Darkly Dreaming: Blood and New Feelings

by Connor Shadows

Chapter 4: Trains

Blood and New Feelings
Chapter 3: Trains

Dexter sat alone in his on the early morning train to Canterlot, Masuka was somewhere behind him but he didn’t take the time to check were he had sat. With his bag in his lap and his head leaned up against the window, he was fighting to stay awake. As his eyes shut themselves he would snap them open, only for them to slowly close again.

So tired why do ponies have to kill each other when I’m sleeping?

Dexter was about to just give in the grogginess and take a nap when his he felt a buzzing coming from his one of his duster’s pockets. Dexter’s mind was a little fuzzy so it took him a moment to figure out what it was.

What is that? Is there a bee in my pocket?

Dexter sat up strait and reached in his pocket to retrieve the buzzer. He felt a smooth rectangular object. That was the source of the vibrations.

At least it’s not a bee.

He pulled out the small item and looked at it. It was his cell phone. The outer screen of the little flip phone was lit up with a familiar name on display.

Ditzy? Hope Harrison is alright.

He flipped open the phone and put it to his ear.

“Hey Ditzy, what’s up?” Dexter answered in the kindest tone he could muster while trying to shake off sleep.

“Uh, hey Dex I got a problem.” Ditzy answered through the phone. She sounded a little distraught.

“Something wrong with Harrison?” Dexter yawned.

“No there’s nothing wrong with him well kinda, can’t you hear him?” She answered a little confused.

Dexter did hear something in the background but he couldn’t make it out. He tried to focus on only the phone but the train was noisy. There wasn’t much talking going on but the wheels on the tracks made quite a racket. He sat there for a few seconds then he heard what sounded like a little colt yelling, then he was able to make a few words.

“My train!”

Well that’s new.

“Why is he yelling?” Dexter laughed in the phone.

“It not funny, he’s like this for like thirty minutes. I’m getting a headache.”

“Did you try looking for his toy train?” Dexter said this time holding in the laughter.

“Do you think I’m stupid, of course I did!”

Oh she’s actually a little mad.

“Well he had it yesterday. Let me think for a sec.”

“Take your time it’s not like a there’s a toddler screaming in my ear or anything.”

Where was it hrmmm…. Oh yeah

“Try looking in my room. He had it in there before I put him to bed.” After Dexter said that he heard what sounded like a very hard face-hoof followed by movement.

“Uuhg, I so stupid it's right there at the foot of your bed.” Ditzy whined. “This is the only room I didn’t check.”

Do not laugh

“Harry I found you train” Ditzy chimed sweetly, the yelling then ceased. “Here you go buddy, you better be glad I can't smack you.”

“Is that all you need?” Dexter chuckled

“Yeah, bye Dex.”

“Ok call me if,” Dexter heard the phone click.

She hung up on me. She better not think her morning was worse than mine. I had to deal with dead stuff and blood
Dexter closed his phone a slipped it into his pocket. He was about to try and take that nap he wanted, but he heard the screeching of brakes and felt the train slowing down. He looked out the window and saw he had arrived at his destination; Canterlot.

The beautiful city of white stone and pointed purple roofs was still not ready for the day. The streets Dexter could see only had one or two ponies on them. Looking at the skyline it was almost a pity so few were awake. The dawn sun cascaded over the buildings lighting them up making them look as though they were glowing. On the streets the shadow casts by the buildings made them dark as if they were not willing to let go of the night so easily. The sky seemed unsure as what it should do as well. One side stars were still visible; on the other side the sky was bright and warm.

Dexter stopped looking over his home he could enjoy this sight most every day only the sun’s position opposite to where it was now. He grabbed his bag, slung it over his neck, and got up out his chair. As he walked he felt a hoof land roughly on his shoulder. He turned to see it was Masuka. He didn’t look like he got a nap either

“Common man let’s get this done so we can get home.” Masuka sighed. “I don’t know about you but when I get home I’m going to pass out for a few days.”

“Lucky I have a kid to look after. I can’t do that.”

“Oh yeah… but look at the bright side you got a girl waiting for you at your house.” Masuka said nudging Dexter’s arm with his elbow.

“She’s the baby sitter there is nothing going on.” Dexter denied as they got off the train.

“So is she free then?” Masuka inquired while raising an eye brow.

“Don’t even think about it.” Dexter knew he was kidding.

“Ok man whatever you say but let’s hurry up and go.” Masuka said as he began to jog.

“You think you can keep up shorty.”

“Never under estimate the little ones Dexter you’ll regret it.”

With that the two lab geeks starting running through the sleeping town of Canterlot the morning sun finally starting to take back the world.