
by SevenLies1Truth

Chapter 1: Meeting Him

Starlight filled the sky, Celestia watched as her sister finished rising the moon. She was glad that her sister was back and had missed her so much. Walking back to the castle, she bent her head down, tomorrow was getting closer and closer.
Hearts and Hooves day. She always regretted when the day grew closer, it reminded it of him, when he had been different.
Looking over into the palace garden, she was reminded of that same day where they had met.


Chapter 1: Meeting

Almost 2000 years before

Celestia looked at the sky, watching her father bring down the night. She watched him lift the moon, his mane glittering like the stars that shone through the sky. She loved her father but he didn't get much time to share being the king and co-ruler of Equestira.

Turning back to her bedroom, she looked at the drawing that she had begun. The faint thin lines of the pencil showed her hugging her mother and father whilst her little sister Luna, sat in the middle, smiling up at them.

She couldn't wait until her sister was a bit older, her sister was only a young foal at the moment and wasn't really much fun.
Shining her horn, Celestia picked up the pencil and began to thicken the lines of her father, she wanted to make him complete and then she could show him, next time she saw him.

There was a knock at her bedroom door, and Celestia was a bit miffed at her drawing being interrupted but she was a princess so knew she would have to respond to who had knocked at the door.

Opening the door, a maid bowed at her and then spoke.
"Hello, my princess, Your mother, the queen requests you imeaditly in the palace garden." The maid spoke.

Celestia recognized her as Runny Fields. She didn't know much about Runny Fields, only that her mother had taken her in when she had found a starving filly on their doorstep and offered work in exchange for room and board.

Runny Fields was an earth pony with a brown chestnut mane that was very curly. Her tail matched. Her coat was a light green colour, and her cutie mark consisted of a maid's hat which Runny Fields was also currently wearing.

Celestia was jealous of ponies who already had their cutie mark, she really wished she could find out what her's was. However her father had reminded her that her cutie mark would show up in it's own time. She secretly knew that her father and mother hoped that her special talent would be something to do with the sun or moon.
"Thank you for telling me Runny Fields, I must go." Celestia bowed and ran down the stairs and swear she heard Runny Fields whisper something like that filly has way too much energy.

Celestia heard her hooves gallop along the floor until she came to a garden where she saw her mother basking in the moonlight, her father was no-where to be seen.

"Hello Mother." Celestia greeted, smiling. It had been Luna, who had taken after her father being the same colour and even down to the same eyes. Celestia had taken after her mother but there were subtle differences, Celestia's mane and tail were bright pink and her mother's was a light yellow, just like the sun.

Celestia believed that her mother's hair colour was down to the fact that she raised the sun, in fact her mother's cutie mark was a large sun, that was covered by a cloud. Her mother had a coat of white, just like Celestia.
"Hello Celestia, I have two ponies who will be arriving soon who I wish to introduce you to to. They are visting from overseas from a far-off kingdom known as Bridletain. It has been a long journey for them, taking them almost a week to get here. The queen who is visiting has a young son, about your age. I hope that you will treat him well, I do not want to hear of any michief, do you need reminding of that incident Celestia in the palace kitchen?" Her mother responded, sternly, her eyes showing disapprovment.

Celestia nodded, her mother was always so strict, she didn't know but sometimes she just assumed that her mother was being very protective.

Just at that moment, a palace guard arrived with a message for her mother.

"My queen, the two ponies have arrived." The guard spoke,bowing before his queen.

"Very good, can you bring them here please?" The queen asked.

"Yes, your highness." The guard bowed and ran off.

It was about five minutes until the guard returned and behind him stood two ponies. One was a pegasus wearing a golden crow whilst the other was a grey unicorn. The Pegasus was female and looked very sick, she held herself in a way that was almost like she was fighting a losing battle. The pegasus had a blue coat, her mane was quite short and being light purple, only just passing through her ears. Her cutie mark consisted of a crown.

The unicorn was male and was a lot younger than the pegasus, he looked around Celestia's age, maybe even a few years older, she couldn't really tell.

"May I announce Queen Stonelight and Prince Daze." The guard announced and then backed away, probbaly going to do his royal duty.

Celestia watched her mother approach Queen Stonelight and gave a quick bow. Queen Stonelight did the same.
"I trust your journey has been well?" Her mother asked.

"Yes, my Queen. It was quite tough to find your palace here! This castle is called the castle of the two pony sisters is it not?"
"Yes it belonged to my great grandmother and her sister when they became the first rulers over Equestria. I'm sorry for the long trek from the docks but this forest is young and the town needs to grow." Her mother responded, smiling! This might have been one of the rare times when Celestia had seen her mother smiling.

"Well this is my son Prince Daze." Queen Stonelight introduced the unicorn. Celestia finally took in what he looked like. His mane and coat were light brown whilst his coat was grey, She also noticed that he didn't have a cutie mark which made her happy!

Prince Daze bowed and Celestia got a close look at his eyes, they were a bright red which put her a bit on edge, however she decided to ignore it for the time-being.

"This is my daughter Princess Celestia." Her mother pushed forward and all Celestia could do was giggle as the colt bowed again.
She heard a sigh from her mother when she didn't bow back.
"Well if you two could run along? I would like to have a word with Queen Stonelight so run along you two." Her mother ushered her and Prince Daze back into the castle and shut the doors behind her.

"Well your mother seemed very consistent there." Prince Daze commented, looking around the castle in awe. "The castle's nice, much bigger than the one I live back at home."

"Well it must be nice, anyway. So how old are you?" Celestia asked turning to face him.
His red eyes burned into her and then really freaked her out but she couldn't comment on this.
"Around 10 years old, you look like you're about 8." He responded beginning to walk up the stairs.

"Wow you're right. Anyway would you like to find some place to sleep, I'm not sure how long you and your mother will be staying here."

"I think around a week and a half, we can't stay any longer because Bridletain would fall into chaos without us and yes I do need a room, perhaps I could bunk in your room, if you don't mind of course."

"I'm sorry Daze, erm can you I call you Daze?. but my mother would go berserk if she knew a boy was sleeping in my room. I can show you a guest bedroom and that's probably where you will have to say."

"Yes you can call me Daze as long as I can call you 'Tia. Alright if you would lead the way to the guest bedroom?"

Celestia began to turn to left, if she remembered right, the guess bedrooms were located in the highest tower.

"You're mother looks very ill." Celestia commented, turning to face Daze as they walked, she really wanted to know what was up with his mother but felt a bit rude asking.

"I'd rather not talk about it, I don't really know you." Daze responded looking a bit sad and she swore she could see tears in his eyes.

At long last they reached the tower and the guest bedroom.

"Will you be alright here for the night?"

"Yeap, I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Err Yeah."

Celestia closed the door and began to head back to her room. Once in her room, she settled on the bed and was ready to go to sleep. She couldn't wait to think of the fun adventures, she was going to have with Prince Daze.