//------------------------------// // Trixie's Family // Story: The Adventure of Lorraine and Hank // by Dragonfire2lm //------------------------------// "Neat!" Lorraine said and walked inside to browse the merchandise, with Pinkamena rolling her eyes and trailing behind. When Lorraine walked in, an orange pony in a dark blue hood suddenly pointed a hoof and yelled "HALLLTTT. THE MAGICS WITHIN THIS BUILDING ARE TOO DANGEROUS TO BEHOLD WITHOUT PROPER TREATMENT!" He started to draw a circle around the party with chalk, muttering as he did so. The shop was musty, and obviously hadn't been cleaned for a while. Random Nicknacks covered the walls and ceiling. "Ok...weirder things have happened..." Lorraine muttered. The pony starts to chant a mysterious chant, which makes the lights turn off and the chalk start glowing. A large sound of screams can be heard around the room. Hank looks around and whispers to Lorraine "Its funny, because all of this is bullshit" Lorraine and Trixie, however seemed quite impressed. "It GLOWS" they said together. Pinkamena just rolled her eyes. The orange pony contiuned to mutter, with smoke entering in from the sides. Suddenly, a large pinging noise was heard, and a large smoke machine fell down into the room, almost crushing Pinkamena. "Ok...can we cut the crap now?" the pink mare deadpanned while Lorraine looked shocked and disappointed that it was all fake. The orange pony took off his cloak and sighed. "Sorry, but we had to seem somewhat magical. Names Sam the ......" He stopped in mid sentence. "Scam" Hank interjected. Sam looked angrily at the group, but somewhat brightened when he saw Trixie. "TRIXIE!" he cried, and proceeded to hug the pony tightly. "See I told you that actual magic was bad for you!". "Actual magic? have you even seen 'Actual magic'" Pinkamnea said, slightly offenedby the remark. Sam frowned "Of course, dear lady. Its just that comapared to your magic, this magic was BEYOND COMPREHENSION!" He posed dramatically. A few awkward seconds later, Hank asked "So where is this 'actual magic'?". Sam pointed behind him. A rune, similar to the transportation rune that Hank had used to get to Equestria was drawn on the wall. "We found that rune in a book somewhere, and thought to give it a try" Hank sighed and muttered "Shadow magics, get 'em while their hot..." Pinkamena groaned and face hoofed. "I don't get it.." Lorraine said Hank sighed. "Never mind, old saying around the old army corp." He looked closer at the rune. "This may take a few minutes, talk amongst yourselves, Children." Sam looked at Lorraine and said "You're not from around here, are you?" "Was it that obvious?" she asked. Sam stared. "yes, well..... some ponies would not be able to realise that, considering the grade of disguise you are wearing. Besides, I would never had thought that Trixie would hang around outsiders" He shrugged. Trixie blushed "Well, now you know. I guess old prejudices against outsiders never change, even with my family" ".......eh could be worse" Lorraine replied. "Yeah" Hank said from the corner. "Could be like Sirgil, where any unlicenced peoples are" He said and listed a large variety of tortures and executions Appro. 2 minutes later,he stopped himself. "Actually, never mind, I have work to do" He continues to study the rune, muttering words of power. "So anyway, where exactly are you from?" Sam asked. His eyes glint with interest as he sees the amount of produce that Lorraine has, as well as the amount of gold Pinkamena has.