The Adventure of Lorraine and Hank

by Dragonfire2lm

Manehatten, blue boxes and fourth wall breaking ponies

The rest of trip went fine, with most of the trains passengers munching on food that Lorraine passed around. As the train came into the station, both Hank and Lorraine placed on their pony disguises and left the train to mingle within the busy crowd that came to stare at the wrecked back half of the train. Trixie and Twilight followed.

"Its an excellent idea to learn pony magic" Hank said to Lorraine as they walked past the ticket booths. "But first, I might need a place to sleep. Any ideas where to go?".

"Hm unless one of us has the bits for a hotel room, i think I might know somewhere we can stay..if my limited knowledge of this world is correct that is, just keep a look out for a blue plice box" she explained as they wandered the streets.

Hank snorted "What, that old geezer? You think that old legend might actually help us? Fat chance. You'd better most of the talking if you see him. I'd probably have a bit of a problem".

"Wait..You've met him?"

not personally, no. But he was an old legend, back in my old military unit. They said that he could solve EVERY problem *snorts*. Yeah right. Good luck. Any idea how we could find him, God forbid?" Hank replied

"Don't you mean Celestia..." Trixie began.

"Oh shut up" Hank muttered underneath his breath.

"Last time I checked Celestia wasn't a the pony where talking about is..he's...just brilliant and horrifying all in one...' she explained wistfully but then smiled sheepishly.

"He's called The Doctor, just The Doctor and he lives in a time machine that bigger on the inside".

"Unfortunately, I dont have any powers that could help us here to find time experts" Hank said sheepishly. "so it doesnt matter what we say, it doesn't matter if we cant find this so called 'Doctor'".

"We'll run into him eventually, but for now who wants to go sight seeing?" Lorraine asked.

Hank shrugged. "I've got nothing Better to do".

As they travelled and took in the sights the group heard mechanical whirring and rounded a coner to find a blue police book slowly dissapearing.

"And we missed him...great" Lorraine grumbled.

"So you know him too huh?" a voice said from behind them.

They turned to find a tall light pink unicorn mare with drak blue eyes and a red mane that was parted evenly on both sides, was flat with no volume to it and framed her face. she was wearing a long black dress with lace around the hem and cuffs.

"My name's Pinkmena, you three new in town?" the mare asked.

Hank stared at this new character, eyes closely examining her.

"Do we know you? Or do you know us?" he asked.

"Spoilers" she replied with a smirk.

Hank sighed. "ah, chaos spawn. Breaking the 4th wall like glass"

Hank gestured down the street. "So, anyway, how has your day been?"

"Oh fine-depending on the fanifc you read of course- " she replied caually. "So you lot need a place to stay or what?"

Hank's eyed fluttered between Lorraine and Pinkmena. "Hmmmmm. Depends if Lorraine is fine with it. After all, i can deal with you if you become a problem.", a tone of menace creeping into his voice.

Ponies around the party shuddered, without knowing why.

"Somepony is a sterotype aren't they?" Pinkamena quipped.

"Ok look everypony, we do need a place to stay and as long there's no ponycide to deal with it'll be fine" Lorraine said.

"ponycide?" Hank spluttered. "Seriously, does everything in this world have to have the word pony or a pony pun in it?"

He sighed. "Fine, so long as you have some bare floor, Ill be fine. Also, could you help us find out where she has to go?" Hank pointed at Trixie.

"I have a couple of spare apartments in this city and you seriously didn't think to ask the poor mare what she wants to do here in Manehaten?" Pinkamena asked with a raised eyebrow.

Hank also raised an eyebrow "What makes you think that I care? All I care about right now is money, surviving and keeping my cards close to my chest"

"Ok.." Lorraine and Pinkamena said at the same time.

"Well follow me, I'll take you to my place" Pinkamena declared and began walking down the street.

Lorraine then turned her attention to Trixie.

"So Trixie, what do you wanna do while we're here?" she asked as Pinkamena led the group to her apratent complex

Trixie looked around her, eyes glazed with amazement. "Maybe you could take me to my relatives house? Its only a couple of blocks from here, and I think that would be a great place to stop... HEY!"

Hank had inserted a syringe into her neck and then whipped it back into a pocket inside his cloak. "Sorry (not looking very sorry as he said so), I needed proof that I actually delivered you back to your 'place'"

"...I'm not even going to ask" Lorraine muttered. "Hey Pinks?"

"Yeah don't worry we'll head to Trixie's place first" the pink mare replied and changed directions.

The crew slowly walked through the street comfortably, with Hank trailing behind, looking at the bustling city life. It was a market day, so the city was a bustling center of activity. Ponies from all around Equestria had gathered, in order to celebrate what made up their society.

Suddenly, a small yellow filly with reddish hair tugged at Lorraines side. She looked tired, as thoughshe had been working all day.

"Excuse me, missus, fancy buying an apple?"

"Eh sure" she said with a shrug and grabbed a small bag of bits off of Pinkmena and paid the filly.