The Choice

by Not_available_now

Chapter 31. Luna's letter.

Chapter 31. Luna’s letter.
        Spike went out of the front door, going to look for someone to fix the floor.  He left Twilight and Martin in the hope that he could return to a library that still was in one piece.  His hopes weren’t very high.
        “So, do you want to study some more?” Twilight asked while she was looking for the book ‘Magic for foals’. She found it within a couple of second and gave it to Martin.
        “I actually wanted to read the letter Luna sent me. Maybe we can look at it after some time.” Martin said as he put the book and a shelf and grabbed the scroll with the lunar seal.
        “Fine.” Twilight grumbled as she sat down at her desk and laid a book down next to her. The quill next to her got enveloped in her magic and floated over to the paper. Twilight got lost in thought as she started scribbling on the paper.
        Martin sat down on the new couch and tried to pry the seal of. After a bit of plunking and pulling the seal came off in one piece. He opened the scroll and noted how ornate his name was written on top of the page.
        My beloved Martin,
        Even though we have been separated for less than a day it already pains me that I have to wait for you. The pain sinks deeper in my heart than the deepest point in the ocean.
        I have consulted Celestia for the times of your therapy. The first time that you will come is in two days. What this brings to me is joy greater than the tallest mountains.
        I read Twilight’s letter to my sister and learnt of your predicament. If this means that we can be together without great disaster falling upon Equestria than I would be in even greater joy then I already am.
        I am looking forward to your visit and hope to spend time with you when you arrive. I will come to take you for your appointment tomorrow night.
        I am already looking forward to it.
        Your dearest,
        Martin closed the scroll and put it back on a shelf. A smile grew on his face as he through off the day after the next one. It faltered though as he thought of his therapy. He wasn’t really looking forward to them, having a couple of not so great experiences with them before.
        During his childhood he was frequently visited by nightmares in his sleep. After some time he was so scared that he couldn’t look at his own shadow without cowering back in fright. He got therapy for it. The therapy he got then consisted of him being exposed to his fears and long talks. A few talks and a couple of pills later he could walk normally over the streets again.
        The only thing was that what he was handed was a mask. Something that he could put on during the day. At night the mask would come off and his real face would show, streaked with tears. During many nights he would stay awake, afraid to even close his eyes for more than a second. This got less as he grew up, having laid the mask beside him during the day, but the nightmares never went away completely.
        He only had one or two nightmares since he came to Equestria, but the one he had the night before was bad, very bad. Every single fear and thing that scared him when he was young came back to haunt him in his dreams. The fact that he was shivering wasn’t only the corrupted magic, but the nightmares too. In fact, the corrupted magic made the nightmares worse as it thrives on fear.
        He hoped that he wouldn’t destroy a lot more couches in his sleep, but with the large amount of corrupted magic in him he can’t be sure of it.
        Martin walked over to the concentrating Twilight and tapped her on her back. “Hey, Twi, can I lend a quill and a scroll?”
        Twilight looked up, a bit annoyed that she was interrupted. “Hump, sure. They’re over there.” She pointed to a drawer.
        Martin walked over to the drawer and opened it. It extended half a meter and was completely filled with ink, quills and scroll, enough to write a book. He grabbed two quills, a jar of ink and a scroll.
        He walked over to the kitchen and sat down at the table. He opened the jar and dipped the quill in it, enveloping the tip in dark blue ink. He thought for a few seconds before setting down the quill on the paper, forming letters.
-------------------------------------Meanwhile in Canterlot Castle------------------------        

The psychiatrist who was going to treat Martin was sitting in his chair, looking at the papers about Martin. He scratched his head, thinking about how he was going to treat the first human in Equestria. He looked at the problems: anger management and problems with nightmares. At least that was what he could make out of the report.
        He sighed and looked at the other dossier. This one talked about Mr. Acula, ex-doctor, who was the losing party in a recent lawsuit. He was supposed to be treated for an addiction. The doctor was a bit annoyed that he had to treat drug addicts alongside his normal patients.
        There had been savings on the budget for the treatment of addicts and to save the money they placed the patients within normal clinics, to be treated by normal doctors. Even though a lot of doctors weren’t happy with this they had to shut up or lose their jobs. So they went quiet, treating the addicts as they came.
        He still had to treat him, but only when he saw fit.
        He knew that he had his first appointment in two days and that he had to prepare something, so he got to work, trying to make a good program for Equestria’s first human.