Never Cry Flutterwolf

by thatguynamedaxel


It was a normal day in Ponyvill.

Twilight Sparkle was going to Fluttershy's cottage.
When Twilight got to Fluttershy cottage, it was torn up, there was food and fur everywhere!

Twilight shouted out but all she heard was a growl, twilight could not do anything but head towards the growling.

Twilight was shocked when she got to the room in back right there was a wolf.
Twilight was scared but decided to put on a brave face.

"What are you doing in here?" asked Twilight.

The wolf looked right into twilights eyes and whimpered.

When twilight saw those light green eyes she knew that the wolf was Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy?" asked Twilight.

Fluttershy just looked at Twilight.

Twilight sparkle did not know what to do she had seen a lot of different magic but nothing like this!

So she decided to do what she always does at times like these,
read some books.

She then went back to her house.

"What's wrong Twilight?" asked Spike.

"Its hard to explain" said Twilight.

Twilight grabbed some books on magic and some books about wolfs and ran back to Fluttershy's cottage.

Spike followed Twilight.

"Twilight what's wrong?" said Spike.

Twilight sighed and said
"Fluttershy is a wolf".

Spike just laughed.

"Its true!" shouted Twilight.

Twilight showed Spike Fluttershy.

At this point Fluttershy was more wolf then Pegasus.

Her eyes had turned to a dark yellow color also Her fur was a dull grey.

"we have to hurry, Spike! write a letter to princess Celestia" said Twilight.

Twilight had to act fast but she did not know what to do!
after spike had written a letter to Princess celestia detailing what had happened to Fluttershy, Twilight decided to try to keep Fluttershy calm and tried to find a way to reverse this.

When they got the letter from Princess Celestia it said:

"Twilight I don't know what this is but ill try to find out you just keep Fluttershy calm and don't tell anypony about this".

Twilight saw that the more Fluttershy was calm the less she looked like a wild animal.

Fluttershy's eyes were returning back to there normal state and her fur was its regular beige colour.

Still Fluttershy was a wolf and it seemed that keeping her calm did all it could do.

Spike helped Twilight try to find a cure to this, but to no avail.

"Do you think she's stuck like this?" asked Spike.

"We have to keep on trying" said Twilight.

Meanwhile at canterlot.....

Princess Celestia tried and tried to also find a way to help Fluttershy but she could not think of anything, Princess Celestia then thought like she was being watched.

"Morning Arrow i do not have time for your games" said Princess Celestia.

"I just want to read some books "said Morning Arrow.

Princess Celestia knew Morning arrow was the one of the few ponies in all of equiseta that could possible get past all of the palace guard without being seen.

Morning Arrow loved sneaking into the kitchen to get some food.

"Fine" said Princess Celestia.

Back at ponyvill
Things where not going well,

Fluttershy was hungry.