Daring Dash and the Fabled Fifteenth Fascicle

by Lucky Seven


Daring Dash and the Fabled Fifteenth Fascicle

Written by Seven81493

Edited by Missy Angel

Name of the story was given to me by Darian Stephens

She was stoked. That was the only way anypony could have described it. The fifteenth and final installment in the Daring Do book series was coming out, and she was going to be the first pony to pick it up. Ever since the sixth installment had come out, she had gotten each new book in the series the day it came out. Twilight had used a word to describe the way the books were published. Fascicle or something like that.

But that wasn’t what mattered. She was finally at the Canterlot Library. As she slowly fluttered towards the ground, she took notice that she was once again the first pony at the building. Eventually, about fifty other ponies would show up to buy the book, but that wouldn’t be for a few more minutes. As she touched down on the ground, she slowly trotted towards the entrance to the library and gave the double doors a push, proceeding to waltz right in.

But what Rainbow Dash saw next made her jaw drop. Another pony was leaning up against the counter where the book was to be released, once the shipment came in. She had been beaten.

How dare this other pony take her glory! How dare they beat her to the punch! Nopony made the Dash look like a chump and got away with it! Especially not some dumb, blue pegasus who wore glasses! What a lame-o!

“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?”

As Dash’s voice reached the other pony, she glanced in her direction. “Just waiting for the new Daring Do book to come out. I love this series.”

“No, I mean what do you think you’re doing in MY spot?”

The pony giggled at Rainbow’s antics and gave a short, but courteous, reply. “I didn’t realize this was your spot, so I guess you can have it.”

Victory! Nopony beats the Dash! Nopony!

“...If you can tell me why being first is so important.”

That stopped Rainbow Dash in her tracks. What did she mean? Being first was, like, the best thing ever! It meant that you were better than everypony else! And what could possibly be better than being the best?

“What do you mean? Being first is awesome, and you’ve gotta be awesome to come in first! Not that you would understand.”

“And what is that supposed to mean?” the other pegasus replied with a smirk.

“Well, just look at you. Blue coat, brown mane, glasses. You hardly even stand out!”

“And that matters because...?”

“Because... well, it just does!”

“But why? You haven’t even given me a reason,” retorted the blue mare, who Rainbow Dash now considered a rival.

“Well, a pony once said, ‘winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing’,” replied Rainbow Dash, grinning at having remembered such an awesome quote.

“And do you remember who said it?”

“I sure do,” replied Rainbow Dash, the victorious grin still plastered on her face. “Prance Lombardi!”

“One of the greatest hoofball coaches in history,” confirmed the pegasus, smiling.

“You watch hoofball?”

“No, not really. I just know a lot about the sport because of one of my close friends.”

The mysterious pegasus giggled at the thought of her friend going on another rant about hoofball, but she had a job to do. She was going to put this rainbow maned pegasus in her place.

“Don’t change the subject, though. I gave you my reason for wanting to be the first to get the new book, so let me have your spot.”

“Actually, you didn’t give me a valid reason,” the pegasus pointed out. “All you did was give me a hoofball quote. I want YOUR reason.”

“Because I’ve been the first the past nine times. Ten in a row would be pretty awesome!”

At hearing Rainbow Dash’s reasoning, the other pony let out a few chuckles before responding. “But can you really call it being first when you had to ask me to let you have it?”

“I... I don’t know...”

“It’s not about being first. It’s about having a good time on the journey.”

Maybe she was right. Maybe being first didn’t matter as much as she had always thought it did. And she was right. She hadn’t been the first pony there, so it wouldn’t really be first, would it?

Giving a defeated sigh, Rainbow sunk to her haunches and muttered out, “Okay, I guess you’re right.”

“I know I am. And earlier, when you told me I was plain, and that meant I would never stand out? It’s not about what a pony’s like on the outside. It’s the inside that matters the most.”

“Heh, you sound like a philanthropist or whatever.”

“A philosopher?”

“Yeah, that!”

In all honesty, Dash was disappointed, but she was still going to get the book, and that was all that mattered. However, the voice of the other pony broke her out of her trance.

“Oh, it looks like the first shipment of book fifteen just arrived!”

Rainbow looked to the entrance of the library, and sure enough, there was a box of books being brought up to the counter, along with about forty ponies following it inside. Jumping to her hooves, she took her place behind the pony who had beaten her, and prepared to get her copy of the book.

As the first of the books were placed on the counter, the mare in front of her began the process of paying for the book. But she was taking a lot longer than most ponies would, and it was starting to grate on Dash’s nerves. Finally, after about a minute, the pony closed the book and picked it up in her mouth.

And that was when Dash would swoop in and get her copy!

But strangely, the mare simply turned around and held the book out to Rainbow Dash, giving a muffled, “Thake ith.”

Without argument, Dash accepted the book being held out to her in hoof, smiling widely the whole time. Why had she given in at the last second and given her the first copy? She had given up, and admitted she was wrong!

But as the mysterious blue pegasus trotted past Rainbow Dash and out of the library, she finally took notice of her cutie mark.

It was the same one that was on the first page of every Daring Do book. That couldn’t have been—

“Hey, move! You’re holding up the line!”

Rainbow was broken out of her stupor by the angry yelling of the stallion behind her. She grew red in embarrassment before trotting out of the library and beginning her journey home.


Upon arriving home, Rainbow Dash immediately plopped onto her couch and opened the newest Daring Do novel, only to see a strange sight. There was a note written below that familiar cutie mark; a quill touching the tip of a heart. It looked like it was meant for her. So she began reading it like any other pony would.

Dear Rainbow Dash,

How did she know her name?

I met your friend Twilight Sparkle the other day while in Ponyville, and she told me how big of a fan you were of the Daring Do series. She told me that if it weren’t for those books, you’d have gone insane on one particular stint at the hospital.

Well, I wrote those books. Silly, huh? An egghead like me writing something as awesome as Daring Do? Well, it’s like I told you. It’s not the outside that counts, it’s the inside, and on the inside of this mare is an adventurous pony just waiting for her shot at glory!

I do hope that you’re reading this, because I wanted to tell you that I’m flattered that the world’s fastest pony enjoys my books. I actually went to the tournament in Cloudsdale a few years back, when you did the Sonic Rainboom, and I have to say, you’re pretty badflank.

Anyways, I just wanted to thank you for being such a good sport back there, and for being such a good fan. For the final time, this is Novelle signing off.

With kindest regards,

Without saying anything, Rainbow Dash closed her book and grabbed it in her right hoof before flying outside, right in the direction of a very close friend’s cottage.