Prince Among Slaves

by Zeus

(Prologue 2) The Child

Flipping through page after page, going through book after book, Celestia found little information on the care of human babies. It made sense, in a twisted way. As most humans were born into slavery, the babies would rarely be treated properly. Writing books on that topic would be pointless. The scant few free humans would also have no reason to write books on something that could easily be passed down by word of mouth.

With a sigh, Celestia slammed the book shut. She walked back to the side of her adopted son, currently feeding from a small bottle full of warm milk. Thankfully, Celestia at least knew that humans were mammals, the young of which feed on milk from their mothers.

Like a lightning bolt, an idea struck her mind. Due to their fingers, humans were great for jobs that required dexterity. They had the fine control of unicorns combined with the ability to cook, previously possessed only by earth ponies. Several years back, the castle had brought in some humans to help with the cooking, speeding things up enormously. If she could ask for one of them to help raise the child...

Shaking her head, Celestia decided it was still too risky to show Leo to anyone. The outrage that would come with the adoption of a human into the royal family was something she wasn't ready to deal with yet. For now, she'd just have to raise the baby as well as she could on her own. Yes, keeping it a secret wou-

"Princess, I have those extra sheets you req..."

Both maid and princess eyes widened in shock, neither side saying a word. Sometimes, even the best laid plans go awry.

"I suppose I have some explaining to do..."

"... and, as such, I have decided to adopt Leo and raise him as my own."

The entire castle staff was speechless. After the blunder with the maid, Celestia knew that the truth had to be revealed. And revealed it was, but not to the public. She'd even brought little Leo with her to the reveal, his sleeping form identifiable on the podium.

Concluding her speech, she added, "I hope that you will treat him as you might treat me. No matter the species, we all deserve kindness. However, if some of you would wish to leave because of this, I'd understand."

At first, nobody dared speak. After what seemed like a silent eternity, a few disbelieving whispers and glances we're exchanged amongst some of the ponies. Celestia's hope started to fall much like her sun in the afternoon.

When all seemed lost, the same maid who had walked into Celestia's bedroom stood up. Finally, Celestia recognized her. She was one of the youngest maids in the staff, coming from a long family of servants who'd worked in the Canterlot Castle for as long as it had existed.

"Princess! I think... I think Leo is a wonderful addition to the royal family! My family has stood by your side for as long as we have existed, and that won't change with me. I'll support any decision you make!"

Her courage having been depleted, the maid quickly ducked out of sight, attempting to hide from the many pairs of eyes in the room. A quiet muttering of approval spread through the room.

One of the older and grizzlier guards nodded his head, walking to the front of the guards to address them.

"She's right! Who are we to judge the Princess? Without her, I'd be out on the streets! Three cheers for Prince Leo, I say!"

The guard's emotional urges rallying the room, all broke out into cheering for the new human prince. Even those who didn't like humans much found themselves swept into the mood and cheered. While the ponies weren't paying attention, a single tear of combined relief and gratitude slid down Celestia's cheek. Leo was awakened by all of the yelling, loudly crying in an attempt at lowering the noise level. The servants all lined up, each taking a closer look at their new prince while he continued to cry.

Eventually, the Princess picked up the baby, his tears ending as soon as his grey eyes met Celestia's magenta ones. Leo giggled, one hand absently reaching up and grabbing some of Celestia's dazzling mane. The translucent strands slid out of his hand, rejoining the others.

Leo's future seemingly secured, Celestia left the applauding crowd, headed to her room. Thankfully, the ponies at Canterlot Castle had been much kinder and more tolerant of humans than most.

Seven years passed. As no one was quite certain of Leo's true age, his birthday was celebrated on the anniversary of the day he had been found. In seven years, Leo had grown into a healthy and happy boy, constantly finding ways of getting himself into trouble. However, there was one golden rule which he'd never dare break: Don't leave the castle.

Currently, Leo was secretly watching the guards train. They were out in the courtyard, as they always were. A few months back, Leo had found some sturdy vines growing underneath his window. They lead down to the top of a terrace, where Leo would sit nearly every day and observe the guards train. The deadly clash of steel on steel fascinated him, much to his mother's distress.

Hearing several loud knocks on his door as well as a feminine voice calling out for him, Leo scrambled back up the vines and into his room. He opened the intricate door and his pegasus nanny, Golden Feather, entered.

"Leo! What took you so long? Such an undisciplined child! ..."

While she seemed angry, Leo simply smiled and gave her a hug. Her angry facade melted away, and she reciprocated the smile.

"You always see right through me, don't you?" she said while shaking her head and sighing. "Your mother is leaving on another diplomatic trip to the Griffin Kingdoms. She's instructed me to take good care of you while she's gone."

Leo pouted, hating the fact that his mother had to leave again. As she was constantly busy as the ruler of a country, he already didn't get too spend too much time with her.

"Goldie, when is mom leaving?"

"In an hour, I'm afraid. Anyways, tomorrow we-"

While Golden Feather continued talking about his schedule for the next week, Leo formulated a plan to see his mother one last time before she left. While it had always been forbidden to him, he would sneak out of the castle and find Celestia. None of the possible dangers of his poorly thought out plan bothered him, if he even realized any of them to begin with.

Having finished her lecture, Golden Feather took a quick glance out the window.

"My, my! It's about time for a bath and then bed! The time sure flies..."

She closed the window, turning back around to face Leo.

"I trust that you can handle bathing by yourself? You are a big boy now, aren't you?"

Leo assured her that he could handle it, and bid her a good night. Once she had left, he opened the window again and prepared to descend down the vines.

"Going somewhere?"

Startled, Leo whipped around to find Princess Celestia standing in the doorway.


He ran up and gave her a big hug, which she returned.

"I wanted to see you before you left... I'm sorry."

Celestia chuckled at her son's devotion.

"Did you really think I'd leave without coming to see my favorite son first?"

Leo gave her an annoyed look and dryly said, "I'm your only son..."

Feigning surprise, Celestia responded, "Oh! Is that how it was?"

The two continued the cycle of teasing until Celestia knew she had to go. While Leo was sad to see her leave, he knew it would only be for a short while. After all, she'd promised to take him out of the castle soon. As scary as Canterlot seemed, excitement drowned out any fear Leo might've had of the outside world.

If only he knew how it truly was.