Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Crossover of consciences: The Assassin's games

Crossover with 'Three of Me Vs School Society' by Killjoy.

[My conscience Kill writes in the brackets and bolded]
< My conscience Joy writes in these and Italics>
{ I respond in these}


[ My conscience Break writes in these bracket and bolded]
< My consciences Dawn writes in these and italics >
{ I respond in these }

kickass222urmom says: The idea for this chapter popped into my mind when I was in class. But some credit goes to 2k LOL for writing BLAMMO! Got me to thinking about contest.

Quick note: We are going to be switching between views with a few of the other teams. More fun that way.

Chapter 55: Crossover of consciences :The Assassin Games

Lance's POV

I looked up at Frederic, who was on stage.

He looked out at the gathered crowd of ponies, "Citizens of Ponyville, I've come here today to tell you of a competition that is to take place in this very town. It involves all of you. It is a game called 'Assassin', where you will all divide up into teams of two or three and battle it out against everypony else. No, this is not real. You will be using those."

A blue bracelet with his cutie mark appeared in front of him, "Those are 'Assassin Bracelets', once you shot your opponent with them, it sends them to the 'losers box'. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt. Its just a simple teleportation spell that comes out of this small device." The bracelet disappeared, "You will get to chose your teams, and the game will end once all teams are eliminated and only one stands. That team will receive a mystery prize. Don't worry, its well worth it and very valuable."

Everypony chatted excitedly about this.

Frederic smiled and continued, "Now for the rules: No magic." His horn glowed and every unicorn lost their horns.

Twilight looked up and began to squeal.

I looked at her and smirked, "Hahaha! Sucks for you Twi."

"No flying."

My wings suddenly disappeared, along with all the other Pegasus.

"My fucking wings!" Me and Graze screamed out at the same time. We both looked towards the stage.

Frederic smirked at us and mouth the words, 'Told you I'd get you back.'


He continued, "No leaving Ponyville. There is a magical barrier up to prevent you all from leaving the game. No physical violence." He looked straight at me and Graze after saying that last part. Then he smiled, "And have fun!"

Suddenly, the same kind of bracelet he had shown everypony appeared in front of me. It was cyan blue with my cutie mark on it. I looked around and saw that everypony else had one, same color as their coat and with their cutie mark on it.

Frederic looked to be enjoying himself, "Just slip those on and your all set. Now, get in your teams and go find a place to wait for the game to begin. It will start when I blow the horns. GO!"

Everypony made a mad dash, putting their teams together.

I looked around and saw Drax, perfect. Me and Graze galloped over to him.

He looked at me and smiled, "Can I be on your team?"

I nodded, "Yep, I was just coming to ask you that."

Graze held out a hoof, "Nice to meet you..."

Drax shook his hoof, "Drax. Its nice to meet you too..."

Graze chuckled, "Razor Graze. But just call me Graze."

They dropped their hooves and looked at me.

I raised an eyebrow, "What?"

Graze smiled, "Bro, your the one who is going to provide us with our gear."

<Why us?>
[Yeah, have Drax here do it!]

I chuckled, "Sure, why not. I know what we can use. Anyone up to dressing in tight black suits?"

The both smirked and Drax said, "Oh, I can fit in a black suit."

I nodded, "Good, because their full body and give you the best movement."

[That's fucking awesome!] Said Kill.
<I wonder how we'll look in them.> Said Joy.

I chuckled, "Come on you two, we need to hurry. I don't know when this game will start." I then clamped the bracelet on. They followed my lead.

Graze then looked at me, "Where are we going to hold out till this starts?"

I smirked, "The one place you wouldn't expect."

10 PM at night, four hours into the competition.

I moved the branch out of the way and looked out onto the empty street, "Nope, I don't see anypony."

"Good." Drax whispered behind me.

I pulled the branch back into place and looked at them. We was all wearing tight black suits, all almost invisible in the darkness.

Graze smirked, "I like our name."

I looked at him, "What? Silent Nights?"

He nodded, "Oh yeah, fits us. Since we are silent and invisible at night."

"There they are!" Screamed a hyper voice.


[Did someone find us already?!]

I looked out of the branches and saw Pinkie Pie and Greg chasing three poor filly's. They chased them for a few seconds before firing off four shots. Three hit them, one went off course.

Frederic's voice boomed through the area, "The Cutie Mark Crusaders have been removed from the game."

Greg and Pinkie Pie slammed their hooves together.

Greg smiled lazily, "We are fucking epic!"

Pinkie Pie jumped up and down, "We're going to win!"

Greg smiled and turned and yelled, "The 4th wall breakers are gonna win! You hear me pussies!"

I closed the branches, "Yeah, we have a problem."

They looked at me, "What is it?"

"Greg and Pinkie Pie."

They looked worried for a second before smiled, "We can take them."

Before I could answer, Frederic's voice boomed again, "Hiding for long periods of time is illegal... Lance."

My eyes widened, "Oh shit..."

The tree we was hiding in suddenly vanished, leaving us with not cover, and falling to the ground.

We slammed into the ground and quickly stood.

"OH MY CELESTIA! ITS PINKIE!" Graze said as he pointed to Pinkie Pie charging towards us.

<What do we do!>
[We fight!]

"Take her down!" I screamed.

We all three raised our hooves and began firing at her.

Her ear twitched and she jumped out of the way of the first few shots. She then repeated this, dodging every ball of magic.

"FUCKING RUN! SHE'S USING PINKIE SENSE!" Graze screamed out before turning and running away.

I turned and ran after him, "I chose to live!"

Drax sprinted past me, "I will not lose like this!"

[Faster Lance! That pink bitch is still behind you!]

We galloped for I don't know how long. But we finally lost her in a alleyway, for now that is.

As we stood and took deep breaths, I looked at Drax, "Thanks for leaving me behind."

He smiled, "Your welcome."

<Sarcasm... I like this guy.> Said Joy.

Graze stood up and stretched, "You two stay here, I'm going to see if I can scout the area."

I nodded, "Okay, have fun. Don't get hit, I don't want to lose my best player."

He smirked, "I won't, just stay here." He turned and galloped off.

I rolled my eyes, "We will."

Graze's POV

I walked out of the alley and scouted the area looking for any signs of life and Pinkie.... especially Pinkie.

< Hey Graze! We need to get to higher ground>
[ You know, better view equals a greater advantage ]

I looked up and saw a climbable path leading to the roof. I jumped and used my hooves to grasp onto several ledges as I progressed to the top of the house.

Finally making it, I scoped the entire PonyVille and watched a few contestants get shot and a few being chased. I placed one hoof and knelt down striking a pose.

< Synchronization Complete>
[ I'm the Celestia Damn BAT-COLT!]

I looked through the streets of PonyVille and what really caught my attention were two mares walking with their tails intertwined with one another. They were a familiar couple back in my school, Bon Bon and Lyra. They weren't walking side by side but more strategically back to back.

[ Great, How are we going to take them down!] Kill said.
< Hmmmm.... Hold on a second, I have a plan> Joy replied.

" Ha! Team Bond is going to win this competition!" said Lyra.

" And when we do, we can finally afford a vacation, hopefully if the prize is that valuable!" Bon Bon said.

I spied on them as they made it closer and closer to my building waiting for a perfect opportunity.

[Hey Graze look a random pile of hay!]
< Remember whatever you are going to do, no violence>

It was time. I nodded hearing the calling of an eagle and dove into the pile of hay landing back first.

" Hey Lyra you heard that?"

" Yeah, I think it came from that pile of hay."

[ Fuck!]

" Maybe it's just the wind," Bon Bon replied.

< SHHH!!>
<.....Oh yeah...>

" I don't know, I think we should check it out," the couple then advanced towards my pile of hay.

< Get ready Graze!>

They stopped in front of it and stared intensely looking for any signs of life," I think I'm going to poke out."

Lyra pushed her hoof forward which I then suddenly grabbed pulling her and Bon Bon in.

A few shouts and screams were heard from the pile of hay, even a few cries announcing rape.

< Rape is not a funny joke people, not even in this fic>
[ It's not rape if they enjoy it]

I shot Lyra with my magical projectile sending her to the losers booth. Next, I grabbed Bon Bon's bracelet and shot her as well.

I looked at the bracelet which I 'borrowed' from Bon Bon and had one of the greatest ideas known to PonyVille.

< CrackShot would be proud> Joy said as I placed the other bracelet around my hoof.

[ FUCK YEAH! DUAL WIELD!] Kill announced.
< AKIMBO MOTHER FUCKERS!> Joy exclaimed Bro-hoofing Kill.

" Hey you heard that?!" A random pony said followed by five others. Damn that was a large group.

" I think it came from that bush!"

They all stared intensely at the bush waiting for something to happen.

I was getting tired of hiding, so I jumped out screaming my battle cry shooting two ponies sending them to the losers booth.

[ Killing spree!]

I ran a circle around the other three as they aimed their weapons and fired at me. I drifted along the surface of the ground and jumped in the middle of all three of them on my hindlegs. I then aimed both of my weapons at the heads of two ponies surrounding me and pulled my hooves back firing the shots from the bracelets.

< Kill- tacular!>

The last pony watched me as I walked closer and closer to him. He was frightened of what next I was going to do to him. He fired a few shots which some pathetically missed and a few dodged.

I picked him up and made him kneel.

[ Bend before your ruler]

I placed one foreleg behind his back and another with the bracelet aiming at his head," PLEASE MERCY! MERCY!" He cried.

I smiled wickedly at the pony and said," Kill. Do it."

Kill then walked across on air by the conscience of my victim, beat him and forced him to shoot himself.

< Overkill> Joy said.
[ Can we call in a fricking care package? ]

Suddenly, a loud voice boomed throughout the skies," GRAZE! I SAID NO VIOLENCE!"

I looked up at the skies and shouted, revealing my position," FUCK YOU IRON! THAT WAS SELF DEFENSE! I RESTRAINED HIM!"

" Hmmm... Alright! NEXT TIME DON'T DO IT!" Iron Clad had allowed that one time to pass.

I sighed a breath of relief walking back to Lance and Drax," Whew that was close."

" Ahem!" A familiar voice called out. Somepony which I didn't want to see, Pinkie Pie and Greg.


" Hey Graze Remember me?" Greg laughed.

I looked at him bemused and fired two shots from both my hooves sending him to the losers booth," Fuck you bro. That was for the kick in my nuts."


" Wow, this room is getting filled up fast. What the actual buck is going on?" Iron Clad said to himself.

Greg was instantaneously teleported into the room," ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? GRAZE I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!"



" Ha! That's the game," I said with extra emphasis on " THE GAME"


I looked and smiled from ten meters away at Pinkie," So.... Shall we?" I said calmly.

Pinkie then calmed down and smiled accepting my duel of quickdraw or Standoff," We shall."

The tension built between the two of us as we waited for the other to get mentally prepared.

{ Kill, Joy, remember how Pinkie uses her Pinkie Sense?}
< Yeah! She uses her consciences Pinkamena and Surprise!>
{ Exactly, I want the both of you too distract the two of them, I want this to be a fair match }
[ You got it Graze! One distraction coming up! ]

I watched as Kill and Joy made their way to Pinkie Pie talking to Pinkamena and Surprise pretending to be friends.

I smiled and shouted," DRAW!"

Suddenly Kill and Joy both grabbed Pinkamena and Surprise, restraining them from doing anything. I shot one round at Pinkie who stood still waiting for her Pinkie sense to take place... and waited and waited. Her eyes suddenly opened in realization and jumped out of the way at the bullet," WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" She shouted.

Two guns versus one. I repeatedly shot rounds at Pinkie who was now running for her life. She was still too fast, I didn't need a fast rate of fire, I needed precision.

I allowed her to run as aimed down on my hoof, looking for a nice clean headshot.

She was heading towards the direction of the alley which Lance and Drax hid in. I couldn't allow her to go any further, she was my prey.

I took a deep breath and released one shot.

She galloped faster and faster now in the sights of Lance and Drax," NONONONONONONONO!!!"


Pinkie was now eliminated and I headed back towards Lance and Drax.

[ Nice shot Graze! Fucking HeadShot!]

I looked down the alley and saw Lance and Drax with their mouths opened wide in shock and awe from Pinkie being eliminated.

I only said one word," Killstreak."

Lance's POV

Holy crap! He just took out all of them by himself!

[That was fucking awesome!]

I looked at Graze, "How the fuck?!"

He smirked, "I've got skills!"

[We're just that badass!] Kill said gloating.

I chuckled, "Well, since your such a good shot. Your team sniper."

Graze pumped his hoof into the air, "FUCK YEAH!"

I looked at Drax, "Drax, your with me."

He smiled, "Let's win this thing!"

[Silent Nights are pro!]

Team: Musical Killers

Aaron ducked behind the small rock fence. He looked over at his two teammates, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, "Okay you two, we need to secure that library. With it, we can easily win this!"

Vinyl nodded her agreement, "Yeah, but Team Sparkle is in there."

Aaron smiled, "That's why we have those." He held up two small balls. But those were no normal balls, (DIRTY THOUGHTS! BE GONE!) they were sound grenades. They would go off, creating a loud quick screech that would take away your hearing for a few seconds.

Vinyl Smirked, "This is going to be fun!"

Octavia nodded, "Yes, if we don't get out."

Aaron stood, "We won't get out. We're the Musical Killers!" With that, he galloped towards the library.

Vinyl and Octavia soon jumped up and followed him.

When they reached the library, they piled up on the door.

Aaron put his ear to the door and smiled, "I hear them."

Vinyl snickered, "This is to easy!"

Aaron nodded and threw the door open, he then tossed in the sound grenade. They all covered their ears.

The loud screech could still be heard, but had no effect on them. They all charged into the library.

Aaron looked around and saw Twilight staggering. Perfect. He aimed at her first and fired, sending her to the loser's box.

Vinyl shot Rarity, who was also staggering around.

Vinyl let out a whoop of victory, "Oh yeah, we're bad!"

Suddenly she disappeared.

Aaron looked around, "There's another?!"

Applejack jumped off the stairs, "Ah got one!" She then shot Octavia, sending her away.

Before she could turn to Aaron, he ducked behind a bookshelf.

"Ah know you're over there." She said moving closer.

Aaron gulped and put his back hooves against the wall and his back against the bookshelf. He then began to push outward, sending the bookshelf crashing down.

Applejack jumped out of the way, "What the hay!"

Aaron aimed at her, "Got you!" He took aim and fired... nothing. He looked at his bracelet and saw that it was missing the barrel. Shit...

He twisted around and jumped through a random window. He then began to gallop at top speed away from the library.

Now he was alone, against all the others. And he had no weapon...

Team: Joki Knights

Peter shifted and stood up in his little hole. He opened the flap of fake grass and looked across the center of Ponyville. David came up also, a few feet to his right in a hole of his own.

Peter watched as the group of stallion's made their way across the open ground. He looked over at David, "Is the 'traps' ready?"

David nodded with a smirk, "Oh yeah, they're set."

Peter smiled, "Good. Is Doctor Whooves in place?"

David nodded again, "Yup."

Peter looked back and smiled, "Its time. Signal the Doc."

David smiled and performed a bird call.

Then then closed the flaps above them and sat and waited.

Doctor Whooves jumped up, only twenty feet from the group and ran straight for Peter and David, who was hidden.

As soon as the Doctor ran over them, they waited till they could hear the group.

Suddenly, they jumped up and began firing at the group, screaming out, "JOKI KNIGHTS!"

They shot down every member of the group.

Peter smirked and looked at David, "Best trap ever!"

David nodded, "Oh yeah, we was just like the Wolverines."

Peter chuckled, "Get ready, another group may come by."

David smiled and they went back into their holes.

Team: Outcast United

Zorrow sat propped up against the building, nervous. Why does he have to always be the bait?

He was sitting there, faking like he had broken his hoof. It looked pretty believable, to a pony. To a human, you could tell he was faking it.

He had been there for hours, letting Seth and Big Macintosh take out all the ponies stupid enough to try and help.

As he sat there, he saw two mare's making their way over to him.

Here we go again.

When they neared, he saw that it was Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Shit.

Rainbow Dash looked at him, "What's wrong with you?" She said, keeping her distance.

Fluttershy on the other hand looked like she wanted to help.

Zorrow played his role, "I fell off the building. I think I broke my hoof."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, "Yeah right. Its not broken, I can clearly see that its..."

Fluttershy shot ahead, and was next to Zorrow within a second, "Oh, you poor dear. Are you okay?"

Big Macintosh stepped out, followed by Seth.

Seth smiled, "Got ya!"

Rainbow Dash charged forward, "I knew it!"

They both turned their attention to her, as Fluttershy was no threat.

They began firing at Rainbow Dash, but she easily dodged each shot.

Seth became enraged, "Ugh! Get hit already!"

Big Macintosh nodded, and said simply as he fired, "Eeyep!"

Suddenly, Big Macintosh disappeared.

Fluttershy covered her face, "I'm sorry... I was trying to figure out how to use this... thing."

Seth finally hit Rainbow Dash, barely, but enough to send her away. He then turned to Fluttershy, "Wow, she took out Big Macintosh... By accident!"

She turned to him, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..."

Seth advanced, "Meh, its okay. Now just let me get you out and..."

Suddenly he disappeared.

Fluttershy looked at her out stretched hoof, "Oh drat Fluttershy, you need to learn to use those things."

Zorrow began to scoot away. She just took out his whole team, by accident!

She looked at him, "Lets see about that hoof."

Screw this! He jumped up and sprinted away.

Graze's Pov

Before Drax and Lance had left, they had assigned me to Sniper support, they gave me a scope as I can guide them throughout PonyVille and take out any passerby's.

I was on top of the Town Hall and saw everything that took place, The Joki Knights and Outcast United traps and the one surviving member of Musical Killers run out of the Library.

I aimed down sights looking at Aaron," Just one small squeeze aaaaaand--"


I scanned the environments looking out for Lance and Drax as they were supposed to make their way to the library," Oh shit! Another group!"

They were stuck literally in the middle of a firefight! " Are you bucking kidding me?!"

Lance and Drax hid behind a dumpster as defense as the group of three progressed towards them rapidly firing.

I swear I heard Lance and Drax shout," WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING GRAZE!!"

I aimed down the sights of my scope, aiming for a pretty smile for my camera. I looked carefully and saw two twin sister ponies," Aloe and Lotus."

< Ha! They are getting their asses handled by mares>

* BOOM* Headshot. One was down.

[ Get back to the kitchen ]

I think I shot .... Lotus?

" ALOE!!" The other twin shouted.

" Well, fuck. I hate being wrong," I aimed down the sights again and shot the other pony in the head.

" HA! Don't mess with a Killjoy!"

Lance and Drax then took the opportunity making a straight dash to the library, clearing out any ponies that ran by them.

I remembered one pony, Aaron if I had remembered correctly, ran out of that building.

Lance and Drax were about to open the door.

< HOW!?>

As Drax reached for the door while Lance leaned against the wall. I shot a round aiming exactly at the knob before Drax touched it.

Lance looked back at me and shouted," WHAT THE FUCK GRAZE!"

So much for subtlety. I rolled my eyes and shouted back," DON'T FUCKING GO IN THERE!! AARON JUST LEFT!"

The two looked at the door and paused, trying to make a decision.

I aimed down my scopes trying to look through the windows. I only saw one shadow, kinda weird. It didn't have the shape of a pony's head nor did a pony I know even have o--...... Oh fuck it's AppleJack.

She opened the door from the balcony of Twilight's treehouse moving silently not too attract any attention.

I shouted," RUN LANCE!! RUN!!!"

He looked back at me," WHAT?! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!"

Drax looked at Lance," I think he wants us too move."

Lance asked," Why?"

"Beats me."

I facehoofed," Those fucking retards."

[ Graze, if you don't take that show now, only you would be left]
< It's a pretty far shot, so use some of that physics Mr. Charge actually beat into you>
{ Alright, Celestia if I don't make this shot, I am going to kill Cody }

I aimed the sights above AppleJack's head taking in the effect of Coriolis. I took one deep breath and held it as I focused keeping the sights perfectly on AppleJack not moving one inch.

" Gotcha," I said before taking the shot which made AppleJack disappear.

{ Cody, today you live.}

A shout boomed throughout the skies," NO CAMPING GRAZE!"

" WHAT?! I'M NOT EVEN HIDING!" My complaint was unsuccessful as he teleported me right in the center of PonyVille where the Joki Knights had taken base.

I was alone and I had no sights on Lance and Drax," Fuck, I need to get out of here. Just need to look out for some fake bushes."

As I walked, I heard a few bird sounds coming from two bushes. I sighed and facehoofed," Exactly what in Celestia's fuck are birds doing in bushes."

I heard a few whispers," Shhhh.... I think he knows.... Just wait for the Doctor."

Suddenly a brown stallion jumped out not far from another bush and ran past center of the other 'whispering bushes.'

I had the most bemused expression on my face at all time," Fellas, do you see what's in my hoof? Oh, you see nothing right? IT'S THE AMOUNT OF FUCKS I GIVE! I AM A CELESTIA DAMN SNIPER!"

I was never foolish enough to take the bait and shot Doctor Whooves from afar making him disappear," By the way, that trap only works for short range users and for idiots."

The two bushes stopped whispering to each other and a few regrets were heard of letting the Doctor be the bait. I looked at the two bushes and from far away, the only one time in my life, I spat on the bushes as a sign of disrespect.

I walked away hearing the sounds of Peter," AGHH GET IT OFF ME! IT'S IN MY HAIR!"

[That's fucking nasty bro]
<Even Kill won't do that>

I smiled at their reactions and chuckled," Time to find Lance and Drax..... HOLD ON GUYS I'M COMING!"

Lance's POV

"Damn, we was lucky that time." I said, looking out the window of the library.

Drax nodded, "Thank Celestia Graze had our backs."

I saw something running towards the library, "Movement!"

We got into position, behind the couch, and aimed at the door.

Suddenly, Zorrow burst in.

I jumped up, "Freeze!"

He dropped to the ground, "WAIT! Don't shoot."

I kept aiming at him, "Three."

He looked up, scared.


He stood.


He dropped to the ground again, "Wait, please. I lost my entire team! Can I join you Lance?"

[Waste his ass Lance!]

I sighed, "No, but I'll let you go. Run now."

He jumped up and ran out the door.

Drax looked at me, "Why didn't you take him out?!"

I shrugged, "The guys had a rough life, believe me."

Drax sighed, "Well, don't let everypony live."

I smiled, "Don't worry, I won't let to..."

Another pony ran in. This time, we both turned and fired.

Graze's eyes went wide and he dodged both the rounds, "WHOA! Watch your fire!"

I chuckled, "Sorry about that. Thanks for covering us."

He held up a hoof, "No problem. You guys are idiots."

I smiled, "I know."

He closed the door and walked over, "A lot of ponies have been taken out."

Drax nodded, "And there aren't many left. I say we defend this place for a while."

We all nodded in agreement. Time to set up defenses.