Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Crossover of consciences : KillJoy and Breaking Dawn: Part two

Crossover with 'Three of Me Vs School Society' by Killjoy.

[My conscience Kill writes in the brackets and bolded]
< My conscience Joy writes in these and Italics>
{ I respond in these}


[ My conscience Break writes in these bracket and bolded]
< My consciences Dawn writes in these and italics >
{ I respond in these }

Chapter 54: Crossover of consciences : KillJoy and Breaking Dawn: Part two

Lance's POV

[That's unnatural man...]
<I know, I didn't know he could twist that way...>
{What? What are you two talking about?}
<Ummm, Lance, open your eyes.>

I opened my eyes and saw the floor, wait the floor! I panicked and began to thrash about. Causing me to fall onto the floor, head first.

Break winced. [Damn dude! That must have hurt!]
<Lance, you should have seen how you was twisted before you fell.>
{How was I twisted?}
[You don't wanna know dude. You do not want to know!]

I stood up and shook the blurriness out of my eyes. I looked at the bed and noticed it was empty.

<They already woke up.>

I shrugged and walked into the living room, where I saw Graze laying on the couch, half his body laying off.

[It looks like he's drunk!] Break said laughing.

I walked over and kicked him. When he didn't respond, I kicked him harder, causing him to jump up, "WHAT THE FUCK!"

I chuckled, "Morning."

He looked at me for a second, then smiled, "Oh, morning Lance." He sniffed the air, "What smells so good?"

[Is that... FUCKTASTIC! Its pancakes! Lance, run for the kitchen!] Break said while jumping up and down.

We both chuckled and walked towards the kitchen. Upon entering, we saw Dali and Twilight finishing up their breakfast.

[The kitchen, where all the mare's are suppose to be.] Kill said with a smirk.
[Ohhhh, that is so fucking true.] Break said while giving Kill an air brohoof.
<That is kinda sexist you know.> Joy remarked.
[Yeah, but its also true.] Break said while giving Kill another air brohoof.

I rolled my eyes and sat at the table, followed by Graze, "Looks great you two."

Dali smiled proudly, "Thank you Lance. I knew you would like them."

Twilight chimed in, "And so did I."

I chuckled and dug into my pancake.

"Done." Graze said with a smug look on his face.

I looked over at him, "We wasn't racing."

He shrugged, "I still won."

I glared, "Rematch!"

Twilight put two more pancakes in front of us.

Joy and Dawn shook their heads.
[GO!] Kill yelled.

We both dived in and chewed with a vengeance.

"DONE!" Graze yelled out.

I sat back, "I give up!"

[Pussy.] Said Kill.
[Biggest pussy around!] Break said with a smirk.
{I though you was on my side!}

Graze stood up, "You ready to train?"

I smirked and stood, "You better fucking believe it!"

He smirked, "Race you to the field outside of Ponyville?"

I unfolded my wings, "Your on!"

We both suddenly shot out of the kitchen, down the hall, and blew through the front door.

Dali sighed, "Boys and their games."

Twilight nodded, "Tell me about it."

Graze's POV

We were now in the middle of a field where we could have trained in peace.

< Ahh peaceful> Joy and Dawn said.
[ FUCK YEAH!!! LET'S GET THIS SHIT STARTED!] Both Kill and Break remarked breaking the serenity and peace.

I looked at Lance," This is the perfect place to start."

" Then what are we waiting on! Let's do this!" Lance said," So what are we going to practice? Fighting?!"

" Hahahaha afterwards but first, you need to know how these consciences work."

" How they work?" Lance said confused.

" I think I'm going to let Kill and Joy explain."

[ First thing that you should know is, that you share a body but your mind is still control of it, therefore only you can control freely] Kill began.

" Wait, so how come you can move our parts?" Lance asked.

< Well ya see, as Kill said, we share a mind, thus we are able to somewhat control your actions.... It does take some effort though or as we say what drives a pony, Will Power>

"Ah! Okay I get it!"

[ Yeah, I think I do too] Break said.
< Nice explanation> Dawn replied.

" Okay secondly, let me explain this part to you, it's kinda necessary that you know, you can only enter your 'Breaking Dawn' when you are perfectly in sync, as I mean, all thinking the same thoughts, ideas and plans."

< We can control it a bit more easily, we just choose not too> Joy said.
[ Want to see a small sample of KillJoy? ]

" Yes! Of course!" Lance said agreeing with his consciences.

I unfolded my wings releasing a black flame to outline them," That's just a small sample you know?"

The three of Lance nodded.

[ Okay Break you try]
< Same with you Dawn >

Lance then got up and tried to follow my steps, he then growled thinking I was the enemy.

I looked at him bemused," What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

Lance looked as if he was passing a kidney stone," I'm trying to get angry! You know, so I can enter Breaking Dawn."

I facehoofed," Lance... stop it, just stop it.... I said your consciences have to in sync with each other and here's a lil' conscience 101, you don't think clearly when you're vex, you just act in the heat of the moment. Now try again but this time, try and think of something together, not getting angry...Obviously Dawn isn't feeling in an angered mood."

< Yup! Takes a lot to get me pissed off>

Lance took a deep breath in and closed his eyes trying to focus," All I have to do is think.... Focus..."


He looked at his flamed hooves and changed mane," HAHAHAHAHA!! YES YES YES YES!"

" Okay calm down bro, there are also some risks to this," He stopped his small celebration.

[ Fucking KillJoy.....Killing my joy]

" You may feel a bit rushed, adrenaline pumping no?" Lance nodded," Well, you may notice you move faster, feel stronger and endure more but when you tire out.... Everything you did, it's going to pain like a mofo.... so try and keep a clear mind," I chuckled at him.

" Okay I got all that so when can we spar?"

" Wait.... I have one last thing to teach you man...calm down," I said telling him to take it slow.

" And what is that?"

I rushed him and grabbed his neck cutting off his blood supply to his brain," It's how to get rid of your Breaking Dawn."

[ AA..G..HH....YO....BI...CH....] Break said only part of his sentence heard.
< LA..N...E....DO....SO...THI..G> Dawn said.

Lance then reverted back to his usual self as I threw him on the ground," GRAZE! WHAT THE FUCK MAN! YOU TOOK OUT MY BREAKING DAWN!!"

" I know, one thing you need to learn is that your brain needs blood to function...DUH!"

[ What are you Lance fucking stupid?] Kill said.
< I'm sure Graze had a very good reason for doing this...sorry> Dawn replied.

" And I do!" I stomped on the floor and spread out my wings, both hooves, tail, mane and wings were now outlined with black flames," Let's see you get into Breaking Dawn while in a fight."

I then rushed Lance and punched him with a hoof covered with black flames," WHAT THE BUCK GRAZE!"


Lance began to panic as I rushed him.

Lance's POV

As Graze neared me, I began to panic.

<Lance, calm down. Focus.>

I took a deep breath, beginning to focus... when Graze slammed into me.

[So fucking close!]

Grace punched me in the chest, making me stumbled back.

That fucking burns!

He then charged me again, this time I held up a hoof as he pounded away at me.

He stopped his onslaught of hooves and grabbed my hoof. He then yanked me past him, while I was flying past him, he bucked me, sending to the ground harder.

I raised my head, my vision was blurry and my head was spinning.

<You can do it!>
[Get mad! We can go Breaking Dawn if you do!]
{I'm not going to get mad! I'm going to do it the right way!}

A hoof grabbed my back leg and tossed me into the air. As soon as I was airborne, something grabbed me from behind.

"You have to focus Lance!" Graze screamed in my ear.

I began to focus. Slowly feeling the effects of... Graze threw me to the ground.

I hit the ground hard and shakily stood.


Graze landed beside me and pulled back his hoof.

I twisted and slammed my hoof into his face, causing him to lose direction.

<AHA! Didn't see that coming did you!>
[Fuck yeah Lance. Bitch slap him again!]

I began to focus again.

Graze looked at me, "Oh no you don't!" He flew into me and began to fly straight up.


<Lance, now's your chance! Focus!>

Focus Lance, focus!

Graze shifted and began flying straight down.


Suddenly, a burning sensation went through my blood.

[FUCK YEAH! You did it Lance!]

I smiled and slammed my head into Graze's, breaking his concentration. He let me go and held his head.

He shook his head and looked straight at me.

I hovered in place smirking, "Come at me bro!"

Graze's POV

" Well, well look who decided to grow a sack... Finally," I said looking at the transformed Lance he was smiling that he had gotten Breaking Dawn," C'mon Bro! Give me your best shot."

Lance rushed at me as I stood still waiting for the perfect moment.

[ C'MON LANCE FASTER!] Break shouted.

He charged me head on with his hooves singeing the grassy field leaving behind marks.

As he was about a few feet away I asked him," Hey Lance, your cutie mark is a test dummy right?"

He rushed in closer and closer," YEAH! SO FUCKING WHAT?!"

" Well that means you're just my bitch for my new move, one thing you also need is creativity," I said smiling.

Lance was about a foot away from me before he grabbed me and carried me too the highest altitude," NOW IT'S TIME FOR THE SHADOW BLAST!"

< LET'S FUCK HIM UP!> Dawn agreed.

We both looked at the surface below when as he grabbed my body and descended to the surface below catching speed," I'M SORRY GRAZE BUT I WIN!"

I waited for the perfect moment, for the cone to form and thicken. He dove faster and faster as the cone appeared around both of us. I engulfed my hoof with black flames and tainted his cone, giving me the edge I needed. The darkness of my flames around the cone burnt his hooves as he was going to use them to pierce the sound barrier.

Foolishly he continued with the Sonic Boom, not his Shadow Blast but my NecroFlare Boom.

" AGGGHHH! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" Lance shouted as the flames burnt him.

As planned, tainting the cone with black flames would only help KillJoy as they engulfed his wings which were immune to it. The sound barrier acted as a gas to the small outline of flames causing them to look twice as big when the ShadowBlast took place.

We were still descending at mac-4 speeds with little time to act, I whistled at Lance catching his attention," HEY BUDDY! EYES ON ME BITCH!"

I grabbed him with my flaming hooves and punched him straight to the ground causing him to crash at a dangerous speed.

[Tsk tsk tsk] Kill said shaking his head.
< Think we went to hard?>

" He will live," I responded to both of them landing near to Lance," Hey, dipshit! Wake up!"

I grabbed his coat intensifying the heat through my hooves burning him," AGGGHHHH!!!"

[ GRAZE YOU SICK FUCK!] Break shouted.

Lance's eyes opened wide in horror as my hoof reached towards him and paused in mid air.

He looked confused at me as I smiled at him and folded my wings outing the duple sized flamed appendages back to its original state," C'mon get up... The spar is over."

Lance's POV

I exhaled, thank God! I though he was going to go full on KillJoy on my ass.

I reached up and grabbed his hoof, allowing him to lift me up.

I stumbled for a second before regaining my balance. I looked at him and raised a hoof, "Dude! What the fuck! We was fucking sparing!"

Graze laughed, "Oh don't worry, I was going easy on you. As far as I can tell, you can take on anypony, but me." He finished with a smirk.

[We'll see about that! We'll go full on Raging Breaking Dawn on your asses!]
{Calm down Break, that's enough fighting for today.}
[Fuck you bro! Yo Kill, you up to a fight?]

Kill looked over at Break and rubbed his chin.

[Come on! What are ya, pussy?] Break said, taunting him.
{BREAK! Back down!}
[Fine, I'll back down. For now.]

Graze chuckled and stretched his back, "That was fun."

I nodded, "It was, till I hit the ground."

He laughed loudly at me, "That was just to funny!"

I waved him off with my hoof, "Yeah, what ever." I looked in the direction of Ponyville, "You hungry?

He shook his head, "Nah, I'm good."

I began walking towards Ponyville, "Well, I'm fucking starving."

<Somepony needs to go on a diet.> Joy said with a grin.
[Fat joke for the win!] Break said laughing.

I silently walked to Ponyville, followed by Graze.

When we entered town, I had a thought, "Hey Graze."

He looked at me, "Yeah?"

"Do you feel like going to the hospital with me to see my friends?"

He shrugged, "Fine with me."

I smiled, "Okay good, but first, we eat."

I then galloped over to a street stall and dropped a few bits on the table, "Give me your best hayburger."

The cheerful old stallion smiled and handed (Hoofed?) me a hayburger.

[Lance, we've been over this! Just say handed!]

I pushed the hayburger in my mouth whole and began galloping down the street.

Graze quickly caught up to me, "You shouldn't run with a mouth full."

I looked over at him and said between chews, "Fuck.... you.... I.... do.... what... I... want."

He chuckled, "Time and place."

After a few minutes of running, we came to the hospital.

Soon, we was walking down the hall to my friends room.

I looked at Graze, "Okay bro, this may be boring."

He looked at me, "Why?"

I shrugged, "Well, their hurt, so they may not want to talk."

He smiled, "I'm okay with that."

We walked into the room and first thing I saw was David and Peter's beds.

I smiled, "Hey guys."

David looked at me with pleading eyes, "Please make it stop!"

Peter held his hooves up, begging, "Please! We've been enduring this ever since we woke last night!"

I raised my eyebrow, "What?"

They both pointed left. When I looked over to where they was pointing, my mouth hung open, "That's something I never thought I'd see."

[Oh my God! That's sick! But it also gives me a wingboner.] Said Break.
<The horror! The horror!> Dawn said holding his eyes closed.

What we saw is as follows. Greg was in bed, his back propped up against the wall. Pinkie Pie was sitting on him, legs on either side, kissing him.

[That's not kissing! That's full on face eating!]
<I think the proper term is, 'making out' Break.>
[I say what I want to say.]

Graze walked in and chuckled, "And you said this would be boring."

I walked over and cleared my throat loudly.

They stopped and looked at me.

Greg smiled lazily, "Yo man, check it! Me and Pinkie here are a couple."

Pinkie Pie smiled happily and crazily, "Hey Lance!"

They then went back to making out.

[Who would have thought Pinkie was so... What word am I looking for?]
< Passionnant?>
[No. So hardcore!]
<I'll never figure you out Break.>

I backed away from them and walked over to David and Peter.

David reached out for me, "You have to get us another room!"

Peter nodded, "Please dude!"

I looked at him and smiled, "Consider this pay back for the cupcake prank."

His eyes widened, "Come on! Don't be like that!"

I turned and walked out the door, "See ya guys. Hope you have fun watching."

Graze walked out and chuckled, "Sucks to be you two."

We walked out of the hospital and looked around, "What do we do now?"

Graze shrugged, "I don't know."

I smiled, "Wanna meet the Prince?"

He looked at me, "Prince?"

I smirked, "Come on, we're off to the Palace!"

Graze's POV

I followed Lance as we both walked to the palace," Who is this prince you speak of? Aren't there only like.... TWO rulers?"

"Uhm, yea well ya see again, this isn't your world, my friend Iron Clad married Princess Luna and he became an alicorn!"


" Well, yeah!" Lance replied..

" Well, it's best I pay my respects.... RACE YA!" I shouted galloping as I got a head start and jumped off the ground flapping my wings gaining distance.

[ THAT BITCH!] Break shouted.

Lance then galloped jumping into the air and caught wind catching up to me," HA! FUCK YOU GRAZE! I'M GONNA WIN THIS!"

Near the end of the race, Lance panted deeply trying to catch his breath as he flew against me," Hey Lance you okay bro? Can you make it too the palace?"

"Heh....I'm... doing...fine," Lance said," Okay... screw this... I really...REALLY.....need to fucking.... workout more."

"C'mon bro lets land, we are almost there so I guess we can walk," I said gracefully touching the surface of the ground.

*SPLAT* Lance had fallen face first.

[ Nice.....] Kill said.
< So graceful..... 10 for effort.....HA! I mean zero> Joy replied.

[ Fuck ... the...both of you] Break said tired.
< Yeah!... What's ... happening?>

I supported Lance with one hoof as I walked and explained," The fuckery of your Rage Mode, I told you that everything you've done will come and bite you back in your ass. Just take it easy, we are in no rush, we still have like what? One and a half days left?"

"Heh, yeah, kinda forgot about that.... Ha! Looks like we made it," Lance pointed out at the enormous structure infront of us.

[ Pftch.... No shit sherclop] Kill said.
{ At least act a bit kinder to the pony, he has given us a place to stay}
<Yeah Kill, c'mon>

We both walked pass two guards who were standing still. Lance just walked passed them as I stopped for some fun.

[ Dude... Talk to one of the guards.]
< Yeah, let's see if he would say something >

I looked one of the guards straight in his eyes," Hello good sir," I said politely.

He strangely replied back," I used to be an adventurer before I took an arrow to the knee."

I looked at him quizzically and turned the other guard," So how's the pay here?"

He then replied," I used to be an adventurer before I took an arrow to the knee."

Seriously.....What the fuck.

"Okayyyyy..... HEY! LANCE WAIT UP!" I shouted galloping towards him.

We both walked through the entire fucking palace.... It was pretty big.

Lance then stopped in front of a large midnight blue door.

< I'm guessing this is Princess Luna's room> Joy said looking at the doors.
[ What makes you say that?] Kill replied looking at a sign on the door saying 'Luna'.

"Hey, Graze wanna do something a bit fun?" Lance said smiling.

" I'm up for anything bro," I replied.

" Do you know about Flim and Flam?"

[ What makes them think for a fucking second they can walk into our town and sell cider ] Break replied.

< We waited HOURS! To get a damn sip of that cider> Dawn said.
< We just violated both of them... mentally and physically> Joy replied.

"Their cider tasted like shit!" I exclaimed.

" Made me shit bricks man... Lots of bricks," Lance said," Anyways how about we make an entrance like them and kick down this door?"

I nodded evilly with a smile.

" Three... Two....One.....GO!" Lance counted down and shouted.

We both kicked open the door.

" Well lookie what we got there buddy o' mine!" Lance started a familiar tune looking at me with my mouth wide open and wings opened out wide.

" Hey what's wrong Graze," Lance then looked at the direction I was," .....Wow.... this..... this is pretty fucking awkward."

[ I have the weirdest wing boner] Break said.
[ Me too] said Kill.

< Me three> Dawn replied.
< Four> Joy said.

All four of us stared at Luna on top of Iron Clad with a frozen face of pleasure and shock.... Simply too put it, they were having sex.

" GET OUT NOW!!!!" Luna shouted with her royal canterlot voice.


He then teleported both Lance and I way back into Dali's home in Canterlot.

" .....Are you fucking kidding me? We hauled our asses way into the fricking palace and now we're back here!" I ranted.

[ Yeah! I was enjoying my free porn!] Kill exclaimed
[ YOU CAN'T JUST PAY FOR THAT SHIT!] Break shouted agreeing with Kill.

Lance and I both sighed," What do we do now?" I asked bored already.

Lance's POV

I held my hoof to my face, "I don't really know. We could go and.... no that won't be fun. We could... Uhhh... I'm stuck dude."

Graze chuckled, "Today just became boring."

[Damn..] Kill said with a sigh.

I then smiled, "Oh! I know!"

He looked at me, "What?"

I ran into another room and came back with a board game, "Wanna play?"

He looked at it, "What is it?"

I shrugged, "No idea. Something like Battleship."

He smirked, "I'm gonna kick your flank!"

I sat the game down and opened it, "Your fucking on bro!"

Four long intense hours of game play latter.

[OHHHHH, HE JUST KILLED YO SEAGULL LANCE! Kill yelled out happily.
[Fuck you! You haven't taken out..] Break began.

Graze looked up and smirked, "Sky eight."

I sat back, "And there goes my last weather pony."

Graze stood up happily, "I WIN AGAIN!"

I rolled my eyes, "I'll figure out how you won all those. There's no way somepony is that luck."

<Graze, your the best cheater ever!> Joy said. He then covered his mouth.

I glared at him, "AHA! I knew you was cheating!" I lunged towards him.

He moved to the side, easily dodging me.

I stood and glared hard at him, "I'm going to beat the hell out of you!"

He turned and ran down the hall, "If you can catch me."

[Get him Lance!]
<Yeah, show him you don't have to cheat to win!>

I chuckled and chased after him down the short hallway.

He jumped through a door, the bathroom.

I followed him in and looked around. I didn't see him, but then I noticed the curtains were drawn. Idiot.

I galloped over to them and pulled them open.

Graze looked at me, standing on his hind legs, his front ones against the walls. A sexy pose. He let out a loud scream, "Oh my oh my! Perv!" He said in his best female voice.

I laughed and grabbed him, "I'll show you a perv!"

He kicked me in the gut, and I fell on my flank. He then ran out of bathroom.

[That was just wrong...]

I stood and chased after him. When I reached the living room, I saw him trying to stand up. Must have fallen over the board game.

I jumped on top of him and held him down.


Before I could do anything, somepony knocked at the door.

Graz'es POV

Lance then headed over to the door and opened it," Oh, uhhmmm hi Ditzy, did you need anything?"

My joyful mood was now saddened as I heard that certain name," Yes actually, I need to talk to him." She said pointing a hoof to me.

" Why do you need--" Lance started as I walked towards Ditzy and gave an expression to Lance that everything was going to be okay.

I silently walked outside and closed the door behind me," Don't worry Lance, I will come back soon, just give me some time with this."

He nodded.
[ You think he is going to be alright?]
< I know so>

I looked at Ditzy and gave her the best smile I could have," Shall we walk?"

She looked strangely at me and nodded.

We walked silently as the tension built between us, she began," How do you know so much about me? I've never met you in my entire life."

I chuckled at her saying that trying to keep my calm complexion," It is true YOU have never met me before but where I am from, I have."

" What do you mean?" Ditzy asked.

" I am not from this universe," I said.

She looked shocked at me," Are you serious!... B-but how.... And why did you act"

I completed her sentence knowing what she would have said," So overprotective?"

" Yeah!"

" Because, where I come from, I love you and you are my marefriend."

She was even more in shock, she couldn't even speak. I looked a bit sad again knowing that she never knew who I was.

" Please... Mr. Graze, tell me more."

My ears picked up on what she said and perked me up," How did you know my real name is Ditzy... Everyone here calls me Derpy, it's a petty nickname and everyone uses it so I just accepted it as part of me..... because of these eyes."

I looked at her and smiled," I will and always would love you... well you know the other Ditzy..... She was ridiculed for that name Derpy and it was unfair," I stomped my hooves on the floor," No mare should ever be disrespected! Especially not the one I love."

She looked at me as my Ditzy did that day I stood up for her against the three bullies, it was an expression of hope in me.

I looked at her with now tears in my eyes," I.... I stood up for her! I protected her from everything that tried to harm.... I wrote a song for her...I would die for her..... I loved her...I would willingly spend each and every passing hour with her."

She looked at me saddened and supported me staring me with those bright eyes," You really do love her."

I nodded," Don't you ever think of those eyes as a curse, they are a blessing always bright and filled with joy.... One of the many reasons I love Ditzy, my Bright Eyes."

She smiled and cried as she relived every painful moment of her past wash away with those words," She is a very lucky mare."

I smiled wiping her tears as these next words pained me,"..... And Cody is a lucky stallion, I hope he treats you well."

Ditzy smiled at me and asked," Can you tell me more about her?" It was as if she was trying to find herself, something I did a while back," We still have a walk to go."

I smiled and nodded. I told her about everything, how I met her, the song I sang for her, the day at the beach, how she stood up for me against a griffon and Fleur, taking care of a foal, the dodgeball and hoofball match, me changing into a mare, how I stood up against an alicorn with my friends ( Light, Vine, Dark, Ice, Shot, Breeze, Cross and Charge) and how I accepted the role of a mail delivery pony with her.

".... Wow..." was all she said from my lot of stories.

" Yeah.... that's why I kind of lost it when I saw Cody and you and especially when he called you Derpy," I said.

" I forgive you," Ditzy said. Her attention was diverted to the centre of PonyVille where meetings and gatherings would occur for updates on certain events.

Iron Clad was on the stage speaking about something. I really didn't catch the gist of it but I was curious.

" HEY GRAZE!" Lance shouted," COME QUICK!"