
by Anonymous User

Prisoner Of The Night

Luna's tears welled in her eyes, forcing her into the deepest and blackest of her fear... Destroyed and Forgotten, Abandoned and alone... The moon was lifeless, and cold, her sanity questionable at best, as darkness begins to close in, her body shuddering with fright. No longer was the night her ally, no longer was it a symbol of her power and strength. No... Now it focused only on keeping her enslaved... Forcing her mind into the dark depths of insanity. Solitude... Not a single word in her ears, the only piercing noises being the sheer laughter of voices unseen, forces unknown.

Was it her imagination? Perhaps her sanity? Or maybe it was real? She didn't know, but fear stuck her nonetheless. Cold chills wavering through her body, the cold, lifeless ringing laughter echoing throughout the barren wasteland. As reality blurs, and the world spirals, she becomes weak, and off-balance. A dark figure watches in the distance, eyes black as an abyss. Her heart beats, her head swirls, as the dark figure smiles upon her, before plunging her into a sea of darkness, laughter surrounding her...

There the figure stood, in the darkness, smiling his wicked smile... His teeth curved into his gums, causing what should have been blood to flow from his wounds... But no... It was merely more darkness... Luna shuddered in fear.... The demon that overtook her reigned over her... Trapping her in this hell... For 1,000 years she would feel this pain, 1,000 years she would be alone... Isolated and plunged into fear... Her hold had slipped... The figure cackled as it surrounded her with it's laughter, stepping closer with every chuckle.

The cold terror struck her... She couldn't breathe... She could not escape... And no one knew... Her beloved sister could not free her... How foolish she had been to allow her hate to take hold... Had she planned this punishment, or was it merely a result of the demon?

Her body froze, seized by the creature in front of her. She clenched her eyes shut, desperate to spare herself at least one moment of her suffering... But it came nonetheless. Her insides burned with the ferocity of the sun, though even this did not relieve the cold. There was no greater physical pain, than the horrible cold and heat working to destroy her. She screamed a silent scream, the figure smiling with glee.

Luna was released, her breathing now forced, and uneasy. Though her torture did not end there. The figure merely cackled more, as it's shape split into two... Then four... Then eight... Then sixteen... Sixteen of these horrible beasts, their only mission to terrorize the Former Princess of the Moon. She closed her eyes and whimpered in fear...

The figures closed in... Blazing heat and destructive cold already began to fill her body as she lost her ability to fight back... She could not do it... It was too much. The cackling of the beasts closed around from all sides of her... As she once again prepared to feel the horrible pain...

The Eternal Nightmare of the Moon was not done with her yet...