//------------------------------// // Authors notes // Story: Pony Tales from the 41st Millennium // by ProfCharles //------------------------------// A few days ago (well, more like a week and a bit now), I got this crazy idea for a 40k/MLP crossover. Which is weird, since I haven't played 40k in about 5 years. So yeah, I then went down to the crossovers group to bounce some ideas around (thanks for the help guys!) and this little Slice of 40k life popped out, more as a thought experiment than anything else. Note—if you head down to the crossovers group and track down my thread, there may be some background spoilers. Just a warning if you wish to avoid that sort of thing. If you enjoy that sort of thing, feel free to join the discussion. I have to say, I really enjoyed writing this, although I really had to push myself to finish the last 200 words or so. I particularly enjoyed writing Fluttershy (I cried) and Pinkamena. Heh, guess who my favourite characters are. I'll give you a clue: it's connected to the word count. For those of you who are unaware; this is a Rhinox. They are the Orks of this setting. I envisage them being a little bigger than Big McIntosh (maybe even Princess Luna sized). And yes, AJ took out four of them in close combat. You may begin your cries of 'Mary Sue' . Because all the characters are at near constant war, some of them have gone through character development at a slightly faster pace than in the show. So Dash is already in the Wonderbolts, Fluttershy isn't quite as timid and frightened (at least, not in a medical setting. She's still scared of some things. She wouldn't be Fluttershy otherwise). Twilight is still antisocial, however, and even with the boost to their char dev, they are still the same characters. I hope. Eversor assassins use combat drugs to enhance their combat powers. It usually turns them into an unstoppable monster. With Pinkie, however, it turns her into Pinkamena, who by this point is a fully independent split personality. I intend to have much fun with that. Discord is the fifth god of Chaos, the god of Disharmony (or rather, the twisted god of freedom and independence, if you're into that sort of thing). I toned down the effectiveness of magic, to counterbalance the typical fear and predudice associated with psychic powers. Also, non unicorn pyskers do exist. They're as common as unicorn pyskers (more common actually, as each race makes up a third of the Imperium's population, so only a third of them would be unicorns). So yeah, magic