The Fight of Starflight and Daylight

by Immortal DJ Atom

Chapter 3: To The Village

"I'll explain later. I'm Top Shot," said the stallion.

"I'm Daylight Runner. Where are we going," I asked.

"There's a refugee town to the north. We should go there," said Top Shot.

"We can't fly."

"I'm the fastest flyer in all of Equestria."

"My wing is broken. Your not going to leave me to die. Are you."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. I think this is north," said Top Shot, pointing to his right.

"No, it's this way," I said, pointing to the way he came from.

"What makes you say that."

"I did a magnetic field search spell and it said this is north." After a little while, he agreed with me. We walked for a couple hours before it became night fall.

"I'm suprised no Timber Wolves or Hydras have come after us," I said.

"I think it's time I start explaining what happened while you were asleep."

Top Shot explained all sorts of stuff. The animals of the Everfree got scared of ponies, the princesses were being held captive, and much more. As he explained I wanted to learn who this dictator was. We fell asleep around midnight.



My eyes shot open. Several ponies in complete brown clothes and masks had Top Shot tied up and on a wagon. When they saw me get up, the leader threw a bunch of mud at my horn. I was about to do a fire spell when something stopped the magic from coming out of my horn. I looked into a puddle and saw a mud that stopped magic from flowing.

The smallest pony walked up. She was an Earth Pony, not much older than 5. She had a dark brown coat and a light brown mane and tail. That's all I was able to see coming out of her clothes. She had a glint of some sorts in her eyes.

I walked over to the wagon. The robbers tried to hide their fear. It was an ability of mine that I was able to read ponies emotions and feelings. I untied Top Shot and told him to follow me. I got our supplies, and we continue on our journey.

"You could have killed her. Why didn't you," asked Top Shot.

"She was doing what she had to do to survive, she was doing the only thing she knew, and there was something about her, a glint in her eyes," I said. We walked for a couple of more hours when we got to the village.

"Told you this was north," I said.