Singular Entities

by Cynical


The land before her was peppered with craters and holes, and more holes filled each of them, creating huge pitfalls every few paces apart.

Rainbow Dash smiled to herself as she looked over the barren waste of red rocks and burnt stone, what was it Twilight might have called it? Swiss cheese? She managed a quiet chuckle to herself before she cut it off and shook her head slightly.

Here she was, on the path to Tartarus itself, and she was thinking about what Twilight would have said. Her smile faltered as the memories hit her again. She’d sworn never to let any beast of Tartarus touch her, and yet here she was, fighting past the gates of hell to rescue Twilight from beasts which should have never trapped her in the first place.

Rainbow had vowed to herself to go after Twilight, to the very depths of the abyss if that was what it took, she had vowed to fix this wrong and give the beasts of Tartarus a damn good kick on the way past.

She’d lost Twilight once before, she wasn’t going to let it happen again.