Doctor Whooves meets Zerum

by ShadowBrony

Into the Void

Ditzy Doo felt like she was going to explode with happiness. The Doctor was taking her on another trip and this time it was going to be a surprise. Knowing the Doctor it was probably to some amazing thing nopony has ever seen before or maybe a planet covered in muffins. Or maybe a planet made of muffins! She was so excited when the Doctor had come by after she had just finished her rounds as a mail-mare. While she loved going on adventures, she still felt it was her job to come back every now and again to see her friends and do what she loved to do. And best of all, she never has to worry about taking too many days off since she can be back a few minutes after she left, even though she could have been traveling for months. The Doctor's time machine was amazing, though it did make her head hurt when she asked how time travel works. She was just glad to go on these adventures but when she comes back, no one would ever suspect that she had gone anywhere.

She now found herself sitting in the TARDIS with a smile on her face as the Doctor fiddled with his machine. She could hear him muttering random stuff about locations and space stuff. She didn’t really understand any of it. She was just glad to be with the Doctor. And for once, just maybe their trip would go as planned. The TARDIS can be very temperamental as the Doctor had put it. Again Ditzy had no idea what the Doctor was talking about. She just smiled at him like she always does and nods like she understood him. As the TARDIS started to make its usual noises, Ditzy escaped back to her imagination wondering if there really was a planet made of muffins.

Then out of nowhere, the TARDIS lurched to the side as the Doctor nearly fell over. Ditzy extended her wings and gave a few hard flaps to keep her from falling over. “Doctor, what’s happening?” she shouted as the TARDIS began to make loud and very strange noises. The Doctor regained his footing as he started to mess with the machine again. “We seem to have hit some strange anomaly. We just went from dimension to another but not the way you are suppose to. I have never seen such a strange shift before. Well I guess there was that one time a few years back but then again the circumstances were different but...” The TARDIS lurched to the right. The Doctor lost his train of thought as he held onto the console for support. “Ditzy hold on to something it is going to be a bumpy ride.” The Doctor pulled a big level in the middle of the console


Ditzy could only just barley hold on to the railing surrounding the TARDIS as it continued to lurch and stumble back and forth. She closed her eyes as she found herself wishing she was back at home. All this rocking back and forth was making it hard to keep her breakfast down. She just wanted it to stop.

Then suddenly it stopped.

Everything became still and silent. Ditzy opened her eyes in surprise and looked around her. The lights of the TARDIS had become dim. The Doctor was still holding on the console. As soon as he realized it had stopped, the Doctor slumped to the floor. “Well,” he said somewhat out of breath, “that was interesting wasn’t Ditzy?” The Doctor looked over at his companion. Ditzy was doing her best to keep from throwing up. Ditzy met the Doctors eyes. As soon as they met he knew immediately what was coming. Thinking quickly the Doctor did what he thought was best in this predicament. “Ditzy, make sure you lean all the way over the railing,” he advised. Ditzy glared at him before turning around and emptying her breakfast over the side of the railing.

Once she was done, the Doctor turned back to the console. He then went about pushing buttons and pulling levers trying to get the TARDIS up and running. But it remained silent. No matter what he did the TARDIS refused to come to life. The Doctor let out an exasperated sigh. Deciding there was not much left to do; he went over to see how his companion was doing. She had just finished emptying her stomach and now lay slouched against the railing. He sat down beside her rubbing her back, “Hey sorry about that, feeling better?” Ditzy coughed but nodded. The Doctor then glanced over at the door, “Well, for now it appears we’re stuck. What do say we go and have a look at where we are?” Ditzy only nodded again afraid to open her mouth and loose what little she had left in her tummy.

Both Ditzy and the Doctor got up at the same time and walked over to the door. Ditzy glanced over at the Doctor before she opened it. She gave him her best worried face but the Doctor smiled and opened the door himself. When they looked out, they were met with almost complete darkness.

The Doctor stepped out closely followed by Ditzy. She glanced in all directions but was met with more darkness. The Doctor stopped himself as his face paled. Ditzy noticing that the Doctor had stopped, stepped in front of him. “What’s the matter?” she whispered. The Doctor was silent for a moment staring ahead into space. He then glanced at Ditzy after a few moments. “Ditzy, I know where we are.” The Doctor gulped and shivered just a bit even though wasn’t even cold. “We appear to have landed in the Void.” Ditzy gave him a curious look. “The Void, that’s a strange name for a planet.” The Doctor shook his head, “No, this isn’t a planet. We are neither in space nor part of time. The Void exists outside of everything. It should be impossible for us to be here at all, let alone the TARDIS bringing us here.” The Doctor glanced back over at the TARDIS. “We need get back to the TARDIS now.” Ditzy nodded and was about to follow him until she heard what she thought sounded like snoring.

“Wait Doctor, I think I hear somepony.” The Doctor turned around facing Ditzy again, “But that’s impossible. No one should be here.” But as soon as the Doctor said that, he heard it to.

“Impossible” he muttered.

Ditzy turned to where she thought she heard the snoring coming from and began to walk in that direction. She turned around when she realized the Doctor wasn’t following her. “Come on Doctor, they may need our help.” The Doctor shook his head to get himself focused again. “Your right, let’s see if we can find them and figure out how they got here.”
The Doctor turned and followed Ditzy as she continued to follow the sound. They walked for what felt like hours but eventually a small shape appeared as the snoring got louder. Ditzy ran up to get a closer look. “Look Doctor it’s a Pegasus.” The Doctor caught up and stood beside Ditzy. The Pegasus continued to sleep as his back was turned to them.

Ditzy bent down to get a closer look. She noticed his cutie mark had a golden apple on it. It appeared to be almost glowing. The Doctor walked over to the other side to try to get a better look at him. As soon as he saw its face he stopped dead in his tracks. His blood went cold and for a moment one of his hearts stopped. Ditzy looked up and noticed the Doctors expression. “Doctor, what’s wrong?” Before the Doctor could answer the Pegasus stirred. He rolled over and opened his eyes. As soon his gaze landed on Ditzy, his blue eyes shot wide open. The gray Pegasus look up at her in horror, then screamed…