they heard suddenly.
“Captain...”, they murmured while pulling the ropes. Shining Armor appeared walked straight towards the menacing monster.
“Do not loose him, I do not want him to get hurt”, he said as he slowly concentrated his magic. The creature, defiant, began to feel numb by the blue glow coming from his horn. Suddenly, the beast began to rise in the air. The powerful unicorn made it levitate with apparent ease.
“What are you waiting for? Secure the ties, I don’t have all night”. The guards obeyed immediately. This time they didn’t had problems to ensure the dog from all his limbs. Docile, remained without removing his eyes from the beautiful glow, completely dominated by the magic of the captain of the royal guard.

“Sleep”, he whispered closing the eyes of the monster with another spell. Slowly, he put it down on the floor, deeply asleep; unable to hurt anyone.
“Alert the rest of the troops. The sun is about to come out and we need him back where he belongs. Inform Princess Celestia that the mission has been completed successfully”.
“Yes Sr!”, they replied in unison.
“And something else”, he continued, “not a single word of this to anyone, okay?”, said seriously as the soldiers nodded to each other as a promise. Understanding that
it wasn’t a simple order, but something much bigger; something that no one could begin to imagine.

Chapter I

"Everything it’s gonna be just fine...".

Was heard candidly that morning. The unanimous harbinger of happiness was immediate:
The dawn had chosen a new princess. Adding a new chapter to the royal dynasty of the modern era.
The town, in its surprise, accepted blissful and without restrictions the celebration of Twilight Sparkle. Without question, however, the real purpose of that decision. While it wasn’t much of a habit for a pony to question things, especially if they were royal things. As an old Equestrian expression says:

"Let the wise to ask, the staunch to speak and the child to tale".
It didn’t matter the reason for another link to the eternal march of royal lineage. Little, indeed, was the risk that a simple mind was willing to take for such banality. Everything was games and noise before doubt and endeavor. The truth was like a still portrait of coarse detail; admired almost by obligation.

A new alicorn was born and they didn’t need to hear more. There must be happiness, of course, It wasn’t something that happen very often. Something different at last, is not that a good thing? "Now what?" Inevitably went through everyone's mind, but with an optimistic tone. Actually very few knew Twilight Sparkle; who she was. They had heard about her or read about it in the paper but they never seen had her in person. However, all these concerns reverberated with gestures of emotion. It was Celestia’s will, after all, no reason to fear. So any surprise that appeared hereafter should be accepted with pleasure. Indeed, no one would even think that things wouldn’t work. No one but Twilight Sparkle herself, on his already unstoppable neurosis. Unable to sleep that night due to an intense mixture of excitement and uncertainty.

The day began like any other, warm and clear. Not a single cloud in the sky, just the sun in its magnificence. So quiet you could hear the creaking of the beds of the risers. The more punctual would be already on their hooves, preparing their duties and greeting a new morning with the usual routine. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle stood expectantly on her bed, bleary, overcome by a not conceived dream. There was a lot going through her mind to afford sleep. As the light crept through the window she could feel there was something different, something hard to describe.
In that moment, Owlowiscious landed softly in the footboard of her bed.

“Good morning”, she said unconsciously making that the quaint bird bowed his head.
“Easier said than done right?”, she replied wryly.

“What’s "easier?", was heard from the other side of the house.

“Nothing Spike, I wasn’t speaking to you”, Twilight said sitting on the bed.

“Ohh, sorry princess, I didn’t know I wasn’t worthy enough”, he joked adorably.

“Seriously Spike, I'm not in the mood”, she protested more tired than angry.

“Whatever you say... I mean, as you wish your high…”.

“Stop it!”, Twilight said more decided getting off the cot.
“I am still the same pony. There’s no need to treat me differently”, she continued.

“Ha... I know, I’m just kidding”, Spike said at the same time that Twilight made a big yawn, streching her wings altogether.
“But… it’s not an easy thing to let go”, he said contemplating that image.

“Maybe. I mean, they are just wings, it’s not a big deal”, excused herself watching her feathers.

“How does it feel?, Doesn’t hurt?... can I?”. Twilight move away as the little dragon was coming closer.
“No!”, she declined somewhat agitated. Spike stopped confused by her reaction.
“In fact, I haven’t used them yet. Sometimes I feel that the slightest movement... is that they look so fragile”, she said nervously.

“That's why you had trouble sleeping, right?”, Spike said noticing the tired face of the pony.
“Uh, sure... that's why”, she lied without knowing exactly why.

“Anyway, I have a lot to do. Being a Princess requires study. I need books on behavior, ethics, equestrian diplomacy; also oratory…”, she began by showing that she was the same as Spike rolled his eyes in resignation. She went down quickly to the shelfs without knowing exactly if she had what she needed.

“Such a short time and so much to learn. I should have put aside the books yesterday, the way I always do; Why did I forget it now?”, complained while she proved through the shelves with her magic.

“You know you're not technically a princess yet, right?”, Spike asked naively.
“Of course I know, Spike. I’m missing the constitutional ceremony, the oath before the Senate, my acceptance speech...”.
“No. I mean, You still don’t know what you should do, why you became a princess”.

-Well... I guess Princess Celestia has a very good reason to give the responsibility.- -Honestly, I haven’t thought of that. A Princess usually has very important duties:
To make decisions on the administration of whole districts, I can pass laws that can affect many too... -.

Already distracted from the boring talk, Spike turned his gaze the other way.
He was able to make breakfast while Twilight was still talking. They sat down to eat without preventing her tedious speech to stop. However, Spike wasn’t paying attention. There was another issue that kept him distracted. A thought that could not be ignored.

“Can you do all those things here in Ponyville?”, he said suddenly.
“What do you mean?”.
“I mean if you can be a princess and still live in Ponyville”, he asked almost knowing the answer.

“Right... I haven’t thought of that either”, she laughed nervously.
“I guess I should go back to Canterlot. Not now! of course. That’s it, eventually. You know, where the royalty lives. That place... wich is not here, where I live... Ohh... Spike”, she said trying to comfort him.

“It's not like we would never come back... right?”, Twilight said doubtfully.
-Don’t worry, surely there will be a way that you can be a princess and see your friends at the same time-, said Spike with cautious optimism.
-Yes, you're right. I mean, I still have time to spend with my friends. Besides, I don’t have to start right now with my duties. I shouln’t worry, it will be fine... it's just that…”, she turned back to his books with anguish.

“Just like that?, I have to move again?”, she began to walk in circles.
“I can’t see Applejack again?, Rainbow Dash?; Pinkie?...”,

“Rarity!”, Twilight exclaimed when she saw the unicorn just in front of her.
“How is my favorite alicorn? I’m interrupting?”, she said jovially.
“Or should I say, “does the princess have some time for a humble plebeian like me?”.
“Oh C’mon, you too?”, Twilight complained.

“I'm wrapped in bliss my dear. I could not stop thinking about all the wonderful designs that could make with this new look of yours. Maybe something retro, with a touch of Très chic. It must be in one piece of course, we do not want to make it more difficult for those wings”.

“Rarity, I have no time for that now”, Twilight said as Rarity began to take her measures.
-Don’t be modest, one of the most important qualities you should develop as a princess is your attire... or the lack of it. Well, that’s why I am are here. Now just leave it to me, your royal dressmaker.

"Royal dressmaker?" , Twilight asked puzzled.
“Me?, A mere village girl? It would be an honor, a dream come true...”-, Rarity continued as Twilight and Spike looked at each other distinguishing the usual behavior of the unicorn.

“Cover me”, Twilight asked Spike after seeing that she was distracted. She teleported to the door in the hope of escape, but Rarity didn’t fall for it and appeared before her just as fast.

“Shall we begin?”.
“Actually... I'm a kinda busy right now. Why don’t you come back later?”.
“Later? It’s something wrong?”, she became disenchanted.
“No, of course not. It's just that I have a lot to do today. I didn’t want to tell you. Being an alicorn is going to take more work than I thought”.

“Oh well, I guess you’re right”, Rarity said without rejoice.
“But I’ll be back soon, I promise. Then we will try any dress you like”, Twilight said kindly.
“Don’t you worry dear. I can wait a couple of hours, just do what you gotta do”, she replied friendly.

“Thank you. I just need a quick visit to the library. Meanwhile, you can stay here. Spike, do you mind to entertain her?”.
“Me?, alone?, with Rarity?”, he stammered, trying not to get excited about.
“You're right, it may not be a good idea...”.
“No!, I mean ... of course I don't care, why should I care?”.

“Righttt... Well, I must go. Remember, It won’t take to long. You can practice with Spike. After all he’s going to be my courtier”.
“Your what now?”, he asked making Twilight to push him slyly.
“Oh yeah, I'm what she said”.
“But I wanted to work with your wings”, Rarity complained.
“I have wings too... sort of”, Spike said shaking his little wings.
“Aww, that’s so cute”, Rarity laughed embarrassing him.

Twilight finally came without much hurry. She wasn’t completely honest alter all. She knew it was a long trip. The library was an escape, something to waste the day. There was no way to go to Canterlot and come back in such small time. She still wasn’t used to the idea of being a princess, to have new responsibilities. Having to confront your friends with the possiblity to leave terrified her. Maybe she was being pessimistic, Celestia wouldn’t do that. But again, Ponyville was no place for a princess, this fact wouldn’t let her rest. All that work making friends and ironically the reward was designed to take them away.

She began to walk in straight line thinking in some way to fix this. "There's always a way" she repeated to herself, unable to find an answer. Suddenly, she began to notice something strange. Nopony stopped to say hello. In fact, most of them where moving aside. Some of them murmured without watching her directly. Twiligth felt overwhelmed, as if the world was breaking above her. Crestfallen, retracted her wings as much as she could with no other choice but to go ahead with the trip.

"What is their problem? I'm the same pony as always", she thought annoyed.
"Am I?".

Her uncertainty grew even more. She was the same, yes, but she was never like the rest to begin with. Most of the ponies were not interested in the same things, much less study them. Being an unicorn, she dominated spells that the rest could not even memorize and knew more about equestrian history than the old ponies. Many times she could not help but wondering how she fit in in Ponyville after all. It seemed almost cruel to have to start all over again.

Without realizing it, she came to the edge of the town without anyone talking to her. Canterlot was as visible in the distance as a ghost. Unable to clear her mind, she saw herself in a puddle next to her. The sad face in the reflection it seemed foolish and yet she couldn’t get rid of it. She spread her wings again and sadly started:

4/4 (Eb – Eb dim – Bb9 – Eb) (x2)
Eb Gmin7/D
Time ago I dreamed on about this morning
Ab/C Bb
For so long I wished to be in this place.
Eb Eb7 Abmaj7
But I did not see what else stay before me,
Abmin6 Bb7+13
‘Cause a princess doesn’t know it anyway.
(Eb – Ebdim – Bb9 – Eb)
Eb Bb/D
Many books I read with haste to hand my magic,
Cmin Ab Bb7
Too many lessons I went through to make my way.
Eb Eb7 Abmaj7
I learned for my own what’s to be humble,

DØ Bb7+13 Eb
But only they could teach me how to find my fate.
Cm Baug
Why some things must change?
Gmin/Bb F/A
I don’t know, what’s to be said? Please
Fmin9/Ab Abmin6
Stay, sweet farewell I’ll be there.
(Eb – Eb dim – Bb9 – Eb)
Eb Gmin/D
It’s not the same to say
Goodbye one more
Time… ‘Cause a
Princess doesn’t
Db7+9 Bb7+13 (Eb – Eb dim – Bb9 – Eb)
Know it anyway.
‘Cause this
F7 Abmin6 Bb7+13
Princess has been wainting for

Today. Somewhere I
Hope To
Eb – Eb dim – Bb9
(With my friends)

"No time to be regretting".
This time wouldn’t be different. No matter what will happen from now on, she would not abandon her friends. They had going through worst situations and something like didn’t mean anything.

She stopped and smiled determinedly toward the sky.
“I can do it!”, she said beginning to focus her alicorn magic for the first time. Like a lightning, her horn showed a powerful flash and then disappeared the next second. She had teleported. Further away than she ever tried before.