//------------------------------// // The Meeting // Story: Luna's Mistake // by mlp_ThunderC //------------------------------// “Ugh! There! Now can I go to school sister?” Luna looked up to her big sister, Celestia’s mane blew beautiful in the wind, sparkling it’s bright pink as usual. “Of course you may go, the moon is down and the sun is up, I shall see you afterwards little sister, go and learn” Celestia smiled as Luna galloped off, grabbing her saddle bag and head off to school. Celestia looked up at the sky. “Please let her find a friend today” she prayed silently to her mother and father, then she turned and made her way back inside to the palace. Luna loved school, yeah she didn’t have any friends there but she loved learning about the solar system and the stars and the moon and well, just everything! She grinned as her pale blue mane blew behind her. It hadn’t gotten it sparkle yet; her sister said that will come with maturity as she gets older. She didn’t mind that, Luna had her cutie mark and knew her destiny, but she wanted to know about how things worked, why they were there and such. Colts and fillies had already started to arrive at the Canterlot School, but Luna wasn’t late but she liked to grab her seat at the back of the classroom so she could learn in peace. As per usual, Luna went to the back of the classroom and took her seat happily, getting out her notebook and quill using her magic. Other colts and fillies filled the room, including want to be guards to the throne such as Silver Bullet and Charming Hoof. Luna didn’t get on with any pony, she preferred to keep to herself, she enjoyed her own company, even if she did get a bit lonely from time to time. The main reason why she didn’t get on with her fellow classmates was because they didn’t understand her, her love for the night, the mystery it possesses, she learned that lesson quickly on her first day and ever since she has kept to herself, not wanting to scare or upset any pony. Soon the teacher entered the classroom and began the lesson on Equestrian History. After a long day, Luna made her way to the local doughnut shop to grab a box of doughnuts for her and her sister to share. She always did this on a Thursday night, it was the sisters treat of the week. Ordering her usual box she hoofed over the bits, floated the box using her magic and trotted back to the palace. The guards opened the main door to let the young princess through. She thanked them and trotted through the massive hallway. However, before she could reach the staircase she heard a whisper. “Luuuunaaaaa” “Hello? Is somepony wanting my attention?” she asked, being a bit naïve, of course somepony is wanting your attention when the say your name. “Luuuunnnaaaaaa” The young princess looked round the big hallway trying to pin point where the voice was coming from. She looked left, no not down there, she looked right, not from over there either. There was a twinkle in the corner of her eye, she turned to the left again and saw a mirror. That wasn’t there before…was it? Luna placed the box of doughnuts on bottom step carefully and walked over to the mirror. “Hello?” she said quietly. A small black filly appeared and she smiled at Luna. “Hello Princess Luna” the filly said, they looked about the same age, maybe the filly a bit older. “Hello, is there something I can help you with?” Luna asked. “I just want a friend” “A friend? Why are you in a mirror?” “Magic” she gestured to her horn “I live here, always have” “Luna?!” Celestia shouted from upstairs. “Oh that’s my sister, I better get going, it was nice meeting you….” “I’m Night Mirror” the filly said. “It was nice meeting you Night Mirror” Luna smiles and gallops away, grabbing the box of doughnuts and heads upstairs to her sister.