//------------------------------// // Real food! // Story: The Adventure of Lorraine and Hank // by Dragonfire2lm //------------------------------// Suddenly. Lorraine heard a flurry of movement, and Hank suddenly skidded past, almost running into the large apple market store that was nearby. "Thanks God" He exclaimed. "Finally, some food I can relate too. None of this hay crap." He turned to Applebloom. "can i have please have.... 20 apple pies please, and 3 ciders to go please?" "20!" said an orange pony behind the shop counter "What an appetite" . She turned to the rest of the party. "And what are we all doing today?" She nodded at Twilight. "Do you guys sell apple crumble?" Lorraine asked. "Sure thing partner" She said "How many will you want today, honey?". "Hm I think maybe three, that should last a few days, oh and five apple pies if that;s ok with Pinkamena here" Lorraine stated. "Hey I'm rich, I don't care what you buy" Pinkamena replied with a shrug. Applejack nodded. "Sure thing". She ran to the back of the store, making a large racket of pots and pans. Twlight sighed "She's always like this. Someday i think she's going to have a heart condition." Hank turned to Pinkmena "Can you pay for me too, Miss moneybags?" "Fine, only because you're an MC in this plotline.." Pinkamena replied. Hank gritted his teeth. "God, even I hate this 4th wall crap. Why did I ever dabble in that magic, I have no idea." Applejack cleared her throat. "Here ya go.' She handed Hank a positive mountain of goods, all wrapped in a white cloth. She handed Lorraine a small pile of apple crumble. "You mind if I take this one off your hooves?" Applejack said, pointing at Twilight. "I know she can be a bit of trouble sometimes, what with her fancy Canterlot education and all". "Honestly I don't mind her hanging with us" Lorraine said. "If she goes crazy again she's your problem" Pinkmamena commented. Hank snorted. "Going crazy? That's your definition of going crazy? Please." He takes a large swig of Cider. "Besides, what's the harm" Applejack shrugs. "Fair 'nough. If ya wanna come by again, just drop on in" Twilight looked at Lorraine, with new found respect in her eyes, and Trixie snorted. "Anyway," Hank began "Can we find out where Trixie's family lives? I need that cash to refuel my ship. Magic fuel doesn't come cheap ya know." "Just tell trixie to lead the way she's not a dumb animal you know" Lorraine said. Hank sighed. "I guess not." "So Trixie, where is your family at anyway?" Trixie pointed "Around three minutes walk thataway." At the end of the street was a building that looked like all the others, except for a large sign out front T AND G'S MAGICAL CHARMS AND SPELLS Hank stared at the sign. "At least your name is first."