The Adventure of Lorraine and Hank

by Dragonfire2lm

Dragon magic

"Well ok, everypony might want to take notes or something..."

Lorraine's horn glowed with a golden aura and a wisp of gold fire appeared.

"Now I won't do anything fancy, since we are on public transprt and all, but magical dragon flame can be used to warp objects to 'safe zone' set up by the caster, like cave or a vault, and it can used to summon those things back to the caster" she explained and the flame materialised into a large sapphire.

"Dragon uses the imagination and pure willpower to control it, normal flames from a dragon look like normal flames, magical or enchanted dragonfire often takes on the colour of the user, my dragon fire, for example is gold when magic is infused win it.With enough focus one can direct their will into the raw magic that makes up enchanted dragonfire to transform objects, or even themselves" she continued and with a rushof more gold flame the sapphire became a sapphire blue rose.

"Um any questions?" she asked nervously.

"Just one" Twilight said. "Evil or good magic?"

Hank gave a small shudder and clasped his right foreleg.

"Technically its both, good and bad dragons used to use it, but now I'm the only one that good I guess" she replied.

Twilight gave a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. I mean, evil magic is what is destroys the bonds of friendship."

Twilight turned to Hank, who was still staring out the window. "So, whats your special talent?"

Hank jumped slightly and quickly said "Why dont you introduce yourself Mrs L to Twilight? After all, it would be a lot better than boring old me using my magic? By the way, my name is Hank".

"That's Miss to you Hank, and my name is Lorraine, nice to meet you Twilight" she replied.

"A pleasure to meet you, Lorraine" Twilight bowed slightly. She turned to Trixie "and how are you feeling Trixie?"

Trixie snorts "about normal. its not like we have any hatred towards one another, but still.... I need some time in order to see where I stand with you. I've changed twilight, and I need to see whether this relationship can still last."

Hank looked over "completely natural, Trixie. Other planes will do that to you."

Suddenly, a large banging noise started to eminate from the back door. Hank frowned. "That's strange" he began "There should be nobody behind there...."

Lorraine stowed her things away, walked over to the door and against her better judgement, opened it.

Suddenly the man from before was there, standing in mid air. His face contorted into what be considered to be a smile, and Lorraine was flung backwards, landing around half way down the carriage.

Hank suddenly burst up, and took a defensive position in front of the ponies and Lorraine, pulling her up while doing so.

The two heroes suddenly changed backed into their humanoid forms, complete with all items they had collected. "looks like we have a fight on our hands, Lorraine." Hank began. "Hope that dragon magic of yours was worth it."