Once Upon a Time; Searching the Spells


Las Pegasus

"You can call me Snow,if you want."
The ponies Fluttershy, Mary Margret and Charming stepped off the train. The white unicorns stayed close to the shy pink-maned pegasus, both unsure and excited. At least this pony seemed to know her way around; being one of the Elements of Harmony, Fluttershy had to go almost anywhere in Equestria, from Appleoosa to The Crystal Kingdom. Fluttershy turned to the two nerveous unicorns. "O-okay," She replied to Mary. "Now, I know the place here is confusing, it being a rather large city with lots of lights, but I'm sure we might find something."

"I hope so." Charming had taken a step forward, and the clop of his hoof startled the yellow tour guide, sending her behind a parked carriage. Mary and Charming refrained from smiling in amusement as Fluttershy realized it had been Charming, coming back out with an embarrassed blush. She cleared her throat. "Er, well, if you'll just follow me this way. If that's okay with you, I mean..." Charming chuckled and nodded. "Lead the way."

It wasn't long before Fluttershy had led them to the quieter, less busy part of the city, and they had found the library. Splitting up to look in different sections of the library, they began to look through spells, everything from levitation to transformation. Mary and Charming took the spells in, drinking them in with interest, just in case. They might come in useful, if the search turned out unsuccessful, to have learned some magic if they had to live there.

Mary's mind wandered a bit as she read the next paragragh of a book, and that thought crossed her mind. It wouldn't be so bad, she thought. Everyone here seems so kind in their own way, gruff or shy. Fluttershy seemed to be looking with interest too; although not a unicorn or alicorn, spells were often interesting to some of the more quiet, in-the-dark pegasi. Hope was in the heart of all three ponies, despite Mary's being darkened currently. Perhaps, if I hope enough, it might slow the darkness down a little... She knew her husband would do anything he could to get her out of her perdicament, no matter how drastic.
But for some reason she felt it better to solve herself.

It was around the same time as Emma and Regina had talked in Cloudsdale that the questers took a break to share what they had learned and encourage each other that there was still time. Mary didn't feel so sure. The clock will keep ticking, time will go on, until there's none left. We don't have time. Not enough...
Had she known the same little bit that Emma knew about Regina and the amulet, she might've felt worse.