//------------------------------// // Act V (deleted act) UNFINISHED // Story: My Little Pony The Musical: The Royal Siblings // by Dragonfire2lm //------------------------------// And so one thousand years passed, the players took their places as one of the greatest threats to Equestria was scheduled to make an appearance. -----Act V: Luna won't you cry for me?----- Nightmare Moon stood facing the purple unicorn in the ruins of the old castle, the shattered elements floating around the other five gathered. "You still don't have the sixth Element!" she exclaimed "The spark didn't work!" "But it did! A different kind of spark." Replied Twilight Sparkle "I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all... are my friends!" A bright white light glowed above the purple mare as the sixth and final element hovered above her And Twilight continued her speech. "You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the element of... magic!". The room was filled with light and Nightmare was forced to shield heself from it with her wings. It grew brigter and she looked to see a rainbow of magical energy rising up out from the six mares and headed her way. "NOOOO! Nooo!" She cried and reaered up on her hind legs in attempt to stay above the whirlwind of energy that wrapped itself around her. Her world went white. Princess Luna opened her eyes to find herself in a world made of stardust. The dark blue void around her glittered and sparkled with prinpicks of light, even the the slight breeze that floated past her was doted with minature stars. "Beautiful isn't it?" a voice said as Nightmare Moon materialised before her. "There is no need to be afraid, I cannot harm you" The dark alicorn stated as Princess Luna scrambled back in terror. "Why should I believe you?" Luna asked. As if to calm the frightened mare the stars around them began to twinkle and make a soft tune as they did so. "For a thousand years I've waited here for you, waited every night..." Nightmare sang "For I thought you were the answer to my life..." Luna looked surpirsed and confused at the same time as the ebony mare that once controlled her turned to face the sea of stars. "Days turned into years and into centuries, patience had to fade. Don't you see there is vengence in my eyes?" Nightmare continued, her eyes were glazed over as she relived a thousand years on the moon. "Luna won't you cry for me, I'm as lonely as I've ever been. I am forced back into the start, is there anyway to fix a broken heart..."