Legends of Harmony Season 1

by AlphaOmega

Chapter 1

Legends of Harmony

It was a wonderful night. A white pony stepped onto her balcony. Her sister truly had a way with creating peacefulness and tranquility with her talent. The stars twinkled in the sky brightly. The birds had finished their chatter. The squirrels had finished their hunt for nuts. The animals were at peace.

Below the balcony, one could see all of Canterlot. The news of the day had come and gone. The stores closed their doors to finish taking stock of inventory. Many had gone home to embrace the very things they lived for. They too were at peace.

The night was so still. So perfect. And yet...

There was too much pain in her heart. Luna was on the moon, trapped. It had been 500 years ago, on this night, that Princess Celestia had banished her sister, her own flesh and blood, to the moon. The prophecy was half complete. Soon the stars would align and bring back her sister. But even then, things would not be correct. Luna would be 1000 years behind in culture. She would be so backward in society.

The tears flowed freely from Celestia's eyes. While others went home to a family, all she had was her small room in a still unbuilt Canterlot Castle. She had no pony else. Except...him.

"NO! I must not bring him up!" She promised herself allowed. He was the very reason she was in so much pain. As a ruler, she did all she could to stop him. Just like she tried to stop Nightmare Moon.

"No...He was different." She assured herself. He had brought it upon himself. He chose to seek out the dark paths. He promised me we would rule Equestria fairly after Discord. He-she sobbed-promised to be with me. Forever. And now, she had done away with him too. Banished for all eternity.
She began to weep even louder. The guards would not hear. They had wife and children to provide for. A family as well. She slowly walked to her cabinet. The cabinet of the royal princess, ruler of Equestria, Master of the sun, was rather cheap. 2 large double doors and 2 drawers inside. Yes, truly the work befitting a princess. She could have had her pick of any. But she chose this for a reason.

She pulled the latch behind the niche where her crown sat. A compartment opened revealing the box. She took it with her magic and set it down on her bed. It was a simple box but she held it with the same care one would give to a skunk that may let out its gasses. Inside were the objects she needed.

The elements of harmony. Crafted together through research and sacrifice. These were now the bond that held the power to release her. One day, she would find the perfect bearers. They would finally let her retire. But for now, they were a reminder of her mistakes. Of her weakness.

She put them away before she could feel the remorse coursing through her veins. They were too much.

She slipped them away and prepared her night gown. Tonight she would sleep under a beautiful, albeit sad, moon. She had many other duties the following morning. Many laws to create.

She would not receive her wish.


The moon had turned blood red. The very ground beneath her was crumbling. The sounds of pain and suffering echoed throughout all the land. The ponies laid out, slaughtered like sheep. The royal guard destroyed. The only one standing was her and her love.

No. This...This can't be!

Celestia. Dear, poor, Celestia. Did you not see this coming? The day of my return will be oh so wonderful! The streets will run red with the blood you have paid to keep me locked away. Now you will learn the true meaning of betrayal. Be ready princess of the Morn, for soon you will not wake up to a peaceful world. No. You will only see a living hell. The very same place YOU SENT ME!

I...I will stop you!

Celestia lowered her horn, only to have the ground beneath her crumble to dust. As she fell she could hear the voice again.

Run my love. RUN.



"AHH!" Cried a startled black pony. Her mane was like the colors of the night 500 years ago. On her mane was whole constellations and many left undiscovered. Princess Luna quickly put away the bowl of water.

"Sister! I did not know you were awake..." She explained.

"Luna. Now is not-" She noticed the bowl of water "Seriously?"
Luna simply blushed "I read it in a book. I wanted to see if it was true." She explained solemnly. "I will leave you to get dressed. I will be off to bed soon." She turned to leave.

"Wait." Luna turned to Celestia. "Something is wrong. Very wrong. Send a letter for Princess Twilight. Have her assemble her friends. And bring me the Elements." Her tone was serious and grave. Luna knew better than to argue.

As Celestia saw her sister off, she went to her cabinet. She remembered it all too well. It had aged in the last 500 years but she could not bear to part with it. She opened the small compartment again. Inside was the not the elements but rather a scroll written in blood...except there was nothing there.

The scroll dropped to the floor. It wasn't possible. I put a powerful barrier on that seal. She looked at it again only to scream in fright.

"Run my love, Run" was now written in blood.

Celestia could no longer bear it. She had to face this nightmare head on. She looked out from her balcony. She knew the day she had feared for millennia had finally arrived.

But she knew she could not do it. She was old and hardly in any shape to battle an evil force. What Celestia needed was a force strong enough to counter the evil that was approaching. As she looked out from her balcony, she saw what she expected. Busy ponies going here and there. Scurrying about. Completely unaware that their very existence was at stake.

She promptly fainted.


Princess Twilight Sparkle was not having a good day. First it was the random pony that woke her up last night. Then it was the several tax laws that she had failed to look over. Now her court was backed up on duties. Not to mention the flood in Manehatten. Even breakfast failed her. The chef was sick so they hired some random mail mare to bring some muffins. Her stomach had not quite digested it well. Now she was listening to some noble who had declared that he was starting a new town near Appleloosa.

The throne room where she was now seated in was rather lavish. She had decided to repaint it a few years ago to reflect night and day. It had worked out well. The stained glass mirrors created a wide array of colors on the ground.

There were many that were added since her rule. She had a mural of all her closest friends.

Rarity was now one of the biggest designers in all of Canterlot. She was even bigger than Fancy Pants. People loved her new idea of socks. Twilight had even bought a few herself.

Fluttershy now owned an animal nursery. No one ever understood how she was able to start one in a small cottage but she made it work.

Rainbow dash had achieved her dream of being with the Wonderbolts. Twilight saw her the most. Since she was a special guest at all the shows (not to mention that the royalty technically owned them) she could talk to Rainbow any time she wanted.

Applejack had now taken full responsibility of Sweet Apple acres. Granny Smith had passed away a few years ago. The news had hurt her and all her friends. Big Mac was indisposed due to his back injury finally catching up with him. Applebloom was off to college now that the Apples could afford it.

Pinkie Pie was enjoying her work at Sugar Cube corner. She continued to bake many goods and set up parties. However, she seemed to be a lot more responsible. She was slowing down too. As is with age, she did not hop to her locations anymore. She merely skipped.

How I long to see them-

"Your majesty? There I have all the paper work complete." He said. With his magic, a massive pile of papers floated in.

"Mr. Fine Dine I cannot allow you to do this." Twilight responded. "The Apploosans have those lands occupied and the buffalos own the other parts." This was now Mr. Fine's 3rd attempt at getting this land he so wistfully desired.

"But your majesty-"

"Enough." She raised her hoof. "The land you wish to acquire would put an end to the truce between the Apploosans and the buffalo. I will not risk a town or a truce between 2 societies be destroyed. Guards please show Mr. Fine the way out."


"URGENT NEWS FOR YOUR MAJESTY COMING THROUGH!" Burst in a screaming pony. The door smacked Mr. Fine in the face who was promptly was knocked out.

Oh great. Now the noble would sue. These ponies-

"Your majesty, Princess Celestia has called for you. She wishes you to collect the other Bearers of Harmony. Bring the Elements themselves along." Relayed the guard to Twilight. Twilight was suddenly frantic.

"What does she want?! Maybe she wants to test me! See if I've been a good ruler! What if....I DONT PASS!" She quickly realized that everyone was watching her. She quickly regained her royal manner.

"I will speak to them and get them to the princess ASAP." She finally declared. "Spike take a message...Oh." She quietly cried in her broken heart. The dragon she loved was now leader of a pack of dragons. They were peaceful and he was now a fully grown dragon.

Twilight sighed. She would have to get them by hand.

She could not be any happier.