Never Cry Flutterwolf

by thatguynamedaxel


Fluttershy and twilight both knew that wolfs were carnivores.

"Who whould ever do this to Fluttershy?" asked Twilight.

Twilight asked spike to get some dog food and some water for Fluttershy.

Fluttershy was scared to be a peguses traped in a wolfs body.

She did not remember how she got this way, he ate the dog food that spike brought and tried to think what had happened She remebered a unicorn but not much else

"Can you understand me?" asked Twilight.

Fluttershy just nodded.

"I'm going to try to help you but things dont look good" said Twilight.

Twilight thought what whould happen if she chould not return Fluttershy to normal.

Fluttershy whould be like this forever she whould have to eat dog food and she whould not be able to talk to her animal friends.

Twilight decided that it whould not come to that...

Meanwhile back at Canterlot.

Morning Arrow was reading a book but nodiced that princcess celestia was really worried about something she deceided it must be royal matters or some other boring junk.

"Fluttershy what has happend to you?" Princess Celestia wondered out loud.

Moring Arrow knew Fluttershy,
she was that timid little peguses that fell to the earth one day
and there was that rainbow thing as well.
Morning Arrow was to caught up in her book to care though.

Twilight decided it was to late to do anything.

Fluttershy was tired it had been a long day.
she realized that she would have to sleep sometime.

Twilight helped Fluttershy get to bed.

Meanwhile in Canterlot.

Princess Celestia was tired and she still had royal matters to attend to
"Morning Arrow?" asked princess celestia tiredly.

"Yes?" replied morning arrow

"If you can find anything about pony's turning into wolfs that would be nice"
said princess celestia knowing that morning arrow was going to find out after a while
(she was very noisy).

"Ok..." said a very confused morning arrow.

meanwhile back at ponyvill

Fluttershy was scared
but she felt less scared then she normally did,
she then looked at herself in the mirror.

She had pointy teeth
and sharp claws.

she felt brave....

"maybe this is not so bad" thought Fluttershy.

She then yawned and fell asleep...

Fluttershy had some weird dreams that night.

She was taking care of the animals but they started to run away
she looked at herself in the pond her face turned into that of a wolf.

She then woke up.

She looked at herself it was a few minutes till she remembered what had happened yesterday.

"Its ok Twilight will find a way to make me normal again" thought Fluttershy.

Meanwhile Twilight could not sleep
she had given up on ever finding a way.

"It just doesn't make sense" said Twilight.

She thought about what she was going to tell Fluttershy
she imagined the look on her face.

"I cant give... up... *yawn*" said a very sleepy Twilight.

Twilight fell asleep.

In the cliffs near canter lot.

There was Morning Arrows house.

"it was a long day" said Morning Arrow.

"what was that thing that celestia wanted?" thought Morning Arrow.

"Pony's becoming wolfs?".
"I think I saw something like that in my book"
said Morning Arrow.

Morning Arrow was the only pony to have this book, but the spells in the book where sometimes found in other books.

"Yes here it is!"
"The spell of the Wolf Fang"
said Morning Arrow.